"A mere demonic soul dares to speak out loudly. I have eliminated you three times. This time, I can still practice on the ninth floor for half a year. I don't want to waste this time!"

Taoist Kongkong laughed loudly, clasped his hands together, and chanted a mantra quickly, and suddenly a pale golden command flag appeared in his hand, and after shaking it lightly three times, a snow-white arm-armed god rushed out from within. The ape roared loudly, like a hill, it went straight to hit the monster from outside the territory.

This scene happened too fast, but Tiandaoren was unambiguous at all. With the movement of his hands, the butterflies that were originally scattered in the space suddenly condensed into one. It was a huge black butterfly with a length of more than ten feet.

Even at the moment when the butterfly flapped its wings, earth-shattering sounds reverberated, and ripples spread out layer by layer. This is a kind of sound wave, but in an instant, the rules in the entire space are changing rapidly, which is extremely terrifying. Under such fluctuations, the ground under his feet showed signs of collapse.

Although this group of people said it easily, they didn't have the slightest ambiguity. They were all facing a big enemy, while Lin Xiao and others instinctively chose to retreat. Their main function was to set up formations. If they meet again, they can only rely on the existence of these leaping dragons.

"Hmph! I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and you still haven't improved. Is this the only thing you can do?" The foreign demon snorted coldly, and waved his hands to attack the two of them.

But at the same time as he was doing it, blue vines emerged from the huge sarcophagus, quickly covering the huge coffin. At first glance, it seemed that there was no difference between the coffins in the mortal world, but this Qingteng is the patriarch of the Dao Sword Sect, so the method used to restrict the body of the devil outside the territory is naturally not so simple.

With the appearance of the green vine, a powerful coercion emerged from the sarcophagus, and the green vine gave off a breath that shocked people's hearts. This breath did not come from the awakening of the demon king, but from the layers Under the superposition of prohibition, it has completely reached the level of terror.

"This demon's physical body has been sealed, and he cannot perform cultivation beyond the realm of Leaping Dragon. This space is even more sealed by me. He cannot move. Help me put him in the restraint!"

At this time, Guo Xiangyi gave instructions to his side, and with a wave of jade hand, the lotus flower went straight to the demon king. This is a unique prohibition of Dao Jianzong. Once the demon king is included in the lotus, it can be said to be a mission. It has already been completed, and this is also the responsibility of the saints of all ages.


Ye Yun'er nodded respectfully, with lotus flowers blooming under her feet, and holding the jade ruler that Guo Xiangyi used more than ten years ago in her hands, she walked slowly, as if a fairy came to this world.


Lin Xiao didn't dare to be careless at this time. Although the demon lord made him feel a little weird, now was not the time to hesitate. He waved out the green dragon sword, stepped forward, and followed Ye Yuner closely. Treasures, now cast at the same time, can be compared to a strong man in the realm of leaping dragons.

All of this was completed instantly after the three of them entered the space, but at this time, the Uncle Meng who entered this place last, and the boy next to him, did not move at all, especially the boy, After entering the space, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, which made people feel uneasy.

"Brother Meng! What are you waiting for?"

Tian Taoist roared in dissatisfaction, the vase above his head burst into black divine light, and the black Tao sword was ups and downs. In ten years, it has changed too much. For a monk, But it was even stronger, he couldn't suppress it vaguely, and was about to step into the threshold of Yuelong realm.

Following the roar of Taoist Tian, ​​Guo Xiangyi and the empty Taoist all cast their gazes at Uncle Meng at the entrance of the cave, but their faces turned cold instantly. They are all monks with indifferent human feelings, but at this moment they just glance It can be seen that the position where the opponent is standing actually blocks the exit.

"Senior Brother Meng! Don't be joking, take action to solve this matter, Junior Brother treats you to a drink!" Taoist Kong Kong let out a haha, but while speaking, he gave up attacking the devil and went straight to the glazed pagoda in the distance.

"Hey! Junior brother Kongkong, since you want to invite senior brother to drink, why are you running?" At this moment, Uncle Meng let out a sneer, and all the iron chains on his body rushed out. Shattered, as if the sky collapsed under this blow.

All this happened so suddenly that the people present never thought that Uncle Meng would turn against them, and even attacked them directly from the very beginning, but the timing was well grasped, and everyone was on the scene. To deal with the devil, he attacked from behind, so that even if Guo Xiangyi and the others wanted to rescue him, it would be impossible.

"Brother Meng, don't make trouble, we are all brothers for a hundred years!" Taoist Kong Kong smiled with an ugly face, the speed on his body was indeed faster, he had already found a clue, but now he wanted to rush in first Inside the glazed pagoda.

"Junior Kong Kong, do you think I will let you enter the tower?"

At this moment, Uncle Meng was already approaching Taoist Kong Kong, his speed was too fast, as if the world here could be controlled by him, with a calm smile on his face, he slowly raised his right hand, towards Taoist Kong Kong's brows furrowed slightly.

