Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 208] Refining the Emperor Pill?

Suiyang opened the wooden box in Guijiu's hand, and after confirming that there was indeed a red Dihuang Pill inside, he said to Qin Yufei, "Mrs. Li, you have no chance to beg for mercy. "Pure""

As he spoke, he winked at Liu Rongwei.The latter nodded, and nailed Qin Yufei's wrists to the floor with two bone-locking nails.Qin Yufei's wrist was pierced, and blood oozed out.But she kept gritting her teeth and insisted, never showing any painful expression.

At this time, Liu Rongwei asked Sui Yang for advice: "Should I smash the contents of her belly first, or fuck her first?"

Sui Yang smiled evilly and said, "You can come here however you like. I leave it to you."

Liu Rongwei sneered and said: "It's rare to have the opportunity to replenish the essence of the master of the thunder robbery. Of course I want to suck up the mother and child. That kind of painful moan will definitely make me very happy, hahahaha..."

"That's it." Guijiu interrupted suddenly, "I've got the Dihuang Pill. Let's go."

Sui Yang squinted at Guijiu, and asked, "She is the woman who abandoned you and chose Li Xiaochen. Now, do you still want to protect her?"

Guijiu shook his head and said: "No. Li Xiaochen now holds the power of the Shadow Department. His cultivation has increased linearly. We will surely offend him by taking away the Dihuang Pill. If he rapes his woman again, I'm afraid he will In a fit of fury, he killed the Jiuyou tribe in one fell swoop."

"Are you afraid of him?" Sui Yang picked up the Dihuang Pill, "As long as Liu Rongwei eats this Dihuang Pill, he can become a master of gold. At that time, Li Xiaochen will not be able to do anything to us. Take ten thousand steps back, he Even if there is a killing spree, we may not be able to find us. I don't think he can pose a threat to us."

Guijiu stared at Suiyang displeasedly, and said, "My ultimate goal is to bring the king into the world. Li Xiaochen is the reincarnation of Tianmeng, so he will definitely hinder our plan. Before the devil king comes into the world, I don't want more troubles to happen. If there are any more changes, it will only delay the time for the Demon King to come to the world."

"Hmph, since you are so persistent, then we will retreat." Sui Yang turned to look at Liu Rongwei, "Let's go."

The meat was about to fly from his mouth, so Liu Rongwei was naturally very dissatisfied.There was a hint of resentment in his eyes.But it dissipated quickly.Wrapped in a black cloak, Guijiu took a few more glances at Qin Yufei, and left the European-style complex together with Suiyang and Liu Rongwei.

After a while, when Li Xiaochen returned home with Jiang Mier and Zhu Yueji, they suddenly found that the house was in a mess.Both Xiaoxiao and his mother fell to the ground.The three hurriedly woke them up and asked about the situation.After listening to their description, Li Xiaochen was almost sure that the intruders were Random, Pujiu and Liu Rongwei.

Shocked, Li Xiaochen hurried upstairs, pulled out the God-locking Nail for Qin Yufei, and healed her with the power of Baicao Yin.He didn't feel relieved until Qin Yufei's wounds all over his body had healed.

"Honey, they snatched the last Earth Emperor Pill. I'm sorry..." Qin Yufei suddenly threw herself into Li Xiaochen's arms, sobbing softly.Only when she was hugged tightly by Li Xiaochen, did she feel a little safe.

Li Xiaochen stroked her back tenderly, and comforted her: "The most important thing is that people are fine. The Emperor Pill is far from being comparable to you."

Qin Yufei blamed herself and said, "No, it's all because of my carelessness. I should have put the Dihuang Pill into your Feixian gourd. That way they won't snatch it away."

"It's a good thing you didn't do that. Otherwise, they would have you..." Li Xiaochen showed an angry expression, "These few beasts dare to bully my woman over and over again. I want to add you immediately." Pai endured and searched for the nests of the Jiuyou tribe."

Qin Yufei shook her head and said, "Impossible. The film department is short of manpower. If you insist on going your own way, what will happen to the work of the film department?"

Li Xiaochen said guiltily: "Yufei, it's all my fault. If I hadn't left you and gone to survive the thunder disaster by myself, you wouldn't have..."

Qin Yufei still had lingering fears about the previous situation, so she didn't say much, but just pressed harder and hugged Li Xiaochen tightly, seeking a sufficient sense of security.

After comforting for a long time, Li Xiaochen took Qin Yufei downstairs and sat opposite his mother and Xiaoxiao.Before he could speak, my mother blamed Li Xiaochen: "You, what kind of trouble did you cause outside? How could such a gangster come to seek revenge? You son of a bitch, almost killed us. gone."

"I'm sorry, I was negligent." Li Xiaochen lowered his head and hesitated for a while, "Although it's rude to say this, I still want to tell you...Mom, you and Xiaoxiao should go back to your hometown first. If there is a mistake, I can't afford it. Of course, I don't welcome you, but... Well, in short, I will send reliable people to protect you secretly. If there is any change, they will transfer you to another place in time. place."

After hearing what he said, my mother was even more puzzled: "What kind of business are you doing? How did you offend your enemies? You must not have joined the underworld, right?"

"How is it possible? It's not for me to tell you about these things. Anyway, this place is not very safe for you." Li Xiaochen took out two amulets with the incantations on them and handed them to his mother and Xiao Xiao. , "This is the amulet I made specially for you. Once you are in danger, they can send you to a safe place in time. Others, I would like to ask you not to ask so much. When the time is right, I will send you Tell you everything."

