Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 10] Jiang Mier, you devil!

Driving Jiang Mier's car, Li Xiaochen stepped on the accelerator on purpose to vent his dissatisfaction.The song "Fuck You" was also playing in the car.

Jiang Mier sat in the passenger seat and hummed a ditty to the music.

After a while, she sent a text message and asked, "Li Xiaochen, you are a normal man, should you like women?"

"There's nothing wrong with me, why don't you like women?"

"Do you like me?"

Li Xiaochen was slightly taken aback, and then smiled and said: "Jiang Mier, I admit that your charm is indeed not small. But you won't be so narcissistic that you think all the men in the world will bow down under your grass skirt?"

Jiang Mier pressed the phone and said, "Do you know what food like Jiang Mi tastes like?"

"I haven't tried it. But I guess, it should have both the sweetness of honey and the spicyness of ginger."

The corner of Jiang Mier's mouth curled up in a confident arc, and she said, "I bet you that in the future you will fall in love with me crazily and irresistibly. Your feelings for me must be both sweet and spicy, love and hate at the same time, If you want to be dissatisfied, you can't stop!"

"Crazy!" Li Xiaochen turned the steering wheel, and the car drove in another direction.

"Why did you turn around suddenly, where are you going?"

"I think I should send you to the psychiatric hospital for examination first. Nong's brain is out of order."

"Hehe, you're guilty. Tell you the truth. As long as it's what I want, I can't get it. As long as I like a man, I can get it. You are in my pocket now."

Li Xiaochen smiled: "You are so domineering, do you think you are a pure man, brother Chun?"

Jiang Mier ignored his sarcasm, and said with a coquettish smile, "In less than 5 minutes, I'll make you love and hate me."

Li Xiaochen shook his head, not wanting to mess around with Jiang Mier anymore, and instead said, "Miss Jiang, my family..."

"What do you call me? I'm a serious girl, not 'Miss.'"

"Okay, Miss Jiang, my family..."

"Why do I think the title 'girl' is weird? I always think that girl is my aunt's mother. They call me old."

"Jiang, Mi, Er, is it alright? I..."

"It's rude to call a beautiful woman by her first name."

"Hey! Jiang Mier, what exactly do you want!"

"Won't you call me by my name? You idiot." Jiang Mier threw an LV bag and it hit Li Xiaochen's head.

"Call you Mi'er? Forgive me. This name is so disgusting. It's so sweet that it makes one's body tremble, creepy..." Before finishing speaking, Li Xiaochen shrank his head vigilantly, avoiding the whistling mobile phone.

With a whoosh, the mobile phone flew out of the car window and was crushed by a Mercedes-Benz.

"How much is your mobile phone, it should be quite expensive?"

"It's not expensive, just over 8000 yuan."

Li Xiaochen was dumbfounded, and said, "Rich people are different. They dare to throw more than 8000 yuan."

Jiang Mier pursed her lips and smiled, took out her mobile phone from her bag, shook it triumphantly, and said, "Which eye of yours saw that my mobile phone was lost?"

"Ah!" Li Xiaochen touched his pocket and found that his mobile phone was missing, he yelled anxiously, "You devil, you actually threw away my mobile phone!"

"If the old ones don't go away, the new ones won't come. Just go and buy them again."

"You bought it for me?" Li Xiaochen looked depressed, "Besides, there are many people's contact information in my phone. How can I buy it back?"

Jiang Mier looked at her mobile phone, as if she had succeeded in her tricks, she suddenly changed the subject and said, "You have a lovely younger sister in your hometown, and a bedridden mother. If you kill the old, weak, women and children, it's not good for my hands." It’s just so easy to come down.”

"You!" Li Xiaochen shuddered, and was about to speak when the phone rang.

As soon as Jiang Mier saw the caller ID, she picked it up and asked, "How is things going?"

The other end of the phone replied: "Everything has been taken care of, please rest assured."

"Very good. Act according to the original plan... Well, yes, give the mother and daughter a generous gift... How to do it, you know?"


After closing the phone, Jiang Mier smiled at Li Xiaochen and said, "Your family...will be finished soon."

"Jiang Mier! Give me the phone! I want to call my sister!" Li Xiaochen didn't understand what Jiang Mier was thinking.

If she really killed his family... Even if he couldn't beat her, he would fight this witch with all his might!

But there was still a little luck in his heart.He would rather believe that she was just joking with himself.

Just as Jiang Mier was about to speak, the phone rang again.

She looked down, smiled, picked it up, and said in a pure and sweet tone: "Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"

The person on the phone let out a "huh" and asked in surprise, "Why is it a woman?"

"Oh, you're looking for our Achen?" Jiang Mier put the phone to Li Xiaochen's ear with a smile.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Brother, it's me, I'm your sister...Xiao Xiao."

"Little?" Li Xiaochen glanced at Jiang Mier in surprise, and understood in an instant: before throwing his phone away, this girl took out the SIM card and put it in her phone.

"Hello? Brother...can you hear me?"

"heard it."

"Brother... I, I'm so scared, someone is going to kill me..."

Hearing the trembling voice, Li Xiaochen was so frightened that he quickly stopped the car, grabbed the phone, and glared at Jiang Mier angrily: "You really sent someone to kill my family?"

Jiang Mier looked helpless.That expression seemed to say: That's what I told you from the beginning.

"Brother, woo...what to do? Where are you, come and save me..."

