All this happened so suddenly, I didn't expect that, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, Meng Daoren came up and cast a magical technique.

"The breath of the moon!"

Lin Xiao spoke calmly, although his primordial spirit was being corroded, but there was no trace of pain on his face, and a round of crescent moons slowly emerged in his eyes at this moment.

Although it is also the rule of the moon, Lin Xiao's moon is more about longing, so when Taoist Meng performed "Please close your eyes when it gets dark", it can really play a restraining role.

However, the rules of the moon comprehended by Taoist Meng now surpass Lin Xiao's cognition on a higher level. Can dejectedly drink hatred.

"The rule of the moon! So it can be used like this!" Lin Xiao said slowly, but his body didn't flinch because of the pain, instead he took a step forward and went straight to meet him.

"There are not many people in the world who can comprehend the rules of the moon, and the Floating Moon Sect is the patriarch of this sect. At the beginning, the old man was in this sect, and finally he was able to comprehend their Yinyue art. How does it taste?"

Meng Daoren's eyes revealed a glimmer of reminiscence. To be able to get to where he is today, the other party has also paid a great price and effort.

Lin Xiao treated it calmly. It was not the first time he had encountered this kind of strange ability. Back then, the first song of Fu Yunzi's Floating Life Trilogy once separated his body, so this kind of pain was very painful for him. Said, but it is not in that kind of pain.

However, Meng Taoist's cultivation base is much higher than that of Fu Yunzi back then, so this silver moon technique will not be self-defeating like last time, it will really achieve the point of immortality.

"There is sunshine in the cloudy moon!"

Just when Lin Xiao took three steps, in his eyes, the light of the silver moon became hotter. He raised his right hand slowly, and lightly touched the position between his eyebrows with his index finger. The golden color that belonged to his body immediately The ray of light is growing rapidly, as if a round of the moon is about to be full.

"This is?"

Meng Daoren's face changed drastically. He had always been very confident in his supernatural powers, but now he was broken by Lin Xiao in an instant. This loss was enough to drive him crazy.

"I don't know if your yin and moon technique is the real Tao, but in my heart, the existence of the moon is for the sake of consummation, so this moon will not let me get lost. This is my moon, your moon Need to dissipate!"

Lin Xiao spoke indifferently, without a trace of expression, as if he was doing a very simple thing, waved his hand lightly, and the world showed its true colors again, but behind Lin Xiao, there was a round of silver moon Blooming silver radiance, dispelling the Yin Qi in his body.

"Huh!" Meng Taoist snorted coldly, but his face became serious in an instant. He held the hand of the purple flying sword and tightened it. I don't know if it was an illusion. He was on Lin Xiao's body. For the first time, he saw a terrifying aura.

"Since it has already started, don't stop!" Lin Xiao recovered from his injuries instantly, stretched his ### body lightly, and waved out the red hydrangea. The Taoist went away.

"A monk with a sense of the five heavens, do you really want to be my enemy?" Taoist Meng frowned slightly, Lin Xiao's body gave him an evil feeling, and he felt vaguely uneasy at this moment.

"It's not that we want to be your enemy, it's that you want to kill us!"

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly, raised his right hand suddenly, and pressed fiercely towards the space where Taoist Meng was. With just one palm, a terrifying storm formed in the void, which shattered the void. The fragments, like pieces of blades, were all swept by the storm and went straight to Meng Taoist.

This is the first time Lin Xiao has used the supernatural power of wind. At this moment, his body seems to have become illusory. The endless wind blows through his body, making him completely integrated into it at this moment. In the wind, the wind is him, and he is the wind.

Meng Daoren's face was solemn. This was the first time he treated Lin Xiao as an enemy. During the past few days of chasing and killing, the only thing he cared about was the field, but at this moment he really knew that this seemingly cultivated The weakest kid, but also the most difficult character to deal with.


The sound of violent collision roared between the heaven and the earth, but Meng Taoist walked through the storm strangely, grabbed the void with his right hand, and suddenly endless heaven and earth spiritual energy crazily injected into his body.

"Your wind rule is useless to this old man!" Meng Daoren said softly. If such a supernatural power encounters the existence of Yuelong Realm, it may really have a certain effect, but for him, it is useful. Kind of like a kid playing house.

"is it?"

Lin Xiao looked at Meng Taoist calmly, his voice was flat, but revealed a trace of unyielding, this is Lin Xiao, even if the opposite is a Supreme, he will fight and never choose to admit defeat.


At the same time as Lin Xiao opened his mouth, there was a sudden roar on the ground, followed by the sound of bones colliding.



A howl echoed between the heaven and the earth until finally, when the shouts reached a hundred thousand, the sound was completely deafening.

I saw that at the same time that Taoist Meng was stepping forward, the bone formation that Lin Xiao had prepared for a long time was finally activated, and the bones turned into ghost soldiers, as if they had been caught from the underworld, and they all rushed towards Taoist Meng crazily past.

