Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 37) Rescue the dying and heal the wounded

After calling the ambulance, Tang Yao shook Li Xiaochen's body and kept crying.

Crystal tears fell out of the eye sockets like broken beads, slid across that beautiful face, and scattered on the ground.

Li Xiaochen in front of him became a little blurry.

She hugged Li Xiaochen tightly, crying uncontrollably: "You'll be fine, you won't... Hold on, I won't let you die. Did you hear that... just call me back if you hear it, Li Xiaochen ..."

As she spoke, she burst into tears again.

After crying for a long time, Tang Yao whimpered, called Li Xiaochen's name sadly, and pressed her tear-filled face to his cheek.

Although she always quarrels with Li Xiaochen, deep down in her heart, she has always liked this boy.

She stayed by his side all the time, looking forward to hearing him confess to herself one day.

But before that day comes, is he going to die?

"Why did you drink that venom, you big fool, you big fool...why...why!" Thinking of this, Tang Yao felt that she had killed Li Xiaochen, and cried even more guiltily and in more pain.

"Because... I can't watch you... die..." Li Xiaochen squeezed out a bitter smile, slowly raised his hand, and wiped away the welling tears for Tang Yao.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I..."

"I... have a few words that I've always wanted to tell you..." Li Xiaochen grabbed Tang Yao's hand and took a few deep breaths.The facial features are almost twisted together, it seems to be very uncomfortable.

Tang Yao was afraid that Li Xiaochen would have trouble speaking, so she put her ear to his mouth and listened intently.

"Ayao, actually I treat you...cough, cough you..." Li Xiaochen coughed for a while, but he still didn't say the following words.

Tang Yao burst into tears, hugged him hard, choked and said: "Stop talking, don't talk if you feel uncomfortable. I know your heart. With your words, it's enough, it's enough..."

She suddenly squeezed Li Xiaochen's hand tightly, walked to Zheng Shuang's side, picked up the dagger, wiped away her tears, and took a deep breath.

But the more I wanted to stop the tears, the more tears flowed, the more bitter and desolate the more they flowed.

I can't help myself when the love is deep, and when the feeling is strong, I cry.For thousands of years, how many Saha sentient beings have been emaciated and heartbroken by the word love?

Tang Yao returned to Li Xiaochen's side, pressed the dagger against her heart, and said with trembling lips, "Listen to me. If you dare to die, this dagger will go in immediately. I don't want to die either. !"

Looking at Tang Yao's resolute eyes and feeling her deep sincerity at the moment, Li Xiaochen was not completely sure until this moment that this girl really loved him.

He was both moved and ashamed.

Tilting his head, Li Xiaochen wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "No, I can't continue acting."

"Huh?" Tang Yao stared blankly at him.The tears in his eyes were also stunned for a moment, and he forgot to fall down.

Li Xiaochen sat up, took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped her tears carefully, and said, "I decided not to die for the time being. So don't cry too, okay?"

"Are... are you alright?" Tang Yao thought that he was returning to the light, and felt bitter and wanted to cry again.

"It's okay. I wanted to tease you. Who knew you were so serious. It made me cry too."

It turned out that when Li Xiaochen drank the bottle of blood-sealed sap, he secretly transformed his true energy into tiny lightning bolts, turning the void into reality, forming a thin film that blocked the mouth of the bottle.

In order to prevent Zheng Shuang from seeing his flaws, he also put the mouth of the bottle in his mouth.Adam's apple also pretended to swallow.

In fact, not a single drop of the poisonous juice in the bottle entered his throat.

He wanted to deceive Zheng Shuang, making him think that he had taken the poison and would die soon.

People, especially bad guys who are not very shrewd, will inevitably be negligent when they succeed in their tricks.

As long as you are careless, flaws will be exposed.As long as there is a flaw, they can wait for the opportunity to rescue Tang Yao.

Who knows that the plan can't keep up with the changes.Li Xiaochen's newly planned plan is being implemented.But Tang Yao became the x factor that disrupted the plan.

However, in terms of results, this strategy was considered a success, even though it did not develop as Li Xiaochen imagined.

Afterwards, he became very playful, so he decided to play tricks on Tang Yao.

Unexpectedly, this joke aroused a sincere feeling in Tang Yao's heart.

Listening to Li Xiaochen's explanation of the reason, Tang Yao's eyes widened.

After he finished explaining, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, grabbed Li Xiaochen's neck, and roared out of control: "Li Xiaochen! Return my tears! You bastard who lied to death! How many times has it been? You damn guy! How long are you going to play with me! Tell me! Yah——I should have killed you a long time ago!"

"Calm down, president! Ah, ah! Wait a minute! Don't use the trick of crossing or throwing! I can't stand it!"

"Then I'll use the new trick I just learned today against you - the ultimate mystery of Jeet Kune Do!"

"Ah! Take it easy—"


Li Xiaochen clutched his crotch in extreme pain, and walked to the side of Zheng Shuang who hadn't woken up yet, thinking in his heart:

What to do with him?Turn over to the police station?never mind.A nest of snakes and rats is useless.

Murder?I can't do it.Besides, that's against the law.

