Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 299 God Chapter Era


Lin Xiao's expression was cold, he held the Zhuxian sword in one hand, and the sword in the other, without the slightest hesitation, he slashed down again, this is an opportunity, once missed, I'm afraid there is really no way to find it.


At this time, the Taoist Tianyi has also woken up. He is wearing a pitch-black battle suit, and many places on it have been broken, but under his full force, he makes a clanking sound, just like a heavenly soldier Rush out from the fairyland.


Daojian Wushuang has a deadly suppressing effect on monks below the level of Yuelong, otherwise an existence like Meng Taoist would not plot such a thing. Under Lin Xiao's extreme speed, Meng Taoist could not dodge at all, Yuanshen directly It was cut in half by a sword.

This scene happened too fast, at this moment, the divine figure rushed out like a meteor, and directly entered the formation. In the hands of Lin Xiao's avatar, a golden road stretched under his feet, quickly passing from the giant wooden formation. In the middle, a way out was broken.

"Impossible! How could the giant wooden array that I have worked so hard to research be destroyed like this?" On the giant tree, eight figures roared at the same time, obviously unable to accept such a situation, which was a complete blow to his self-confidence.

If Taoist Meng knew that even the original Supreme Magic Formation had broken through this divine map, he would not have had any mental burden, but naturally Lin Xiao would not tell him all this.

"Congratulations to the deity for being safe!"

Yin Xu clasped his fists at Lin Xiao, knowing that the connection between the two reappeared at this moment. Although he didn't know what Lin Xiao had experienced, he felt that wonderful change.

Lin Xiao nodded, and stepped towards Yin Xu's side. Under the collision of the two, they instantly merged into one person, and Lin Xiao's aura quickly climbed up, reaching the ninth heaven in an instant, even more so. The nine rules manifested behind him, as if they were about to condense into a big dragon and soar into the sky.

Although this battle was a victory, Lin Xiao knew that it must be a bloody battle, so he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Only when the avatar is united, can he display stronger fighting power.


Taking advantage of this gap, Taoist Tian was already attacking the giant wooden formation. He held a broken black divine halberd in his hand. film.


At this moment, Guo Xiangyi also took a step forward, took the dao sword controlled by Lin Xiao, shouted coquettishly, and also chose a phantom. After all, these phantoms may be the real body of Taoist Meng. Let them pay enough price, if it is eight, I am afraid it is impossible to leave.

Lin Xiao also looked extremely serious. At the moment he merged with the Yin Ruins, he had already understood everything that happened here. When he looked at the sarcophagus in the distance, his eyes became weird, but he just took a look and went straight to The core of the giant wooden formation went away.

This giant wooden formation was originally a large formation, and it was occupied by nine top Yuelong powerhouses. If it is fully recovered, even if the mighty come, it may not be able to break open forcibly. The Taoist was the reason why this formation did not recover immediately, but it should not be underestimated either.

"Break the formation!"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, he didn't understand the way of the formation, but with the existence of the divine map, this giant wooden formation is full of loopholes, and it is not difficult to break through it.


The Immortal Execution Sword roared in Lin Xiao's hands. This immortal weapon, who once followed the Emperor Ziwei, had long been psychic, and now it has just accompanied Immortal Zishan's battle all the way, absorbing too many fragments of the Dao of the true spirit. Under Xiao's operation, there were actually signs of awakening.

Lin Xiao didn't dare to practice this immortal weapon with the secret art of refinement and blood refining. He was deeply afraid of what was contained in it, and there might be real troubles at that time. Therefore, he could only silently recite the sword control technique taught by Immortal Zishan. The fairy sword can be really invincible.


The entire space roared violently, and a ray of supreme aura overflowed from the fairy sword, making the originally chaotic battle come to a standstill in an instant, and the two giant trees that were originally closest to Lin Xiao were directly smashed to pieces , only a shrill roar reverberated in the space.

"Is this the power of the emperor's soldiers?" Lin Xiao was shocked in his heart. Although he knew the power of these fairy swords, he didn't expect that he could have such a great power with just a little operation, and his heart became hot immediately.

Lin Xiao at this time is naturally not clear. According to legend, the revival of the Supreme Holy Artifact is equivalent to the existence of the Supreme Holy Artifact, which has incomparable characteristics. There are only a handful of imperial soldiers left, and the five fairy swords of Emperor Ziwei are even rarer.


Lin Xiao didn't make the slightest move. The Immortal Executioner Sword rushed out a burst of sword energy. This was a murderous intent born in the endless slaughter. It was destroyed, and four giant trees exploded again. No matter how powerful it was, it could stand in front of the emperor's soldiers. , are like straw.


In the center of the planet Jienan, there is a vast lava transpiring, and everything has disappeared here. However, when the six giant trees on the ground were destroyed, a gray figure rushed out, and a large amount of golden blood sprayed down.

