Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 305 Mysterious Turtle


Tian Ye's eyes were cold, and he slammed down on the mountain with both hands. Suddenly, a large amount of gravel scattered, revealing a tail covered with fine scales, like a long whip, and he slammed down again fiercely.

"Master lacks a whip, so I just use you to make up for it!" Tian Ye snorted coldly, without the slightest fear, stepped out of the void, hugged the huge tail, and fiercely pointed towards the sky pull on top.

This scene was very astonishing. This mysterious old monster had a tail as long as a hundred feet, and what was even more frightening was that Tian Ye actually wanted to forcibly pull this old monster out of the ground.


All of this is between lightning and flint. The strength of the field can really be said to be a force to pull the mountains and rivers. He actually forcibly pulled out a tiny crack in the huge tail, but the old demon's body is very abnormal. It seems like a defeat, but for it, it shouldn't be considered a serious injury.

Standing on Tianye's shoulders, Lin Xiao gasped. If it wasn't for Tianye this time, he would definitely not be able to get here by himself. After all, such an existence, compared to the entire Tianyuan Forest, should be ubiquitous.


The ground roared, and a large area of ​​the ground collapsed. A turtle-like creature slowly crawled out from the ground.

On its back is a huge shell, but it is densely covered with strangely shaped small peaks, exuding a metallic luster. This is indeed a mineral vein. A mine is naturally formed from the back.


The tortoise let out a roar, and on its huge head, two dragon whiskers were like long whips, quickly whipping towards the field, full of hostility towards the person who disturbed his sleep.

"It's a black tortoise!" There was a look of surprise on Tian Ye's face. Instead of dodging the attack of the black tortoise, he suddenly exerted force with his hands, as if throwing an iron ball, and threw the huge body of the black tortoise towards the tortoise. Meng Taoist who was about to rush forward from behind threw it.


At the same time that the black tortoise was thrown, its dragon beard directly hit Tian Ye's body, and two huge bloodstains appeared instantly, and the blood splashed everywhere.

"Brother Meng, this is the black tortoise you wanted, and I'll leave it to you to deal with!" Tian Ye roared, turned around and disappeared into the forest.

This black tortoise was woken up by Tian Ye, didn't notice anything at all, and entered the battle. It just woke up at this moment. Hearing Tian Ye's words, it had already activated its intelligence, and suddenly stared fiercely. Daoist with a dream.

Taoist Meng was completely stunned by this scene. He originally thought that if Tian Ye met such an opponent, he would be able to catch up with him, but he never expected that Tian Ye would throw this black turtle to himself.


Just as Meng Daoren was about to explain, he saw the black tortoise's tail whistling past like a magic whip, and the void that was directly pressed was about to split open, obviously there was no chance for him to speak.

Although Meng Taoist's realm is higher than that of Tianye, he is still a human race after all, and his physical strength cannot be compared with Tianye's. At this moment, he dare not take it hard, and waved out a long purple sword, and said with a cold expression: "You attacked the wrong person! Old man They also came to hunt down that person.”

"Hmph! None of human beings are good, so let's die!" Xuan Gui had long been psychic, but now he was uttering words, but his face was full of disgust. Although his body was as huge as a mountain, it was abnormal. He was agile, missed a hit from the tail, turned into a sweep, and ran towards the dream Taoist again.

At this moment, Meng Taoist was a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis. He was in unspeakable suffering. With his hands waving, the avenues of heaven and earth were roaring. With the long sword in his hand, the tip of the sword lightly swiped across the void, and a huge crack about a hundred feet long appeared suddenly. , a crazy explosive breath overflowed from it, and quickly swallowed the tail of the black turtle.


The blood of Xuanwu True Spirit flows in Xuangui's body. Not only is its defense superior, but its attack power is also unparalleled. At this moment, its pair of giant palms slapped Meng Taoist fiercely. This is a completely desperate way of attacking. , because Xuangui never has to worry about his own defense.

Compared with the black turtle, Meng Taoist's arm is insignificant at all, and can even be completely ignored. At this moment, his expression is calm, his body moves quickly, and he is not willing to touch the black turtle head-on, but he hates Lin Xiao and the others in his heart in the bones.

With a bang, the black tortoise's tail protruded from the void. Under the destructive power, it was still intact. It fell down again, and the whole earth shook. Even because of this blow, many ancient trees It was uprooted directly.


Dream Taoist's eyes were bright, and he quickly raised his right hand holding the sword, and went straight to the tail of the black turtle, and if it was normal, such a battle at the same level would probably last at least ten days and a half a month, or even encounter such a An opponent with amazing defenses.

But Taoist Meng didn't have that much time, ten days had already passed, if he failed to catch Lin Xiao, death was still waiting for him.

At this moment, Meng Taoist seized a slight opportunity, and at the moment when the tail was roaring on the ground, there was a short pause, and he slashed down with his sword.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and a series of sparks exploded at the tail of the black turtle. Even in the gap of this attack, it was still so powerful that it was impossible to resist.


