Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 205] The child is not mine

After a busy day, when he came home at night and was about to go to bed, Li Xiaochen thought that he could sleep in the same bed with the three girls at the same time, and do something so happy that his big toe cramp.Unexpectedly, Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji pushed him to Jiang Mier on the grounds that they were pregnant.And they also privately decided that Li Xiaochen would stay with Jiang Mier until the two pregnant women gave birth smoothly.

Disappointed, Li Xiaochen could only postpone his plan to enjoy the blessings of Qiren, and obediently climbed into Jiang Mier's bed.Come to think of it, it's not bad.In Li Xiaochen's heart, Jiang Mier fascinated him just like Qin Yufei.The former is even worse than that.

This time, Li Xiaochen did a lot of foreplay.Jiang Mier was so excited that she gasped, and kept urging him to get into the topic.But Li Xiaochen wanted to do it a little longer.It wasn't until Jiang Mier called out "My husband, I want" with a flushed face, that he went all out and hit hard.

The whole night, Jiang Mier was so comfortable that she grabbed the railing and tore the sheets, not knowing how many orgasms she had experienced.

Li Xiaochen couldn't hold back, and was almost drained by her.After his physical strength was completely exhausted, he lay down tiredly, embraced Jiang Mier who was already weak, kissed her on the lips a few times, and said, "Mier, I want to marry you."

Jiang Mier gasped for a while, and asked, "Is the Ming media married?"

Li Xiaochen hummed from his nose.

"No. At least not now. I am a notorious witch who has done all kinds of bad things. You are Minister Li who is an example of righteousness and powerful in the world. Once you marry me in front of those righteous people, you will be reprimanded by them. Even your marriage with Yufei will be affected." Jiang Mier sighed, "The world can't tolerate you and me. I can't ignore your future. So let's keep it as it is for now, shall we?"

Li Xiaochen was moved and hugged her even tighter, and asked: "Didn't you still argue for your status when you were in the back mountain of Banzang Temple? Why are you so reasonable now?"

Jiang Mier pursed her lips: "Hmph, I've always been very considerate. I was joking with you at that time. I can't ruin your reputation because of myself. On the surface, we still maintain a hostile relationship. Whatever you want in the dark, Mi'er is up to you~"

"Really?" Li Xiaochen suddenly became interested again, and wantonly touched Jiang Mier's breasts.

"Thief hand! You are not allowed to move around. You haven't touched enough tonight?" Jiang Mier pressed against Li Xiaochen's body, her eyes softened, "I don't want to be separated from you. But I'm afraid that Aunt Yun will sooner or later I'll find it here. It might be... oh!"

Li Xiaochen immediately said: "I will not let anyone take you away. Mier, without you, I am not happy at all. Although Yufei and I were quite happy before, without you, my heart There is always something missing in the depths. Sometimes the chest will feel uncomfortable. Tang Yao doesn't want me anymore. Are you going to leave me again?"

Jiang Mier smiled slightly and said, "Am I really that important to you?"

"Yes! In my heart, I have already regarded you as my wife. You and Yufei are equally important to me. Among these beauties, you are the only woman who makes me love and hate, and I can't stop. We used to We've been through so many things together. We've had laughter and tears between us. Melzac told me not to get close to you. Now I understand. But I still can't bear the pain of losing you. Because I sincerely I love you, love the tenderness you gave me, and love the smile you left for me..."

Jiang Mier, who couldn't help crying, said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, I hurt your feelings for me before... Thank you for understanding my difficulties... But the matter is not over yet. I may still have to do harm The matter of the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou. I... I am afraid that one day you will have to kill me to appease the public anger. But no matter what, Mier really never thought of harming you..."

Li Xiaochen gently stroked Jiang Mier's beautiful back, and said, "Even if you hurt me, I won't blame you. I already know that you are being manipulated by the Heavenly Demon Talisman, and sometimes you are like a marionette. Things will be done involuntarily. Besides, there must be a reason for what you do. Perhaps it is to implement the plan left by Tianmeng in my previous life, so I have to do this."

"My husband, thank you..." Jiang Mier's vision was already blurred.Tears of emotion dazzled her eyes.But she was very relieved.As long as the person she loves always believes in herself, that's enough.

The two hugged each other, whispered intimately, and fell asleep in a daze.In the early morning of the next day, a familiar voice woke them up abruptly.

"Brother! I'm here to see you! My sister-in-law and the baby in my belly are still... okay..." It was a small voice!

Li Xiaochen, who was troubled by sleepiness and exhaustion, slightly opened his sleepy eyes, saw Xiaoxiao standing at the door of the bedroom, and subconsciously replied: "Well, mother and child are safe, sleeping next door..."

"This, this..." Xiaoxiao stared wide-eyed in surprise, looking at Jiang Mier who was entangled with Li Xiaochen on the bed without any gaps, and after a long time, she came back to her senses: "Sister Mier!"

Jiang Mier and Li Xiaochen tossed and tossed all night, but they were also very sleepy.She hummed sleepily at first, then felt something was wrong, and immediately opened her eyes, only to find the stunned Xiao Xiao was looking at her and Li Xiaochen.

"Get up, your sister is here!" Jiang Mier hurriedly covered herself with the quilt in shame, and twisted Li Xiaochen.

