"Do you know how expensive this car is?" Kuo Shao glanced at the wreckage of the sports car, and proudly stretched out five fingers, "500 million."

As he said that, Kuo Shao patted Li Xiaochen's face in a bully manner, and said, "Can you afford it, buddy? You're not worth the money if you sell it!"

Hearing 500 million, a figure that was almost a fantasy to him, Li Xiaochen was instantly dumbfounded.My mind went blank.

He squeezed a hundred heads and never imagined that the 500 million Lamborghini sports car was forcibly smashed just now.

I have never realized that I have such great strength before.

"Liu Rongwei, don't be shy. Just now you drove maliciously and tried to hit someone. Everyone saw it." Seeing that Li Xiaochen was frightened, Tang Yao hurried out to help.

The rich young man was smoking a cigarette leisurely.Se Mimi's eyes greedily turned several times on Tang Yao.Tang Yao got goosebumps all over the ground when he saw it.

But soon, she straightened her face, and said again: "You are rampant at school, do you think this is your home?"

Liu Rongwei smiled angrily and said, "I just want to know, who will pay for this car? Or...Tang Yao, do you want to pay for this kid?"

Tang Yao stared at Liu Rongwei fiercely, and stopped talking.Although her family is considered well-off, if she wants to spend 500 million yuan, the family will definitely not agree.

"If you want to pay for him, it's not impossible..." Liu Rongwei put his arms around Tang Yao's waist, rubbing it back and forth.Yin smiles all over his face.

"Let go of your salty pig hands!" Tang Yao slapped Liu Rongwei's arm away from her own hand, with an angry face, but not easy to attack.

Liu Rongwei's family is powerful and powerful, and they have always been unscrupulous in Yinluo City. She, Tang Yao, cannot afford to offend her.

It's pretty good that I can still keep my body from being ruined by him.

"One person does the work and the other person is responsible. I'll be responsible for what I broke!" Li Xiaochen, who had been silent by the side, pulled Tang Yao behind him, "If you come to me for anything, it has nothing to do with Tang Yao."

"Hehe, buddy, your tone is quite aggressive." Liu Rongwei didn't pay attention to such a small role at all, "The T-shirt on your body is 38 yuan, buy one get one free. Pants are street stalls worth only a few yuan Goods. What will you pay for my car?"

Li Xiaochen gritted his teeth fiercely, took out two stacks of thick banknotes from his bag, patted them in Liu Rongwei's hands, and said, "Here is 20 euros, equivalent to about 160 yuan. I only have this much on me now. Yes, I will pay you back in a few days!"

As soon as the euro was sold, there was an uproar.The onlookers gave full play to the green leaf function that extras should have, and started chattering again.

"Did you see it? Did you see it! This is called being low-key! She wears cheap clothes, but she carries 20 notes with her, which is the foreign currency Euro!"

"Actually, I've noticed it a long time ago. That handsome guy is a rich owner. Otherwise, how dare he destroy other people's cars."

"Do you know what will become after a series of complicated organic cultivations put cow embryos and human embryos together? Cow people!"

Tang Yao knew about Li Xiaochen's family background, and knew that he could not have 500 million yuan, so he couldn't afford to pay for that luxury car.

So when she saw Li Xiaochen take out the two stacks of banknotes in one breath, she was more surprised than anyone else: Isn't he a poor student? When did he become so rich?

Tang Yao couldn't believe that this boy who used to ask for AA when he went out to eat with girls actually had a lot of money.

What the hell happened?He won the European lottery?

In fact, the reason why Li Xiaochen brought the 20 yuan was because he wanted to go to the bank to exchange them.

Part of it was remitted to the mother who was hospitalized, and part of it was used to pay the tuition fees that are still in arrears.

Who knows that people are not as good as God.Early in the morning, this kind of thing happened.

Although he told Liu Rongwei to pay back the money in a few days, it was only a temporary expedient measure.He really didn't know what to do, and he didn't have the ability to pay back.

Liu Rongwei obviously didn't expect this poor kid in cheap clothes to have so much money.

Although he was a little surprised in his heart, he kept his expression on the surface and counted the banknotes.

It was indeed 20 euros, exactly.

"Pay it back in a few days?" Liu Rongwei snorted, "Stop doing this. In a few days, you might flee abroad to hide your debts. Where can I find you? If you don't pay back the money right away, I'll kill you!"

Li Xiaochen has long been displeased with this rich young master's aggressive and domineering attitude.

But the matter was caused by him, no matter what, it was an indisputable fact that the car was damaged by Li Xiaochen.

