Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 346) Jiang Junning vs 8 Qi Orochi!

Izumo Chiyuki didn't dare to translate Uesugi Koichi's words to other people casually, for fear of stirring up trouble.After all, they are now in China.This is the home field of the Immortal Cultivators from China.In case of offending others and causing a siege by experts, it will be difficult to handle.

Seeing that Izumo Qianxue was silent, Uesugi Emperor said to her: "Qianxue, translate my words to them."

Izumo Qianxue had no choice but to answer, hesitating to translate: "My teacher said that he has no interest in anyone other than Li Xiaochen. I hope your faction can invite Li Xiaochen to fight."

As for the dismantling of the Xianlun faction, she dared not say it indiscriminately.

Elder Qing Gu didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he first invited these Japanese immortal cultivators to sit down. [

After a long time, Qin Yichuan and his wife rushed to the main hall with some disciples.The faces of the two heads are a bit haggard, obviously they have worked too hard these days to find their eyes.

Elder Qing Gu saw that everyone was almost there, cleared his throat, and said the opening remarks.After that, he said to Uesugi Koichi and Black and White: "This time, Japan and South Korea are the first to issue the challenge letter. It is up to you to decide how to fight."

After Izumo Chiyuki finished translating, Uesugi Koichi signaled her to tell her the original plan.Izumo Qianxue said loudly to Elder Qinggu: "My master proposes that the fighting methods in the Three Kingdoms Cultivation World be a group battle. Each country has a maximum of six people fighting. If there are less than six people, they will fight according to the actual number of people. The opponents will be determined by drawing lots. Whoever wins more wins."

Elder Qing Gu asked: "How should this lottery be drawn?"

Izumo Chiyuki said: "Prepare enough paper slips. Write the name of a contestant on each slip of paper. After writing all the names, put them in the lottery box. Then a notary will draw lots from it. .Two cards are drawn each time. The name on it is the battle list. If someone from the same country is drawn, put the note back and draw again. Until the names on the two notes are from different camps.”

"This is a big melee in the world of immortal cultivation in the Three Kingdoms." Elder Qinggu stroked his long beard habitually, and nodded, "but it's still fair. We in the immortal cultivation world of China have agreed. What do fellow Taoists in the immortal cultivation world in Korea think?"

Jin Yu nodded and smiled, "Agreed. We have fewer people, and we have fewer fights, so we can save more real energy and not suffer."

Izumo Chiyuki interrupted and said: "There are few fights, and there are few wins. In the end, the overall results will not be good."

Jiang Junning walked to Elder Qinggu and said, "Are we really only four?"

Elder Qing Gu sighed: "Can you find other golden bodies or immortals to help out? This fight is considered a friendly match. I personally think that the chances of winning are not high. Jiang is the leader, the number of winners and losers, don't worry about it."

Jiang Jun shook his head resignedly, so he had no choice but to prepare a note and write his name.The role of the notary is played by Zhang Yuanren, the elder brother of the Xianlun Sect.Anyway, it only needs to draw lots and judge the outcome.This is not difficult for him.

After all the notes were written, Zhang Yuanren fully rocked the lottery box, and then reached in to draw lots.

The first group drawn was Jiang Junning vs Yamato no Orochi.The second group is Lin Yifei vs. Jin Yu.The third group is Black and White Son vs. Susanoo.The fourth group is Amaterasu vs. Qin Yichuan.The fifth group is Emperor Uesugi and Elder Qinggu.The rest of the book and Yuedu are Japanese immortal cultivators, so they had to go directly to the next round.

Although the immortal cultivators in Shenzhou were not reconciled, there was nothing they could do.The rule is that up to six people can be found to fight.But except for the Japanese cultivators, the rest of the two countries have less than six people.

The situation in the Korean cultivating world is understandable.After all, the place is not big and there are not many people.It would be nice to have someone to fight.Outstanding cultivators are indeed rare.

But the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou is different.The land is vast and there are many people, and the organization to participate in the fighting method cannot gather the maximum number of people.It's really embarrassing.In addition, Li Xiaochen angrily annihilated several sects recently, which greatly hurt the vitality of the immortal cultivating circle in Shenzhou.This is even more embarrassing.

And for thousands of years, practitioners in China have always paid attention to the word "indisputable".Those masters who are really hidden in the city and in the mountains will never come to fight for fame.This is also a major embarrassment for the shortage of people available in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou.

Falling into such a weak situation, everyone couldn't help thinking of Li Xiaochen.If he is here, and with his golden wives, the strength of the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou will definitely increase greatly.Six places are definitely not enough.What a luxury and happiness to worry about who to send to battle.

Unfortunately, reality is always cruel.Li Xiaochen broke up with the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.This is something that everyone in China knows.Therefore, the immortal cultivators who came to watch the battle can only flirt indiscriminately. [

After setting up the battle table, Izumo Qianxue asked Elder Qing Gu: "Where is the fighting venue, it should be above this hall, right?"

Elder Qing Gu shook his head and said: "Of course not. The sword practice field outside the main hall is wide and flat, which is the best place for martial arts. Everyone go outside."

Everyone followed Elder Qinggu to the sword practice field.Jiang Junning, who was wearing the Yutian Ice Armor, walked to the center fearfully.Now that he has the cultivation base of a golden body, coupled with the super-defensive ice armor of Yutian, he is basically in an enemy state.Just ask, who else in the world can break through his defense?

