Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 219) Something is wrong?

The next day, Li Xiaochen called several key members to prepare for the order of collecting the medicinal materials needed for the Emperor Pill.After the girls were seated, Li Xiaochen was about to speak, but couldn't help but yawned.

Seeing his tired face, Zhu Lingsha couldn't help asking with concern: "Brother Li, did you not sleep well last night?"

Li Xiaochen replied casually: "Yeah, I'm so tired, I almost died..."

As soon as these words came out, both Jiang Mier and Zhu Yueji looked at Qin Yufei with a kind of deep and clear eyes.After the client noticed that their eyes were not quite right, his pretty face flushed, reddening to the base of his neck.

Qin Yufei glanced at Li Xiaochen in embarrassment, as if to blame him for talking nonsense, and then explained to the others: "It's not what you think. We are doing very important things..." [

"Oh... very important thing, umm, it is indeed very important." Jiang Mier showed a completely clear expression, "Yufei, you are pregnant now, you can't be too intense, and you can't be too tired Oh. There's no need to rush this kind of thing. We'll have plenty of time later to get this stinky rogue down."

Zhu Yueji also smiled and agreed: "Yes, it's the first time you're pregnant, you really have to take care of your health. Frequent and excessive married life will make you and the baby unbearable."

"It's not what you imagined!" Qin Yufei was so teased that her face became hot, and she twisted Li Xiaochen secretly, "Quickly explain to them!"

Li Xiaochen said nonchalantly: "Is there anything to explain? You are not an outsider. And you are right. We are indeed doing something very important."

Qin Yufei saw that all of them were showing that connotative smile, and couldn't help saying angrily: "He was just helping me sculpt a golden body last night. Don't laugh~ Mier, if you continue to do this, I will let Ah Chen Accompany you, go all out every night. See if you can bear it."

Jiang Mier clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I can guarantee that he must be the first to fall down. But before he dies from exhaustion, I will squeeze him thoroughly and let him crawl completely the next day." Can't get up."

"You don't want to be like this. You deviate from the topic before the meeting." Li Xiao looked at them indifferently, "Hurry up and get back to the topic. As far as I know, the only necessary medicinal material for refining the Emperor Pill is the Emperor's Ice Soul. The Tianshan faction has it. I don’t know the rest. The most troublesome thing is the formula for refining the Tianhuang Pill. Maybe Tao Qianyun has it. I think we need to contact her and work together.”

Jiang Mier accepted the joke, and said sternly: "I also know the formula of Tianhuang Pill. But the medicinal materials are not so easy to find. Now, we can only leave the task of collecting medicinal materials to Aunt Yun. When it comes to the Heavenly Emperor Pill, we can use our manpower. However, we still have to win the Heavenly Emperor’s Ice Soul and the Shennong Ding. Especially the Shennong Ding. With it, we can refine other pills besides the Three Emperor Pill. For example, the Qin family For the hard-to-refined Zishen Yurong Pill, as long as there is a Shennong Cauldron, the success rate of refining will be greatly increased."

Li Xiaochen frowned and said, "This is not good. Shennong Ding is also a treasure handed down from the Jiang family. We bully the weak and snatch it by force, aren't we just like robbers? Besides, as the head of the film department, how can I do such a thing? "

Jiang Mier sighed: "Okay, Minister Li is full of righteousness, and I admire him. Then let's 'borrow' the Shennong Cauldron to refine the Emperor Pill. After refining, we will return it. Is this all right?"

Li Xiaochen nodded in agreement, and immediately said: "Let me and Mier take care of the emperor's ice soul and Shennong cauldron. Yufei and Yueji are both pregnant women, so it's not suitable for you to worry about it. Xiaosha I am here to take care of the two of them together with the girls from the Zhu family."

Jiang Mier pursed her lips and said dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, you will feel sorry for Yufei and Sister Yueji. You just have the heart to let me do errands? You don't love me at all."

Li Xiaochen pulled Jiang Mier over, hugged her into his arms, and said, "You are my right-hand man. Of course, those who are capable will work harder. Besides, you are not pregnant, and you can jump and dance. I must be too tired." You. Besides, if I go out with you alone to do business, can't I just love you? This is a special pet. If you really don't want to, then I'll let Xiaosha go with me. "

"Wait a minute, who said I don't want to?" Jiang Mier was aroused by the word "exclusively favored", so she pretended to say: "Since you have invited me so sincerely, then I will refrain from doing it and follow You worthless guy, go for a trip."


After a few days, everything was ready.Li Xiaochen bid farewell to Qin Yufei, Zhu Yueji, Zhu Lingsha and others who stayed in Kunpeng's belly.Under the endless advice and nagging of the girls, he and Jiang Mier flew to Tianhu City.

The two decided to seize the Shennong Ding first.But before winning the tripod, Li Xiaochen wanted to check the defense situation of the Jiang family and the recent developments in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.

But not long after arriving in Tianhu City, Chen and Mi realized that something was wrong with this city.Tianhu City is the stronghold of the Jiang family.Even if there are immortal cultivators, they will not be everywhere.However, the number of immortal cultivators in Hu City today is a bit unusual, which makes people very concerned.

