Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 201] The lingering in the cave

Qin Yufei was unmoved, and said, "Compared to the priceless Dihuang Pill, I don't think my request is too much. From a long-term perspective, you have taken advantage. It is valuable In exchange for priceless treasures, whoever gains and who loses, I think you know better than me."

Jin Enzhong's expression changed several times in succession, cloudy or sunny.But in the end, he sat back, suppressed his dissatisfaction, and said, "The two things you mentioned are the magic weapons of the founder of the Xianlun School. I don't have them."

Qin Yufei said: "It doesn't matter. I don't ask you to take it out immediately. I just need you to promise that you will try your best to find it for us. Once you find it, give it to us as soon as possible. Is this okay?"

"Okay!" Jin En gritted his teeth and agreed.

After reaching a deal, Qin Yufei invited Zhu Yueji over.The three worked out an agreement together.The above requires that Kim Eun Joong must first sign the agreement and pay 70.00% of the funds in advance.After the money arrived, they would hand over the yellow Dihuang Pill to him.The remaining amount will be paid after Jin Enzhong obtains the Dihuang Pill.

Because 5000 million US dollars is a huge amount.It takes time to raise money.It is also impossible to get it in place at once and transfer it to the film department.So Jin Eunjoong could only go back and prepare first.Such a huge amount of expenditure, even Tao Zhu Group will feel heavy.But for the Emperor's Pellet, Jin Eunjoong had no choice but to let the blood out.

Not long after Jin Enzhong left, Master Tianxuan took Xiao Yitian to Xianmanlou.Two experts, Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji, consulted together.

Last time at the Panshen Palace, Xiao Yitian was seriously injured by Li Xiaochen's powerful Vajra Hand.Not only the internal organs of the physical body suffered heavy injuries, but even his soul has not yet recovered.On Xiao Yitian's body, they could still feel the power of the Vajra Hand.

After careful inspection, Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji discussed for a long time, and they both felt that the Dihuang Pill was the most effective medicine for recovering Xiao Yitian's injury.But the green Dihuang Pill has already been taken by Zhu Yueji.They really couldn't come up with an Emperor Pill suitable for Xiao Yitian.

Fei and Ji could only find another way to treat Xiao Yitian's injury from another angle.

While they were thinking hard, Li Xiaochen and Ge Zihao had already boarded Banzang Monastery.As soon as he saw Zen Master Miaoyin, Li Xiaochen directly explained the purpose of his visit: "I know that Jiang Mier is in your small landlord of the Red House of Banzang Temple. This time, I mainly want to see her. Master please agree."

Zen Master Miaoyin clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha! Minister Li, do you know who Shuiyue Shizuka is?"

Li Xiaochen immediately replied: "She should be one of the six Brahma three witches, either Luo Di or Trisina."

Zen Master Miaoyin said: "To tell you the truth, she is indeed Trisina, one of the three witches. Because of this, I left her in the back mountain of Banzang Temple and asked her to practice."

Li Xiaochen asked, "What if I must see her?"

"Minister Li, Bo Xun planted the heavenly demon talisman in the primordial spirit of the three witches. As long as the talisman still exists in their primordial spirit, the three witches will involuntarily seduce you, making you fall into a tender place and unable to extricate yourself. Among them The situation of Shuiyue benefactor is the most serious. She has lost control to the extent that she will do something to hurt you at any time. Presumably Minister Li has suffered from her before. Shuiyue benefactor stays here, and she also hopes that she will not hurt you..."

"Because of this, I want to see her even more!" Li Xiaochen felt sad when he thought of Jiang Mier, "I can't let her bear the pain alone."

Zen Master Miaoyin saw that he was determined and did not waver at all, so he said: "Mr. Li is kind and righteous, and I admire her very much. Since you insist on seeing her, I can take you there. But it is only limited to you."

Li Xiaochen asked Ge Zihao to stay in Banzang Temple first, and then walked to the back mountain with Zen Master Miaoyin.

After walking for a long time, when they came to a secluded cave in the back mountain, Li Xiaochen saw Jiang Mier sitting on a stone bed reciting Buddha at a glance.With mixed feelings in his heart, he couldn't control himself, and immediately stepped forward to hug her tightly.

"Mi'er! I misunderstood you before, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Mier opened her eyes, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

After Zen Master Miaoyin left, Li Xiaochen quietly took out the purple Dihuang Pill and handed it to Jiang Mier, saying, "I'll give you the Dihuang Pill to help you become a golden body."

"You..." Jiang Mier's eyes were moist, "Are you still willing to forgive me?"

Li Xiaochen nodded vigorously: "It's my fault. I didn't know you were being manipulated by Bo Xun before, so I treated you very badly."

"No, the worst is me. I hurt you every time. But I just can't control myself. I'm really afraid that one day I will really kill you..." Jiang Mier knew that Li Xiaochen was very When he was close to the truth, he couldn't help crying with joy.

For a long time, she has been silently enduring grievances and Li Xiaochen's rejection of her.At this moment, Jiang Mier couldn't restrain the pain in her heart anymore, and burst into tears holding Li Xiaochen.

Keep the clouds open to see the moon.She had waited too long for this day.