"Xiao Xiao, hurry up and find a place to hide! Call the police immediately! Ah, by the way, where is our mother?"

"Mom, she... her old man... woo woo..." A small voice whimpered in the phone.

Even if the sentence is not finished, it is enough to let the listener know its general meaning.

Li Xiaochen froze, trembling uncontrollably.

Suddenly, he grabbed Jiang Mier's arm and yelled: "Jiang Mier, thanks to you, you still look like a fish and a wild goose, and you are ashamed of the moon! Why are you so cruel and merciless when you do things! You, you, a witch with a scorpion's heart , the female devil who kills without blinking an eye! You are a fierce monster in painted skin! I will fight with you!"

"Brother, brother... are you listening?" Just as Li Xiaochen was about to make a move, a small voice came from the phone again.

He suppressed his anger and said, "I'm listening. Xiao Xiao, I will avenge our mother now!"

"Revenge? What kind of revenge? Haha, brother, aren't my acting skills great? Even you were deceived, hahaha..."

"Huh?" Li Xiaochen blinked, and the anger that rushed up suddenly vented a lot, "What's going on?"

"The thing is like this. A kind uncle helped us pay all the related medical expenses just now. But he has a request, saying that he wants to invite me to cooperate with acting to scare you..."

"So what you said just now was a lie?"

"Yeah, haha, brother, you are so stupid, so easy to be fooled. Oh no, brother, you are still very smart. But your sister and I have outstanding acting skills, better than you, hee hee!"

Li Xiaochen felt relieved, and let go of a hanging heart.

But he quickly asked worriedly: "Are you sure you didn't lie to me now?"

"Haha, brother, if you don't believe me, I'll ask my mother to talk to you."

"No, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine...Let her old man talk less and rest more. Also, don't make fun of this kind of thing next time!"

"It was that uncle who asked me to do so. And it sounds like fun. So I just..."

Before the novel was finished, Li Xiaochen scolded angrily: "Why do you trust people so easily? Aren't you afraid that the uncle with unknown background is a liar! Make me worry about it!"

"Don't worry. Your sister is smart, she's not so easy to fool... Oh, speaking of this, brother, please confirm, did you remit 20 yuan to my account?"

"When did I send you the money?"

"Stop pretending, brother. Just now you sent a text message asking me if I got the money..."

Li Xiaochen turned his head to look at Jiang Mier who was admiring the scenery, and suddenly realized:

It turned out that she checked my family to pay for the hospitalization of my mother... But I misunderstood her.

No, it's not my fault.Jiang Mier, if you do good deeds, do them right, why make things so complicated?

The worst thing is, this ghost girl dared to ask someone to join Xiaoxiao to lie to me!

Alas, forget it, as long as my mother is safe and sound, everything can be forgiven.

Thinking about it, Li Xiaochen didn't know what was going on in his heart.

He wanted to thank Jiang Mier, but he caught a glimpse of a dark smile on her pretty face, which made Li Xiaochen's teeth itch with hatred when he was being tricked.

Want to scold this beautiful woman, after all, she has helped a lot, and I owe her a lot, how can I be ashamed?

At this time, Xiao Xiao asked again on the phone: "By the way, who answered the phone just now? The voice is so sweet. Could it be my sister-in-law?"

"Of course not. She's me... Cough, she's the boss, she was joking with you just now." As he spoke, Li Xiaochen gave Jiang Mier a white look.The latter stuck out his cute little tongue, with an expression of what can you do to me.

"Is it—?" Xiaoxiao purposely prolonged her voice, expressing her doubts, "Why does your boss have your mobile phone? Could it be... Wow! Brother, you big bastard! Even your boss dares to push you down. It's very dirty It's violent, but I like it!"

Li Xiaochen sighed helplessly, and said, "Where do you want to go? I just went to have a meal with her..."

"And take a bath together?" Before he could finish speaking, Xiaoxiao cleverly took over the conversation and continued, imagining: "Kiss and hug together again? And then... ah! Brother, you are so evil Ha ha, but I like it too! By the way, when will I be an aunt? Work hard, hurry up, I can't wait!"

Li Xiaochen felt a big headache: "What's on your mind?"

"Hmph, anyway, I found out. That must be my future sister-in-law. Otherwise, how could she have said 'our dust' just now? Eh~ It's disgusting. You actually fell in love with your female boss. I Tell our mother!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense! Let our mother hear this lie."

Based on Li Xiaochen's understanding of Xiaoxiao, she will definitely add fuel to her mother and talk nonsense.

At that time, if the Lafayette really believed it, he would definitely ask him to take his "daughter-in-law" back to show her.

That would be a real mess.

"Then I'm going to talk to my sister-in-law. You give her the phone."

"Hey, everyone said that I have nothing to do with her. You..."

"Hmph, sophistry, sophistry, don't listen! You don't let me talk to my sister-in-law. I'll tell our mother about you right away!"

"Okay, I really lost to you..." Li Xiaochen really had no choice but to compromise, "You can talk to her, but don't mention such things in front of our mother."

"Well... that's good. You were originally going to be sentenced to death. Now it's changed to death sentence with reprieve. I'll talk to our mother in a few days."

"Then how can I do it! Now I will be released after serving my sentence!"

"Brother, you have no leverage to bargain with me. I want to talk to my sister-in-law, and I want it now."

Li Xiaochen sighed helplessly, and returned the phone to Jiang Mier: "My sister wants to chat with you."

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