Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 310 Do You Dare To Want It?


The Sword of Immortal Execution wakes up and flies out of Lin Xiao's palm. Every fairy sword has its own consciousness. It is an unruly existence in itself, but now it is very unpopular with a low-level monk like Lin Xiao.

"Whoosh!" Jian Guang rushed out, directly locking onto Meng Taoist who was trapped in the formation.

This is an ordinary blow from the emperor's army, but it has gone beyond the scope of the world's understanding. It is just a simple sword, but it makes the world tremble. It is the emperor reappearing in the world.


With just one strike, Meng Daoren was directly smashed to pieces, bones and flesh flying, even his primordial spirit was also torn apart under this sword.


Outside the Tianyuan Forest, the fairy in white vomited blood, the blood stained the white robe red, his eyes were full of horror, he left a restraint on Meng Taoist's body, just to be able to feel everything that happened to him, but now This feeling has disappeared. Obviously, there is only one result, that is, Meng Dao died.

"Could it be that the one who usurps the throne has an imperial weapon in his hand?" The fairy in white whispered. In fact, he had already approved his guess in his heart. Yes, obviously there is an inevitable connection among them.

"No! This person can't survive. Now his cultivation base is not enough, and the emperor's soldiers can't exert their full strength. Once he really grows up, it will be a disaster for the heaven. This person will be killed by the immortal!"

The white-clothed fairy snorted coldly. He used to dominate one side a thousand years ago, and he was rebellious in himself. How could he allow his mission to be abandoned halfway now.


Looking at the blood clots and bones in the formation, Lin Xiao felt unreal. After all, he had prepared too many countermeasures, but now it was just the beginning. In his mind, the death of Taoist Meng seemed real. Some are too simple.

"Master! You have been tired these days, why don't Xiao Dezi help you carry this weapon?" Xu De walked down from the sky at this time, staring at the Zhuxian Sword, wishing he could hold it sleep.

Lin Xiao ignored Xu De's gag, but wandered around in front of the skeleton of Taoist Meng, but his face soon became gloomy.

"He doesn't have a storage bag!" Tian Ye had already squatted on the ground to study, and now he looked at Lin Xiao with a serious face.

You know, a storage bag is not considered a luxury in the realm of comprehension, and almost every monk will have one, but Meng Daoren, who has reached the realm of looking at the immortal, is only one step away from being able to fly to the immortal, but there is no storage bag , Such things are naturally surprising.

"It should be a clone!" Lin Xiao smiled wryly, and had to admit that Taoist Meng's true cultivation was much higher than they imagined.

"Ha ha!"

Tian Ye also let out a wry smile. As the future crown prince of the demon clan, he was chased and killed by a clone of a human monk. This matter was extremely unlucky.

"The water of the Five Great Sword Sects is very deep!"

In the end, Lin Xiao came up with a few words, but he couldn't stop laughing bitterly. They had always underestimated Taoist Meng. He was able to hide so many people. To implement such a plan, his cultivation would definitely not be as simple as being powerful.

"not good!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly felt a crisis approaching, exclaimed, his body instantly tore through the void, and quickly moved out.


At the same time as Lin Xiao was running away, an explosion occurred where he was, and a beam of sword light almost cut the ground in half.

This scene happened too suddenly, but after discovering that Taoist Meng died only as a clone, Lin Xiao and Tian Ye remained vigilant all the time, otherwise it would be the sword just now, and Lin Xiao probably would really have a grudge.

"Huh! You actually hid from it. It seems that my clone is not wronged!" Meng Daoren's figure slowly walked out of the void. Sword marks, it seems that with the death of his avatar, the prohibition imposed on him by the white-clothed fairy has also expired.

In the white bone formation, Lin Xiao walked out from the void, and Tian Ye and Xu De also retreated one after another. They used too many means just now, and now they are facing Taoist Meng again. Those baits at the beginning are no longer effective. .

"The game has just started, are you scared?" Meng Taoist showed a playful smile on his face. How could he ignore the accidental death of his avatar at the beginning, so whispering that Lin Xiao's backhand has long been Beware, how can you really go into a trap without knowing it.

"No! Your cultivation is not as good as your avatar, who are you?" At this moment, Tian Ye let out a loud roar, shaking the trembling valley. He is a powerful man, and he has seen through it at this time The reality of dream Taoist.

If this Taoist Meng is the deity, then this deity is not as high as the avatar. This kind of thing is simply unreasonable, so he also has some doubts about whether this person is the deity of Taoist Meng.

"Who is this old man? Go to hell and ask King Yama!"

Meng Taoist snorted coldly, and the sky and the earth changed color when he waved his hands, his gray hair danced, and he slapped fiercely towards the bone formation with a palm.


Thousands of Yin soldiers rushed forward, trying to drag Meng Taoist into the bone formation again, but they were smashed into pieces by the opponent's palm, and the white bone powder went straight to Lin Xiao and the others.

"What cultivation level is he now?" Lin Xiao asked with a gloomy face. Most of the methods have been exposed just now, and now there is no trickery at all. I am afraid that a bloody battle is really going to happen.