"who is it?"

The roaring sound echoed in the center of the earth, making the lava boil for a while, the gray figure rushed out, the long gray hair behind him danced, and a crescent moon emerged.

"The avatar that the old man left in Dao Jianzong back then was actually destroyed by someone. This old man can't let it go. Now the old man is about to pass the catastrophe. Otherwise, this person must die without a place to bury him. There is no rush!"

The gray figure finally calmed down, staying above the lava, as if he finally figured out something, his body sank slowly, making the whole area quiet again.


The divine radiance of the Zhuxian sword bloomed, killing intent and unparalleled, causing the entire space to be violently shattered. This scene happened too suddenly, and there was no exciting fight. It was just a sword, but it flattened everything.


At this time, the sarcophagus roared, more like trembling, and the corpse of the demon king inside suddenly sat up. It was a look of horror.

Lin Xiao destroyed the last two sacred trees, but he did not take back the Zhuxian Sword, and continued to hold it in his hand, looking at the sarcophagus with a smile on his face, and said, "Your Excellency, you have been planning for so long, should you give me an explanation? "

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

The voice of the Demon King was trembling, and he rushed out of the sarcophagus. His huge figure was like a hill, and the corner of his eyes swept over the Immortal Execution Sword. The fear in it was no longer concealed.

"Hmph! Fellow Daoists have retreated here for 200 years, probably not for the simple purpose of recovering your cultivation?" Lin Xiao smiled flatly, and stood directly outside the sarcophagus.

There are some grievances and grievances between him and this demon king, but he did not expect that they would meet so soon. From the first time the other party almost took him away to now that he can threaten the other party's life, Lin Xiao felt it even more. , the strong respect is the only rule on the path of cultivation.

"Fellow daoist, I don't know something. This is the road of trial for our demon clan. I was forced to do such a thing!" The devil said with a bitter face. Xiao unexpectedly grew up so fast, and met himself.

"Demon race? The road to trial?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Guo Xiangyi who had just come out of the shock, and Tiandaoren. Naturally, these two people had more knowledge than him, but to Lin Xiao's disappointment, they seemed to be at the same head. Foggy.

Before the ancient times, there was an era known as the mythical era, but that era was too long ago, and even a catastrophe that belonged to the heavens and the earth occurred, making the events of that period completely a myth, and it was impossible to verify.

The splendor of the Heavenly Court is something that happened after the mythical age, and in the mythical age, even some supreme beings may not be able to understand what happened and what kind of strong people there are.

According to the Demon King, in the age of mythology, there are nine major races, immortals, demons, gods, demons, ghosts, dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and human races.

The nine major races each have their own cultivation systems and their own domains. At that time, the human race was only listed among the nine races because of its large population. In fact, it was the weakest group and was suppressed everywhere. .

What is the reason for the end of the mythical era? It has disappeared in the long river of history. After a long period of silence, all races except the human race have weakened. This has become the arrival of the ancient times. opportunity.

However, according to the Demon King, the Heavenly Court is not the power of the human race, but the existence of the gods and the immortals. It was established for an unknown purpose, but it seems that it is not recognized by the heavens and the earth. In the end, these two races were completely separated. It's the end.

Although the demons are also declining, they still exist in a mysterious ancient land of life in the universe. They are very low-key and rarely choose to go out, and each clansman can only go out once in a lifetime. This road of trials.

This is a way for the people of the Demon Race to become stronger. They will find some clones to make themselves stronger. When the clones are enough, they will walk out of the ancient star and return to the Demon Race. where the starry sky.

There was nothing wrong with this matter originally, but when the devil was sent here, an accident happened. He needed to devour the energy of a planet to obtain the energy for growth, but it was because in the center of the southern star of this world, With a tyrannical existence, it is impossible to enter at all.

In desperation, he could only choose the innate supernatural power of the demon race, and his spiritual consciousness wandered in the nine heavens, hoping to find a clone and save himself. This is why he met Lin Xiao.

But he never thought that Lin Xiao, who was only in the realm of rebirth, could appear in Jienanxing, and he never thought that Lin Xiao actually had a weapon in his hand that made him feel a threat of death.

Lin Xiao was silent for a moment after listening to the demon king's words, and waved a jet-black treasure seal, rushing out from his dantian, it was his natal magic weapon, the heaven-shaking seal.


Fantianyin is simple and unpretentious, but it gives people a majestic visual impact. It seems that what you see in your eyes is not an ordinary magic weapon, but a huge mountain.

"Do you know its origin?" Lin Xiao stared at the giant seriously. He could clearly see the pores of the giant, so he believed in the slightest change in the giant, and he couldn't hide it from him.

"This?" The devil's face changed drastically, but it was different from facing Zhu Xianjian. His eyes should be more surprised, like a beggar seeing a treasure.

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