So Li Xiaochen chose a hotel to stay temporarily, and stayed in the city for a few days to observe. [

Not long after checking in, Li Xiaochen felt tired and had to lie on the bed to rest for a while.I don't know what's wrong, but he feels this tired from time to time these days.

Could it be that too much of the power of the golden body was taken away by Qin Yufei that night?If that's the case, Qin Yufei can suck too much.Fortunately, a man like him, Li Xiaochen, married her.If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.


"I don't think you have much energy for the past few days, are you too tired?" Jiang Mier noticed Li Xiaochen's strangeness, so she came over, knelt on the bed, and massaged his bones.

"It's cool." Li Xiaochen felt less fatigued after Jiang Mier gently rubbed him a few times.The whole person has some spirit.

"You, you have consumed too much energy and spirit, that's why you are like this." After pinching him, Jiang Mier immediately found the root of the problem, "A few days ago, you had too much internal friction in order to shape Yufei's golden body. Until now I haven’t recovered yet. Which part is sore? Tell me, and I’ll rub it for you.”

Li Xiaochen closed his eyes lazily: "Mier, you are so kind. If you are so understanding, gentle and considerate all the time, I will really feel like I have eaten honey, sweet from my heart to my bones gone."

Jiang Mier smiled slightly: "I'm the only one by your side when you're away from home, so of course I can't make you tired. If I don't serve you well, how can I explain to my beautiful wives who are looking forward to your return?"

Li Xiaochen slightly opened his eyelids, looked at Jiang Mier, and said, "Mier, I found that you have become a lot more obedient since I had sex with you. The maternal breath radiates from the inside out." Come out and make me feel better."

Jiang Mier sneered and said, "Did you lack maternal love since you were a child, and you need maternal breath so urgently?"

Li Xiaochen was too lazy to argue with her, and said, "Rub my calf for me."

Jiang Mier knew that he was tired, so she didn't push him too much, and obeyed meekly.

After pinching for a while, Li Xiaochen said again: "The shoulders are also tired, rub it."

"Oh..." Jiang Mier rubbed his shoulders cooperatively.

"The pectoralis major is also sore, rub it."

"it is good."

"...Can you stop kneading so obscenely? I have the illusion that your breasts have been violated by you. And you are... a way to tear apart the dough... Ouch, you perverted breasts... knead in another place, Biceps."

"Well, right now."

"The psoas muscles are also a bit tired, by the way rub it a few times."


"The buttocks are a little sore, give me a pinch too."

"no problem."

"So obedient? The crotch is a bit soft, please blow it with your mouth to make it firm." [

"Is that so?" Jiang Mier smiled slyly, and put her foot in the middle of Li Xiaochen's crotch.

"Wow!" Li Xiaochen was in so much pain that he covered his younger brother who lived and died with him, and rolled back and forth on the bed, "Jiang Mier, are you going to kill someone? Such a heavy stinky foot..."

Jiang Mier crossed her arms, looked at Li Xiaochen with a smile, and said, "Didn't you tell me to harden it? I did. You don't have to roll around on the bed so happily, do you?"

"I'm not happy!" Li Xiaochen gave Jiang Mier a painful look, "I shouldn't have believed that you, a devil, would be good..."

Jiang Mier pursed her lips and said with a light smile: "I originally wanted to relieve your fatigue. Who told you to be so dishonest?"

Li Xiaochen pulled his face and said, "I was just don't need to be serious, do you?"

Jiang Mier said with a smile: "I just wanted to make a joke and kick you symbolically. Who knew that my nervous reaction was too much, and I couldn't help kicking to death when I saw a bad guy. Sure enough, my There is still a sense of justice in his bones."

"Forget it, I'm unlucky, I shouldn't have provoked you..." Li Xiaochen got out of bed and walked to the landing, looking down at Tianhu City, "Mi'er, why do you think those cultivators gathered here? Could it be that they What meeting is there?"

"It's not impossible." Jiang Mier walked beside him, "Maybe in the few days since we left Shenzhou, something big happened in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou. And you absconded with a lot of unforgivable crimes." So they need to get together and discuss what to do."

Li Xiaochen looked at Jiang Mier in surprise, and felt that her nonsense made sense.But why choose Tianbe City?Could it be the Jiang family...

"Ah! I know!" Li Xiaochen suddenly had a flash of understanding, "I almost forgot. When they were fighting for the Earth Emperor Pill, the Jiang family also had one. Mrs. Hua will definitely take the Earth Emperor Pill Submit it to Jiang Junning. In this case, he will be a master of gold. Jiang Ming and Mrs. Hua will definitely support him to be the head of the Jiang family. On the other hand, Qin and Lin are needless to say. Because of me The departure of He Yufei made my father-in-law and mother-in-law succeed. The situation of the Zhu family is even worse. Among the younger generation, Jiang Junning is the only one who can take on the big responsibility. Is there a problem?"

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