Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 320 Complete Blood Cultivation

The arrow pierced through nothingness, like a golden lightning, and went straight to Lin Xiao's stele. The first scene is now being repeated. The killing intent of this golden arrow has completely exploded. If Lin Xiao is not beheaded, he will never back down. .


Lin Xiao's feet roared, the sky shook because of his steps, and the magma trembled because of his falling steps. His whole body was bathed in blood mist, and white bones were exposed in many places on his body, but he didn't want to. Take a step back and walk with pride.


The coercion of the arrows was overwhelming, but in an instant, they all condensed on Lin Xiao's body, and the battle armor condensed by the Fire Spirit suddenly collapsed on a large scale. It turned out that the light on his body was abnormally dim, but it was the arrow roaring from Yingtian.

There was a crackling sound from the bones. This arrow was the strongest blow of the god general. Although his soul dissipated between the heaven and the earth, it was still very powerful. Just the coercion had already crushed Lin Xiao's bones. broken.


Blood overflowed from the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth, and his white hair was dyed red, but he was like a sharp sword, he would rather be crushed himself than let the enemy pay the price of the sword collapse.


At the moment when the golden arrow came, Lin Xiao's footsteps did not stop, and he slapped his palms towards the void again. Almost at the moment when the arrow arrived, a blue mad dragon rushed out of the crack, Go straight for the arrow.

This kind of attack may not have the slightest effect, but Lin Xiao believes that no matter how strong the opponent's attack is, as long as the first blow does not kill him and he does not give up, the opponent will not be able to kill him. Unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

At the same time that the tornado appeared, the golden ring on Lin Xiao's left hand emitted a glare of light. He raised his left hand at this moment, made a mark, and slapped fiercely at the lava below.


Inside the lava, there was a roar, a golden fire dragon with horns on its head, and its whole body was covered by white virtual fire. Its body was hundreds of feet long and very mighty. When it soared up, the void was burning in it. shattered below.

The moment the fire dragon appeared, the originally illusory fire spirit rushed over. He was the emperor in the fire. At this moment, he directly entered the body of the fire spirit. ring.


At the same time that Huo Ling broke through to the realm of great power, the Hunyuan Bell on Lin Xiao's right hand made a crisp cracking sound. After all, this is an imitation of a secret treasure, and now he wants to forcibly control a A strong man in the realm of almighty power has already exceeded the range he can bear.

Lin Xiao didn't care about these, after all, such shattering is not directly destroyed, so as long as the fire spirit can help him complete a blow, it is enough.

"Subduing Demon Pestle!"

At this time, while the fire spirit was heading straight for the arrow, Lin Xiao held the magic pestle again. This is a rare secret treasure. The genuine one in Daleiyin Temple.

The cyan tornado contained the will of a gust of wind, and wanted to destroy everything in front of it, but the arrow broke through the gust of wind in an instant, and went straight to the fire spirit with a howl.


With another blow, cracks appeared on the huge flame dragon body, and the huge rock, accompanied by a roar, directly smashed huge holes in the rock.

But at this time, the light of the golden arrow was also dimmed. Although it had an absolute advantage in each collision, its own power was being consumed rapidly, and it seemed that it was about to collapse at any time.


Behind Lin Xiao, the stone forest let out a roar, and the tens of thousands of immortal trees seemed to revive at the same time. It was the beating of tens of thousands of runes, which were comparable to the most original power in the world. , immediately swallowed Lin Xiao's body into a sea of ​​runes.

At this time, the arrow, originally locked on Lin Xiao, rushed into it instantly, and the roaring sound reverberated, but it was directly fixed in the sea of ​​runes, and it was difficult to break free.

"There is such a miracle here, who is the other party?" Xing Tian looked curiously at the old man of the Yin Lingzong. He was sealed in the mythical period, so he was full of strangeness to this world.

"This place should be the remains of the Vulcan God. When the Vulcan Proved Dao and fell, his dojo is unknown to outsiders. This place is probably it!"

The old man of the Yinling Sect spoke plainly. He had once reached the Supreme Realm, and even now he is in the Saint Realm. His knowledge is naturally extraordinary. His eyes swept through the layers of fog to the hazy stone gate in the distance.

"There is a teleportation array leading to the outside world. It seems that some people don't want him to find this place!" Xing Tian said with a solemn face. Although there is no head on his neck, but his cultivation level has reached his level, the head is very important to him. The effect is not great.

"This place used to be the place to bury the immortals. The core area of ​​the forest has the Immortals Burial Pond. In the final analysis, it is only a land of wind and cloud. The original Nine Sect experts only needed time to break through the seal and walk out!"

The old man of the Yinling Sect said with a helpless face that he chose to act today because he realized that the world was about to fall into chaos, and if he could not recover completely, he might become a victim.

Being able to become supreme, naturally none of them is a simple existence. They seek good fortune and avoid evil, everyone's perception is extremely sensitive, and they can perceive the crisis from the future in advance, otherwise they would not be able to seal so many strong people in advance Own.

In the ocean of runes, Lin Xiao's injuries recovered in an instant. He controls the rules of trees and possesses the incomplete blood transformation technique. Unless someone can kill with one blow, or consume his own fountain of life, he will not die Lose.


