Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 367) Total Victory!

Li Xiaochen won consecutive battles, his courage was unstoppable, and his momentum was like a rainbow.Even living fossils that have lived for more than 2000 years are no match for him.In front of Li Xiaochen, Uesugi Koichi completely lost the arrogance he had just now.

Ziyun Shenlei flying around in the barrier hit him from time to time.Relying on the protection of the Yata mirror, he was safe.But he was not sure whether the Yata Mirror, one of the three Japanese artifacts, could block Li Xiaochen's Flying Immortal Sword.The man in front of him was truly terrifying.His strength is so strong that it is the best in the world.The "Xuanxiao Yulei Sword Art", which bursts with purple light, is already shocking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

But Emperor Uesugi will not just retreat.As the No.1 in the world of cultivating immortals in Japan, he has his dignity and glory.The spirit of bushido has been deeply implanted in his body, down to the bone marrow, and integrated into the primordial spirit.

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated.The flesh can be destroyed, never surrender.Facing Li Xiaochen's initiative to fight, Uesugi Huangyi did not back down, raised the Kusanagi sword and slashed at the opponent.

Li Xiaochen swung his sword gracefully.With a sound of clang, Feixian and Kusanagi collided with dazzling sparks.The peerless sword energy of the two divine soldiers collided together, bursting out huge energy.After the impact, the two streams of energy continuously splashed in all directions, impacting the barrier that had been stabilized with great difficulty. [

After the confrontation, cracks appeared in the entire barrier again.The Zidian thunder passed through the gap, instead of flying out, it almost hurt the spectators several times, which was very dangerous.

Caiyun and Liuyue poured immortal energy into the barrier with all their strength, trying to repair the cracks in the barrier.But Tianmeng Shangxian has undue courage, profound Taoism, celestial arts, and swordsmanship are at the pinnacle.Although Tianmeng has passed away, its power has been sleeping in the primordial spirit.Li Xiaochen obtained most of the power of heaven.The current him can be said to be the reincarnation of Tianmeng.

The ancient myriad immortals may not be able to restrain him.How could Caiyun and Liuyue, two mere celestial beings, stop Tianmeng's Xuanxiao Yulei Sword Art?The two fairies struggled to support, and they were already secretly complaining.

Qin Yufei saw that the barrier was about to collapse completely in the blink of an eye.Once the purple thunder inside is released, it will definitely hurt Gu.She had no choice but to yell into the barrier: "Li Xiaochen, take it easy, okay? We're almost unable to maintain the barrier."

While she was speaking, the Feixian Sword drew a flash of golden light, instantly cutting the Kusanagi Sword in half.Emperor Uesugi turned pale with fright, and hurriedly flew back to prevent himself from being attacked suddenly.

Li Xiaochen won the battle between the gods and soldiers, and then he passed a message outside the barrier: "I'm already holding back and fighting. If you use all the power of heaven, you will be reduced to ashes."

Qin Yufei stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, and snorted, "I know you're amazing, so there's no need to show off!"

Li Xiaochen didn't have time to quarrel with her, dragging the Feixian sword, rushed towards Shangshan Huangyi, intending to end the fight as soon as possible.As soon as Uesugi Emperor threw away half of the Flying Immortal Sword in his hand, he put all his eggs in one basket and released all the power of the magic pill in his body, allowing the magic energy to dominate his body.

In an instant, the whites of his eyes turned black.The black pupils turned white.Li Xiaochen had seen this situation when Qin Yufei was demonized.But now the devilish energy emitted by Uesugi Koichi is stronger than that of Qin Yufei.

Under the domination of the demonic energy, Uesugi Huangyi became demonic, howled like a wild beast, and rushed towards Li Xiaochen on his own initiative.He has already overflowed with black demonic energy, and has completely lost his self-awareness.

Li Xiaochen frowned slightly, and slashed at him with his sword.Unexpectedly, the other party has Yata Mirror for protection.This sword was actually opened.Feeling very surprised, Li Xiaochen quickly flew back, surprised in his heart.Among the information given by Zhu Wei, it did not indicate that Uesugi Koichi still had this kind of skill.

In order to find out this ability, Li Xiaochen distanced himself and sent out sword energy to Shan Huang one after another.As soon as the streaks of golden sword qi touched the opponent's body, they opened without exception, not hurting him in the slightest.Tried many times, it's the same.

Li Xiaochen used Xuanxiao Yulei Sword Art to forcefully attack Uesugi Huangyi.This guy didn't dodge or dodge, he directly opened his hand to catch his opponent.Its skill is more than ten times faster than before.Fortunately, Li Xiaochen has a flying star stepping on the moon, and he can get out of danger in time every time.

The high-level fairy art of the thunder attribute can't do anything to him.It seems that Uesugi Koichi does have the ability to counterattack.This ability probably stems from the power of the Yata Mirror that Zhu Wei mentioned in the message she passed through.

After a little thought, Li Xiaochen had an idea.There is no impenetrable defense in the world.As long as the method is right, the enemy can be defeated.But he can't guarantee the success of his offensive strategy.I can only try it first.

Pulling out a fleeting talisman that he Shen Shen carried, he kneaded it into a small ball, and Li Xiaochen started a guerrilla war with Emperor Uesugi.See the opportunity to harass the opponent, hit and go, never love to fight.The purpose is to find the most suitable opportunity to throw the talisman into his body.

This way of scratching the itch could not cause harm to Uesugi Koichi.But it angered this guy in a berserk state.Li Xiaochen saw the right moment, and shot a powerful vajra hand, hitting the opponent's lower dantian accurately and by mistake.

