Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 210) The Remains of the Immortal Wheel Patriarch

Just as the various forces were secretly contemplating plans, Li Xiaochen and others also completed relevant discussions with Tao Qianyun.And Li Xiaochen signed related agreements and contracts with Tao Qianyun.Before leaving, Tao Qianyun gave Jiang Mier a meaningful look before leaving the room.

After she left, Li Xiaochen said to the girls: "I plan to go to Banzang Temple again. But I don't want any of you to leave my side. It's just that there must be someone to take care of you here. You think it should Who is better to keep?"

Jiang Mier said: "Leave me alone. I can't go to Banzang Temple, lest I be caught by those four golden monks."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Li Xiaochen frowned worryingly, "If you stay, what if those monks come to Yinluo City and find you?"

Zhu Yueji suddenly interjected: "You seem to have said before that you can go to Banzang Temple after you pass through the nine-fold thunder calamity. They have prepared a gift for you. If this is true, I must go to Banzang Temple with you .”

Li Xiaochen heard that there seemed to be some secret hidden in her words, so he nodded and said: "Okay, count yourself in. Yufei must also stay by my side. Although it is not suitable to travel long distances after pregnancy, but... I have to guard against Jiuyou Alas, nothing can happen again."

Jiang Mier said: "Sure enough, it's better to let me stay. If you are worried about me, why not make a few more teleportation talismans, and let me use them all. If there is any danger, I will use them escape."

"That's the only way to go." Relatively speaking, Jiang Mier is smart and cunning, and can get out of all kinds of dangerous situations.And she is not pregnant, and she is still a master of the golden body level.Compared to the other two daughters, Li Xiaochen was not very worried about her.

The reason why he was in a hurry to go to Banzang Temple was mainly because he had a bad premonition.It's best to get this over with as soon as possible.

After making some preparations, Li Xiaochen left Yinluo City with Qin Yufei and Zhu Yueji in the early morning of the next day and flew to Banzang Temple.

The three people entered the gate of the mountain, and Zen Master Miaoyin, who had no prophecy, had been waiting in front of the temple gate for a long time.Li Xiaochen was not polite to him, and said straight to the point: "This time I am here to ask the master for the gift you promised me. I wonder if it is convenient now?"

"That's why the poor monk waited for Minister Li for a long time." Zen Master Miaoyin was also unambiguous, and directly led Li Xiaochen and the other three into a meditation room in the deepest part of Banzang Temple.

Few people set foot around here.Cobwebs and thick dust are both proof.This meditation room is an independent room, not connected with other meditation rooms.The architectural style is very simple, as if it has a long history.

Zen Master Miaoyin pushed the meditation room away and led them in.As soon as Li Xiaochen stepped in, he saw a tall gold-plated statue of Amitabha Buddha.On the futon in front of the altar, sat a skeleton skeleton wearing ragged clothes with his back to the door.Judging from what he saw on the surface, this person should have been dead for a long time.

What bothered Li Xiaochen a little was that every bone in this skeleton was dark gold.Zhu Yueji, who was standing beside him, was shocked when she saw this skeleton.Tears were rolling in her eyes.

Li Xiaochen stepped forward and saluted the golden skull respectfully, and then asked Zen Master Miaoyin, "Master, this must be your eminent monk who practiced Taoism in Banzang Temple."

Zen Master Miaoyin replied: "No, he is a close friend of the old monk, and he is also very close to you. You may wish to guess who he is."

Chen and Fei were in deep thought when Zhu Yueji blurted out, "He is the founding master of the Xianlun Sect, Jian Gu."

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaochen and Qin Yufei were surprised: "The body of Patriarch Xianlun is actually in Banzang Temple?"

Zen Master Miaoyin said affirmatively: "Yes, this is indeed the patriarch of the Xianlun Sect and also my good friend. A long time ago, he asked me to move his body to Banzang Temple after his death. His descendants Will come here to get help from the flesh."

Li Xiaochen said in surprise: "His descendants... Could it be..."

Zen Master Miaoyin smiled slightly, and looked at Li Xiaochen: "You have also noticed it. Yes, Minister Li is the future generation that Jian Gu said."

"Please wait a moment." The bewildered Qin Yufei couldn't help interjecting, "Master, you said that my husband's previous life was the founder of the Xianlun School? This... this is too...his past life, shouldn't Is it the Heavenly Immortal?"

Zen Master Miaoyin said: "Between Tianmeng and Li Xiaochen, there is another life, which is Jiangu, the founder of Xianlun School."

Li Xiaochen suddenly remembered something, and looked at Zhu Yueji in surprise.I remember that she once called him "Sword Valley" when she was about to fail.Li Xiaochen didn't understand at that time.Now it finally dawned on me.But why did Zhu Yueji know?Who is she?

Qin Yufei looked at the skeletons, pondered for a long time, and then continued to ask: "Master, you mean that the founder of the Xianlun Sect has long expected that his reincarnation will come here, so he specially left his body here?"

Zen Master Miaoyin replied: "It can be understood in this way, but it cannot be completely understood in this way. From your point of view, this view is indeed correct."