This finger is too terrifying, it makes the whole world tremble, it seems that there is only this finger in the world, and if this finger falls, even a strong person in the leaping dragon realm will disappear in an instant in this world.

"Brother Meng, what are you doing for? Don't you think you can face all of us alone?" Taoist Kong Kong uttered a shrill cry, and Taoist Meng stood in front of him like a huge mountain. Angry with a sense of powerlessness, he didn't even have the courage to fight back.


With one finger down, Taoist Kong's physical body completely collapsed, and his primordial spirit immediately became dim, and he let out a roar, and was about to flee again, but at this moment, an astonishing scene happened, which made him Do not rest in peace.

"go to hell!"

Qi Shuyuan, who had been protected by Taoist Kongkong, suddenly let out a sneer, his eyes turned blood red instantly, and he opened his mouth suddenly, and forcibly sucked the primordial spirit of Taoist Kongkong into his mouth, with a look of endless aftertaste.

"Not bad!"

Meng Taoist smiled smugly, he had already expected Qi Shuyuan's betrayal, and walked towards the direction of Lin Xiao and five people with a cold expression.

All this happened too fast. Originally, the Tiandao people wanted to rescue them, but they realized that it was too late, and their whole face suddenly turned cold. As soon as they grasped the Dao sword, their eyes were full of struggle and said: "Why?"

Meng Daoren is one of the oldest monks in the Dao Sword Sect, and he has a close relationship with Tian Daoren. It is rumored that the magic of Tian Daoren was taught by Meng Daoren, so when he saw Meng Daoren betrayed , Even if the heart is as hard as him, it is still unacceptable for a while.

"Because he is no longer Uncle Meng!"

At this time, Guo Xiangyi spoke plainly, without the slightest surprise in his eyes, but with an expression that he knew a long time ago.

In fact, when Lin Xiao left, he had found her. Although Meng Taoist had been very low-key for ten years, he never thought that Lin Xiao would seriously observe him during the ten years in his dream.

The other party's words to win over Lin Xiao at the beginning made Lin Xiao doubt his identity. He crossed the void, so he naturally knew the price to pay. Qualifications.

It's just that this kind of thing is just a suspicion. If Lin Xiao didn't have Rumeng, he wouldn't really do anything, but after ten years of observation, he discovered that everything the other party did to Qi Shuyuan was just Lin Xiao. Xiao didn't disturb the other party.

When Lin Xiao entered Dao Jianzong, Qi Shuyuan had been observing him in secret all the time. Lin Xiao didn't know the answer to this matter until he saw the other party coming down from the sword cave and Meng Daoren threw an olive branch at him. The person who is really clear and observes himself is this mysterious Meng Taoist.

But Lin Xiao always thought it was a dream, and even thought it was his own guesswork. It wasn't until he saw the lettering by the lake that he really understood that it was not a dream, but a reality. , but he himself could not explain it.

"Since you have discovered my weirdness, why did you follow me in?" Meng Daoren paused slightly in the air, looking at Guo Xiangyi seriously, but he didn't intend to make a move immediately.

"Actually, eliminating the devil lord has always been a lie. Your purpose is to use our means to absorb the devil qi of the devil lord and help you practice magic skills. Am I right? Master Meng?"

Guo Xiangyi waved his hands and shrouded the restriction on his body. He looked like he was ready to fight, but he said something that would be shocking to the disciples of the Dao Sword Sect if they heard it.

"How did you know?"

Meng Taoist was slightly taken aback. He originally thought that it was enough for Guo Xiangyi to know that he was going to do something, but now he found out that the other party knew far more than he imagined.

"You said he was the Patriarch?"

Tian Taoist on the side let out an exclamation, but his body backed away hastily. If what happened just now was a blow to him, but now knowing the identity of Meng Taoist, it is undoubtedly overwhelming.

Going to the ninth floor of the Sword Cave and sealing the Demon Lord is his lifelong mission. He even gave up the chance to break through for this matter. He always thought that if he persisted for 200 years, this duty would be passed on from generation to generation. , but it never occurred to me that this was simply a scam.

The patriarch who sealed the monster outside the territory was still in the world, and what he insisted on turned into a joke in an instant. This kind of blow made him completely unacceptable, and even his originally solid Dao Xin was about to collapse.

"It is rumored that Patriarch Meng sacrificed himself to seal the demon king outside the territory, and left nothing behind, even if he wanted to see the portrait to pay his respects. Don't you think this kind of thing has a big loophole in itself?"

"I defected from Dao Jianzong and went to the capital of the Great Qin Empire to search for the descendants of the patriarch at that time, but all of them have disappeared inexplicably. I have suspected you for a long time, but I have no evidence, so I have to follow! "

Guo Xiangyi said helplessly that there was a lot of hidden secrets about the betrayal back then, but now that she said it, it made her feel a lot more comfortable.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xiao and Ye Yun'er ignored the conversation between the three of them, but walked slowly towards the sarcophagus. The Taoist Meng had planned for more than 200 years to absorb the demonic energy of this extraterritorial demon. , only by destroying this sarcophagus, everything will come to naught.

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