Lin Xiao stepped forward quickly, his snow-white hair fluttering, but madness appeared in his eyes, and the Tianbei hand used it again, hitting the arrow straight with a palm.

The arrow itself was consumed too much, and now it was blown away by Lin Xiao's palm, but Lin Xiao also spewed out blood, his body flew hundreds of feet backwards, and the blood stained the stone forest red.


All of this happened at the same time that Lin Xiao's body was retreating, the arrow pierced through Lin Xiao's heart like a golden spear, nailing his body to the ground forcefully.


The spear roared, and Lin Xiao's body was instantly torn apart. This is the true strength of the golden arrow. Now, when it was about to be destroyed, it gave Lin Xiao a fatal blow.

Lin Xiao's primordial spirit escaped at a critical moment, but waved his hands to reorganize his body, his face became paler and paler.


The sharp voice reverberated, and the golden arrow rushed out again. This was an endless situation.


Lin Xiao's face was ice-cold, and he let out a loud roar. A pair of iron fists went forward bravely, and the bones all over his body roared and reverberated under the reorganization. The blood lines that had stopped increasing suddenly reached as many as nine hundred. The extra hundred Although not as huge as before, it is the tiny blood of Lin Xiao's body, inseparable.

But even if these bloodlines reach nine hundred, Lin Xiao is not satisfied anymore, because he can feel that his body has not yet reached the feeling of being full enough to explode, and this increase in bloodlines is not what he wants Consummation.


The entire karst cave roared under the collision of this blow, a large amount of gravel splashed everywhere, but there were also some ancient trees, which were completely dissipated between the heaven and the earth by the aftermath of the golden arrow. kind of loss.


Lin Xiao's body rolled back again, but this time he bit the tip of his tongue, forced his body to stop in mid-air, and flew away with the arrow again. Under these collisions again and again, he His blood was boiling, it was a life-and-death crisis, and his potential was being tapped out quickly.

"That's right! Although this supernatural power is soulless and its power is not as good as before, it is also a rare sky burial technique of the Liuyue Sect. The second son can resist such a blow in the realm of heavenly sense. At any time, he is proud enough !"

The old man of Yin Lingzong nodded in approval, but he still had no intention of making a move. Obviously, he also understood the purpose of Lin Xiao's doing this. If there was really a crisis, he would have already made a move.

"The successor chosen by that person, how could it be a mortal!" Xing Tian said lightly, but he didn't continue to pay attention to Lin Xiao's side. Now the victory or defeat is only a matter of time, and a pair of eyes on his chest slowly opened, The divine light in it pierces through falsehood and all cover-ups, searching for the location of the stone gate.

According to rumors, what makes the Xingtian clan unique is that members of this clan will not have heads once they reach adulthood, but because of this, all members of the Xingtian clan are brave and good at fighting, fearless of death, and stand out in the universe. It can be called the strongest clan under the nine major races.


Lin Xiao collided with the golden arrow for hundreds of rounds, and the golden light was dyed red by Lin Xiao's blood, but in the end it was the exhaustion of spiritual energy, which caused the crown to be broken by Lin Xiao's palm, and at this moment, Inside Lin Xiao's body, there were thousands of blood lines roaring.

The strong men who chose blood cultivation in the past dynasties will be consummated when their bloodlines reach a thousand, but at this point, they are at least at the level of leaping dragons. After all, the real strength of blood cultivation is not their cultivation, but their ability to swallow blood. powerful.

Even a strong person in the Yuelong realm cannot easily swallow the blood of the descendants of the true spirit, especially in this age of doomsday, but Lin Xiao built his foundation with the true blood of Qingluan and absorbed a large amount of blood from the dinosaur family. It has also absorbed the blood essence of Huoque and Yu Xingtian, and its bloodline is complete, which has reached sufficient conditions.

It is also because of his ability to absorb blood that even if he encounters a blood cultivator of the same realm, Lin Xiao can completely suppress him.


Several powerful bloodlines gathered in Lin Xiao's body, and they were merging rapidly at this moment. Lin Xiao didn't dare to be careless. Now that the old man of the Yinling Sect exists, his safety is no problem, so he quickly sat cross-legged Go under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, take out the remaining leaves of the sweet-scented osmanthus, and start running the blood cultivation method.

At this moment, Lin Xiao, once his blood is fused into one, then his blood cultivation will reach the ninth level, plus his cultivation level of Qi training level nine, even in the face of the mighty, the cultivation level of calming the physical body is still a battle Power.

The only thing he lacks now is the power of rules in his physical body. Now that he has condensed into six realms, and still lacks three realms, he can try to step into the realm of leaping dragons. At that time, he will truly become the top existence among step-by-step monks. Again the underdogs.

At the same time that the golden arrow collapsed, the mysterious old man shook his head and sighed helplessly on the small island of the Burial Immortal Pond: "Time does not wait for me, I am already old, but I have not seen the monks of Wuliu Yuezong, Rising again, this old man is unwilling to close his eyes!"

A soft sigh echoed on the small island, but in the end the old man did not choose to strike again. A monk who has reached this level has his own dignity. Even though it is a mistake to attack a junior, he is unwilling to do it again. the second time.

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