Let the tiger go back to the mountain?Endless troubles.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with Zheng Shuang, a gunshot pierced the silent night.

Zheng Shuang was shot in the chest!

Shocked, Li Xiaochen looked for the sound of the gun.I saw a black shadow appearing from behind a big tree and fled away.

Li Xiaochen said to Tang Yao: "Don't run around this time. Don't follow me!"

After saying that, he chased after him with a stride.

The black shadow was as fast as a ghost, passed through several streets, circled into a neighborhood, and disappeared without a trace.

Li Xiaochen was afraid that the opponent would divert the tiger away from the mountain, so he didn't dare to chase too far.In addition, he was worried about Tang Yao, so he turned back.

"Did you call the police? Why hasn't the ambulance arrived yet?" Li Xiaochen crouched beside Zheng Shuang and checked his wounds.

Although not a fatal injury, it is very close to the heart.If there is an operation, the doctor will never dare to take out the bullet rashly.

The most important thing right now is to stop the bleeding so that he can last a little longer.

Li Xiaochen gathered his true energy, condensed it on his fingertips, cut off the veins near the wound, and tapped the major acupuncture points around the wound.

Seeing his finger poking, Tang Yao asked in surprise, "You want to save him?"

Li Xiaochen tilted his head and glanced at her: "Do you want to see him die in front of us?"

Tang Yao murmured, "But he wanted to kill you just now."

Li Xiaochen temporarily stopped the blood in Zheng Shuang's body from gushing out, stood up, stared into Tang Yao's eyes, and said, "Listen, Ayao, although the existence forms of life are different, their nature is the same All things in the universe are equal. Sakyamuni Buddha also said that all living beings have the wisdom and virtues of the Tathagata. But they do not realize it with delusion and persistence. I don’t care if he wants to kill me or harm me. I just I know that his life is in danger and needs help. I have the ability to save him, why should I stand by? If we just let him die and abandon our compassion, are we still human? If he wants to kill me, we can wait I'll talk about it later."

Tang Yao stared at Li Xiaochen in a daze, choked by his words for a moment, speechless.

Why does he have such kind thoughts, why does he have such a broad mind?The person lying on the ground clearly wanted to put Li Xiaochen to death earlier.

Even if you save him, you may not be able to get the other party's gratitude.On the contrary, it will bring danger to itself.

Even so, do you still have to save people?

Tang Yao suddenly realized that she didn't know Li Xiaochen at all.

This kind of person who repays hatred with kindness still exists in this snobbish and indifferent world.

It was precisely this kind of noble character that made her look at Li Xiaochen with admiration.

What made Tang Yao even more happy was that Li Xiaochen called her "Ayao" just now.He used to call her "President".

Did he...

"I know that this kind of practice like helping an old man who fell on the side of the road may cause trouble for myself. I don't have a hundred and eighty thousand, I'm afraid I can't afford it. But fortunately, I'm a bachelor, so I don't need to worry too much. "

After speaking with a smile, Li Xiaochen gently pressed his palm on Zheng Shuang's chest, injecting his true energy.

He breathed out slightly, controlled the infiltration of true energy into the opponent's body, and carefully pulled the bullet bit by bit.

Li Xiaochen knew that in trauma ballistics, there was a term called "cavity effect".

When shooting at close range, the bullet penetrates the human body, and the "scar" it leaves in the body, that is, the trauma trajectory, is affected by the force of the bullet and will expand around.

Eventually a cruciform or star-shaped burst will form.

It recovers automatically due to the elasticity of the musculature.

But a large amount of muscle tissue is severely damaged in the process and cannot be restored to full condition.

Thus, a cavity is formed on the trajectory of the bullet.

In order not to make Zheng Shuang feel pain, Li Xiaochen paralyzed his nerves with zhenqi with thunder attribute.

This is a very difficult "surgery".

If you start from the outside and take out the bullet, then the surgical instrument is likely to break the blood vessels of the heart and cause massive bleeding.

After all, the position of the bullet is too tricky.

With just a slight shake of the surgeon's hand, Zheng Shuang's life can be ruined.

How many people dare to perform this operation in the whole country?

Moreover, with Zheng Shuang's current injury, no further delay is allowed.

In order to save people, even if Li Xiaochen was not very sure, he had to fight hard.

It is better to use true energy to get bombs from the inside than from the outside.At least he can drive his true energy to protect the nearby blood vessels and "open the way" for the bullet.

Another advantage is that the surgical instruments will shake due to the instability of the hands; true energy is safer.

Yun Gong looked at the situation in Zheng Shuang's body, and Li Xiaochen unconsciously held his breath the moment the bullet passed by the heart.

He didn't dare to be careless at all, and carefully and slowly mobilized his true energy, for fear that Zheng Shuang's life would be ruined.

Sweat oozes from his forehead.

Tang Yao wanted to wipe off his sweat, but was stopped by Li Xiaochen: "Don't touch me."

Seeing his appearance as if facing a formidable enemy, Tang Yao also became nervous.His eyes stared at Zheng Shuang's wound without blinking.

After a while, Li Xiaochen finally successfully took out the warhead.

Only then did he wipe off his sweat, and he let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, the whistle of an ambulance came from not far away.

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