Destiny Immortal Way

Chapter 329 Cloud Flag


A sound of bones colliding came from Lin Xiao's body. The sound came from his spine. It was like a long dragon dancing from his celestial cap to the tailbone, vaguely trying to break through Lin Xiao's body. .

"I've been suppressed for so long, are you going to break through?"

Lin Xiao's heart was full of surprises. There is a saying called death by seeing the light, but now he is shrouded in a ray of light, but he is unwilling to get rid of it. He longs for such a situation to appear in his heart, because he will break his own Restraining, once again creating a peak of oneself.

The endless moonlight, like fireflies crazily surrounding Lin Xiao, contained a unique power in that moonlight, making Lin Xiao's body reborn rapidly.

Leaping into the Dragon Realm, this is the last step of the first monk, but it is also the most critical step. Leaping into the dragon in one step is related to the foundation of becoming a fairy in the future, and this step will be crucial.

"How courageous! Actually hiding in our Liuyue Sect Dujie, is there no one who bullies us?"

One after another icy voices came, the voices were stern and threatening, and at the same time, from the mountain gate, seven beams of light rushed towards them. They were masters at the level of the leader who had already reached the level of leaping dragons for a long time, and now they are facing Lin at the same time. Xiao Chong came over.

They cannot allow someone to trample on the dignity of the Liuyue Sect. They want to crush anyone who despises them, because such a sect once ruled the world in ancient times.

"Too careless!"

"It was actually exposed, is it a warning from Liu Yuezong?"

Those monks who had been with Lin Xiao for a month all chose to watch. They all belonged to different camps. Although they had different thoughts at the moment, no one would stop Liu Yuezong from cleaning up the sect. For them, this might be the opposite. It is a competitor missing, or a warning, don't expose yourself.


Lin Xiao didn't answer, and responded to the seven master-level powerhouses with a punch, a shocking punch, and the golden brilliance turned into seven divine rings, each of which represented brilliance, making the world bleak.


The seven leaders were traveling, and in today's comprehension world, they should be regarded as a relatively large camp, but at this moment, they were all vomiting blood after being beaten, and they rolled back faster than they rushed out, their eyes were full of horror.

Lin Xiao hadn't reached the dragon-jumping realm yet, but with a single punch, he knocked these people back. This level of strength makes people unable to calm down.

"Time is limited, hurry up and let your moon rules condense!" Lin Xiao didn't look at the consequences of that punch, and his heart was full of anxiety. These people just came to test himself. Those who will appear one after another.


A mighty man stepped out from a cave, and he still possessed an aura of swallowing mountains and rivers under the starry sky. When the seven leaping dragons retreated, he rushed out with a cold snort, and the world roared with his hands. , the avenue surged like a tide.

This person is not much weaker than that extremely powerful man, his right hand moved in the void one after another, and the rules were condensed into rules in his palm, and finally turned into a crescent scimitar, shattering the void, until Run to Lin Xiao.

All of this happened too quickly, the moment Lin Xiao showed his traces, the killer was mobilized, without any accountability, it was Lei Ting's method to come up.

Lin Xiao's expression was cold, and the moonlight enveloped him, making him like a moon god. On his left hand, the golden ring belonging to the moon was condensing, but this condensing was too slow, less than one tenth, and with the As time goes by, this kind of cohesion will inevitably become more difficult as it reaches the end.

"Liuyue Sect is really domineering!" Lin Xiao sneered, although he knew the danger, but his character was destined not to back down, his body was like a shooting star, and he rushed straight towards that powerful man.


The curved crescent moon ruined a piece of the night sky, but Lin Xiao's body rushed up unscathed. He raised his right hand, which were five rings of different colors, and pressed down hard on that powerful man.


The sound of bones breaking was heard far away in the dark night, but it caused those who were watching the battle to show unbelievable gazes. With just one blow, that extremely powerful existence was directly beaten back. .

"How did he do it?" Princess Daxia, her face was full of shock. She is also a great power, and she has been wearing too many auras, but even if she tries her best, there is no guarantee that she can get it. Such a record.

"Gou Chen Xing, when did such a hero appear again, not Young Master Ling Kong, not the heir of the Great Emperor Gou Chen, why did he have such fighting power, and why did he have such a talent?"

Many people made voices of despair and resentment. In an era, only a few people are destined to receive the attention of all people. Originally, they were all the arrogance of a sect and power, but in such a gathering of strong people, they became weaker and weaker. few.

Mr. Lingkong, the appearance of Hu'er has already made them feel their own insignificance. Now that Lin Xiao appears again, this will mean that a new star will rise for a moment, and they are destined to be hidden in the darkness.

"Heavenly Sense Realm defeats Da Neng, such a myth may not be impossible to conclude. Although he is powerful, he is a few steps late after all, ### is not difficult!" Liu Cai said with a gloomy expression, his eyes glowed with excitement, and the bones all over his body All beating.


