Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 18] Qi Gathering Practice

The first three layers of Taixuan Tian Qing Dao: Qi Gathering, Pill Condensation, and Foundation Establishment are the foundations of cultivating immortals.

Especially the first level of "qi gathering", although it is just an introductory homework, it must be paid attention to from beginners to the golden body.

If the gas gathering speed is not fast enough, then the pill condensation will definitely fail.

The criterion for judging whether one can enter from "gathering qi" to "condensing pill" is how much the three elements of heaven and earth can be gathered within a certain period of time.

When congealing pills, it takes a lot of real energy.If the speed and quality of gas gathering are not high, and the supply is in short supply, then the inner alchemy cannot be condensed smoothly.

Before, Jiang Mier asked Li Xiaochen to do the homework of copying talisman seals, not only to teach him more about the incantations, but also to increase his speed of gathering energy.

"Your current energy gathering speed is not enough to practice at the 'Congealing Pill' stage." Jiang Mier took out a pen from her bag and said to Li Xiaochen, "Take off your clothes."

"You, what are you going to do? I'm a showman, not a person." Li Xiaochen covered his chest with both hands.The body subconsciously leans back.

Jiang Mier sneered and said, "Even if you give it back for nothing, I don't want it. Don't worry about it. Take off your clothes."

Li Xiaochen looked at Jiang Mier suspiciously: "Are you sure you don't have any wrong thoughts about my strong and attractive male body?"

"Can you take it off? If you don't take it off, I'll take it off for you."

"You really have that dirty idea!"

"Stop babbling. If it's a man, take it off quickly!"

"Hey, Jiang Mier, what are you doing? You, you, you, don't come here...Ah! You demon girl, the overlord is so hard on you! Wow! You pervert, you actually tore it to pieces! This dress is very expensive Two pieces for eight yuan! You are trampling on my dignity as a man... Okay, I know my pectoralis major is very sexy, but please don’t rub it in such a perverted way, okay? Please It's...hey, still touching, don't you understand Chinese...don't, baa daddy bitter (please stop)~"

Jiang Mier used a pen to draw a very complicated seal on Li Xiaochen's Tanzhong acupoint.Then he squeezed a seal on his chest with one hand, and slapped Li Xiaochen's chest with his palm.

I saw the secret seal flashing a soft white light.In the blink of an eye, all the white light is included in the secret seal drawn with thousand-year-old ink.

"Why do you call it so exaggerated? You're going to die." Jiang Mier punched Li Xiaochen's stomach, and gave him another look, "If someone eavesdrops on you, you'll think I've done something to you Woolen cloth."

Li Xiaochen was lying on the sofa, clutching the two spots on his chest, with a miserable expression: "Since I was young, except for my mother, no woman has ever been so bold as to attack my breasts..."

"Okay, don't pretend to be innocent there. I've touched it, and I'll be responsible for you. Get up." Jiang Mier put away the pen, and said: "This secret seal is passed down from generation to generation in my mother's family. The 'Seal of True Essence' that came down has the effect of gathering true essence. You can usually store the remaining true essence in this secret seal. When you need the true essence, it will be released automatically to help you."

Li Xiaochen sat up: "That is to say, what Jizhenyin is a warehouse for storing real essence?"

"It can be understood in this way. Now you try to inject your true energy into Jizhen Seal. Then you desperately gather the three elements of heaven and earth. This will allow you to practice Qi gathering without wasting your true yuan. When you are proficient in gathering Qi, you can I can let you try condensing pills."

"Such a good thing, why didn't you draw it for me in the first place?"

Jiang Mier gave Li Xiaochen a big white eye: "The collection of true seals is a secret that is not passed on to those who are not close relatives. I have no choice but to. If it wasn't for time constraints, how could it be easier for you?"

"Yes, you are the best to me."

"Then should you repay me?"

Li Xiaochen hastily tightened his belt, and begged, "Leave me the lower body, heroine..."

Jiang Mier kicked him off the sofa: "Who wants to see your lower body? There are so many black hairs."

Li Xiaochen turned pale with fright, and picked up his clothes to cover his crotch: "You, when did you see it? Oh——I see. You actually peeped at my charming sleeping posture while I was asleep! How despicable !"

Jiang Mier spat: "Where did you think? I'm talking about your leg hair, it's dark and ugly."

"Tch, what do you know? This is a symbol of a man's glory. Haven't you heard of it? In a man's life, even if he is struck by lightning, there are three major things that must be done."

