
In the area southwest of Gochen Xing, there was a sudden tremor, and a flash of divine light immediately blasted a huge hole in the ground.


Smoke billowed from the ground, and a smell of burnt meat permeated the air. After smelling the smell of meat, a group of hungry wolves frantically gathered around, their mouths full of haha.

When the smoke dissipated, a person's shape was revealed in the huge hole, but his whole body was burnt. The smell of meat came from this person's body.


After a long silence, the man made a slight movement, but spit out a mouthful of black substance.

"Isn't it too unreliable?"

This person is none other than Lin Xiao who crossed the void. Even a person as cold as him couldn't help but want to complain. It wasn't the first time he crossed the void, but it was the first time he made his body like this.

This is also his physical body. If it were an ordinary powerful man, he would have been burnt to ashes long ago.

In order to help Hu Zi continue his life, Lin Xiao did not choose to go to Tianyuan Forest according to Xing Tian's request, but stayed for half a year to introduce Hu Zi to the realm of Qi training and develop his life fountain. hit the road.

Outside the Tianyuan Forest, it has become a piece of scorched earth. The battle between Xingtian and Yuegong turned the world upside down, almost destroying the teleportation array. In the end, Xuetu had to take Yuegong to escape, but Xingtian was forced by his own conditions. It is also not allowed to cross the void, and prepare to cross the catastrophe to become the supreme.

Now a large number of monks have entered the Gouchen Starfield, so Lin Xiao thought it was safe, but he didn't take any protection and was directly roasted into charcoal.

"Have you heard? The descendant of Emperor Gochen has reappeared, and the younger generation is already invincible!"

"Hehe! You are talking about Fairy Fox. If it comes to beauty, she is naturally invincible in the world, but when it comes to combat power, the young master of Juxian Pavilion, Young Master Lingkong, can be pushed horizontally!"

"Bah! Fairy Hu'er is favored by countless seniors, claiming that his seniority is comparable to that of Emperor Gouchen, and that he will be able to ascend to the top of the emperor in the future. I'm afraid that Young Master Lingkong is not enough to look at!"


Just as Lin Xiao entered a small town from the place where he was teleported, he heard a lot of discussions, but what made him dumbfounded was that a group of monks were arguing red-faced, and it was because of his accidentally lost fox.

For Lin Xiao, this was an unexpected happy event, but it also offset the decadent mood of the teleportation error, and hurriedly walked towards the monk who was discussing.

They were a group of young monks wearing blue Taoist robes. They were all monks in the realm of rebirth. They were considered the strongest in this small town. Most of them were passing by. The discussion just happened when they were resting at this moment.

Gossip is a human instinct, not only for women, but also for many men. These people were blushing, and naturally they didn't notice Lin Xiao's appearance.

"Fellow daoists, I don't know where that fox fairy is now?" Lin Xiao saluted a few of them, and then asked with a smile on his face.

But what surprised Lin Xiao was that those people looked like idiots, turned around and left without any intention of talking to Lin Xiao at all.

Lin Xiao gave a wry smile, but he didn't intend to continue to ask. After all, since this kind of news can be heard everywhere, it is not difficult to inquire about it. His most urgent task is to find a way to improve his own realm.


Just when Lin Xiao was about to step away, his expression froze for a moment, and his eyes fell on an old figure in the distance.

The old man was holding his back, wearing a tattered Taoist robe, he couldn't tell what color it was, and was staggering towards the distance.

"It's him?"

Lin Xiao's jaw dropped in shock, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment, and ran away with a look of hell. Those who have seen Lin Xiao's arrogance must not believe it when they see this scene. , Lin Xiao actually had a day of fear.

"What are you running for, kid?"

The old man in the distance rolled his eyes helplessly, his big yellow teeth were exposed, and he laughed dissatisfiedly, with a completely harmless expression on his face, no difference from the foot-picking uncle in the mortal world .

But the moment he opened his mouth, his figure disappeared from the original place, and when he reappeared, he appeared directly beside Lin Xiao. There was no trace of a monk's breath around his body, but he moved the world with his actions. Turned into an inch, one step came in.

"Long time no see, senior?" Lin Xiao forced a smile on his face. This old man is none other than the fisherman he went to Fengyun Canyon. Now he met him at the other end of the starry sky. Lin Xiao knew it with his toes , I met an expert who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"I am very comfortable with the old man who called me, so I don't blame you for running away just now. Tell me! Why did you run away when you saw the old man? Could it be that the old man is too mighty?"

The old man smeared the stars all over his mouth, and he didn't notice Lin Xiao's face when he sprayed it. After all, he dared to say that he was mighty with such an image, and his skin was probably thicker than the corner of the city wall.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had just crossed the void, and the other party appeared here in advance. If it was a coincidence, he would not believe it if he killed Lin Xiao. Most likely, the other party figured that he would come. Even the little Taoist priest who was discussing may be the other party. deliberately arranged.

