Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 302 Wind and Rain


In the Tianyuan Forest in autumn, the rain is always intermittent. The morning was still sunny, but in a blink of an eye, heavy raindrops fell, and the raindrops hit the glazed pagoda, making a crisp sound.

"This kid Lin has been in retreat for three days. Why hasn't he come to his senses? If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have done such a thankless thing!"

On an ancient tree not far away, Xu De couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he took out the two eyes with double pupils. In his mind, these two eyes must have his use, but for a while Can't remember either.

In the glazed pagoda, Lin Xiao's whole body was covered with golden light, a faint coercion spread out from his body, this was a sign of actively breaking through the dragon's realm, but he forcibly suppressed it, and Reluctant to enter prematurely.

One step at a time is what is important in cultivating Taoism, and haste makes waste. Lin Xiao has just entered the realm of heavenly sense, and now he is going to enter the realm of Yuelong in a short period of time. Such an idea is too bold.


At this moment, behind Lin Xiao, a golden figure emerged, with Buddhist scriptures echoing non-stop in his mouth, and a mighty righteousness circulated around him.

"It's raining?"

Lin Xiao murmured, and slowly walked out of the glazed pagoda, letting the rainwater fall on his face, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Master, are you okay?" Xu De rushed over suddenly. This kind of rain has no effect on the existence of their state, but human instinct makes them choose to dodge when encountering rain. This kind of thinking has been deeply rooted. No one thinks there is anything wrong, even those who don't hide are called fools.

"I understand!"

Lin Xiao sighed softly, ignored Xu De who rushed up to hold an umbrella for him, but walked quickly towards the depths of the forest.

"Has this kid enlightened?" The field in the distance has become the size of a normal person, but seeing Lin Xiao enlightened, his face is full of shock. After all, the magic of enlightenment is too mysterious for people to speculate.

Tian Ye chose to follow Lin Xiao, and his purpose was just for the Overturning Seal, and now the entire Jienan Star has fallen into a semi-paralyzed state. If he wanted to leave, he couldn't do it. Instead of doing this, he might as well follow Lin Xiao Xiao.

Under this kind of thinking, Tian Ye would naturally not disturb Lin Xiao's enlightenment, but he would also not help anything, just like passers-by.


The strong wind blew the raindrops, crackling and hitting an ancient tree, leaving no trace on the ancient tree.

"This is the wind and rain. The wind can change the trajectory of the rain, but the rain will eventually fall, but the time of falling is different, and the way of falling is different!"

"If rain can be regarded as a kind of destiny, then when the rain falls on the ground and evaporates back to the sky again, this is a cycle of reincarnation, but how long is this cycle of reincarnation?"

"Someone once said that there is no reincarnation in the world, so I really want to live this life, because time never stops. No matter how much you look forward to the future or how much you remember the past, in the end you can only live in the present!"

The rain wet Lin Xiao's robe, but his eyes revealed the light of enlightenment. As he spoke more and more, his enlightenment seemed to have found an outlet, and he kept asking for proof. .

Lin Xiao sat for five days. During these five days, every evening, there would be rain. In the rain, Lin Xiao's eyes were always bright and never closed. When the rain on the fifth day came again When he arrived, his eyes were already bloodshot.


The rain this night was so violent that the ground was drenched with huge holes, ancient monsters roared angrily, and powerful creatures rushed to the barrier. This time, Lin Xiao's enlightenment made the whole world It was the first time in Tianyuan Forest to hear his name.


Thousands of feet away from Lin Xiao, a blue wolf roared excitedly, the hair all over its body stood up, emitting a blue light, but its eyes were actually ferocious.

This gray wolf has a black rhinoceros horn on top of its head, which is a sign of entering the realm of heavenly sense. At this moment, it whizzes through the mountains and forests, and goes straight to Lin Xiao's position.

It is said that the ultimate evolutionary forms of monsters in the world are nothing more than three, dragon, phoenix, and unicorn, just like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate. Only after transforming into these three true spirits can they be more suitable for cultivation.

Of course, the world is big, full of wonders, and there are many monsters who will not choose this path, and they can even reach a very strong point in the end, just like those true spirits who were beheaded by the Zishan fairy. will be very extraordinary.


Not far away, there was a roaring sound. It was a black orangutan the size of a small mountain. It had preserved the most complete form and showed no signs of evolution. Its body was dark and shiny, exuding a metallic luster.

Although it only has a third-level sense of heaven, its combat power is comparable to an existence with a nine-level sense of heaven, and it is a strong man in this area.

As a monster, he is sensitive to everything between heaven and earth. Lin Xiao's enlightenment made a kind of area around his body that can make monsters more suitable for cultivation, so these monsters rushed over one after another.


Xu De gave a strange cry, and without hearing the slightest order from Lin Xiao, he rushed out quickly, turning into a black rainbow light, and went straight to the blue wolf.