This part emits the most black magic energy.So he judged that Emperor Uesugi must have hidden the magic pill here.Vigorous Vajra Hand is as strong as Yang, and has the power to subdue demons and subdue demons.A handprint was firmly hit on it, which immediately reduced the devilish energy on his body a lot.

Uesugi Koichi roared in pain.The speed and power of the attack have been weakened.Li Xiaochen clasped his middle finger with his thumb, and while he opened his mouth to roar, he put the instant flying talisman into his mouth. [

Immediately afterwards, he made a quick-flying tactic, moved his soul into Uesugi Koichi's body, and continuously shot the powerful Vajra Hands, destroying his physical body from the inside.

Sure enough, his guess was correct.The Yata Mirror can only counter physical attacks and fairy attacks from the outside, but it cannot have an effect on the internal offensive.The powerful Vajra hand hit Uesugi Koichi's body, not only greatly weakened the black demonic energy, but even his own physical body was also greatly damaged.

After a while, this body reached the limit of the attack it could withstand, and with a crash, it turned into several stinky flesh and blood, flying away in all directions.

Li Xiaochen immediately recovered his soul, took the magic pill hidden in Uesugi's body in time, and sealed it.Afterwards, he said to Uesugi Koichi's primordial spirit, "Do you want to continue fighting?"

As soon as Uesugi Emperor lost his body, he was very annoyed and extremely unwilling.But he knew that he couldn't do anything to Li Xiaochen, and if he continued to fight, he could only seek his own death.You can admit defeat, but you can't say it.

"Since you don't express your opinion, then I'll cut you to death!" After waiting for a while, without seeing Emperor Uesugi's utterance, Li Xiaochen took a sword flower and continued to use Xuanxiao Yulei Sword Art .

Uesugi Huangyi suddenly showed an expression of resignation to death, and did not dodge, just waiting for Li Xiaochen to stab him.The sword shadow flashed, and the Flying Immortal Soldier led the berserk thunder, and a purple-gold light flashed in the air, piercing Uesugi Koichi's primordial spirit.This fellow grabbed Li Xiaochen's arm violently, laughed out loud, "Li Xiaochen, you go to hell with me!"

Many complex mantras suddenly appeared on Uesugi Koichi's soul, forming a black hole in his chest.This counterclockwise black hole has extremely strong suction, intending to suck Li Xiaochen into it.

Surprised, Li Xiaochen tried his best to break away from the opponent.But Uesugi Huangyi didn't want to live anymore, so he simply grabbed him desperately, and he wanted to hold him back before he died.The black hole on his chest was like a glutton, sucking Li Xiaochen's true essence crazily.The immortal energy all over his body was also sucked in crazily.

In the blink of an eye, the spinning black hole warps the space around it.Li Xiaochen was twisted like a thin piece of paper, almost falling into it.Uesugi Koichi's primordial spirit was also in bad shape, and was sucked into the black hole bit by bit.

At this critical moment, Li Xiaochen suddenly activated the teleportation technique, disappeared from this distorted space in an instant, and moved to Qin Yufei who was outside the barrier.

Boom!After the black hole completely inhaled Uesugi Koichi, an astonishing burst of energy broke out, shattering the entire barrier in an instant.Amidst the dust, a thrilling fight came to an end.

Li Xiaochen was robbed of a large amount of true energy and immortal energy at the last moment, and suddenly felt weak, and fell into Qin Yufei's arms.

After the smoke cleared and everyone saw the situation on the sword training ground clearly, they realized that Li Xiaochen was the winner in the end.Korean cultivators went to move their living fossils to the sidelines for treatment.The Japanese cultivators clamored after seeing Uesugi Koichi.Izumo Qianxue looked around, walked over to Li Xiaochen and asked, "May I ask if Teacher Uesugi was killed by you?"

Nearly collapsed, Li Xiaochen shook his head: "He killed himself."

Izumo Qianxue showed sadness, sighed, took a deep look at Li Xiaochen, didn't speak to him again, returned to the original place, and explained the situation to everyone.

All the immortal cultivators in Shenzhou were overjoyed and couldn't believe the facts before them.Previously, the golden expert in Shenzhou was abused terribly.Everyone thought that this time they would definitely end up being massacred.No one could have imagined that the final winner would be the Immortal Cultivation World of China.Li Xiaochen alone was able to defeat all the masters in the world of cultivating immortals in Japan and South Korea. He won many battles and was unstoppable.He was like a god descending to earth, and with his own strength, he pulled back the soon-to-be-lost world of cultivating immortals in China.

After this battle, Li Xiaochen has become the well-deserved No. 1 in the world of cultivating immortals in China.No, it can even be said that he is the strongest immortal cultivator in the world.Besides him, who else in the world can compete with him?

However, this young expert who was trying to turn the tide was once forced into desperation by the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou.A while ago, he showed his position and killed all the sects that had a problem with him.Will such a person still reconcile with the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou?Can the cultivators of China accept him?

With awe, everyone turned their gazes to the weak Li Xiaochen at the same time.I don't know whether to be happy or worried.

But at this moment, three uninvited guests fell from the sky and landed in front of Qin Yufei.These three are the leaders of Jiuyou!Seeing Li Xiaochen's pale face, Jiang Mier guessed that he must have gone through a fierce fight, his vitality was seriously injured, and he will fight again.Moreover, the two magic pills in his body have not been completely sealed, and there is still a hint of magic energy.

Jiang Mier smiled slightly, and said, "Smelly rascal, should you hand over the magic pill?"[

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