Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 233) Emergency Meeting

While Jiang Mier and the others were having fun in Dapeng's belly, the Jiang family's ancestral house was already crowded with immortal cultivators from all schools and sects.Everyone heard that tonight the bigwigs from the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou gathered at Tianlong Taoist Temple to arrest Li Xiaochen with all their strength.I don't know if it was successful or not.

After Elder Qing Gu and the rest of the golden masters returned here, an emergency meeting was held immediately.In addition to the golden masters, the elders of the Xianlun Sect Elders' House attended the meeting.But the four divine monks suddenly handed over the golden enchantment condensed into Buddhist beads to Elder Qinggu, not intending to interfere with the affairs of the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.

The main reason why they helped each other was to ask Li Xiaochen personally whether Zen Master Miaoyin passed away by himself or was killed by others.Since Li Xiaochen said that Zen Master Miaoyin passed Nirvana on his own, and that Lu Bingbing and his daughter can testify, the four monks will ask witnesses.

When they were leaving, Elder Qing Gu tried his best to keep these four hard-working monks.Their role in this fight is decisive.Without the indestructible golden barrier created by the four great monks, and without the formation, stagnation, and emptiness they used, it would be impossible for the world of immortality in Shenzhou to capture Li Xiaochen so smoothly.

But the four monks have decided to go, no matter how Elder Qing Gu persuades them, it is useless.In the end, he could only let the monks leave. [

Next, is how to convict Li Xiaochen and others.The emergency meeting was chaired by Elder Qing Gu.The first thing to discuss is how to deal with Li Xiaochen.As the former head of the film department, this young man's performance has always been remarkable.The head of the Xianlun faction, Taiwei Zhenren, and the former head of the film department, Melzak, both spoke highly of Li Xiaochen.

Of course, Li Xiaochen had indeed made a lot of contributions to the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.But that doesn't justify his acquittal.

There are improper relationships with many women, let's not talk about it for the time being.Betraying the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, and privately reaching an underground deal with Jiuyou, any of these charges is enough for Li Xiaochen to accept the trial of Shenzhou.

"I think the charges are inappropriate." At the meeting, Qin Yichuan was the first to raise an objection, "Betrayed the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, who saw it? Li Xiaochen is a dignified head of the film department, and he is also a member of the Qin and Lin families. Long Kuai’s son-in-law once raised our power in China in the Panshen Palace. He has no motive to betray the world of cultivating immortals in China.”

Lin Yifei also chimed in and said: "The deal with Jiuyou is even more fictitious and maliciously slandered. Who has direct evidence to prove that he has contacts with Jiuyou? That's right, he was with Jiuyou's Ziya Yaoji. But we can't conclude that Li Xiaochen has an ulterior deal with Jiuyou. Generally speaking, there is still a lack of conclusive evidence. It's hard to convincingly convict people like this."

"Lack of conclusive evidence?" Hearing what they said, Jiang Junning laughed, "Before Li Xiaochen became the director of the film department, he colluded with Ziya Yaoji to help the witch go to Jiang's house to cheat Xuewu Yanzang. All the famous elders of the Jiang family have seen it with their own eyes. Could it be that we have wronged him for the crime of colluding with the Nine Nether Demon Girl?"

Luo Kui, head of the Kunlun faction, said: "I don't think Li Xiaochen is the kind of person who would betray the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou. I had contact with him in the Pantheon Palace. people."

"Conjecture." Jiang Junning shook his head and smiled, "It's better for the head of the Kunlun School to say less about words like 'I think'. What you think may not be the truth. Qin and Lin, the two leaders, are just trying to protect their own interests." The son-in-law is just exonerated. No matter what, Li Xiaochen is guilty. We should deal with him. Otherwise, he will be in trouble."

Concubine Lin Yi smiled mockingly: "The Jiang family's words are also biased. You only want to put Li Xiaochen to death, but it's because he won the first prize in the Zixian meeting and married my daughter. .You have always held a grudge against him. So you keep targeting him.”

Jiang Junning said with a displeased face: "You are maliciously slandering. I will not argue with you about such false speculation. Now we are discussing how to convict Li Xiaochen. Everyone should return to the main topic."

Master Tianxuan, the head of the Shushan School, also expressed his opinion: "If you want to talk about punishment, Minister Li...ah, didn't Li Xiaochen already got it? He has been broken by four monks. The cause also vanished into nothing. For a cultivator, is there a more tragic punishment than this?"

This made everyone stunned.That's right, Li Xiaochen's cultivation has indeed been exhausted.This is obvious to all.Just as Master Tianxuan said, abolishing a cultivator's cultivation is more cruel than killing him with a knife.Because without cultivation, there is no way to become a fairy.Immortal cultivators have cultivated for a lifetime, isn't it just to seek the way of immortality?Ruining one's cultivation is equivalent to sending this person into the [-]th level of hell.What else can I ask of him?

If he is afraid that Li Xiaochen will come back and bring harm to the world of cultivating immortals, the most direct way is to imprison him forever.But this method has seriously affected ordinary society.What if Li Xiaochen's family members call the police?

Although everyone can hide Li Xiaochen so that the police can't find him, it will hurt his family and violate the rules set by the film department.Is it possible that we can only let him go?