Li Xiaochen hugged the quilt, closed his eyes and murmured: "Come on, just come on. Don't disturb me, I was exhausted last night to make you feel good... Well, let me sleep for a while."

Jiang Mier blushed with embarrassment, so she could only smile at Xiao Xiaoqiang: "I...I actually...we..."

"There's no need to explain, I understand. By the way, as a friendly reminder, Grandma is already downstairs. You can figure it out yourself." Xiao Xiao smiled and closed the door wisely.

Jiang Mier was so frightened that she quickly sat up, pushed Li Xiaochen hard, and said nervously, "Still sleeping? Get up for me! Your mother is already downstairs!"

"We'll be there when we arrive..." Li Xiaochen simply covered his head with the quilt, wanting to continue sleeping.But after being so noisy, his mind cleared up a little.After a few seconds of silence, he also sat up from the bed and exclaimed, "Why is Mom here!"

This is a big head.If his mother finds out that he is sleeping with Jiang Mier, the consequences will be very serious.An old-fashioned comrade like my mother will definitely not be able to accept the current situation.

The two hurriedly got dressed.Li Xiaochen told Jiang Mier to stay in the room and not come out.He went out to see the situation first.Coming out of the upstairs, he saw Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji sitting on the sofa downstairs, talking with their mother.The women didn't notice the situation upstairs at all.

It was Xiaoxiao, with her back against the wall, and she was looking at her elder brother with meaningful eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense later." Li Xiaochen pulled Xiao Xiao aside and whispered.

Xiao Xiao proudly stretched out her hands without saying a word.

"Taking this opportunity to threaten me again, isn't it?" Li Xiaochen took out a dozen red notes from his body and stuffed them to Xiao Xiao, "That's all for now."

"Then you have to take me out to play. All the expenses for eating, drinking and having fun will be paid by you." Xiao Xiao immediately put forward other demands to make up for his loss.

Li Xiaochen could only agree: "Alright, when I am free, I will definitely take you to play."

Xiaoxiao leaned into his ear with a smirk, and asked, "When will you marry Sister Mier?"

"You're a big kid." Li Xiaochen knocked on the little head, and then went downstairs.

Xiaoxiao hurriedly followed him, grabbed his clothes, and said coquettishly, "I want Sister Mier to be my sister-in-law. If you don't agree, I'll tell Grandma and Sister-in-law Yufei what you have done. Hmph, look at you How to explain."

Li Xiaochen had no choice but to comfort him: "I will as soon as possible. But not now. Stop talking nonsense, my little ancestor."

After asking Ann to his mother, Li Xiaochen asked with a smile: "What kind of wind is blowing today, it brought your old man here early in the morning?"

His mother glared at him angrily, and said, "Yufei is pregnant, and you didn't tell me such a big thing. Do you still see me as a mother?"

Li Xiaochen touched his head and muttered, "Didn't I tell you?"

"You're going to tell me, can I come so late?" Mom turned her head and took Qin Yufei's hand distressedly, "Oh, this pregnancy is very hard. From now on, all the rough work at home will be handed over to my family. The stinky boy did it. You can take a good rest and give birth to a fat boy for our Li family."

Before Qin Yufei could say anything, Li Xiaochen hurriedly said, "Why not a kid? Times have changed, men and women are the same."

My mother said disapprovingly: "It's really impossible, men and women are the same! It's a blessing to have a daughter. When she grows up, she will marry someone else for nothing. And this society is so chaotic now. After giving birth to a daughter, can you guarantee that she will not make mistakes? Go to school What if you are raped by the principal or a teacher? What if you are taken advantage of by a swindler on the subway? What if you unfortunately enter the entertainment circle in the future and are caught by the director's unspoken rules?"

Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei both smiled.

"Mom, you are worrying unnecessarily. Even after giving birth to a daughter, no one dares to move. To be honest, most people can't move." When speaking, Li Xiaochen looked at Zhu Yueji nervously.The latter gave him a reassuring look.

Li Xiaochen nodded, knowing that the two of them must have kept the truth from their mother, and didn't say who the child in Zhu Yueji's womb belonged to.

"Anyway, no matter if it's a man or a woman, I'm going to live here for a few months." Mom lovingly caressed Qin Yufei's pretty face, "Look, look, my face is so pale after pregnancy, and I'm not nourished. My brat doesn't know how to take care of pregnant women. It's better to let me, an experienced person, look after me."

"You, how many months do you want to live?" Li Xiaochen felt uncomfortable.Mom is here, what can Jiang Mier do?Living together, it is easy to make my mother suspicious.Besides, there is also a pregnant Zhu Yueji.This is really messy enough.

"What's the matter, I'm here to help take care of your daughter-in-law, aren't you happy?"

"No, no, I'm very happy. It's just..." I can't tell my mother about this.

Just as he was thinking about how to hide it from his mother, there was a knock on the door outside the porch.Li Xiaochen went over and opened the door.Jiang Qinqin threw herself into his arms and said in a crying voice, "I...I might be pregnant! You don't want me, do you?"

Li Xiaochen was frightened on the spot.He felt a chill down his spine.Even if he didn't turn his head, he could still feel that there were a few pairs of cold eyes like blades poking his spine.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Xiaochen hurriedly pushed Jiang Qinqin away, "You are pregnant, so what does it matter to me? The child is not mine!"

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