Qin Yufei asked again: "I think this body is very immortal, and it must have the cultivation of the ancestor of Xianlun. Could it be that the gift that Banzang Temple said was his..."

"Mrs. Li is ice-snow and intelligent." Zen Master Miaoyin clasped his palms together, "In order to realize the wish of becoming a good friend, the old monk has been guarding Banzang Temple until now. Now, I only need to pour the cultivation of Jiangu into Minister Li. The task of the old monk That's it. Minister Li has obtained Jian Gu's lifelong cultivation, and can immediately reach the golden body realm. After all the cultivation of this body is absorbed, Minister Li's strength should be infinitely close to that of Tianmeng at his peak. "

Li Xiaochen stared blankly at the golden skeleton, and sighed: "The founder of the Xianlun School is a person from long ago. Master, you are actually in the same generation as him, and you have lived into the 21st century... Oh my god, how much do you have?" age!"

"The point is not here..." Qin Yufei sighed, and said to Li Xiaochen: "You seem to have known that this 'gift' can help you reach the golden body state."

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "I'm just guessing randomly. If it's not a treasure that can help me cultivate to a golden body, then it's a magic weapon that can only be used after I have passed the nine-fold thunder calamity. Otherwise, why did the Void God Monk deliver the message? , do you have to mention the words 'surviving the nine-fold thunder calamity'? Of course, there are other possibilities. It's just that I think the inferences I mentioned are more likely."

Zen Master Miaoyin said with a smile: "Minister Li is really wise. Only you, who has nine levels of thunder calamity, can withstand Jiangu's cultivation. If your cultivation is not enough and you rashly accept Jiangu's power, your cultivation will be completely destroyed. If it is serious, the soul will fly away. That's why the old man let the void pass the message like that."

Li Xiaochen said: "In that case, let's start right away."

"No." Zen Master Miaoyin raised his hand to stop Li Xiaochen, "In order to prevent others from stealing my cultivation, Jiangu set up a 'key'. Originally, this key was kept by the old monk. But 30 years ago , a monk from this temple stole the key and quietly left Banzang Temple. Without the key, you cannot obtain the cultivation level of Patriarch Xianlun."

Li Xiaochen asked: "Then where is the key now?"

Zen Master Miaoyin laughed and said, "After the monk came down from the mountain, he returned to lay life and married a wife. His family name is Lu. His daughter is a very popular star in the entertainment industry..."

"Lu Bingbing!" Before Zen Master Miaoyin finished speaking, Li Xiaochen called out reflexively.

Qin Yufei frowned and said, "Didn't Ms. Lu say that her father had a strange disease last time? Could it be related to the 'key'?"

Li Xiaochen said: "Regardless of whether it is related or not, we should go to visit in person. After all, people have told us about this matter several times. If everyone is not feeling sick, we will immediately contact Lu Bingbing to save her father. Cure the strange disease, and then ask about the key."

Zhu Yueji said: "I won't go with you, I will wait here for your return."

Seeing that Zhu Yueji's expression was not looking good, Li Xiaochen didn't force it, so he said, "Alright, you can rest here, don't be too tired. I will ask you about Jiangu again when I have a chance."

Zhu Yueji gave him a reassuring smile and sent the two of them out of Banzang Temple.Returning to the side of the golden skull and staring at it for a long time, she finally turned the thousand words in her heart into a sigh.Zen Master Miaoyin came over and said consolingly: "Don't worry. Minister Li will understand Jiangu's past when he goes here. He is also a man of temperament. He knows the whole story, so he will definitely not fail you."

Zhu Yueji forced a smile: "If the master hadn't declared his identity, I would not have known that you were Jian Gu's friend. The master has extraordinary supernatural powers, and he must have seen through the past and the future. I can't hide anything from you about me."

Zen Master Miaoyin said: "No matter how great the supernatural power is, it is still no match for karma. The time for Bo Xun to come to the world is approaching, and the old monk will soon be nirvana... I will leave it to you to help Minister Li resist the demon king."

Zhu Yueji looked at Zen Master Miaoyin in surprise, and asked, "Master wants to enter Nirvana?"

Zen Master Miaoyin said calmly: "Where there is birth, there is death. This is the truth of all things. I have completed the task entrusted by my old friend, and I will go west."

Zhu Yueji asked puzzledly: "The master has great powers, why didn't he stay and prevent Bo Xun from coming to the world?"

Zen Master Miaoyin said: "Everything has its own cause and effect. There is God's will. I'm afraid I can't wait for Minister Li and his wife to come back. But there is still one thing that I haven't handed over to him. Before Nirvana, I will hand it over to you for safekeeping. One day, he will be in a desperate situation At that time, you will give this to him. Minister Li will surely survive the disaster safely."

Zhu Yueji knows that Buddhism pays attention to seasonality and fate.It was the same when Sakyamuni Buddha entered Nirvana.The karma of all living beings is over, so they will naturally go away, and they cannot stay by force.She stopped talking and followed Zen Master Miaoyin to get the last relic of the founder of the Xianlun School.

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