"The sixth heaven of Wangxian Realm!" Tian Ye showed his white teeth and smiled. He himself is already the existence of the third heaven of Wangxian Realm. across the past.

"I understand!"

There was a thoughtful expression in Lin Xiao's eyes, and he was silent for a long time before he spoke again. His eyes fell on Meng Taoist's eyebrows. He clearly remembered just now that there was a sword-shaped imprint on Meng Taoist's eyebrows, and Today's Meng Taoist does not have such a mark.

At this moment, Lin Xiao had won the mind of Taoist Meng. The other party must have been threatened by others, but Taoist Meng was so cunning and cunning, how could he be willing to be manipulated by others, so he deliberately let his avatar enter his formation.

Now all the mysteries have been figured out by Lin Xiao. The reason Meng Taoist came a day later was not because he didn't find him, but because he could have enough time to transfer the restriction between his eyebrows.

If they fail today, then Meng Daoist will definitely take them to ask for credit. In the end, maybe someone will untie the restriction between his eyebrows. Gain true freedom while also being able to hold onto yourself and the field.


Just when Lin Xiao was thinking about all this, Tian Ye had already rushed out. His body had shrunk to three feet high, but it still gave people an illusion of strength. These days he was suppressed by Taoist Meng with his realm. Now Finally had a chance to breathe out.


One person and one demon, they have fought hundreds of times in a flash, and each punch is as fast as the previous punch, almost leveling the entire valley.


In the end, Tian Ye was backed away by Meng Taoist for six or seven steps, vomiting blood. Although the other party's cultivation base was not high, but all the insights from the beginning were still there, so under this kind of collision, he still did not have the slightest advantage.

"go to hell!"

At the same time that Tian Ye was retreating, Meng Taoist rushed forward, his palm was like a heavenly knife, and he went straight to hit the back of Tian Ye's head. With this blow, his entire head might be smashed to pieces.

This scene happened so suddenly that Tian Ye never expected that Meng Daoren had retained his strength. Now that his body has reached its peak, he is unable to fight back effectively. He can only slowly fight back when death is approaching. closed his eyes.


When Meng Daoist's knife was only an inch away from the field, and the moment he was about to succeed, Lin Xiao decisively chose to rush forward, holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, but now he cast it like an iron rod, and went straight to Meng Taoist to investigate. The outstretched palm smashed down.


Seeing that he was about to succeed, but Lin Xiao spoiled the good thing, Taoist Meng almost vomited blood in anger, but he had no choice but to retreat quickly. He knew very well that Lin Xiao's hand was the treasure of Dao Sword Sect , I dare not fight recklessly.

"Who threatened you?" Lin Xiao blocked Tian Ye behind him, but he didn't choose to pursue, but asked hesitantly. With Taoist Meng's cultivation base, the other party was able to use restraint to control it, obviously The background of the other party is very serious. Lin Xiao thought that among the people he knew, only Xue Tu could tell him what was going on.

"Hmph! Lin Xiao, you actually stole the treasures of our Dao Sword Sect, and if you haven't returned it now, when will you wait?"

Meng Daoren didn't pay attention to Lin Xiao's thoughts at all, instead he looked at Zhu Xianjian very fieryly. After all, with such an imperial weapon, he might really be able to cross the world of comprehension.

"Do you dare to ask for it?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. Taoist Meng has a really thick skin. The five fairy swords were originally given to him by Zishan Immortal, but now they have been changed to his own by the other party. stolen.

"Lin Xiao, as long as you hand over this treasure, the hatred between the old man and you will be settled, what do you think?" Meng Daoren looked at Zhu Xianjian eagerly, but said with a sneer in his heart: "Wait a minute After capturing this kid, everything will belong to this old man."

"Hehe! Uncle Meng is so polite, the grievances between you and me will not be reconciled!" Lin Xiao slapped a haha, but he clenched the Immortal Execution Sword tightly and threw it down at the opponent again.

This is an imperial weapon, forged with supreme magical materials, it is extremely hard, but this Zhu Xian sword has killed countless people, so the moment it comes into contact with the imperial weapon, it is inevitable that people will be afraid, and may even surrender without a fight .

"Lin Xiao, are you going to turn against the Five Great Sword Sects?" Meng Daoren asked with a gloomy face. He was unwilling to confront the emperor soldiers head-on. Although his mouth was full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, he was always in front of a despicable villain.

"Hmph! When is it your turn to speak for the Five Great Sword Sects! Today, Lin is going to kill the Five Great Sword Sects!"

Lin Xiao sneered, he never thought of resolving grievances with the other party from the beginning to the end, although at this moment he could not use the imperial weapon for a second time in a short time because he had just used the imperial weapon, but his combat experience was also extremely rich, and with the divine weapon in hand, There is no fear of each other at all.


Seeing that Lin Xiao was not fooled at all, Taoist Meng was also unambiguous, the sky and the earth changed color when he waved his hands, and his figure disappeared from Lin Xiao in the blink of an eye, and when he reappeared, it came to the sky above Lin Xiao's head, and he slapped him hard. He slapped down hard.

This scene happened too suddenly, if Lin Xiao couldn't dodge in time, he would be slapped to death by the opponent's palm.

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