As a debtor, he had no choice but to endure it.The resentment that filled my heart also gradually disappeared.

But at this time, hearing his threatening words again, Li Xiaochen became angry immediately.

He frowned, grabbed Liu Rongwei's skirt, and shouted angrily: "I said, the money will be returned in a few days!"

With this excitement, the warm current that had originally returned to the dantian reappeared and flowed to the arms.

Liu Rongwei's Armani shirt hissed, and a long tear was immediately torn out.The buttons on the placket were also crushed into powder.

This Kuo Shao just remembered that Li Xiaochen, who can even shake a sports car to death, if he really wanted to move him, wouldn't that be as simple as chopping vegetables?

Thinking of the situation where Li Xiaochen destroyed the car, he felt hairy all over.

But Liu Rongwei has always been used to being arrogant and indulgent since he was a child, and he has always been a jewel held by everyone.He never believed that this poor boy dared to hurt him.

Therefore, although he was a little scared, he still looked arrogant: "Boy, if you have the guts, try to touch me?"

"You think I dare not?" Li Xiaochen threw Liu Rongwei a few meters away, "If you have the ability, come and kill me right now!"

Anyway, he couldn't afford to pay back the money anyway, so he would go all out without any scruples.

"Li Xiaochen, don't be impulsive." Seeing that the situation was not right, Tang Yao quickly grabbed Li Xiaochen who was rushing to fight with Liu Rongwei, "Their family has a lot of background. If you offend Liu Rongwei, you will have a hard time in the future gone."

Li Xiaochen sneered and said, "I've offended him a long time ago by breaking his car. What's the difference if I offend him less or more?"

Seeing that Tang Yao couldn't persuade him, Tang Yao pondered for a while, sighed, and finally made a decision: "Although the money is a bit too much, it doesn't matter. I will find a way to pay it back for you first."

Li Xiaochen was a little taken aback, turned to look at Tang Yao, and saw her serious face, she didn't look like she was joking.

Immediately, he shook his head and said, "No. It's none of your business. You don't have to..."

"Just treat it as a loan from me." Tang Yao smiled slightly, "I know you don't like to owe people money. But in comparison, the money owed to me is better than the money owed to Liu Rongwei."

"Master—" Li Xiaochen hadn't expressed his opinion when a beautiful woman in a maid's attire and with ponytails came lightly, dragging a black leather suitcase.

Just when the onlookers thought that this pretty maid would stop in front of Liu Rongwei, she ran straight to Li Xiaochen without even looking at the young lady.

"You, you, you... why are you dressed like this?" Li Xiaochen looked at the beautiful woman in front of him in surprise.

I was too far away just now, so I couldn't see very clearly.Now that he was close at hand, Li Xiaochen realized that this beautiful maid was none other than Jiang Mier who paid him 20 euros last night.

Beauty is beauty.No matter what you wear or what you dress up, you are still a beauty.

Jiang Mier's maid outfit makes her look pure and lovely.Coupled with her innocence and shyness, she instantly killed all the innocent boys present.

She originally planned to come to Li Xiaochen this morning to discuss some matters.But when he walked to the school gate, he witnessed everything that happened here.

So she simply changed her clothes and came to help Li Xiaochen out of the siege.

"Master, it was you who said that you like people dressed like this~" Jiang Mier had an innocent expression full of tears, as if she had been wronged by the sky.

"Me?" Li Xiaochen didn't understand which one she was acting in at all.

Jiang Mier nodded, bit her lips, and said with a flushed face, "Yes, young master, don't you remember? You touched someone that night... um, eh!"

Hearing the word "touch", Li Xiaochen was so frightened that he quickly covered Jiang Mier's mouth, for fear that she would tell any more terrible rumors.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world.The onlookers heard the key words clearly and became excited again.

"Thousands of words can't express the emotion in my chest at this moment. Don't say anything. Niu is just one word, and I only say it once."

"Behind every top-quality maid, there is a wretched and perverted young master. Well, it really is a wise saying."

"I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced. It's more ups and downs than Hollywood blockbusters. This movie is so good, it's so good!"

Li Xiaochen rolled his eyes, ignoring those gossips, and asked Jiang Mier, "What are you doing here?"

"Master, didn't you ask me to send the money?" Jiang Mier blinked innocently, and opened the black leather case in her hand.

"Wow—" the onlookers were all dumbfounded, staring at the banknotes neatly placed in the suitcase.

"This, this is..." Li Xiaochen has lived for more than 20 years, and has never seen so much money.

