Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 31) Take a good rest

The golden krait quickly climbed onto the black pine, using its long body to wrap around him tightly.

Heisong was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he repeatedly begged for mercy: "Master Suiyang, please spare my life... oh oh..."

When he opened his mouth to speak, the head of the golden krait had been inserted into the black pine's mouth.

He babbled and wanted to say something, but he was completely speechless due to excessive fear.

After a while, the entire golden krait had entered his abdomen.

Heisong suddenly suffered from abdominal pain and screamed in pain.

Heitu, who was watching clearly from the sidelines, wanted to intercede with Suiyang on behalf of Heisong, but he was afraid that he would end up in the same way, so he had no choice but to say nothing.

Heisong clutched his stomach and turned over and over on the ground, rolling continuously.

Not long after, he felt itchy all over his body, so he reached out to scratch.

Heitu's eyes widened, and he saw thick golden ring snake scales growing on Heisong's body.Ren Heisong couldn't catch it no matter how he caught it.

That miserable cry of terror echoed eeriely in the cave, very frightening.

About half an hour later, Heisong's whole body was covered with horrific snake scales.

The tongue in the mouth has also completely turned into a snake letter.

Over time, the abdominal pain gradually weakened.The black pine snake scales fell off his body.

In the end, he actually had a physical body that was exactly the same as his original appearance.

Only then did Heisong understand that Suiyang was using this weird forbidden technique to help him reshape his physical body.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground and kept saying, "Thank you Lord Suiyang, thank you Lord Suiyang..."

Suiyang walked up to Heisong, pinched his mouth open with one hand, observed for a moment, and frowned: "This newly created forbidden technique is not perfect. The tongue and teeth have not changed back."


Outside Yinluo City, Kichang.

In the silent night that blew out the candlelight all over the sky, the Taibai star just lit up the enlightenment.

The nocturnal cloak draped over the deep sky has been washed a little white by Fairy Dawn.

Li Xiaochen stayed up all night, and finally managed to transform his true energy into white thunder that radiated purple light.

This thunder light is like a cheerful and lively elf, dancing in his hands.

The first phase has been basically completed.The next step is to change its shape and cut off the big tree.

Li Xiaochen closed his eyes and recalled Jiang Mier's chopping of trees yesterday.

Then, raising his arm, he slashed at a pine tree.

Although he tried his best to control the lightning in his palm to extend with his thoughts, the light only stretched about half a meter, and then it left his palm and flew out.

"It's not like that." Jiang Mier came to Li Xiaochen's side at some point, "The thunder is fast and violent, and it disperses easily. You must concentrate and concentrate the energy. Don't let them disperse. Do you know laser? Ordinary light will scatter in all directions. But laser is different, it is a special light that concentrates light energy and spreads in one direction."

It's always easier said than done.The principle is indeed easy to understand, but when actually doing it, it is extremely difficult.

To accomplish this step, the immortal cultivator must not only have a strong ability to control the mind, but also need a high degree of concentration.

Li Xiaochen worked hard all morning, but he could only twist a few thick purple mines into an ugly and unstable beam.

It is too difficult, too difficult to make a Thunder Blade that is as radiant and beautiful as Jiang Mier.

However, Li Xiaochen was born with the type who was not afraid of hard work and full of tenacity.The more you fail, the harder you have to work hard to face the difficulties.

He prefers failure to success.

Because what you get from failure is far more than what you get from success.

From ancient times to the present, the reasons for people's success may vary.But the biggest reason for failure is undoubtedly only one-that is laziness.

The ancients also said that industry is good at diligence and waste at play.

In this way, Li Xiaochen climbed up from failure, summed up his experience, fell down again, climbed up again, and continued to accumulate experience...

Jiang Mier, who was leaning lightly under a tree and watching him quietly, couldn't help being touched by his spirit.

She also somewhat understood the gap between herself and Li Xiaochen.

Anyone who is gifted and intelligent is somewhat arrogant or lazy.

For a long time, she has relied on her own intelligence to surpass the understanding of everyone, and she has cultivated to the realm of the first level of thunder calamity astonishingly.

This is no small miracle in the world of cultivating immortals.

But she knew that she just had better aptitude and a little cleverness.

It is also because of the good innate hardware facilities that I am not like most people with mediocre qualifications, making unremitting efforts in the day after tomorrow.

This is also a problem of many smart people.

But Li Xiaochen was a little different.

He was able to learn the complicated and profound set of flying star steps on the moon within half an hour, and his comprehension was by no means inferior to her, Jiang Mier.

It is indeed commendable that such a talented person is still down-to-earth and working hard.

It's like having Huang Rong's instant brain, coupled with Guo Jing's perseverance, how can there be no reason for not being successful in the future?

