Li Xiaochen hurriedly took off his white coat, put the hat and mask back in place, and carefully wiped all the places where fingerprints might be stained.

He checked again whether his hair had fallen here, recovered the throwing knife engraved with spells on the table, opened the door of the infirmary vigilantly, and closed the door to leave after confirming that there were no strangers nearby.

Walking on the campus path, he wondered where should he go?

Go home directly or go back to the scene to have a look?

Still go and see.Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to explain to Tang Yao afterwards.

Li Xiaochen put his hands in the two pockets of his trousers, and easily returned to the girls' dormitory downstairs.

But I saw the school doctor measuring Jiang Qinqin's blood pressure.

Not long after, there was a loud bang, and Zhao Dahai's shout came from the eighth-floor dormitory building: "You useless idiots! You don't even know where that female classmate lives. I'm wasting my time .If she commits suicide, I will let you all dance together!"

A few seconds later, Zhao Dahai and several security guards appeared on the balcony where Jiang Qinqin was staying just now.

He looked down and saw that Jiang Qinqin was lying in Tang Yao's arms, not dead yet.

Only then did Zhao Dahai heave a sigh of relief, clasped his hands together, and muttered: "Thank God, Buddha bless you, God Amen, Queen Mother. At least no one was killed, and my job was saved..."

"Cut—" All the students made contemptuous voices.

"Our school's security guards are really worse than vases. They don't look good, let alone use them. They disappear at critical moments. It's a great shame for the school!"

"That's right, so much money has been paid to the school. Can't they hire some reliable security guards?"

"The security guards are reliable, sows can climb trees. Count on them? Hmph! The doctor in the white coat is still handsome. Hey, are you the school doctor? Is there a tall, handsome and cool genius doctor in your school doctor's office who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground?" ?”

While doing the examination, the school doctor said, "There is no genius doctor. There is only one quack doctor, but it's mere."

Li Xiaochen secretly smiled, walked up to Tang Yao, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "I don't seem to have anything to do. I'll go back to sleep."

Tang Yao smiled at him, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work tonight."

"I didn't do anything to help, I just called the doctor. Good night." With a wave of his hand, Li Xiaochen faded out of the crowd.

Qin Yufei stared at Li Xiaochen's back that was gradually disappearing into the distance, her lips moved slightly: "Xiaobi, when that person in the white coat appeared just now, was he also there?"

Xiaobi recalled it vigorously, and said, "He seemed to say that he was going to the infirmary to call the school doctor, and then he left."

Qin Yufei withdrew her gaze, and there was something more in her eyes: "Go, Xiaobi."

"Hey, miss, the bedroom is not over there."

"Let's go to the infirmary first."

The next morning, Li Xiaochen, who was sleeping on the floor, was having a sweet dream, when a piercing scream suddenly tore his eyelids open.

"Li-Xiao-chen!" A face full of resentment and incomparable ugliness rushed into Li Xiaochen's eyes angrily.

"Wow—a monster!" Li Xiaochen quickly covered his head with the quilt, not daring to look any further.

God, I just took one look at that face, and I felt my eyes were raped after just one look.

It's over, it's over, what should I do if I have needle holes in my buttocks and hemorrhoids in my eyes?

No, it must be a nightmare, a nightmare...

But I didn't seem to dream of going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures last night.Is it the bone spirit or the spider spirit that wants to eat me?

Probably not.Generally speaking, female fairies are quite beautiful.That face just now is obviously Bajie.

Could it be that Bajie rebelled and became a teacher without hesitation in order to marry the female goblin?

Why?Wait, where did you seem to have seen that face before?

Li Xiaochen tried his best to think back, and suddenly realized.

That's right, I helped Jiang Mier put on makeup last night!

Li Xiaochen took the quilt away and looked at the classic face in front of him with a smile.

The bright red lipstick not only covered her alluring little mouth, but also drew a circle around her mouth.

Blue and green "beard stubble" around her mouth, growing everywhere.

The gentle and beautiful willow-leaf eyebrows like Jiangnan beauties are painted into domineering big saber eyebrows.

However, this heavy makeup mixed with masculinity has added gorgeous peacock green eyeshadow, which adds a bit of femininity.

There is a vivid piece of cow dung on each of the two cheeks, which seems to be still steaming.

The words "pure man" were written on the forehead by lipstick.

The rest of the face was filled with more than a dozen "scars" of different lengths.

The most spoofing thing is that there is an unfinished cigarette drawn on the corner of her mouth.

It looked as if Jiang Mier was smoking a cigarette.

Looking closely at this messy face, it really makes people laugh.

Li Xiaochen covered his mouth, turned his head away, not daring to look any further.Afraid that he would lose control, he laughed out loud.

Jiang Mier crossed her hips angrily, and pointed at Li Xiaochen: "Are you still embarrassed to laugh? It's all because of you!"

"Hahahaha..." Li Xiaochen couldn't bear it anymore, he held his stomach and laughed loudly.

Jiang Mier stared at Li Xiaochen, and also pouted, smiling happily.

After laughing for a while, Li Xiaochen felt a little strange, and glanced at her: "Why are you laughing?"

Jiang Mier laughed so hard that she lay on the bed, couldn't straighten up, and didn't even have the strength to answer him.

Li Xiaochen felt something was wrong: Could it be that she was afraid of being ridiculed by me, so she used this method to save face?

Not quite right.Jiang Mier, a girl who loves to laugh, has always been scheming.

Every time she smiles cunningly, there must be something wrong.

At this moment, Jiang Mier's cell phone rang.She rubbed the tears from her laughter, and answered the phone: "Hello? Oh... I am. Him? My young master just woke up... Well, please wait a moment."

