Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 343) The Old Stick Comes to Shenzhou

Just as Uesugi Huangyi and others were implementing their plan, representatives of the Korean cultivating world also quietly came to Shenzhou.It's just that South Korea's land area is not large, and its population is far less than that of China.Therefore, there are not many outstanding people who cultivate immortals.In addition, there are not many people who are willing to come to Shenzhou in response to Jin Yu's call.In the end, the only ones who came to Shenzhou were Jin Yu and Hei Hei Zi, who had a close relationship with the Xianlun Sect.Most of the rest of the cultivators came to watch the battle, study and join in the fun.

Jin Yu is a master of gold.Hei Hei Zi is actually two old men with a sense of demeanor.Heizi was tall and thin, with dark skin, like a thin stick.But he still wore a white Taoist robe.In contrast, his charcoal complexion became more conspicuous.

Baizi is just the opposite.He was white and clean, short and fat, but he was wearing a black Taoist robe.In this way, he looks even fairer.

This pair of old men are called the Yin and Yang Immortals in South Korea, and they are both masters who have cultivated to the realm of immortals.

In other words, there are only two immortals and one golden body among the masters from South Korea who came to China to compete in martial arts.Others simply do not reach the table. [

Jin Yu accompanied two respectable old men on the road in Yinluo City, and listened to the two of them telling stories from a long time ago.

Baizi squinted his eyes and recalled: "As early as the time of Qin Shihuang in Shenzhou, the cultivation of immortals was introduced to our country. At that time, my brother and I came to Shenzhou to seek immortality. At that time, science and technology were very backward. Crossing the sea by boat It's an extremely dangerous thing. We don't have a compass or a navigator, and we're all going by the direction of the sea and the direction of the wind."

Heizi was also reminded of the previous memories, and then Baizi continued: "My brother and I were really miserable at that time. After arriving in Shenzhou, we found that this continent is wider than we imagined. There is still a shortage of supplies. It’s really hard to find a meal. We walked westward aimlessly. Asking people along the way, no one knows what kind of sect to cultivate immortals. We have to wait until we reach a relatively large-scale city, hey, finally someone knows.”

Baizi nodded and said, "But we don't understand the language, so we can only learn the Chinese language bit by bit. In a big city, we took root. We stayed in that city for a long time before we learned Chinese. They said Qin Shihuang likes to seek immortals and Taoism, hoping to live forever. If you want to ask about this, you have to go to the Efang Palace to find the emperor."

Heizi laughed: "Later we found out. Efang Palace is the place where the emperor's women live. It's a good thing my brother and I didn't go in. Otherwise, I would be happy. After that, my brother and I went west all the way. We have experienced a lot. It was difficult and finally arrived in Xianyang. The two brothers thought of various ways and asked to see Qin Shihuang. But every time they were stopped by the guards. Later, we asked about the cultivation of immortals among the people. The common people only heard about it, but did not see the truth. .”

Baizi sighed: "I have been inquiring for half a year, but in the end I found nothing. My brother and I have gradually become disheartened. Everyone says that immortals usually haunt the mountains and forests. Shenzhou is too big, how do we know the real immortals?" Where is it? Looking back, even Qin Shihuang is sending people to look for alchemists, trying to find immortals through them and seek the elixir of life. He has so much power that he can't find immortals. Let alone us?"

Heizi went on to say: "So, we gradually gave up. But when we were about to leave Xianyang, Qin Shihuang suddenly ordered to arrest people. He doesn't want strong men, he doesn't want beautiful women, he wants virgins and virgins. And we must Make up enough. My senior brother and I were still virgins at that time, so we were naturally arrested by the military master. We only found out after a few days. The purpose of Qin Shihuang's arrest of virgins was to make an alchemist named Xu Shi Going out to sea to find immortals. This Xu City is also Xu Fu..."

