Li Xiaochen shifted his gaze to these two old men in simple Taoist robes.According to the information provided by Zhu Wei, the two of them should be famous figures in the world of cultivating immortals in Korea, the Yin and Yang immortals known as "living fossils".

Zhu Wei also indicated in the information that these two people have existed since the Qin Emperor's time, at least two thousand years old.The Tao is so high that people can surpass it all in the world.In particular, their cooperation is even more consummate and wonderful.There are two black and white sons, one is yin and the other is yang.When two people come out together, it means that Liangyi produces four images, and four images produce gossip.Like the four monks of Banzang Temple, they also use the natural laws of heaven and earth to defeat their opponents.

It's just that the cultivation base of these two senior masters is higher than that of the monks in Banzang Temple, and they have a deeper understanding of the laws and changes of all things.Therefore, the tricks they used must be much more powerful than the four golden monks.For this point, Li Xiaochen could imagine it even if he had never seen them make a move.

On the other hand, Li Xiaochen also has some information about Uesugi Koichi.This number one master of cultivating immortals in Japan hasn't done much yet.But he holds the Kusanagi sword, one of the three Japanese artifacts, so he has the "spear" to attack.There is another Yata mirror of the three artifacts on his body.This has a defensive "shield".It can be described as both offensive and defensive.Coupled with his cultivation, his strength should not be underestimated.

Any one of these three people is not easy to deal with.Although Li Xiaochen is young and strong, with plenty of true energy, but after repeated fights, he was injured by this monk, and was cheated by Amaterasu to take away a lot of true energy, his strength has been damaged.He can't estimate the chances of winning if he continues to fight in the current state. [

What is beneficial to Li Xiaochen is that he possesses the Flying Immortal Sword which combines the power of the Seven Great Divine Weapons.I dare not say that this great artifact is the number one sharp blade that runs through the six realms, but there are few magic weapons in the world that can match it.With this enhanced version of the Flying Immortal Sword, there won't be too many problems in attacking.

In terms of defense, Li Xiaochen already had almost the entire Feixian suit.Back then, Tianmeng used the silver armored robe that Zhaoxia made for him to travel across the fairy world.The power contained in it is definitely not covered.Therefore, he is also both offensive and defensive.

If you really want to focus on the shortcomings, it is that he can't fight a protracted war.Because of his own injuries and too much consumption of real energy, he didn't have much capital to waste.At this moment, Li Xiaochen is like an elite army short of food and grass, striving for a quick victory.In case of being held back, there is no point in winning or losing, and when one's true energy is exhausted, it is impossible to win again.

Li Xiaochen analyzed the situation thoroughly.Facing Hei Hei Zi's challenge, he said calmly: "I heard that the two seniors have amazing cultivation and are known as "living fossils". I am a stubble in the world of cultivating immortals in China. Although I am a traitor in China, I don't want my fellow Taoists to be bullied and insulted. No matter what, I want to ask for an explanation."

The divine cultivators who watched the battle felt very cordial when they heard him say "my fellow Taoist".Elder Qing Gu and the others sighed secretly.Half a year ago, almost all the golden masters in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou were dispatched to arrest him, and even thought of executing him.But people's grievances and grievances are clear.It is difficult to reconcile the contradictions among the people.But in the face of a great enemy, it is natural to share the same hatred and unite as one.

Elder Qing Gu suddenly felt that Li Xiaochen was not so unforgivable.This person is never ambiguous at critical moments.In the face of big right and wrong, he can stick to his principles.Even though he had a lot of trouble with the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou and was wanted by the film department everywhere, he still came to help in the end.In the final analysis, Li Xiaochen has a big heart after all.In the future, he will become a generation of masters.

After hearing Li Xiaochen's words, Heizi asked, "You mean..."

Li Xiaochen glanced at Uesugi Koichi, and said proudly: "Even if the three of you go up together, why should I be afraid!"

This is exactly what Uesugi Koichi meant.He had just invited Hei Hei Zi to be with Li Xiaochen.In the end, the two elders didn't take him seriously.When he was in a dilemma, Li Xiaochen said this, which greatly helped him.Uesugi Koichi also logically stood on the same front as Black and White.

"What a big tone!" Bai Zi became more interested, he gave Hei Zi a wink, and wanted to attack together.

They didn't move, Li Xiaochen suddenly came in front of the two immortals.Without even thinking about it, he spread out two palms, one on the left and one on the other, attacking the sunspots and the whites.The purpose of this move is to catch people's attention first, and the purpose is to form a cooperation between them and defeat them one by one.

These two golden handprints pressed over like mountains and seas, immediately making Heiheizi a little suffocated.But after all, they are old fritters with rich experience in facing the enemy. Although they are separated, they can still cooperate.

Heizi on the left draws Tai Chi with both hands, turning black soft light.The white child on the right did the same.White light burst out from the palm.This black and white, sandwiching Li Xiaochen in the middle, formed a huge Tai Chi ball in an instant.

The two golden handprints collided with the inner wall of the ball of Taiji light, and they were actually driven by the rotation force to make periodic circular motions around the center of the ball.

Li Xiaochen flashed out the Flying Immortal Sword, aiming at the inner wall of the ball of Taiji light was a sword.The vigorous and sharp sword energy just hit the wall of the ball, and it melted into the Tai Chi like a mud cow entering the sea, spinning.Afterwards, Li Xiaochen slashed a few more times, but none of them could make a single crack in the ball of Taiji light.