This scene is too shocking. These bones are not without fighting power. Most of them still have the cultivation base of the Aiki realm. Now there are hundreds of thousands of Aiki realms, and they attack at the same time, and at a glance, they are all skeletons, which makes people creepy .


Among the yin soldiers, there was a figure that was obviously a head taller than ordinary yin soldiers. After a roar at this moment, more yin soldiers crawled out of the ground crazily, just like a yin soldier The general in the middle is calling his former subordinates.


Meng Daoren's face was gloomy, and he waved his sword light for more than a dozen feet, directly smashing more than a dozen Yin soldiers, but the number of these Yin soldiers was too large, and they couldn't kill them all at the moment, shouting to kill, like a tide Crazy rushed over.

Beside Lin Xiao, Tian Ye's back was covered with a layer of cold sweat. He did not expect that Lin Xiao would actually set up such a large formation here. To drink hatred, because he knows better than Meng Taoist that Lin Xiao has an imperial weapon in his hand, if he makes a surprise attack at a critical moment, no matter how strong his cultivation is, it will be useless.


The wind was blowing, and the valley itself was a mass grave, which was temporarily revived by Lin Xiao with a special technique. Among them were not only monks, but also some powerful monster skeletons, among which there were more than ten feet high like dinosaurs. , and the palm-sized spirit bird, all recovering.

These ghost soldiers are not real resurrections. After all, with Lin Xiao's cultivation base, it is impossible to do this. He is just using the resentment accumulated here for too long to release the willpower of these skeletons.


A Bone Yin Soldier, riding a huge Bone Monster Beast under his crotch, holding a huge ax made of Bone in his hand, smashed his head at the Dream Taoist. This man must have been a fierce man in his lifetime, but A single ax shatters the void.

"Boy, no matter how many ghost soldiers there are, the old man will have time to kill them, so there is no need to delay!"

Meng Taoist sneered in the formation, and with a wave of his hand, pieces of white bones became shattered and dissipated in the wind. For him, although these Yin soldiers had an absolute advantage, they had no consciousness after all. Winning is just a matter of time.

"Hmph! If you want to kill us, you still need to ask Grandpa Tian about your whip!" Tian Ye roared, and rushed directly into the battle. The huge black long whip shook the void, a burst of destructive power Go straight to dream Taoist.


The field was so powerful that a long whip could weigh over a thousand catties. When the whip fell at this moment, a huge crack was drawn out of the ground by it.


Lin Xiao also waved his hands to control the red hydrangea at this time, and entangled the Taoist Meng. The battle has reached this point, and his many backhands can't really be deployed, but if Taoist Meng leaves the bone formation unscathed, then all of his Preparations have also become worthless.

The joining of the two strong men immediately reversed the situation. Meng Taoist retreated quickly, unwilling to confront Lin Xiao and the others head-on, but he had already fallen into the bone formation, so it was impossible to leave.


Just when Meng Taoist avoided Lin Xiao's red hydrangea, there was a buzzing sound behind him, and the Sirius Bee, which had been hiding for a long time, quickly left a black spot on its back, and then disappeared in the melee in an instant .

"This poison has no effect on the old man!" Meng Taoist snorted coldly. As the battle started, his face became more and more gloomy. At this point, he had already discovered that he had fallen into Lin Xiao's schemes. If he hadn't His cultivation has been in the Almighty realm for a long time, I am afraid that he may really suffer hatred in this battle.

"Even if it's only able to digest a trace of your aura, it's worth it!"

Lin Xiao spoke plainly, and his body emerged from behind the Taoist Meng. This was the most difficult battle in his life. He had been preparing for a long time, but he was still not sure because the opponent was too strong.

If it were other monks, not to mention fighting, I am afraid that the courage to face them would no longer exist, but he is Lin Xiao, a Lin Xiao who can go from ordinary to present, although his cultivation speed is not the fastest, but His battle experience shocked those arrogance.

He walked out of death and struggled step by step until now. Even if he took one wrong step, he might be doomed forever. Under such an environment, Lin Xiao's ruthlessness has already reached his bones. He not only treats the enemy ruthlessly, but also treats himself even more. ruthless.


The mud tire on the outside of the subduing magic pestle fell off, revealing the golden flame inside. This flame exists specifically for the primordial spirit. Even the person who casts it, his soul is tormented, but Lin Xiao always holds it, like raindrops towards the Taoist dream smashed on his body.

His life was not smooth, so when he was fighting, he never cared about his own safety. As long as he could bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh, even if he paid two pieces of flesh, it was worth it in his opinion. Fighting is what he thought. For desperately.

"Are you crazy?"

Meng Daoren's face became gloomy, he had never seen such a fighting person, he didn't care about his own safety at all, and exchanged his own life for his own serious injury, in his eyes, Lin Xiao was a complete lunatic.

However, it was also Lin Xiao's desperate attitude that made Meng Taoist, who was already in the upper hand, retreat steadily. He cherished his life very much, even if he was injured, he would not allow it. Therefore, in many cases, he could get away with just paying a price. He gave up Lin Xiao's life time and time again.

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