Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 100) Walking into the Mountain

"Didn't it be agreed before? I will learn from you to cultivate immortals until your wish is fulfilled. So of course I must protect you." Li Xiaochen turned his head and glanced at Jiang Mier, "Don't tell me you don't remember. "

Jiang Mier sighed faintly: "Apart from these, is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaochen replied firmly.

"What is it?" Jiang Mier once again had a glimmer of hope and expectation.

"A manly man, of course, is a promise. I am a person who values ​​promises, and I don't promise people easily. But once I promise, I have to do what I say. If I can't do it, I will never promise."

"Are you doing this to me because of your promise?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"Aside from this, is there any other reason? You can think about it later."

"This one. It seems... there is no more...? Wow! Jiang Mier, it hurts, don't bite me! Why are you so nervous? Oh, let go! I haven't treated you badly this way. Why are you biting back? I take a bite?"

"Hmph! Let me ask you again, is there any special reason why you are so kind to me?"

"It's gone. What I should say, didn't I say it just now...Hey, you still bite! Didn't you know I would hurt?"

"Then tell me, is there any more?"

"You are extorting a confession by torture. There is no such thing. After you do it like this, you have to have everything... Ah! It hurts, don't bite! Yes, yes, there is a special reason, I said yes, can't you?" ?”

"Ghosts believe it. You're just biting into a trick. You have no sincerity at all." Jiang Mier opened her small mouth, and bit Li Xiaochen's shoulder again.

"I...Damn! You said you have it, but you still bite? You are an unreasonable shrew!"

"I'm just being unreasonable. I'm just being mean. I'm just being a savage. What can you do to me? There's no reason to talk to a woman, fool."

"It's exciting, isn't it? Once you gain some strength, you will be dishonest. I see you... Hey! Jiang Mier, don't slap my round and plump ass!"

"Drive! Drive! Pony run!"

"Come on, don't go too far. If you abuse me again, I will sue you at the wspa!"

Jiang Mier patted Li Xiaochen's buttocks like she was riding a horse, and asked with a smile, "What is wspa?"

"World Animal Protection! The technical term is als. I'm so uneducated, I don't even know this."

"Oh, hehe~Little Maju, you go and sue me. Drive! Drive!"

Hee hee made a fuss for a while, seeing that Jiang Mi'er was in better spirits, Li Xiaochen felt a little more at ease.He hurried forward, speeding up and headed northwest.

For several days in a row, Li Xiaochen dared not walk on the main road, and only chose to walk along the back and forth.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road.The mountain road is gradually becoming more and more rugged.In the end, I couldn't even see a single person.

According to the map, Li Xiaochen got away from the hustle and bustle and entered the deep mountains.

The maze of winding roads made him dizzy.The end mark on the map given by Head Taiwei should refer to this area.

But where is the legendary fairy doctor and hag?

Li Xiaochen took out his mobile phone, wanting to call Melzac.But the phone has long since died.

Even if there is still power, there will be no signal in this barren mountain.

He had to grit his teeth and walk up the mountain.

Only halfway up the mountain, Li Xiaochen smelled a disgusting stench.This disgusting smell seems to be wafting down from the mountains.

Li Xiaochen exhaled in disgust, trying to expel the stench he inhaled.

Jiang Mier, who was on her back, knew that he was holding her thighs with both hands, and couldn't cover her nose.So she took out a wet tissue and covered Li Xiaochen's mouth and nose.

The scent on the paper towel dilutes the stench.Li Xiaochen felt more comfortable and continued to walk up.

Not long after walking, Li Xiaochen saw a lot of people gathered in front of him, talking about something.

Jiang Mier looked at them a few more times, and said to Li Xiaochen in a low voice: "They are from the Jiang family. Hurry up and hide!"

Before they found out, Li Xiaochen got into the grass beside him and put Jiang Mier down.He also got down on the stomach, covering his body with the grass.

"How did they know we were coming here?"

Jiang Mier shook her head and said, "I don't know either. We have to find a way to bypass them. Otherwise we won't be able to get in."

Li Xiaochen nodded in agreement, looked around for a while, and accidentally caught a hare.

He rolled his eyes and said with a hey smile: "There is a way."

Taking out a pre-written Flying Talisman Seal, Li Xiaochen tied it to the hare's leg.Then drive the hare to run up the hill along the grass.

Waiting quietly for it to bypass the Jiang family's disciples and run out of sight, Li Xiaochen took Jiang Mi'er and activated the teleportation technique.

The two passed them easily.

Li Xiaochen picked up Jiang Mier again, and went up for a while.The fog on the mountain is getting heavier and heavier, making it difficult for people to see things in front of them clearly.

After walking for another hour, Li Xiaochen heard the cry of a toad.

Add to this the unpleasant hiss of snakes.

The stench that flowed all over the sky became stronger and stronger.If it wasn't for the wet tissue, Li Xiaochen would have vomited out the food in his stomach.

"Jiang Mier, can you still bear the smell?" The visibility is getting lower and lower.Li Xiaochen had to stop to check the surrounding terrain.