Meng Taoist fell down again, but only left a thin white mark on the tail, his face was ruddy, he forcibly suppressed the blood that was about to spurt from his throat, and quickly rushed towards the black turtle's head.

At this moment, Taoist Meng has already realized the horror of the black turtle. Even the spirit treasure cannot cut through the steel armor all over his body. The only weak point at this moment is its head.


Xuan Gui seemed to have seen Meng Taoist's intention at this time, and a dragon roar came out from his head, and the two dragon beards were drawn away again, as fast as lightning.

"court death!"

Meng Taoist snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hands, the wind shattered the sky. The speed was so fast that at the moment it was approaching, he unfolded the supernatural powers that shrunk the ground into inches, and appeared directly above the head of the black turtle. The purple long sword in his hand , the sword light sprayed out more than ten feet, quickly piercing through the head of the black turtle.


At this moment, Xuan Gui's two huge palms also fell down with a bang. This was a desperate blow before his death. This is a monster. Even if it dies, the enemy will have to pay a heavy price.

Faced with this blow, Meng Taoist was not surprised, and he didn't even dodge. He held the long sword in his hand tightly and completely shattered Xuan Gui's consciousness. He only had one chance like this. In order to buy time, he had to choose Pay enough.


Two mountain-like palms fell, and all of them hit Meng Daoren's body accurately, blood splashed everywhere, and his flesh and bones were torn to pieces.


At this moment, Meng Taoist's primordial spirit rushed out, shouted, and his body recovered immediately, but his face became even paler. Even while condensing his physical body, his body was still retreating rapidly, until After retreating more than ten feet away, he barely stabilized.

This is completely a lose-lose style of play. Although Meng Taoist only sacrificed a body, he bought the life of the black turtle, but this price is still very painful for him.

"Boys! The old man will not let you go!" Meng Daoren snorted coldly, he had no intention of recuperating the injury at all, but swayed his body, used the movement technique of shrinking the ground to inches, and went straight to the field that disappeared in the distance rush away.

Xuan Gui's body crashed down. The big battle just subsided in an instant. This kind of battle continued to occur in Tianyuan Forest ### every day, so the whole forest soon became quiet.

The body of this black tortoise is piled up there like a hill. Although it is dead now, its way is still there. It is as majestic as a mountain. It does not allow low-level monsters to approach at all. This place will become his grave.


Just about ten breaths later, the direction where Taoist Meng disappeared just now came like a sound breaking through the sky, and it was Taoist Meng who had gone and returned.

"It seems that I'm worrying too much. This kid is going to escape for his life, and it's impossible for him to return!" Meng Daoren whispered, but he was still uneasy. He glanced around with his divine sense to make sure that there was really nothing suspicious. After that, he chased forward again.


At this time, a colorful spirit bird hovered in the sky for a week, and finally landed on a dead ancient tree not far from the battle area, and lightly pecked on a branch.

"Ah! Stinky bird, you are courting death!"

I only heard an angry roar coming from the dead tree, and then I saw a pitch-black arm grabbing the spirit bird, no matter how much it struggled, it couldn't break free, and at this time a figure, Then he slowly walked out from the dead tree.

"Be quiet!"

As the figure walked out, a cold voice came from the hollow of the dead tree. It turned out that the existence of the black shadow was to block the existence of the hollow. Even the spirit bird was deceived by its flaws.

"Hehe! Don't worry, master. Although the old man Meng is cunning, he won't come back for a second time!" Heiying smiled complacently, and the fat round face was full of wretched smiles. It was the one who left just now. Xu De.

"Hurry up and collect the dead turtles, otherwise we will be in danger once the field is exposed!"

The icy voice came out again, but his figure had already walked to the entrance of the tree hole, with long snow-white hair dancing, giving people an unusually mysterious feeling. The one who could make Xu De so respectful was naturally Lin Xiao.

Such a black tortoise cannot be put down even if it is a storage belt, especially such a whole body, so Lin Xiao had already guessed at that time that if there is a life-and-death battle, one party will definitely die.

If it was Xuan Gui who died in battle, the size of his body would naturally not be taken away with Meng Taoist's disposition. After all, dividing it would be too much of a waste of time.

If Meng Daoist dies, then everyone will be happy, and there will be no so-called escape plan, so no matter what, Lin Xiao will definitely choose to stay and watch the battle.

This result is acceptable to Lin Xiao. Although Taoist Meng returned once, he never thought about it. Lin Xiao and Xu De are not ordinary minds, so how could they be fooled, so they got such a treasure mountain for nothing. .

"Master, your formation is really effective, and you can actually hide it from the spiritual consciousness of a powerful monk. Why don't you have time to teach Xiaodezi?" Xu De worked hard to divide the black turtle, and he didn't forget to pat Lin Xiao's horse. Fart, his eyes flickered, but he didn't know what he was thinking again.

This time Lin Xiao dared to come back because he used the five ancient characters he had comprehended from the divine map. He had also discussed with Tian Ye that the lines recorded on the divine map were all divine characters from the mythical period. also no longer exists.

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