"A little bit!"

Lin Xiao seems to have completely forgotten everything about the outside world, and he is now engrossed in realizing the Dao with all his heart. Between his fingers, two blue rings are slowly condensing, as if he is moving towards the process of going from illusion to reality.

This time, Lin Xiao didn't just comprehend a rule, but comprehended the wind and rain at the same time, which made the time for him to comprehend the Dao very long.

"Wind is born in heaven and earth, and scattered in heaven and earth, this is wind!"

"Rain is born in the sky and falls to the earth, rain rises from the ground and rushes into the sky, this is rain, and this process is reincarnation!"

Lin Xiao let out a whisper, the wind and rain whizzed between heaven and earth, and the endless blue rain quickly gathered towards the fingertips. He had the deepest understanding of rain in his life, so at the critical moment, his rules of rain were also the most Condensed first.


At this moment, there was a roar in the rain, and a huge bat covered with green fluff came straight towards Lin Xiao with a hideous expression.

It originally passed by here, but it didn't expect to be attracted by Lin Xiaoyu's enlightenment and thus sink into it. However, when Lin Xiaoyu's rules were condensed, a spiritual energy in its body was attracted by Lin Xiaoyu. Xiao Suo sucked it out, this phenomenon drove him crazy enough.


Huge bat wings whizzed the sky and the earth, like two black sky knives, about to cut through the earth. This is only the outermost area of ​​the Tianyuan Forest, but the monsters of the heavenly sense realm emerge in endlessly, from this we can also see See, the horror of this forest lies.


At this moment of crisis, Lin Xiao let out a whisper, and the ring of rain that had originally gathered on his finger was directly shattered, and there was a huge gust of rain, rushing straight to the sky.

This scene was very strange, as if the world had been turned upside down. Obviously, all of this was not as simple as changing the trajectory of the rain, but unconsciously, there were already many rules. Under Lin Xiao's rules, choosing Regression, as if he were king.


The bat roared in horror, and the figure that was about to fall quickly retracted. This scene surpassed its cognition, and made it fear Lin Xiao. It was no longer willing to take revenge, but wanted to leave quickly. here.

"Wind! Everything in the world moves into wind, cold and hot alternately into wind, wind is one of the fastest rules in the world, not because it is really fast, but because the wind in the world cannot be stopped, even if there is only a small gap, he is enough Go through!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth plainly, but stood up slowly, his figure rushed out quickly, two points and one line, as if he could quickly resist what he thought, this is a feeling of extreme speed, but it is more Teleportation is a little slower, but this speed is better than persistence.

In just one breath, Lin Xiao appeared on the back of the bat, giving people the illusion of being forced into that space.

"Wind! You can gently support willows and move the ripples in the lake, but it can also tear the sky and change the color of the sky and the earth. My wind is to make all the winds in the world obey my orders!"

Lin Xiao's voice is hoarse, but it has a trace of the majesty of a king. At the Lotus Peak, he swallowed the source of the wind in the green bell of Old Monster Lu and made his own wind rules condense, but that condensed is just an illusion , because the wind comes from itself, not from heaven and earth.


Following Lin Xiao's words, the wind was howling in the sky, flying sand and rocks, and old trees were uprooted. In the sky here, tornadoes appeared for no reason, and around Lin Xiao's body, there was no trace of protection, but when When the tornado hits, it will become gentle in an instant, as if he is the king of the wind.


Lin Xiao let out a shout, and opened his eyes suddenly. The rainwater that was splashed by him originally dissipated in the sky and the earth, but it was because of his words that appeared out of thin air, and even condensed into a cloud at his fingertips. A blue ring.

At the moment when the ring was condensed, Lin Xiao's cultivation level had a breakthrough again, reaching the realm of the third heaven, and the bones all over his body were crackling. This is the benefit of the breakthrough in cultivation level. His body is evolving crazily.


At the same time, the wind in the world quickly condensed in the wind ring in Lin Xiao's finger. Although he did not make a breakthrough in his cultivation, it made Lin Xiao feel a sense of awe at the moment the ring condensed. The wind between heaven and earth seems to be under his control as long as he says a word.

This is not an illusion, Lin Xiao's rules of wind are above all other rules, because this kind of rules are not given by heaven and earth, but are forcibly held by Lin Xiao in his hands, this is a kind of his own talent.


The black gorilla in the distance has also rushed forward at this time, using its pair of huge iron fists to beat its chest continuously, its jet black eyes fixed on Lin Xiao firmly.


Lin Xiao opened his mouth plainly, and stepped down from the bat's back, but at the moment it left, the originally violent tornado instantly tore the bat into pieces, without even having time to scream.


The field in the distance gasped, he could naturally do all of this, but he knew that it was because he was in the realm of great power, and he was born with such strength, but Lin Xiao was just a genius. As a monk, he missed himself by two big realms.

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