This person has a trump card, and he has enough confidence.Jiang Junning was arrogant and did not take his opponent seriously.As soon as Emperor Uesugi saw his complacency, he tilted his head and said to Yamato no Orochi, "Go and teach that young man who looks good."

"Yes!" Yamato no Orochi, covered in a black cloak, slowly moved towards the center of the sword practice field.

"This, this is... a monster!" The elder brothers of the Immortal Cultivators from China opened their eyes wide and stared at Yamato no Orochi in astonishment.

Although this guy was wearing a black cloak, which made it impossible for others to see clearly, it was exposed when he walked.He has no legs at all!A thick snake tail drilled out of the long black cloak that dragged the floor, swinging back and forth on the ground behind Yamato no Orochi.He was walking like a snake!

What's even more intrusive is that bright red snake letters spit out from the cloak and hat from time to time.Is this a human or a snake demon?

Elder Qinggu frowned slightly, and asked Emperor Uesugi: "Mr. Uesugi, what is going on with this Japanese immortal cultivator? If the evil spirits are heretics, we will ignore the rules and try our best to eliminate the evil spirits."

After listening to the translation, Emperor Uesugi smiled and said: "A country bumpkin who has never seen the world. Yamato no Orochi became obsessed with demons in his early years of cultivation, causing his body to change. He is not a demon."

After Izumo Qianxue conveyed the words to Elder Qinggu, Qin Yichuan sneered and said: "If this person is a serious cultivator, even if he goes mad, he shouldn't become a snake. He must have gone on an evil path and cultivated an evil immortal. "

Jiang Junning turned his head and looked down the mountain, as if he was looking for someone.Still muttering in his mouth, "Why hasn't it arrived yet".At this time, Yamato no Orochi had come to him.Zhang Yuanren asked both sides: "Are you all ready?"

"You can start at any time." Yamato no Orochi spit out the snake letter and said gloomyly.

Jiang Junning turned his head back and murmured: "Forget it, even if this is the case, it is enough to win. Let's start."

"Wait a minute! Ning'er, I borrowed what you asked for!" Before Zhang Yuanren was about to announce the start of the first fight, Jiang Ming arrived in time and handed over a long object wrapped in coarse cloth. In Jiang Junning's hands.

"Is it real?" Jiang Junning asked while untying the tie.

Jiang Ming nodded vigorously, and said, "It's a fake one. I borrowed it from Mrs. Huiyuan with great difficulty. Ning'er, are you willing to call me daddy this time?"

"Get lost. Didn't you see that I was about to fight someone?" Jiang Junning's sneering words immediately stabbed Jiang Ming's heart.

He sighed heavily, but still told Jiang Junning to be careful.

"Old stuff, what a mess." Jiang Junning spat, without even looking at Jiang Ming.

Concubine Lin frowned, and said to Qin Yichuan: "Jiang Junning's personality has changed a lot. He wasn't like this at all before. Alas, it's fortunate that Fei'er didn't marry him."

Qin Yichuan lowered his voice and said, "I've also heard a little bit about the Jiang family's incident. I heard from our son-in-law that Jiang Junning was born to Jiang Ming and Mrs. Hua. He has been hiding the truth from him for so many years, and a biological father suddenly appeared, which may surprise him. It's hard to accept. It's not unreasonable to have a bad attitude."[

Concubine Lin was quite critical of this: "Even if this is the case, you can't be so polite to your father. What kind of attitude!"

"Stinky bitch, what are you talking about!" Jiang Junning untied the coarse cloth, and with a clang, drew out a sharp sword and pointed it at Lin Yifei.

"Presumptuous! Your elders!" Concubine Lin patted the armrest of the stool, "Even though you and I are both in charge, but I am older than you, you should be more polite to me. Jiang Junning, you are becoming more and more arrogant Already!"

Qin Yichuan stared at the long sword in Jiang Junning's hand, and suddenly said: "The golden body is golden... Well, this sword looks like Biyue!"

"Forget how good your eyesight is." Jiang Junning raised his long sword and gently stroked the spine of the sword with his fingers, "This is one of the seven great weapons in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou, the strongest weapon of the earth system, Biyue. This sword It is as famous as the Phoenix Shuangxia in your hands. The attack power is super strong. Coupled with my Yutian Ice Armor, it can be said to be a seam of heaven."

Uesugi Huangyi kept staring at the Biyue Sword in Jiang Junning's hand, and with a little interest, he said to Yamato no Orochi, "Take that sword for me later, and let me study it carefully."

Yamato no Orochi hissed in response.Seeing that Jiang Junning was holding a magic weapon, everyone in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou felt that the chances of winning this battle were quite high.With a golden body and two rare magic weapons, it is naturally like a tiger with wings added.But I don't know what the other party's cultivation base is, and what kind of fairy art he will use.

But generally speaking, everyone is still more optimistic about Jiang Junning's victory.

Zhang Yuanren saw that both of them were ready, so he left from the center of the sword practice field, walked to the side, and announced to everyone: "The first battle of the Three Kingdoms Xiuxian world, Jiang Junning vs. Yamato no Orochi, starts now!"

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