Li Xiaochen said emotionally: "Mi'er, you make me happy and worried about you, and also make me suffer and hesitate. But in my heart, I like you the most. It was you who brought me into the world of cultivating immortals." , It is you who left me the best memory. There are too many misunderstandings and twists and turns between us. Today, I don’t want you to leave my side. You are my life just like Yufei The most important woman in the world. I love you, Mier!"

"I love you too! I don't want to leave you either! But I'm afraid of hurting you again. So I would rather leave you than let you live a good life... But rogue, you know, I really miss you! "Jiang Mier cried in a mess.The tears could not be stopped, rolling down.

The two hugged each other tightly, telling each other their heartfelt feelings, and they were already in love.The emotions that have been suppressed in each other's hearts for a long time, with the elimination of barriers, erupted like torrents and tsunamis.

Li Xiaochen pressed Jiang Mier under him, and kissed her frantically.The last time Jiang Mier turned into Izumo Qianxue, although she had close contact with Li Xiaochen, her feeling was still quite different.This time, the emotional catharsis of the two was vividly expressed.The fiery passion generated on this basis can truly reach the peak of the joy of mind and body.

The hot lingering lasted until the morning of the next day when the female partner was about to remarry.Li Xiaochen finally fell asleep tiredly.Jiang Mier received Li Xiaochen's unreserved love, and felt very happy while enjoying herself.She never dreamed that she and Li Xiaochen could still be together without suspicion.But Li Xiaochen was indeed sleeping beside her, hugging her.

I slept until almost noon.Jiang Mier struggled to get up from the bed, and put back on her previous clothes.After many days of hard work, she has basically been able to suppress the Heavenly Demon Talisman and prevent it from working again.This time, she really didn't want to part with Li Xiaochen again.She hoped that she could always stay by Li Xiaochen's side, never parting from each other.

When Li Xiaochen woke up, he saw Jiang Mier smiling at him by his side, so he took her hand and said, "Get out of here with me, okay?"

"Not good." Jiang Mier pouted, "I'll go back with you, what kind of status is it? Yufei is your wife now. I don't have any name or distinction, so I don't want to do it."

Li Xiaochen smiled and said, "Although I can't give you a title right away, your status is the same as Yu Fei's. The most important thing is not the name, but the actual status."

"No." Jiang Mier snorted a few times, "I also want status. I also want status. Both hands must be grasped. Both hands must be firm. I want you to love and love me every day like last night. I. Go all out every night, don't be lazy."

"If I do this, I will die sooner or later." Li Xiaochen frowned in embarrassment, "Why are you all like this? Everyone says the same thing. I really can't handle it."

With a blushing pretty face, Jiang Mier pouted and said, "Who made you so bad that I almost couldn't get out of bed. No matter, anyway, if Yufei got it, I should get it too. You can't favor one over another."

How can Li Xiaochen be able to resist a beauty acting like a baby?He could only agree with one word: "Okay, I promise you will work hard. But can we get down to business first? The most important thing now is to help you shape your golden body."

Jiang Mier snorted and said, "It's because you don't do your own business and only want to bully me. As a result, it dragged on from yesterday to today."

Li Xiaochen didn't want to entangle too much, and said, "It's all my fault. You sit down quickly and eat the Dihuang Pill. Let's start now."

Jiang Mier held the purple Earth Emperor Pill in her hand, and suddenly asked, "How many Earth Emperor Pills have you refined? I ate it, what will Yufei and Ayao do?"

"The Jiang family produced a total of five Dihuang Pills. I snatched four of them. One of them was taken by Yue Ji. The other is for you. I have my own way for Yufei. As for Tang Yao, I don't know what to do." Knowing what her physical attributes are, it's hard to say."

"One furnace of five pills?" Jiang Mier's eyes widened in surprise, "You snatched four? You are really capable, Minister Li."

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "Not too many. Among the five Earth Emperor Pills, there is only one of each attribute. According to Yu Fei's deduction, these Earth Emperor Pills seem to be eaten only by immortal cultivators whose physical attributes match. If someone who is not suitable eats it, I don't know what the consequences will be. It would be great if I knew Tang Yao's physical attributes."

Jiang Mier also smiled and said: "I know. She must have a fire-type physique. Just leave her the red Emperor Pill. Hey, by the way, when I become a golden body, let's go find it together." Ayao. Anyway, it’s not far away, just at the foot of the mountain. You can’t let her down. In order to suppress the Heavenly Demon Talisman, Ayao has escaped into Buddhism to practice.”

Li Xiaochen said: "I will definitely not let her down. I just don't know if she is still willing to see me."

Jiang Mier said: "There is nothing difficult in this world, as long as there is a heart. If you give 100% sincerity, you will definitely be able to impress her. Don't forget, A Yao has been infatuated with you from the beginning to the end."

Li Xiaochen hugged Jiang Mier from behind, and whispered in her ear, "You three little fairies, I can't let anyone down. I will definitely pay back the debt I owed you in my previous life."

Jiang Mier bumped him back with her elbow: "Hmph, if you dare to betray your heart, we three sisters will eunuch you together."

"How dare I." Li Xiaochen kissed her on the face, sat up straight, and said seriously: "Okay, I'll talk about gossip later. I'll start shaping your golden body now."

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