The 20 euros last night was enough for him to be speechless.It hadn't been 24 hours yet, but he saw a plethora of banknotes that were terrifying enough to kill people.

Jiang Mier grinned, closed the black suitcase, and walked in front of Liu Rongwei.But with a click, the black suitcase was thrown on the ground like garbage.

"You check it out. There are a total of 330 million in it." Jiang Mier looked at Liu Rongwei coldly, "Including the previous 20 euros, it is just enough to pay for your little broken car."

Liu Rongwei looked at this maid who was prettier than Tang Yao, and was speechless.

The women he played with are not too few.Supermodels, popular actresses, coquettish ladies...but none of them can compare to this maid.

Seeing her, Liu Rongwei suddenly felt that what he was playing with before was not the beauty of the world, but a bunch of ugly sows.

Among the women he had met in his life, Qin Yufei was probably the only one who could match her.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Jiang Mier just stared at herself with disgusting lecherous eyes, and stepped on the black leather case.

Only then did Liu Rongwei come back to his senses, and swallowed hard, wishing he could swallow this beautiful life in one gulp.

Jiang Mier stared at him contemptuously, and said, "Don't just come out and show off just because you have two bad money in your family. Let me tell you, the toilet paper used by our young master is all five hundred euro notes. This Armani shirt is worth less than a piece of his toilet paper."

With that said, Jiang Mier walked back to Li Xiaochen's side, and said, "It's just that our young master has always kept a low profile, and doesn't bother to care about an uneducated bastard like you."

After finishing speaking, a pleasant bell echoed in front of the school gate, and someone's cell phone rang.

Some onlookers took out their mobile phones, only to find that it was not their own call.

At this time, Jiang Mier took out her mobile phone from her pocket, pressed the answer button, and switched to talking in English: "Hello? Well, yes... OK, I will arrange it as soon as possible. But if the schedule can't be arranged, don't blame me... …OK Bye Bye."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mier smiled and said to Li Xiaochen: "Master, Mr. Ao and his wife have parachuted to the airport. The secretary just called to ask if you are free. Mr. Ao wants to invite you to drink tea."

Li Xiaochen asked in bewilderment, "Who is Mr. Ao?"

Just when everyone thought she would name the president of a certain famous enterprise group, Jiang Mier smiled sweetly and said, "Young master is good or bad, so ask the question knowingly. Mr. Ao is President Obama."

"What?" Li Xiaochen looked at Jiang Mier dumbfounded.The president of the United States has been pulled out.I don't know how long this girl is going to mess around?

Jiang Mier caught a glimpse of Li Xiaochen's expression and nodded clearly.

While pressing the phone, she pretended to be regretful and said, "Oh, it's rare that Mr. Ao is here. It's a pity that the young master still has classes, so I'm afraid he won't be free. I'll just push it away for you."

"Don't!" Li Xiaochen was worried that he couldn't find an excuse to sneak away, so he hurriedly stopped her, "I think it's better for me to meet up, so as not to affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

As he said that, he pulled Jiang Mier and walked out of the school quickly, ignoring other people's reactions.

Just after Li Xiaochen and Jiang Mier left, two men in black windbreakers came out from an alley not far outside the school, one tall and thin, the other short and fat.

The high collars blocked their faces, making it difficult to see their features clearly.

Looking at the figures of the two people going away, the short and fat man squeezed a seal formula with his right hand and whispered something in his mouth.

Suddenly, the tall and thin man grabbed the short and fat man's handprint, and said in a low and hoarse tone: "Don't make a move. There are too many worldly people here."

"Brother, although it is an iron rule in the world of cultivating immortals not to use fairy arts in front of ordinary people, we can use ordinary methods to get rid of that girl." The short and fat man took out a pistol from his coat, and laughed sinisterly , "It's not the first time we've done this kind of thing anyway."

The tall and thin man said: "Adopt a softer combat plan."

"Brother, I have a proposal."


"Look at me, I'm as handsome as Takeshi Kaneshiro, the charm enough to be popular among thousands of girls is a little bit bigger than Andy Lau, the melancholy temperament like Prince Charming is not inferior to Takuya Kimura, and the curly muscles are better than Arnoshi Wassinger is stronger and stronger, his bushy beard is as sexy and cute as Marx's, and his charming and dazzling space dance is thousands of times cooler than Michael Jackson..."

"so what?"

"...how about letting me seduce her?"

"Black soil."

"At any time to listen to the elder brother's orders!"

"Shut your beak. If you dare to talk nonsense in the future, I will let you put on a bikini and go to the vampire cemetery to lure the corpse of a thousand-year-old man!"

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