After a long silence, Elder Qinggu discussed with the other elders of the Xianlun Sect, and announced to everyone: "I think Li Xiaochen has received the punishment he deserved. The Elders' Court of the Xianlun Sect temporarily reads the verdict on behalf of the Film Department. Li Xiaochen will be deprived of life for life." The right to hold any position in the Shenzhou Xiuxian world and expel him from the Xianlun faction. Release him back, but he must be monitored secretly by the shadow department. Once he is found to have any misconduct, the shadow department will immediately arrest him. And we ask him to quit forever The Divine Immortal Cultivation World, vowed not to participate in any activities related to the Divine Immortal Cultivation World."

Qin Yichuan and Lin Yifei showed relieved smiles.That's great.No matter what, Li Xiaochen's life was saved.Even if he doesn't set foot in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou in the future, he can still live a good life like a normal person.

Jiang Junning's face was full of disappointment, and secretly sighed that he could not solve Li Xiaochen once and for all.But don't worry too much.That guy has been abolished, and he can no longer make trouble.The future of the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou belongs to him, Jiang Junning.Thinking of this, Jiang Junning was in a good mood again.

Elder Qing Gu continued: "Then it is about Qin Yufei's disposal. Qin Yufei is Li Xiaochen's wife and the jewel in the palm of the Qin and Lin families. It's a pity that she has a magic pill in her body. Personally, I think it should be treated immediately. Execute her to avoid future troubles. As for the method of execution...Qin Yufei is already a master of gold. We had to ask the four monks from Banzang Temple to come forward and use Cheng Zhu Kuang Kong again to destroy her golden body , and then take her life."

"No!" Concubine Lin immediately stood up, "You want to kill her only because you are afraid that she will enter the magic way, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and bring harm to the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou. Then as long as the magic pill in her body is not activated , you have no reason to kill her, right?"

The new head of the Tianshan School raised an objection: "But how can we suppress the magic pill in her body? Who can guarantee that her magic pill will not explode for the rest of her life?"

Elder Qing Gu nodded and said: "That's right! I understand the feelings of the two masters, and I don't want to criticize Qin Yufei too much. But if you want to save her life, you'd better come up with a set of convincing surefire suppression The method of the magic pill in her body. Otherwise, in order to keep the peace of the world of cultivating immortals, we can only reluctantly kill my daughter."


In fact, Lin Yifei had heard that Li Xiaochen personally went to Banzang Temple to ask Zen Master Miaoyin for a method to restrain the magic pill in Qin Yufei's body.But later, due to various reasons, Qin Yufei still lost control sometimes.I am afraid that there is no way in this world that can completely suppress the magic pill.But for the sake of her daughter, Concubine Lin had no choice but to grit her teeth and let Elder Qing Gu give her three days' grace.

In the next three days, she and Qin Yichuan had to figure out a way to save Qin Yufei.

After that, everyone's attitude towards Jiang Mier was basically the same.That is to eradicate the demon girl of Jiuyou to prevent future troubles.The proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone present without any hindrance.As for Zhu Yueji, she did not do anything to endanger the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, so she needs to be tried and convicted.

After preliminarily finalizing all the disposal plans, the emergency meeting came to an end for the time being.At noon the next day, Elder Qing Gu unexpectedly received a letter of challenge from the world of cultivating immortals in Japan.This book was written to Li Xiaochen, the director of the film department who has been dismissed.But because Li Xiaochen had already been imprisoned in the golden barrier, he was handed over to Elder Qinggu.

Opening the challenge book, Elder Qing Gu saw the contents inside and was shocked.He hurriedly summoned the golden masters who hadn't left yet, and called another meeting urgently.

After showing everyone the challenge book from the Japanese immortal world, Elder Qing Gu said solemnly: "What I want to remind you is the signature of this challenge letter. In addition to Uesugi Koichi, there are other Japanese immortals. Masters. These are top Japanese immortal cultivators. What do you guys think, how should we deal with it?"

Jiang Junning didn't even think about it, so he said: "Maintain our lineup, and directly fight against the Japanese cultivators. We are a big country with a large number of talents, and there are many golden bodies. Are we afraid that they will fail?"

Qin Yichuan and his wife were thinking about Qin Yufei's matter, and they didn't have the time to pay attention to it. They only said that Elder Qinggu would make the decision.If they have to play, they will do their part.After finishing speaking, he left the table in a hurry.With this example, others also expressed their willingness to obey Elder Qing Gu's decision.

Elder Qing Gu is naturally not afraid of Japanese immortal cultivators.It is not difficult to fight.The difficult thing is not to affect the friendship between China and Japan.If the battle of wits is over, it is easy to cause international problems.

While thinking about it, someone brought a challenge letter.Elder Qing Gu quickly opened it and took a look.Good guy, this time it's Qiu Zhan, a celebrity in the world of cultivating immortals in Korea.The target of the challenge turned out to be Li Xiaochen too.There is a list of names in the signature section, all of which are famous Korean immortal cultivators.

Elder Qing Gu saw it.These Japanese and Korean immortal cultivators clearly wanted to use the big to bully the small, to get back face from Li Xiaochen for the juniors.But Li Xiaochen was no longer able to fight.

After careful consideration for a long time, Elder Qing Gu decided to reply to the two parties, tactfully rejecting their challenge.The reason is naturally that Li Xiaochen's cultivation has been completely abolished, so he can no longer fight with others.

It's just that the current Elder Qing Gu still doesn't know how much trouble his reply letter will bring to the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.

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