Jiang Mier handed the phone to Li Xiaochen: "Tang Yao is looking for you."

After speaking, she laughed again.

Li Xiaochen shook his head puzzled: This girl is crazy.what's so funny?

"Hey, President, what do you want from me?"

"Li Xiaochen, I'm about to become your personal assistant. All matters related to you should come to me first."


"Forget it, the dean wants to talk to you today. At eight o'clock in the morning, remember to be in the dean's room on time."

Li Xiaochen was very puzzled: "Why did the principal ask me? Should he punish me?"

"Ask him yourself. Also, after talking with the dean, come to the student union office to find me. By the way, bring your beautiful maid along. I have something to do for you." After finishing speaking, Tang Yao hang up the phone.

Li Xiaochen put the phone back inexplicably, a little confused by Tang Yao's businesslike tone.

Should it be said that she deserves to be a Mensao-girl?

Well, regardless of these for the time being, it's better to meet the dean first.Don't make any more trouble.

Li Xiaochen went into the bathroom, just picked up his toothbrush, and was about to brush his teeth, when he suddenly saw the person in the mirror...

"Jiang Mier!" Li Xiaochen put down his toothbrush dumbfounded, feeling very speechless to himself in the mirror.

His eyes were painted into two big hearts by bright red lipstick.

Extending from the upper lip to the chin, an exaggerated expression of opening the mouth is drawn, which is so lifelike.

The whole face is like those wretched men in anime whose eyes turn red after seeing a beautiful woman.

What depressed Li Xiaochen the most was that there were words on his forehead, and it was in two rows: Mier Mier, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice!

The last exclamation point is drawn along the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose.The point below was tapped on the Renzhong acupoint.

No wonder Jiang Mier laughed like hell.It turned out that she had fought back when Li Xiaochen was asleep.

The deliberate yelling just now and the following series of actions were all performances to give him the illusion that the trick was successful.

"Hehehahaha..." Jiang Mier laughed even louder when she heard Li Xiaochen calling her name.

Li Xiaochen, who couldn't help laughing and laughing, couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Jiang Mier, Jiang Mier, how many men in this world can beat your clear and exquisite head and full of bad ideas?


The dean of the May School of Management is called Melzak.

Dean Melzac is a middle-aged man with a thin beard on his face.

The two indistinct mustaches on his lips gave him the air of a mature man.

He wears a bold sand-colored cowboy hat.White denim shirt bottoming.

He wore a black denim vest.

Around the neck is a slightly worn-out denim print scarf.

The jeans were buttoned up by a crooked belt.

A pair of dusty cowboy boots made him look like a traveler from afar.

It's hard to imagine a person being so obsessed with cowboy culture.

This handsome and wild middle-aged cowboy is holding a rose at the moment, leaning against the window, pretending to be melancholy looking at the group of female students frolicking downstairs.

The reason why he is pretending to be melancholy is because after he noticed that there were more people in the office, he put on an old and unscrupulous hip-hop look to greet Li Xiaochen: "Hey, cowboy, are you okay?"

After greeting each other, Li Xiaochen felt his scalp tingle when he saw Melzac's half-smile expression as he sat on the office chair.

Starting with the "part-time boyfriend notice", he has caused a lot of trouble at school these days.Today the dean is finally determined to get rid of him, Li Xiaochen?

Li Xiaochen secretly wiped the sweat from his palms, thinking in his heart:

Hmph, if you really want to fire me, it's not that easy.I've thought up all the excuses to make trouble.

For example, the early arrival of menopause leads to endocrine imbalance, which causes excessive secretion of adrenaline, stimulates the central nervous system of the brain, and then cannot control itself to make some irrational behaviors...

Anyway, I only know a few medical terminology, so it's not wrong to use the whole set.

Or tell the truth directly to the dean: because the menstrual period was late, the manic feeling of fear of pregnancy made me impulsive and irritable, and I accidentally changed a little bit.They're all men too, you know, there are a few days in every month.

Otherwise, we can talk nonsense. Recently, our younger generation has been poisoned by various hormones, and we have erupted a rare phenomenon of excessive puberty, which is rare in 1000 years and [-] years.

Everyone was young once.Who doesn't know who?It's normal for young girls to cherish spring and young boys to be passionate.

Besides, this kind of irresistible thing is not anyone's fault.

Huaichun is almost like pregnancy.The primary stage is undercurrents.The final stage is choppy.It's normal to do something excessive.

The school should not blindly blame and punish college students, it should give me a chance to spend a long period of adolescence...

Just when Li Xiaochen was having a good time tinkering with the little Jiujiu in his heart, Melzac asked, "Did you pick up a dark golden bead one night, and there was a Taiji pattern on it and a ' Swastika?"

"Huh?" Li Xiaochen was a little taken aback, he didn't expect Melzac to ask this.

And how did the dean know?

He immediately nodded and said, "I touched that bead. But..."

Melzach interrupted him: "Okay, I think it's you too. It's confirmed now. You can go."

After saying that, the dean lowered his head and dealt with the official documents.

"I..." Li Xiaochen blinked, not understanding what was going on.

"Is there anything else?" Melzac looked up, saw Li Xiaochen was still standing there, and asked.

"You came to me early in the morning just to ask this?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"Hehe, it's all right." Li Xiaochen said goodbye with a smirk as if he was about to be amnesty. Unify the Jianghu. Congratulations to our greatest dean and the dean's wife to enjoy immortal blessings forever, live as long as the heavens, a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years, and a thousand years for your sister, long live and long live multiplied by three times!"

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