Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 327 Fallen Immortal King

Gou Chenxing

A planet where the Great Emperor was born is vast and boundless. Even if the Great Emperor has disappeared in the long river of history, it is still protected by the Taoist principles left by the Great Emperor. .

In such a land full of legends, there are naturally some hidden ancient lands, some great forces that were born in ancient times and have been multiplying until now, and there are even some powerful races.

Great Zhou, Great Tang, Great Xia, and Great Merchants are all existences with profound foundations, but now the princess of Great Xia, the mysterious old man, and Liu Cai who stepped into the realm of power at that step are all in this small mountain It's hidden in the sky, but it's a bit unbelievable.


The sky shook, the big bloody hand disturbed the universe, blocked the sect master's attack, and directly wanted to buy an opportunity for the big monster.

"who is it?"

Lin Xiao's pupils contracted. Although he also wanted the centipede to transform into a dragon, he was not the one who made the move just now. To be exact, he was one step ahead of him, which made him feel awe-inspiring.

There are at least a dozen people who have reached the realm of great power in the small mountain of hundreds of people. If it is spread out, it will definitely shock the world.

"Everyone is here for the secret of Liuyuezong, and their motives are very impure. This time, if they want to use the centipede to fish in troubled waters, they will probably screw things up!"

Lin Xiao sighed softly, the water in Liuyue Sect was too deep, although these people did their best to cover up, but they couldn't hide this matter from anyone, most likely after the centipede was dealt with, someone would come to deal with them.

Lin Xiao quickly scanned the area in front of the mountain gate, wanting to spot the fisherman in troubled waters among the crowd. After all, he must be an outstanding person of a generation if he can make a move at this time, and under such an environment, he must be an opponent in the future. It's not about being the first to act first, nor can you lose your defense.


At this moment, above the sky, a big golden hand pressed down on the centipede like a mountain. It was so strong and overbearing that people mistakenly thought it was a fairy coming to the world. At this moment, endless fairy light spewed out.

The suzerain of the Liuyue Sect came, dressed in a plain robe of flowing clouds, with a jasper belt around his waist, and his thick hair was floating behind him, full of the domineering arrogance of a powerful man, his gaze was icy towards the centipede spirit, two The fierce killing sword rushed out, clanging.

"Sect Master!" The sect master respectfully bowed to the suzerain, with a relaxed smile on his face. After all, to them, the suzerain is the existence of Liuyue Sect. Now that the other party appears, everything has become a foregone conclusion.


The roar of the killing sword instantly strangled the centipede and turned it into a meat paste. With just one blow, the demon king, who was about to complete the dragon transformation, ended sadly.

"It was not easy for the old man to think of your cultivation, and he couldn't bear to kill him. He kept you for a hundred years, but he once again brought disaster to the world, and he couldn't keep you!"

The suzerain was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and he integrated the centipede's essence into his palm with a wave of his hand, and there was no overflow. It seemed that for him, it was as easy as solving a show.

"At least it is the realm of immortals, unfathomable!" Lin Xiao was shocked. He had already overestimated the Liuyue Sect, but he did not expect that in this period, there would be such a strong person who became the master of this time. variable.

At this time, people have already returned one after another. Seeing the suzerain's bravery, they all chose to remain silent. They lowered their heads and didn't know what they were thinking. Only the old man looked indifferent, with a straw in his mouth, and kept talking. Humming a ditty.

"What kind of strength is this person?" Lin Xiao walked into the old man carefully, and asked with a serious face. This old man is mysterious and unpredictable. He and Sirius may both come from heaven, so he must know a lot.

"This guy is not simple. He was well-known even in ancient times. He is in the realm of immortal generals. He is known as the King of Fallen Heaven, but he never thought that after so long, he is still so young!" The old man said with a serious face .

"Falling Heaven Immortal King?" Lin Xiao was moved. Although he had never heard of the other party's name, how could an existence who dared to be king among the immortals be ordinary, and he could imagine the other party if he could make the old man take it seriously? The strength is probably not weaker than him.

"Hey! 3000 years ago, this guy was a remarkable person. He cultivated to the realm of immortal general in 500 years. He was said to be the most likely existence at that time to enter the realm of sages. Unfortunately, he has not succeeded so far!"

The old man gave a helpless wry smile, but revealed a shocking secret. Monks pay attention to step-by-step progress. No matter how amazing a person is, they may not be able to take such a step, but such a person has The first-line opportunity, its qualifications are beyond doubt.

If it wasn't for the fact that the ancient times had come to an end and the world had undergone great changes, he might really have entered the realm of sages.

Now the world is changing again, and everything is recovering. In the Gouchen Starfield, it has not been concealed. The Fallen Immortal King has left a lot of vitality. Maybe he can really take such a step at a critical moment.

"My suzerain's life expectancy is approaching, and I need a lot of geniuses and treasures in exchange for vitality. The one who contributes the most can enter the inner sect of the Liuyue sect. This is the only place!" , swept towards Lin Xiao and his group.