After testing, he found out the characteristics of this Tai Chi ball.Hei Hei Zi uses the Tai Chi principle of "to soften rigidity and to soften rigidity" to construct a balanced state in this sphere.That is to say, the strong force will be transformed into softness.The most soft power will be added to the rigid force.Whether it is high energy or low energy, it will be ground into a moderate state.In short, extreme energies are all being pulled into balance.

The most wonderful point is that even if the force applied to this Tai Chi ball is very strong, it will change direction and move around the ball.In this way, only a small amount of yin and yang power needs to be injected to make it rotate.There is no energy in the world that never declines.As long as you rotate around the Tai Chi ball, the energy hitting it will slowly weaken and finally disappear.And the energy of operation is all spent by itself.It can be said that this Tai Chi ball fully embodies the wisdom of Chinese civilization.It's really not easy to get rid of it forcefully.

As soon as the black and white son came up, he turned against the guest, easily defusing Li Xiaochen's fierce offensive, and was able to trap him in the Tai Chi ball.This wonderful move quickly put Li Xiaochen into a passive and difficult situation, and it also proved that their age is not in vain.

Li Xiaochen, who was trapped in it, performed the Instant Flying Tactic, and immediately disappeared in place, appearing beside Qin Yufei.After one attack after another, he developed a mind, and would engrave instant spells on the things that Qin Yufei and others often wear.With this, he can get out of it. [

Once this predicament is released, the rest of the immortal cultivators with low cultivation bases will not see any way out.But masters like Lin Yifei were greatly impressed.Two sleep well, one off skillfully.The first round was a draw.

After observing the situation, Uesugi Huangyi took advantage of the situation to attack, rushed out, and stabbed Li Xiaochen with his sword.The power of the magic pill is implied in this sword, which is not easy to detect.Li Xiaochen stretched out his two middle fingers, clamped the blade of the Kusanagi sword, and suddenly felt a force from the sword crazily rushing into his body.

When the two paired up, they competed for strength.This was what Li Xiaochen tried his best to avoid.But the other party poured a large amount of real energy into the grass sword, and it happened suddenly, forcing him to deal with it.

Li Xiaochen mobilized the power of heaven in his body, superimposed on it the power of the seven great soldiers, and immediately launched a swift and violent counterattack.This powerful force quickly wiped out the invading enemy army.When he was about to withdraw his hand, Heizi and Baizi had already split into two groups, they rushed back and forth, and slapped the opponent with their palms.

Li Xiaochen, who was trapped in the middle of the three of them, suddenly activated the teleportation technique again, and got rid of the entanglement.Immediately, he combined the power of the seven great warriors with his own true energy and the power of Tianmeng, and killed Hei Hei Zi and Uesugi Koichi, and even fought with the powerful Vajra Hand who had just reached Yang.

Any kind of technique needs real yuan as a support.The purer and better the quality of the raw material, the more incredible the power of the spell it will emit.Li Xiaochen's raw material is indeed the only high-quality product in the world.The powerful vajra hand he played was also extraordinary, extremely powerful.

The three of them were caught off guard and were beaten back again and again by him.But Hei Hei Zi launched a counterattack first, scattered left and right, and then used the Tai Chi ball to cover Li Xiaochen.This time Li Xiaochen was careful, once he saw them making moves, he immediately retreated to prevent them from succeeding.

Uesugi Huangyi was in the middle, attacking Li Xiaochen head-on with the grass sword.Seeing that he couldn't be trapped, Black and White Zi also got close to him, fighting left and right.Li Xiaochen only felt that Uesugi Koichi's sword energy implied the power of the magic pill, which was very sinister.Vigorous Vajrapani dispelled most of the sword energy.But the remaining tiny parts still invaded the body, making him feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Li Xiaochen was fighting against the three masters, not only dangerous, but also difficult to deal with.It was really the most difficult fight he had encountered in his life.But the more disadvantaged he was, the more courageous he was.Relying on his bravery, strong Taoism, and mustered all the true energy in his body, he was able to fight the three famous Japanese and Korean immortal cultivators at the level of immortals.Nawei's momentum and desperate style of play forced the opponent to rarely have a chance to counterattack strongly.

As soon as Uesugi Emperor knew that his cultivation was not as good as that of Black and White, and seeing that Li Xiaochen was attacking with his powerful Vajra Hands, he secretly withdrew his strength.Anyway, the two old guys have more than 2000 years of cultivation, and they both have 5000 years of Taoism.Counting the age alone, it is comparable to the age of the Chinese civilization.Let them consume Li Xiaochen's true energy first.Such a strong offensive cannot continue forever.When he is weakened, take a chance by yourself, and then catch him by surprise and attack with all your strength.At that time, it will definitely win in one fell swoop.

It doesn't matter if it's three against one, or five against one, anyway, as long as Li Xiaochen's stubborn stubble is eliminated, the Divine Cultivation World will be the patron saint again.The rest of the people are insignificant.

After fighting for a long time, the power of Li Xiaochen's Vigorous Hand gradually weakened.Uesugi Emperor secretly sneered, it is certain that he would not be able to hold on.When Heiheizi made a strong counterattack, Emperor Uesugi let out a loud shout and unleashed all his strength.Wrapped in the purple light that exploded all over his body, he bravely rushed towards Li Xiaochen who was free to deal with him!

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