The old man's arrangement was probably to let Lin Xiao find himself, and then create a situation of meeting by chance, but Lin Xiao ran away, so he naturally felt a little embarrassed.

"Senior is indeed mighty and extraordinary, don't you know if you have something to do with the boy?" Lin Xiao bowed to the old man. Such a person is full of weirdness, and he really doesn't want to have any interaction with him, because such a person is mysterious and unpredictable.

"You boy! It's a great honor for the old man to find you. Is it true that I really need something to come to you? I am a powerful man, what can I do if I want you as a brat?" The old man said with a dissatisfied face, but Soon he changed the subject: "Boy, have you seen that bastard from the Immortal Monarch in White?"

"I don't know!" Lin Xiao was at a loss, the old man was too mysterious, he couldn't see the identity of the other party, but that wretched smile reminded him of a person, it seemed that the person was getting the storage bag At that time, with such an expression, it was Sirius who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Back then when we separated from that formation, Linley also left with Sirius. It took four or five years to part, but it passed in the blink of an eye, making Lin Xiao feel very sorry for the money-grubbing Sirius and the loyal Linley. , I really miss it.

"Eh? I don't know?" The old man looked surprised, scratched his yellow hair with his dirty hands, kept looking at Lin Xiao and said, "How about we make a deal, boy?"

"Hehe! This junior is wise and powerful, if anything in the world can stump you, this junior won't make trouble for you!" Lin Xiao gave a wry smile, and waved his hand in rejection.

"Bah! You kid, don't be ignorant of good and bad. If it wasn't for your fate with Sirius, the old man owed him a favor back then. If the old ghost in white wants to kill you, it's none of my business!"

The old man cursed dissatisfiedly, but he changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book. Seeing that Lin Xiao was unmoved, he quickly put on a smiling face and said, "Xiao Linzi, you were implanted with consciousness by that white-clothed ghost. You have five fairy swords, I am afraid they are not your opponent's!"


Lin Xiao hurriedly jumped away, while this weird old man kept his distance. At that moment, he had the illusion of being seen through, and was full of guard against this old man. He was even ready to activate five fairy swords, giving the other party a certain amount of power at the critical moment. Kill one hit.

Possessing an imperial weapon is a secret of Lin Xiao's body. If it is spread, the entire Gouchen Star may not have a foothold for him. After all, such an immortal weapon is enough to make all major forces pay any price.

"Hey! Don't be nervous, old man. I am a senior and a man of integrity. I will not steal things from juniors. You just need to cooperate with me and go get something!" The old man smiled smugly , but his eyes kept looking around, this form is like a skilled old thief.

"Steal what?"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes, and asked directly. After all, if he entangled with this old man all the way, there might be no result. Even using the fairy sword, Lin Xiao was not sure that he could really kill him.

"Bah! We cultivators, how can we say that stealing is so ugly, we just go to get things!"

"The Flowing Moon Sect is notorious here, we can only use their things as weeding out the strong and supporting the weak!"

The old man opened his mouth with an aggrieved face, and he almost forced out a few tears to prove how great he is.

"Liuyuezong?" Lin Xiao's heart was beating wildly. He was not familiar with this name before, but now he knows that this is one of the nine sects that his master exterminated. However, he did not expect that the other party not only existed in the southern star of the world, but also It is here that they still have their inheritance.

"Boy, that white-clothed ghost is coming soon. He kills without blinking an eye. It's better for the old man to help you untie the restriction!"

The old man hastily changed the subject at this time, his eyes showed a deep light, only at this moment did he reveal the aura of a strong man, and waved his hand to form a mark in the void.

The imprint is very strange, it looks like a huge gold ingot, shining golden light, a golden mountain was condensed when the old man waved his hand, and quickly enveloped Lin Xiao in it.

I don't know where the old man found a straw, put it nondescript in his mouth full of yellow teeth, and kept muttering: "This ghost in white is too ruthless, this is the imprint of immortality!"

At this moment, in the icy universe, a white figure was slowly taking steps. In one step, it covered a distance of hundreds of miles, and quickly approached Gou Chenxing's position.

This person's long white hair fluttered, giving people a feeling of astonishment in the starry sky. His aura was too outstanding, but his eyes were extremely cold, like two sharp swords piercing the void.

It was the fairy in white who was chasing and killing Lin Xiao. Back then, when he saw Lin Xiao leaving outside Tianyuan Forest, he didn't chase after him, but left a mark. Now he felt Lin Xiao's breath leaving, so he crossed Void caught up.

"who is it?"

Just when the old man untied the mark he left on Lin Xiao, his body paused slightly in the air, but an angry expression appeared on his face, his roar echoed in the dull universe, his body was even more It turned into a shooting star passing by.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to stop me from enforcing the law, I will definitely let you sink into hell forever!" Bai Yixian sneered, stepped into the atmosphere of hook Chen Xing, and rushed straight to Lin Xiao's position .

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