Obviously, the strong men of the Flowing Moon Sect are like clouds, and it is impossible not to find out the tricks here, but they don't know why they didn't point it out, but now someone is deliberately making trouble, but the Fallen Heaven Immortal King will not suffer from being dumb, and his words are very motivated. of impurity.

For so many years, the mystery of the Flowing Moon Sect has never been discovered. Now that they can enter the Inner Sect, many people are naturally moved.

But there are also people who are worried. Lin Xiao, Princess Daxia, and Liu Cai all have gloomy eyes. There are more than a dozen outstanding talents here, and naturally they have a lot of magic medicine, but who can guarantee that they will Get that spot.

"Is there any limit to this contribution?" Some outer disciples couldn't help but ask. They have been here for more than a year or two, so they are naturally a little impatient.

"The King of Medicine, God's Gold, and Immortal Dew can all be counted as contributions!" Fallen Heaven Immortal King said flatly, he had already understood the purpose of these people, and now the lion is yelling, wanting to kill these people, but he is not worried They don't give it, after all, it's hard for someone to give up such an opportunity.

All the cultivators present were silent for a while, even those great powers all had ugly faces. Even in the Gouchen Starfield, things like Shenjin, Medicine King, and Xianlu are rare treasures, and they need great opportunities, so what? Will be willing to give it like this.

"Old man, are we going to enter the inner sect?" After the crowd dispersed, Lin Xiao asked the old man. After all, the purpose of coming here is probably only the old man who is most sure.

"Fart! What are you doing in there? If there is really a treasure there, then that fella wouldn't lure wolves into the house. It's probably a waste of work!" The old man rolled his eyes, said with a displeased face, and moved his big, smelly feet. , is about to walk towards the residence.

Lin Xiao was very speechless, the image of this old man was too sloppy, if it wasn't because he was sure that the one he met in Fengyun Canyon was the other party, Lin Xiao would probably have thought he was an ordinary old man.

Moreover, the old man lifted the restriction of the white-clothed fairy for himself, which is naturally enough to show that the old man is very powerful, otherwise he would not come in to stir up the muddy water.

The night is bright and the stars are sparse, the breeze caresses the hills, and the emerald ### is shrouded in mist. This should be a very ordinary mountain, but under the night sky, it is swallowing stars, and the whole body is blooming with green light. , like a treasure mountain.


A rainbow of light rushed out from the foot of the mountain and went straight to the top of the mountain. Under the cover of night, it was like a shooting star across the sky. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to find it. It was a monk.

The location where the rainbow light rose was the area where the outer door was located. After the rainbow light passed, the outer door was not calm, and more than a dozen rainbow lights rushed out one after another. Cui###'s secrets, are vowed not to give up.

"Old man, there are so many of you, why are you making so many troubles?" In a hidden corner, Lin Xiao looked up at the sky, and looked at the old man with a puzzled expression. Almost every night, monks couldn't resist going up the mountain. Going up to investigate, there are as few as two people, and as many as twenty. People who don't know think that these Cui### people are night owls.

"You don't know it's because you haven't lived in this area. Although the Fallen Immortal King is very famous, there are living Supremes in the Gochen Starfield, but he is really not enough!"

"The Flowing Moon Sect is one of the Nine Sects of the mythical period, and the way of heaven they master involves the mysteries of time. This kind of thing will tempt even the Supreme Being. What we are looking for is the core technique of the Flowing Moon Sect!"

The old man looked like an idiot, with a straw in his mouth. He was an old fox. He discovered such a big secret when he first arrived in the Gochen Starfield, so naturally he wouldn't let it go easily.

"In ancient times, there were countless gods, and no one could get the profound meaning of this time. Now, ten thousand years have passed. Are you really sure that this thing is still here?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. How many times has the same thing been found? It has not been found for thousands of years, and the only explanation may be that this thing is not here.

Cui### Although it is very big for mortals, in the eyes of monks, especially those with powerful consciousness, everything will not have the slightest secret. He believes in so many powers, it is impossible not to know this point.

Even the fame of Fallen Heaven Immortal King, who gained fame in ancient times, if the profound meaning of Liuyue Sect is really here, how could he let it go, it sounds a bit absurd.

"Boy, this emerald ###, but in the mythical period where the Moon Sect was in charge of inheritance, a small part of the chaos in the ancient times was to find the existence of this emerald ###, but until now the opening of the Dharma-ending era, This Cui### has just reappeared, this kind of opportunity is naturally better not to be missed!"

The old man laughed, he naturally guessed from Lin Xiao's analysis, but the ultimate mystery related to time, once mastered, it is possible to stand on the threshold of longevity, such benefits, no wonder such a young talent is crazy about it .

"Sovereign! Too many monks have come to the Inheritance Sect recently, so nothing will really be discovered?"

In the main hall of Liuyue Sect Master Peak, Cui###'s sect master spoke with a look of fear, but it confirmed the rumors that the old man said were true.

The Fallen Heaven Immortal King sat cross-legged on the futon, his whole body was glowing with divine light, and the rules of time flowed in it. At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "It's better to open it! We also lack the key to unlock the inheritance!"

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