Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 238) Rescue Tang Yao

Seeing her let go, Li Xiaochen took a few steps back, and said to Jiang Mier: "Find some good medicine and heal her wounds without leaving scars. But the 'bitch' on her face must be kept. Then find someone to take her back to Jiang's house."

Jiang Mier wanted to ask why, but then she understood his intention: "Just do as you say."

Li Xiaochen smiled slightly and said, "Mi'er, you are very likable in this way, you can see through it. Wait for me on the bed tonight."

After all, without looking at Jiang Mier's reaction, Li Xiaochen laughed and walked out of the room.Go and rescue Tang Yao later.After that, I will settle the score with the group of golden masters in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.

Grandma's, he was besieged by so many people last time, and he suffered a big loss.Even Jiang Mier and the others suffered.If he doesn't come back this time, Li Xiaochen will eunuch himself. [

After going through so much, Li Xiaochen finally understood the nature of this group of cultivators.They are a bunch of pretending to be beaten.No distinction between right and wrong, black and white are unclear, and they even teamed up to get him.Li Xiaochen became more polite to these people.This group of people will not take him as a dish.

Especially that Jiang Junning whose Russian name is not uncomfortable, will try to make Li Xiaochen ugly.These are a bunch of shit cultivators!

A true immortal cultivator should act quietly, sincerely and kindly.Look at these so-called wealthy families, what are they doing to the world of cultivating immortals?There is also Xianlun pie!Jiangu created a sect and passed it on until now, but in the end there came a shitty elder's house.Knowing that Li Xiaochen was the reincarnation of Tianmeng, not only did he not help him, but he even urged others to deal with him together.

When Li Xiaochen was the director of the film department, these old men used all kinds of rules and regulations to suppress him all day long.At that time, because of the promise with Melzac, Li Xiaochen endured it.Now it seems that I have made a mistake.These guys are simply old and stubborn!

Who is he, Li Xiaochen, and how could he betray the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou?Think about it with your toes.It's just that under unavoidable circumstances, we must cooperate with Jiuyou.

As a result, things were shaken out, and no one believed him.Only a few confidante around Li Xiaochen supported him from beginning to end.

These bastards from the world of cultivating immortals!

After the defeat last time, Li Xiaochen learned from the pain, and finally figured it out.He won't bear it any longer, and must suppress the bastards in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou with a strong wrist.Whoever refuses to accept it will be beaten until he accepts it.Otherwise, there would be no way to rectify the smoky world of cultivating immortals in China!

After confirming his future course and resting for a while, Li Xiaochen and Cai Lao got pregnant together.

As soon as he came outside, he saw a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.There are glaciers everywhere, no houses, no pedestrians.The temperature in this area is cold enough for ordinary people to freeze to death.

"Is this the South Pole or the North Pole?" Li Xiaochen looked around, hoping to see a polar bear or a penguin, so as to judge his location.

"Below!" Cai Boss shouted, drew circles with both hands, and made two Taiji diagrams together.

Li Xiaochen looked down, and suddenly found an old Taoist priest who looked exactly like Cai Lao on the glacier.The old Taoist sat cross-legged on a cage made of solid ice, his eyes closed.The top and bottom of the cage are square blocks of thick, solid ice.Thick round ice columns are arranged in a circle at equal distances from the top to the bottom.It was Tang Yao who was imprisoned in the cage!

"I'll hold him back. You go save him!" Cai Lao issued an order, and he used all his strength to go down and fight Heihua Cai Lao.

Only now did Li Xiaochen distinguish the two of them.The blackened vegetables are old, and the eyes are very special.The whites of the eyes are all black.The dark brown parts turned white.Zheng Cai Lao's hair and beard are white.The blackened Cai Lao is the complete opposite, with black beard and hair.It feels like the yin and yang fish in the Taiji diagram, one black and one white, one positive and one negative, belonging to two extremes.

But since Mr. Cai took the initiative to take responsibility, Li Xiaochen went straight to the prison.He shattered the ice prison with one palm, and without saying a word, he picked up the unconscious Tang Yao and flew to Dapeng.

At this time, seeing Tang Yao being rescued, the blackened Cai Lao used all his strength to beat Cai Lao into the air, and came straight to Li Xiaochen.

A strong enemy is approaching in a blink of an eye.Li Xiaochen didn't even think about it, he subconsciously slapped a palm according to the key of Dali Vajra Hand.Hei Huacai immediately blocked with both hands.But with this palm, there was no big golden handprint, which was completely the momentum and power of the past.

Hei Huacai was stunned for a moment, and looked down at his body, but there was nothing wrong.It is expected that the opponent is bluffing.He was about to attack, but suddenly felt a slap between his chest and abdomen.A clear and thick palm print immediately appeared on his body. [

Qiangbi's palm strength is like the big hand of Buddha, and he unstoppably suppressed Hei Huacai Lao.

With a loud bang, Heihuacai, like a monkey grandson, slapped and was photographed on the glacier.Due to the fierce power of the Vajra Hand, the blackened vegetable stayed on the glacier for a second, and was quickly thrown into the deep sea under the glacier like a bullet out of its chest.