"It's okay." Jiang Mier listened carefully for a while, and then said suddenly: "Have you heard of it? Usually, there are at least three snakes guarding the Ganoderma lucidum, which is very aura. Besides turtles and foxes, snakes are also very powerful. Spiritual animals. In order to absorb the essence of the sun, the moon, and the aura of heaven and earth, they often stay in places with aura.”

Li Xiaochen asked, "What do you want to say?"

Jiang Mier smiled: "This mountain has many good fairy medicines, so there are also many poisonous snakes and strange beasts. Of course, there are also many poisonous flowers, poisonous weeds and poisonous insects. Someone set up this fog formation to prevent people from entering In the mist, there is also a very mysterious and complicated array. Ordinary immortal cultivators will of course return home in defeat."

Li Xiaochen heard the meaning in her words, and asked, "Can you get through here safely?"

"You can give it a try." Jiang Mier thought for a while, figured out the direction clearly, and told Li Xiaochen to go straight for sixteen steps, then turn left and walk seven steps.

Li Xiaochen thought to himself: This mountain road is narrow, so it's no problem to go straight.But don't you hit the mountain wall when you turn left?

However, he trusted Jiang Mier very much, and although he was puzzled, he did as he did.

Sure enough, when turning left, there is a secluded path in the mountain, which can lead to the mountainside.

"Jiang Mier, you are really amazing. You have discovered all of this." Li Xiaochen said as he walked, admiring her endlessly in his heart.

This fog is heavy, hindering people's vision.Jiang Mier came here for the first time, and she was able to figure out the way ahead.

It seems that there is really some magical formation in this fog.

After walking for a long time, Li Xiaochen followed Jiang Mier's guidance and ran on the winding mountain road.

Even though there was always a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, he was not bitten by any poisonous insects.The fishy smell has also faded a lot.

Seeing that he was walking more smoothly, Jiang Mier felt more at ease.The array formed by the opponent is indeed exquisite.

A series of nested mazes in odd arrays.You can break through the first layer of formations, but you may not be able to survive the smaller formations that are intertwined with it.

This formation builder has a meticulous mind and is good at calculation.The formation is weird and changeable.If you are not careful, you will be trapped on this mountain.

Fortunately, Jiang Mier's knowledge is very profound.These formation problems are not difficult for her.

She casually said the direction and the number of steps, after many complicated calculations and deduction.Maybe it's just a simple number, but it uses the essence of what she has learned all her life.

After walking around the mountain for a long time, Li Xiaochen suddenly saw a woman in a blue gown digging herbs by the side of the road.

Hearing footsteps nearby, the woman turned her head and saw Li Xiaochen and Jiang Mier on his back.

She obviously didn't expect anyone to pass by here, and was taken aback for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Xiaochen saw the opponent's face clearly.

On her delicate and beautiful face, there are luxurious and beautiful features.

Some people are very beautiful when they take out every one of the five senses.But when put together, it's not so dazzling.

This beauty is different.Her facial features are not only correct and pretty, but also well-proportioned and suitable when matched, pure and lovely, which makes people feel very comfortable.

If you don't look at her face, but just look at her figure, compared to Jiang Mier, she is a bit less bumpy.Generally speaking, she can be regarded as a rare pure girl in the world.

It's just that this beauty looks like a shy and shy type no matter how she looks.

In this open age, in this depraved world, such a girl is really rarer than a rare animal.

Li Xiaochen thought to himself: I've been walking for so long, except for those Jiang family disciples, I didn't find any strangers in the mountains.Where did this little beauty come from?Could it be that she is a fairy doctor and hag?Cough, I'm a little younger.The ghost doctor and ghost woman should be at the level of mother-in-law.

The little beauty picked up the basket containing herbs and looked at Li Xiaochen timidly.

After scrutinizing it carefully for a long time, the little beauty seemed to see something, but it was inconvenient to speak out.

Seeing that Li Xiaochen was also staring at her curiously, she blushed a little, not daring to make eye contact with him.

Then, he cast his gaze on Jiang Mier's face.The little beauty snorted, and was quite interested in Jiang Mier.

After observing for a while, she frowned slightly, as if in deep thought.

After a while, the little beauty finally spoke: "This elder sister's eyes are dull and her energy and blood are low. She should feel weak and dizzy from time to time. If my guess is correct, have you been hit by something called Wulian Jinfeng?" Forbidden technique?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen and Mi showed surprise in unison.

Don't look at this little beauty who is a little shy, but just looking at Jiang Mier's face, she hit the wound on her body.

Li Xiaochen and Jiang Mier faced each other day and night, and could not see any changes in her.At this time, he heard the little beauty say that Jiang Mier's eyes were dull, and he came to his senses: Jiang Mier had always been radiant before.How can you lose your eyesight?It must have been sucked away by the Wulian Absolute Sealing Technique to become what it is now.This little beauty's judgment is also accurate.

Affirming her diagnosis in his heart, Li Xiaochen immediately turned his surprise into joy, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, you are a ghost doctor, right?"

The little beauty hasn't answered yet.A stern voice floated from a distance: "Xiaosha, who are you talking to?"

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