Lin Xiao approached that powerful man, but he didn't act like the nine leaders. Instead, he swept his arms across and chopped the powerful man, blood rained down the night sky. From the fight to the present, it was only a short time. , even if Lin Xiao was suspected of being caught by surprise, such a record is enough to silence all speculations.

Even Lin Xiao felt a little dazed. Once Meng Daoist chased him and had to flee into the Tianyuan Forest, and even finally won by relying on many magic weapons, but now he is so easy to deal with a powerful man. It made him a little unbelievable.

In fact, Lin Xiao didn't know that he had embarked on a path against the sky. Although his rules were somewhat ordinary, these rules were the king of the rules. Therefore, every time he condensed a rule, he definitely did not step into a new path. It's as simple as the sky.

"It turned out to be a monk who has experienced the destruction of the sky. This person cannot be kept. It will be a disaster for the Nine Sects in the future!"

In the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, the door master said with a cold face. He had secretly observed this group of people before, but he never thought that such a big fish was really hidden. Its body shook and went straight to the night sky. Lin Xiao in the middle went away.


The sky and the earth fell into the roar again, purple thunder and lightning gathered in the sky, and instantly evolved into a purple ocean, like a cataclysm that destroyed the world, and made the moonlight dim.

This sect master hides very deeply. He is a Lei Xiu. One foot has already stepped out of the realm of looking at the immortal, and touched the threshold of the immortal. With a wave of his hand, the heaven and the earth can form a catastrophe. The power to be beheaded can not be compared.

He was wearing a purple Lei Hai evolved battle suit, holding that green long spear, without the slightest carelessness, his own strength had reached the extreme, and he quickly rushed towards Lin Xiao.

Blood splattered, and the purple thunder light exploded in the sky. This is an unworldly strong man, and he can flatten the mountains with a wave of his hand. At this moment, if his attack is not because of the prohibition, I am afraid that Cui### will explode open.


Lin Xiao went back and forth, although his physical body was comparable to Lingbao, and his combat power was comparable to Almighty, but this was comparable after all. Before he really took that step, these still could not represent him and Almighty. When the strongest among them fought, his body was blown apart with one blow.


Under the silver light, Lin Xiao's physical body quickly reorganized. He has mastered the blood transformation technique. Excessive consumption of one's own essence, except for the abnormal existence of the blood cultivator, the rest of the cultivators would not dare to use it, and the price would be too high.

"You are not bad, you can survive in the hands of the old man!" The door master snorted coldly. He was not as mediocre as he appeared in the daytime. With him can live forever.

"Unfortunately, you are not the strongest among the Lei Xius that Lin has seen!" Lin Xiao said flatly, his words were not disrespectful, but sincere. qualifications.

"Speak out loud! Suffer death!"

But such words, in the ears of the sect master, were naked humiliation. With a loud roar, the spear in his hand swept down towards Lin Xiao's position again.

At this moment, in Lin Xiao's left hand, less than three-tenths of the rules of the moon were condensed. Even if Lin Xiao could survive this blow, it would be impossible for the rules of the moon to fully condense.


Lin Xiao snorted coldly, the cloud flag was sacrificed by him, it was a life-and-death struggle, no one stipulated that he must use his own strength, he had many means to save his life, among which the Tianbei and Zhuxian Sword were the most powerful in the world. Strong existence, if he is really forced to that point, the outcome is really unknown.


The cloud flag danced and unfolded under the moonlight, and seven white clouds rushed out of it, each of which was as big as a mountain, and they were unusually eye-catching in the night sky.

"The magic weapon of the void?"

The door master let out an exclamation, and his body rushed out like a bolt of lightning. Obviously, the appearance of this magic weapon made him realize that there might be variables in the matter, and he planned to solve it quickly.

At this time, the seven white clouds did not give the sect master a chance to fight back. Accompanied by the roar, they appeared strangely beside the sect master, and instantly formed a space, forcing such a peerless powerful , trapped in it.


The spear in the door master's hand shattered the void, distorting the moonlight for a while, but the seven white clouds were illusory, and they were not affected in the slightest.

Immortal treasures are also divided into three types, one is the seal of mountains and rivers, vegetation, four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, which is called the magic treasure of the earth.

There is also a seal for the sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, known as the magic weapon of the sky. Although this kind of fairy treasure is rare in the fairy world, it is not uncommon, and it has become the magic weapon most refined by immortals.

The last one is also one of the fairy treasures that the immortals want to obtain in their dreams. It is the magic weapon of the sky that the door master said. This kind of magic weapon seals not ordinary scenes, but the sky. Rare, each one is bound to cause a stir.

Although the sect master now possesses the power of thunder and lightning, which is rare in visions, but in the self-contained space of the magic weapon of emptiness, he still cannot break free easily. You can see how powerful this magic weapon is, otherwise you won't be able to break free. It aroused the concern of the old man.

It's a pity that Lin Xiao is not a fairy, so even if he controls the magic weapon of space, once he is forced out by the sect master, and he fails to condense the rules of the moon, what awaits him is still death.

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