Jiang Mier asked curiously, "Which three things? Let's talk about it."

"Listen well. A man who has never shaved his beard, cut his nose hair, or grown ecstatic leg hair, then his life is destined to be incomplete."

Jiang Mier chuckled and said, "Shave, cut nose hair, and grow leg hair, these are the three major things a man must do?"

Li Xiaochen said seriously: "Please allow me to correct you. It's not the long leg hair, but the 'depressed ecstasy'... leg hair."

Jiang Mier chuckled: "You guys really have ambitions. Start gathering energy quickly, don't play poorly there."

Putting aside the jokes, Li Xiaochen also knew that the situation was not optimistic, so he sat cross-legged, first injected his own true energy into the Jizhen seal, and then gathered it according to the method.

Jizhenyin swallows zhenqi very quickly.Almost as soon as I met it, I absorbed it.

Gathering Qi, the introductory homework of Tai Xuan Tian Qing Dao, focuses on gathering vitality and strengthening the true essence of the human body.

Practicing diligently can regulate the yin and yang of the human body and develop potential.

After practice, the four acupoints of Baihui, Perineum, Shenque and Mingmen will form a circulatory and respiratory system in which yin and yang converge.

The subtlety can only be realized by practitioners.

A person with sufficient vitality will naturally be free from all diseases, and even the amount of food ingested will decrease.

This is the so-called "full of breath".Those who are full of vitality don't think about eating.

There was a famous old monk Guangqin in modern Taiwan.For decades, he did not eat staple food and only took fruit as a meal, so he was called "fruit master".

After the age of 80, because all the teeth fell out, he could not eat fruit, so he ate milk and fruit juice.

This eminent monk, who had achieved success in practice, lived until the age of 95, without suffering from illness, and passed away peacefully.

He is the best example of "full of gas and not thinking about food".

The human body is like a car.Some cars are fuel-efficient, while others are fuel-efficient.

A fuel-efficient car can maintain its own activities without requiring too much fuel.

Fuel-guzzling cars don’t have enough meals in the morning, lunch and evening, but also have morning tea, afternoon tea and supper.Even eat eight meals a day.

So what kind of people save fuel and what kind of people consume fuel?

The mind is pure, with few delusional thoughts, and those who are full of vitality save fuel.

On the contrary, people who think wildly and have delusional thoughts all day long, and who lack the three treasures of energy and spirit consume fuel.

In the Shu Mountains of Sichuan, there are long-lived practitioners who have lived for hundreds of years. They only need a day of gold a day, which is enough.

There are five supernatural foods described in the Zengyi Agama Sutra.One of them is "Zen Pleasure as Food".

Zen Joy, as the name suggests, means that those who enter meditation will feel happy in their hearts.

This kind of person does not need food and grains in the world, but only eats the joy of Zen.

Gathering Qi can certainly replenish vitality.But if you consume more than you take in, you are also lacking vitality.

Therefore, reducing delusions is also a compulsory course for practitioners.

With the help of Jizhen Seal, Li Xiaochen, who used to gather energy for a while to reach saturation, can continue to practice.

Cooperating with Jiang Mier's mantra of the cross, he gradually entered the state of emptiness, where delusions were cast aside and thoughts diminished.

Last time, in order to save Jiang Mi'er who was seriously injured, Li Xiaochen drove the ducks to the shelves, and did Qi gathering exercises in a daze, but he didn't get the real essentials.

In the past few days, copying talismans and seals is like a blind bug, practicing blindly.

It was not until today that he realized the beauty of "gathering Qi".

With less delusion, the speed of gathering the three elements of heaven and earth will immediately increase exponentially.The vitality is also being sucked into the body faster and faster.

The purer the heart, the closer to the way of heaven, and realize the feeling of being one with nature.

But delusions cannot be eliminated in one go.After persisting for a while, Li Xiaochen felt delusional again.

He felt like a coach sitting in the tent, alone and helpless.The delusion is like a large number of rebels encircling and suppressing from all directions.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, the situation fell apart.Really want to kill the thief, powerless.

Just when the delusion could not be suppressed, I suddenly heard Jiang Mier say from the side: "Don't pay attention to the delusion, let it fend for itself, just focus on the mantra of the cross. Read it clearly in your heart. In your ear I can hear you clearly."