Bai Zi beamed and said, "My boy, that scene was really grand. Thousands of boys and girls, three years' worth of food, medicine, farming tools, clothes, shoes and socks were all prepared, and it cost a lot of money. Oh, and that The fleet that went out to sea is so spectacular, and it is still fresh in my memory. The hard-earned money of the working people all over the country is just to satisfy Qin Shihuang's wish for the elixir of life."

Hei Hei Zi went on to say: "After going out to sea, due to the danger of the sea and the stormy waves from time to time, one of the sea boats we were on was swallowed by the waves. The whole ship was about to sink. My brother and I struggled hard, holding each other's hands tightly all the time. , and never let go. But the sea is vast and the waves are raging, that boy Xu Fu is too busy to protect himself, and he has no time to save us."

Baizi lamented again: "Just when we thought we were doomed, a fairy flying with a sword passed by from the sea and rescued us. This fairy is the fourth generation head of the Xianlun Sect and also our leader. The teacher who teaches the industry. Since being rescued by him, we two brothers have been determined to worship under him. In order to learn Taoism and immortality, and seek the way of immortality..."

Heizi also sighed: "In the blink of an eye, it's been more than 2000 years. It's not a short time for us to become immortals. This time when we come to Shenzhou, fighting skills is second to none. The main purpose is to see how the current Xianlun faction becomes. How is it? If possible, we two brothers would like to go to the Xianlun Sect to pay homage to our patriarch. We also want to take a look at those masters who are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou."

After listening to their stories, Jinyu was greatly impressed.Hei Hei Zi actually lived for more than 2000 years and was a figure in the era of Qin Shihuang.This cultivation base must be more profound than others.As long as they are willing to make a move, what is Li Xiaochen, and what is the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou?

joke!The combined age of these two seniors can be four to five thousand years old.Not only Shenzhou and Japan, but who in the world can match their powerful cultivation that they have cultivated day and night?

This time it really got the right person.With the two immortals of yin and yang in charge, the Korean cultivating world will definitely feel proud in the Three Kingdoms cultivating world.

Thinking of this, Jin Yu took the opportunity to fan the flames: "Seniors, recently among the younger generation in the world of immortal cultivation in China, there is a young cultivator named Li Xiaochen. He became the director of the film department at a young age. At the exchange meeting of the younger generation in the world of immortality, he single-handedly severely injured the young immortals in the world of immortality in Japan and South Korea. Our Korean immortalists also suffered heavy losses. This time, we also invite two senior masters to help the younger generation to recover This place."

Bai Zi raised his hand and said, "Winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs, so it's nothing to worry about. We've also heard a little bit about your loss to that Li Xiaochen. It's just because your skills are not as good as others, there's nothing to talk about."

Seeing that he didn't seem willing to make a move, Jin Yu quickly blurted out: "If you just beat us, then there's nothing to say. But Li Xiaochen actually said that even if the Yin and Yang immortals from the Korean world of cultivating immortals came, they would not be his opponent. At that time he He also used many insulting words to humiliate us severely. Two seniors, you can't just sit idly by!"

Heizi raised his eyebrows: "Is there such a thing?"

Baizi stroked his long white beard and said with a chuckle: "It's understandable to be young and frivolous. Who doesn't have a young blood? Almost all young people are like this recently. After winning a few victories, they forget about it and think they are the world. First. As elders, why should we have the same knowledge as him?" [

Seeing what he said, Jin Yu couldn't help secretly praising Black and White Zi for his profound cultivation, and being indifferent to love affairs.These two masters have reached the realm of desire.If you want to persuade them, you can't use your interests and reputation as an excuse.

For this kind of quiet old guy, Jin Yu really has nothing to do.They are already immortals.The state of mind has also reached a very high level, and there is no character defect at all.