Afterwards, Li Xiaochen babbled a lot and spent a lot of saliva before convincing his mother and Xiaoxiao.He found some key elites from the film department and sent them away. Li Xiaochen returned home, sat down, and looked at Fei, Mi, and Ji... two of them were pregnant, and the remaining one was still in shambles.All three of his wives needed to be looked after.Especially Qin Yufei, who had accidents one after another recently.Li Xiaochen never dared to leave her for half a step.In order to ensure their safety in life, he had to ask Xiao Bi to take care of them.

Just as there was an uneasy atmosphere in the room, there was a knock on the door.Li Xiaochen opened the door cautiously, and was taken aback for a moment.It was actually Tao Qianyun who appeared in front of his eyes.

Last time at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, the film department successfully caught her.But before Li Xiaochen could interrogate them himself, Jiuyou rescued these people.I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to come to the door today.

"Aunt Yun!" Jiang Mier exclaimed in surprise after seeing Tao Qianyun.

Tao Qianyun gave her a dissatisfied look, and then politely said to Li Xiaochen: "Minister Li, please don't be nervous. I came here today to discuss a business with you. I believe you will be interested."

Li Xiaochen held Qin Yufei's hand tightly, and looked at Tao Qianyun warily: "Report your intention first. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Tao Qianyun saw that he had a dark face, and heard his tone of voice was not good, so she said: "Actually, I mainly came to talk to you about the specific matters of refining the Emperor Pill. Secondly, I hope to represent Shanewei and Xianmanlou let's talk about cooperation matters."

Those two things are really important.Li Xiaochen didn't refuse, and brought Tao Qianyun in.But his hands were still holding onto Qin Yufei and Jiang Mier.

After Xiaobi served the tea, Tao Qianyun continued the topic: "First of all, let's talk about the Emperor Pill that Minister Li is most interested in. Not long ago, I heard that Minister Li's miraculous skills are world-class, and there are many experts in the world of cultivating immortals in China. I snatched four Earth Emperor Pellets in my hand. Presumably, Minister Li is already a master of the Golden Body Realm. Then with this level of cultivation, you must want to go one step further and become an immortal, right?"

Li Xiaochen remained expressionless, and said, "Get to the point."

"If it is said that the Emperor's Pill can make immortal cultivators become golden masters, then the Emperor's Pill has the effect of making people soar into immortals. This is also the ultimate goal of many immortal cultivators. But the conditions for refining the Tianhuang Pill are very harsh. And The medicinal materials needed to refine the Heavenly Emperor Pill are very rare and extremely difficult to find. Even if all the materials are found, it will take five masters of gold to perform their cultivation together and inject the Shennong Cauldron to refine the Earth Emperor Pill."

Li Xiaochen interrupted her suddenly, and asked, "What is the purpose of you asking me to cooperate in refining the Earth Emperor Pill?"

Tao Qianyun cast her eyes on Jiang Mier and said, "You don't need to ask me about my purpose. I just hope to make a deal with you with the Emperor Pill. You help me refine the Emperor Pill. Curse, so that she can be with you forever. If the curse is not lifted, she will be tortured by the curse forever. Not only you, but even your descendants will have a very miserable end."

Li Xiaochen dubiously gave Jiang Mier a questioning look.The latter nodded slowly, indicating that everything Tao Qianyun said was true.

"Not enough chips." Li Xiaochen immediately said this to Tao Qianyun.

Tao Qianyun smiled slightly and said, "Once the Emperor Pill is refined, I will share one with you. With this bargaining chip, I think Minister Li should be able to accept it?"

Li Xiaochen said: "One is too little. I hope to get more."

"You know, Human Emperor Pill, Earth Emperor Pill, and Heavenly Emperor Pill, each of these three types of divine pills is more difficult to refine. It is lucky to be able to refine so many Earth Emperor Pills. The refining of Heavenly Emperor Pills will never There is such luck again. Minister Li's request is probably too harsh. Please forgive me for not being able to accept it."

"Okay, just one. I accept." Li Xiaochen had no objection to this.It's just that he thought he would cooperate with the Jiang family again.But I didn't expect that it was Jiuyou's people who offered to refine the Emperor Pill.

Now that they knew that Jiuyou wanted to create a suitable body for Demon King Bo Xun, it was not difficult to guess why they wanted to refine the Emperor Pill.I'm afraid that Jiuyou will probably create an immortal body to hold Bo Xun's primordial spirit.

Knowing that agreeing to help refine the Emperor Pill is an act of serving a tiger, Li Xiaochen still agreed.The main reason was because of the curse on Jiang Mier.Maybe this curse is the Heavenly Demon Talisman.

Although he didn't know Tao Qianyun's ability to unlock the Heavenly Demon Talisman, in order to completely free Jiang Mi'er from Bo Xun's shackles, Li Xiaochen felt that he should trust Tao Qianyun once.

Another reason was that Jiang Mier kept winking at him, begging him to agree.This had to make Li Xiaochen suspect that her position was related to Tianmeng's last plan.

Furthermore, even if Li Xiaochen rejected Tao Qianyun's proposal, Jiuyou would probably try every means to get the Emperor Pill.Rather than letting them act recklessly, it is better to help them, and by the way, they can monitor Jiuyou's movements throughout the whole process.

It's just that even Li Xiaochen himself didn't expect that the film department would cooperate with Jiuyou one day.If other orthodox immortal cultivators find out, there will be an uproar in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou.

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