As soon as these words fell into his ears, Li Xiaochen immediately put them into practice as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

He no longer suppressed those endless delusions, and only put all his energy on reciting the mantra of the cross silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Xiaochen actually found that his delusions had been greatly reduced.

In fact, the principle of the method mentioned by Jiang Mier is exactly what is said in "The Comprehensive Chapter of Dashizhizhi Buddha Recitation": all the six sense organs are captured, and the pure thoughts are followed one after another, so as to obtain samadhi, this is the first.

People in the Saha world, among the six faculties, the ear faculties are the sharpest.Therefore, listening attentively is the most extraordinary one.

It's just that what Li Xiaochen recited was Taixuan Tianqing's cross mantra.The Yuantong chapter talks about the method of reciting Buddha's name, which is perfect in the ear.

But ten thousand dharmas belong to the clan, and the theories of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are fundamentally the same, and there is no difference.

It's just that the three schools are aimed at people of different levels.

Confucianism is like a primary school, teaching people the principles of life so that they can become a gentleman in the world;

Taoism is like a middle school, describing the cause and effect of man and nature, teaching people to change their lives and become immortals;

Buddhism is like a university, which allows people to fully understand the truth of the universe and life, leave the six realms, realize Bodhi, and get happiness from suffering.

If you can comprehend, you will reach the same goal through different paths, and harmony will be unimpeded.

The end point of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is the same.

By the time the energy gathering practice was over, it was already dark.

Jiang Mier knelt beside the coffee table, lying crookedly on the edge of the coffee table, and fell asleep, as if she had been guarding Li Xiaochen before.

Li Xiaochen pushed Jiang Mier: "Go to bed and sleep. Are you not tired after sleeping like this?"

Jiang Mier didn't realize it, obviously she was in a deep sleep.

Li Xiaochen stared at this Sleeping Beauty, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: a beauty is a beauty.Even sleeping can sleep so beautifully.

Li Xiaochen has too many questions to ask this beauty who hides too many secrets.

Thinking back carefully, he remembered that ever since he met Jiang Mier that night, his life had undergone earth-shaking changes.

He was supposed to be a work-study student and a poor student, but he caused a lot of trouble.Now it is considered notorious in the school.

In order to help his employer achieve his goal, he had to practice hard first, escort Jiang Mier to some elder, and then complete his fiancé's mission.

Maybe during the period, we have to avoid the killer's pursuit, break through the traps set by the other party, and smash the sinister conspiracy of family relatives...

My God, how could such an absurd and thrilling cliché plot exist in reality?And it happened to him.

Li Xiaochen smiled wryly, feeling that he didn't know Jiang Mier at all.

Whether it's her family background or her quirky personality, she is always a mystery.

Maybe that whoever is right.

an (translation: "A woman is beautiful because of a secret" or "The secret makes a woman more feminine").

Jiang Mier is undoubtedly this kind of person.She is like a white cloud in the sky, without a fixed shape and unpredictable.

It can only be looked up to but not touched.Even if you try your best to approach and touch it, you will soon find that everything is just a cloud.

Li Xiaochen shook his head: Forget it, it's better not to think too much.If you can do it, try your best to do it; if you can't, you can only follow the fate.

Gently picking up Jiang Mier, Li Xiaochen put her on the bed and covered her with the quilt.

He couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

At this moment, Jiang Mier had a sweet smile on her face, as if she had dreamed of something good.

Seeing that there was a bit of slyness in her smile, Li Xiaochen smiled: It's okay that this ghost girl usually likes to play tricks on others.Do you want to bully others in your dream?

Hey, wait, she tortured me in her dream, could it be me?

This terrible idea just came up, Li Xiaochen rolled his eyes, smiled, and said to the sleeping Jiang Mier: "You always play tricks on me. This time it's my turn to take revenge."

After hurriedly digging out Jiang Mier's makeup box, Li Xiaochen put on a smirk and began to "make up" her.

After more than an hour, Li Xiaochen was finally done.

He looked at Jiang Mier from side to side for a long time, and almost couldn't help laughing: This is definitely the pinnacle of my amateur career.Jiang Mier, you will be surprised tomorrow morning.

Just then, Jiang Mier's cell phone on the coffee table rang.

Her mobile phone is dual card dual standby.

Li Xiaochen remembered that his mobile phone card was also inside, so he went over to have a look.

Tang Yao's name appeared on the caller ID.

"Hey, Li Xiaochen? Someone is about to die! Come to school quickly!"

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