Maybe he can become a living immortal in the near future.

Jiang Mier began to look forward to Li Xiaochen's growth.

But how long can I stay by his side, one month, two months, or three months?

Thinking of this, Jiang Mier became worried about her own situation again.

If the two men in black were still alive last time, they would definitely return to Sui Yang to report the news.

With Suiyang's character, once he learns about the situation here, he will definitely go out in person and come to Yinluo City to catch people.

On the other hand, the relatives of the Jiang family also stared at her.It was uncertain when, they would find her and kill her.

As long as it is done cleanly, even the film department will not be able to find out.

The head of the Jiang family can make the whole family crazy.

Jiang Mier sighed wearily.Fighting for power and profit, fighting for fame and position, is this kind of thing rare in a wealthy family?

My head is in a mess.After thinking for a long time, Jiang Mier, who was bored in her heart, suddenly heard a crisp sound.

Then, a poplar tree was crooked, as if it was about to fall.

"Ah! That's great!" Li Xiaochen jumped up excitedly like a child.


Jiang Mier was overjoyed: It's not even night yet.It only took him less than two days!If other immortal cultivators saw this terrifying progress, wouldn't they be so jealous that they vomited blood to death?

"Ahhh—" Li Xiaochen beat his chest and stamped his feet, howling like a wild wolf.

Before the shouting was over, the whole poplar tree slammed on Li Xiaochen's forehead, knocking him to the ground.

Jiang Mier chuckled, and walked over to check the tree's cut.

"Hey, you don't come to help, move the tree away. It crushed me to death!"

"It's best to crush you to death." Jiang Mier pointed to the incision that seemed to have been forcefully torn out, "What is this? It's uneven and the force is uneven. What's the difference between this and a sugar cane that was snapped off? You're still screaming so slutty. Make me think you're done, huh."

"I've been able to break the tree. Isn't that worth celebrating with spring howling wolves?"

"You idiot! Quickly cut me a smooth hole! Otherwise, you will be hungry tonight!" Jiang Mier raised her fist and hit Li Xiaochen's Baihui acupoint angrily, "Your Is this the only level of talent!"

Li Xiaochen hugged his painful head and protested, "This is better than before, okay?"

"Big idiot! What I want to look at is not the progress, but the result! The perfect result is the only thing that matters. I'm not interested in knowing the process of your hard work!"

"Easy to say! How long did it take you to break a tree? Come and hear me."

Jiang Mier was suddenly at a loss for words.

However, she quickly put on a smiling face, squatted next to Li Xiaochen, and asked, "You seem very unconvinced, don't you?"

"Of course. You don't even know how hard I am...Ah! Oh, oh...Jiang Mier, don't, don't do this, you're going to die! You're dead, you're really going to die!"

"Are you convinced now?" Jiang Mier sat on the poplar tree that held Li Xiaochen down.From time to time, she raised her buttocks, and then sat down abruptly.

"Convinced... I admit defeat. Ouch! My aunt, don't add weight to me. My ribs are going to be crushed..."

Next, Li Xiaochen, who has already been able to expand and contract the lightning zhenqi in his hands at will, the last remaining problem is to concentrate them as much as possible.

As time went by, one tree after another fell.The cuts left on the tree are becoming more and more flat.

It is not difficult to change the shape of the thunder attribute, as long as you let go of distracting thoughts, concentrate your mind enough, and master the tricks, you can cultivate it.

But it is not so easy to cut a neat cut in the tree.

Although Lei Xing is powerful, it is not easy to control, just as it is difficult for a person with a bad temper to hold his breath.

If it weren't for a very good immortal cultivator, it would be impossible to control the jumping electric energy.

And Li Xiaochen hadn't built a foundation yet, his qi scattered more than condensed, very unstable.This caused even greater difficulties in his cultivation.

But on the other hand, if he has passed this test, and after the foundation is established, his true qi is stable and unflappable, then his control over his true qi will be much stronger than others.

When it was nearly midnight, Li Xiaochen cut the tree neatly with an inadvertent chop.

He suddenly discovered this gratifying phenomenon, and just about to make a strange cry, his legs went limp, his head became dizzy, and he couldn't stand still.

In the past two days, he has only been focusing on the cultivation of attribute shape changes and condensed control, and has been maintaining the transformation and output of true energy, which has made him almost exhausted.

At the end of his cultivation, he basically gritted his teeth and persisted.

If he hadn't completed the first part of the cultivation of congealing pills, Li Xiaochen would have been unable to hold on.

Just when he was about to fall down, Jiang Mier rushed over, supported Li Xiaochen's body, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work. Get a good night's sleep tonight."

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