After thinking about it for a long time, Jin Yu could only say: "Since the two living fossils are here, at least let's have a friendly discussion with the immortal cultivators in China and Japan, and give them some advice. Especially that Li Xiaochen, let him know something. There are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people. Give him a little lesson, which will be of great benefit to his future cultivation. If jade is not polished, it is not a tool. I hope that the two seniors will take care of the younger generation."

Hei Hei Zi has gone through so many years, how can he fail to understand the meaning of Jin Yu's words after reading the number of people?But they pretended not to know and nodded frequently.Heizi pretended to answer Jinyu: "Alright then. At that time, we can give Li Xiaochen a little advice. I hope this young man can make great achievements and make further progress after being tempered."

Jin Yu chuckled and quickly thanked Hei Hei Zi.My heart was already overjoyed.No matter how good Li Xiaochen is, he can't fight against an immortal with more than 2000 years of cultivation.Now there is a good show to watch.

"Come on, two seniors, let me lead the way. Not far ahead is Li Xiaochen's Xianmanlou. I'll take the seniors to drink tea." Jin Yu showed a proud smile and led Heiheizi to Xianmanlou.

Earlier, the Japanese cultivators came to make a fuss and broke many bottles and jars.The beauties are tidying up.As soon as Jin Yu went in, she asked someone to ask, but she learned that Li Xiaochen's whereabouts were unknown.This is bad.He finally invited the Yin and Yang Immortals from South Korea.In the end, I don't know where Li Xiaochen went.How can this teach him a lesson?

Jin Yu had no choice but to invite Hei Hei Zi and other Korean immortal cultivators to come in and sit down, and let the beauties greet the guests.

"It was the Japanese who came here just now. Now the Koreans are here. I really don't know what the hell they are doing. I hope they don't mess around like the Japanese." When serving tea, a beautiful woman chatted with her colleagues A few words.

"Oh, this tea is not ordinary!" Hei Heizi smelled the elegant fragrance of the tea, and was shocked immediately, "It's a good thing, it is definitely a rare treasure! Little girl, can I ask, where did your tea come from? Where did it come from?"

A beautiful woman in a cheongsam replied: "Our boss's wife grows it herself. There are several naturally polluted fields and unique planting methods to produce this kind of tea."

Bai Zixiao took a sip, opened his eyes wide, and praised: "It really is a good tea! It has the miraculous effect of harmonizing the five internal organs and accumulating all things. It can have a significant effect on curing various diseases. Make a few more cups, It can replenish energy and energy. It’s a good thing, it’s really a good thing!”

The beauty glanced at Bai Zi, and said with a smile: "You are really a connoisseur of goods. Our Xianmanlou also provides massage services, free of charge, dear!"

Heizi laughed, so happy that he lost his nose and eyes: "Free package is cool? Interesting, really interesting. How to get a package? Do you want to go to the private room to take off your clothes and press it?"

The beauty smiled and said, "No need. We have wooden barrels here for customers to soak their feet. Professionally do a complete set of shiatsu for you. It's even better than doing spa!"

Baizi's eyes lit up, and he nodded cheerfully: "Li Xiaochen is quite an interesting person. He opened such an interesting store, and he even offers free packages. My old man must try it today. Look at Xianman What kind of Baoshuangfa is Lou?"

Heizi glanced at the health care products and said, "I think Li Xiaochen is not a simple person. These formulas contain the profound health essence of Shenzhou. A master, indeed a master. I am also interested, and I really want to meet Li Xiaochen After all, Shenzhou still has a lot of strange people and strange people."

Jin Yu felt very uncomfortable when Hei Hei Zi praised Li Xiaochen.He deliberately asked the beautiful woman: "How many bosses do you have?"

The beauty smiled sweetly: "The girls here will marry the boss in the future. Everyone is the boss's wife!"

"Pfft." As soon as the next words came out, Bai Zi sprayed out the tea he had just drunk into his mouth.Veins popped out on his forehead.

Jin Yu looked as if his scheme had succeeded, and said sarcastically, "It seems that Li Xiaochen is a womanizer."

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