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Li Xiaochen looked at his palm in surprise, and muttered to himself: "So powerful? The sound and shape. Is this the powerful Vajra hand from the realm of the immortal?"

As an existence closer to the way of heaven, immortals are more in line with the laws of the operation of all things in the world.The so-called way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking in the excess of damage; this is not the case in the way of man, in which the excess is not enough to be compensated for.

Therefore, after reaching the realm of the immortal, even if it is only a pure immortal, it will tend to be more balanced between yin and yang, and the virtual and the real.If reality exists, it must be overcome by virtuality.The existence of virtuality should be attacked with reality.For example, the golden body is the pinnacle of solidity, so it needs to be attacked with virtuality to be effective.

And immortals can switch between virtual reality and real reality, so it is not easy to attack.Then you have to seize the opportunity to make a real hit.

Li Xiaochen's palm is both virtual and real, combining hardness and softness, and it makes the other party unpredictable.When Hei Huacai was careless, he caught him by surprise and hit him hard.He himself didn't figure it out, it was just a random move.It can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

However, Vigorous Vajra Hand is the best at restraining evil spirits.After Hei Hua Cailao was hit, he couldn't withstand the erosion of this Buddha power, and he couldn't even maintain his human form. He turned into a cloud of black matter like fog, slowly drifting from the deep sea to the sky, Return to Cai Lao's body.

Cai Lao accepted his dark side, and suddenly his facial muscles twitched, appearing in extreme pain.Li Xiaochen quickly held him up and flew back into Dapeng's belly.

"Place Tang Yao right away and treat her." Upon returning, Li Xiaochen handed Tang Yao under his arm to Zhu Yueji and Zhu Lingsha.He took Cai Lao to another room to observe the situation.

Although Cai Lao was in pain, he still waved his hand to Li Xiaochen, and said, "It's not a problem...the relapse of sin will inevitably make people overwhelmed with pain. I'll take a break and then...cough, cough cough..."

"Is it really all right?" Li Xiaochen saw that his whole body was convulsed, as if he was fine.

Mr. Cai forced a smile: "That palm you just hit was very hurt my dark side to death. you know why I lived at the foot of the mountain for so long? That's because...I've been Wait for someone like good and evil are on my side. I will soon be disbanded and ascended."

Li Xiaochen asked in surprise, "Are you going to ascend to immortality?"

Cai Lao nodded: "There are as many fairylands as a cow's hair, and each person's karma is different. I don't know which fairyland I will go to. But now I am more evil than good, so I must not go to any good place..."

Li Xiaochen said sadly: "It's fate that we met once. Why don't you just let me do something for you. In the seven to seven days after your ascension, I will try my best to do good for you and help you find a good place."

Mr. Cai grabbed Li Xiaochen's hand and said, "Good will be rewarded with good...if you keep this in mind, I will help you in the repay your kindness..."

Li Xiaochen smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter, don't talk about kindness or unkindness. Is that more commonplace?"

At this time, Cai Lao's body suddenly shattered into pieces, emitting crystal light, and falling in all directions.His primordial spirit also left his physical body and disappeared.Li Xiaochen must have stayed in the house for a while before going to Tang Yao.

When Jiang Mier and the others learned that Tang Yao had been rescued, they all came to the bedside to surround her.Li Xiaochen squeezed in and observed carefully for a while, only to see that Tang Yao was covered in bruises.People are much thinner than before.This state is usually called skinny.The withered and yellow skin was not as fair and moist as it used to be, and it made people want to cry when they saw it.

"These bastards!" Li Xiaochen clenched his fists angrily, "Dare to torture my woman like this! Jiang Junning, you wait for me. Don't let me see you. Otherwise, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

After emergency treatment for a while, Zhu Yueji said to everyone: "Temporarily out of danger. Frankly speaking, it is a miracle that Ayao can survive to this day. She supports herself entirely by a will. Otherwise, she would have gone to reincarnation long ago." [

"Tang Yao!" Li Xiaochen grabbed her skinny hand in pain, "It's because I failed to save you in time and caused you to suffer. I will avenge this revenge for you! I will let those who bully you get due retribution!"

Hearing Li Xiaochen's voice vaguely, Tang Yao forcefully opened her eyelids, her white and chapped lips trembling: " is it...don't..."

Li Xiaochen resolutely said: "If I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a human being! I want those bastards to know what will happen to the women who touch me! Otherwise, they will be even more arrogant in the future. Next time they are abused, say It might be Xiaosha, or someone else. If I don't use harsh hands, I won't be able to kill chickens and monkeys, and deter those things that are worse than beasts!"

"Ah Chen...don't...they just...locked me up...didn't touch me..." Tang Yao tried to shake her head, "Don't offend me..."

"I want to offend the whole world because of you!" Li Xiaochen held her hand tightly with tears in his eyes, "Could it be that when others bully my woman, I still have to greet them with a smile and bow? You just don't care. Take good care of it. I will definitely seek justice for you!"

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