Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 379) Re-Chapter Campus


Qin Yichuan knew that Tang Yao had studied Buddhism under Master Huiyuan, but he didn't know that Tang Yao was able to perform the Moon Love Samadhi The technique that can cure him is none other than Moon Love Samadhi. If Tang Yao is willing to be merciful and save him, it will be great.

But there is a problem here. Tang Yao is Tang Zongtian's daughter. Ever since Li Xiaochen chose the former between Qin Yufei and Tang Yao, Tang Zongtian has had opinions on Qin Yichuan and his wife. Asking for help is losing face, and secondly, people may not agree. The more troublesome thing is that Li Xiaochen and Tang Yao have such an affair. He Qin Yichuan is a manly man, and he is the head of the Qin family. How can he rely on a son-in-law's mistress to treat him?

Seeing that he was silent, Li Xiaochen said again: "If you agree, I will invite Tang Yao over now."

"I don't agree." Qin Yichuan rolled his eyes and expressed his indignation, "I don't accept your mistress giving me treatment"[

Li Xiaochen heard the meaning of his words and knew that he was going to lose face, so he patiently persuaded him: "No one in the world can cure you well except Tang Yao, you can just lie here and be so arrogant Make the decision, you are not allowed to object"

"How dare you?" Qin Yichuan blew his beard and stared angrily, "If it's against you, it's not your turn to speak in this family. I have the right to refuse treatment."

Li Xiaochen smiled slightly and ignored his opinion, told Qin Yufei a few words, and then flew to Yinluo City, Qin Yichuan, who was restless on the bed, scolded him anxiously, but there was nothing he could do about it. It's too embarrassing for me to be an old man.

Now that I think about it, Li Xiaochen is also an empty-handed white wolf. He is the beautiful daughter of the old Qin family, learning the fairy art of the old Qin family. In the future, he will inherit the family business and property of the old Qin family. It's too irritating for the white-eyed wolf to dare to contradict his father-in-law when he is so capable

If Qin Yichuan couldn't move, he would have to beat him up

Li Xiaochen, who was scolded by his father-in-law poked his spine, flew all the way to Yinluo City and called Tang Yao to ask where she was

"Hee hee, guess where I am now?" Tang Yao actually played a mysterious game with him

How could Li Xiaochen have the time to guess with her and said directly: "Quickly tell me I'll pick you up."

Tang Yao flattened her mouth: "Hmph, I'm not interesting at all. I'm in the school dormitory now."

"School" After she mentioned it, Li Xiaochen realized that he hadn't gone to school for a long time, and his credits should be deducted as negative numbers, but it would be nice to go back to school and visit his hometown

"After graduating in a flash, although I didn't have any classes, at least I went back to school to recall the good times before. Come here, I will wait for you on the bed~"

Li Xiaochen couldn't help laughing: "Why would I want to be in your bed with the beauty of the past?"

Just as the voice landed on the phone, Sun Yingying yelled: "Ah Sao-girl, I don't have any eyesight, are you really missing for so long and you... are still alive? Let me check your body, sister." Is there... oh, yo, you are indeed plumper than before, be honest and tell me which man rubbed your breasts."

"Don't touch it... ah, you can't touch there... um~ stop, your skin is itchy again, isn't it? self-defense

Li Xiao Chen reluctantly shook his head and smiled, and rushed to Mei's School of Management as soon as possible. Everything here is still the same as before, but there are many new faces in the school. They are probably new students and girls. replaced

Memories of walking on the tree-lined road leading to the girls' dormitory in the school came to my mind little by little. He was just an ordinary college student. Since meeting Jiang Mier, his life has undergone a 180-degree change

Back then, that poor ghost who lived a tight life never imagined that he would become the No. 1 in the world of cultivating immortals in Shenzhou. Along the way, Li Xiaochen was filled with emotions.

When we got downstairs in the dormitory, Li Xiaochen called Tang Yao again, but after calling Tang Yao a few times, she didn't know what the girl was doing. Walk into Tang Yao's dormitory from the balcony

"Ah!" With a sharp exclamation, Li Xiaochen saw a scene that he shouldn't have seen [

Tang Yao, who was only wearing underwear and underwear, was pressing Sun Yingying on the bed, and she had already stripped the latter's underwear to her knees. The underwear on Sun Yingying's upper body had long been pulled off and thrown aside. She is basically naked now. from

Li Xiaochen coughed twice and looked away Tang Yao didn't blush when she saw him coming and said with a smile: "How about my Sun Yingying is also in good shape?"

"I hate it~" Sun Yingying blushed and drove Tang Yao away to put on clothes quickly

Li Xiaochen said apologetically, "I didn't know you guys were playing this kind of game. It's rude to break in."

"Brother Achen, how could you just break into a girl's room?" Sun Yingying blushed and blamed him for his recklessness, and suddenly she was surprised, "This is the sixth floor, how did you climb up it, you Spiderman?"

Li Xiaochen didn't want to answer this question, retreated to the balcony and waved to Tang Yao: "I have something to tell you as you pass by"

Tang Yao put on a coat and walked to him and asked with a smile, "You won't even let Sun Yingying go?"

Li Xiaochen avoided her teasing and told her about Qin Yichuan, and expressed the hope that Tang Yao could go to treat Qin Yichuan as soon as possible.

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Tang Yao immediately beamed with joy: "Li Xiaochen, Li Xiaochen, you also beg me sometimes, hehehe, it's not impossible if you want me to help you, if you make me happy, I will follow you Go save someone, or even if you take me there by force, I won’t heal your father-in-law.”

Li Xiaochen pulled her arm and said anxiously: "Human life is at stake, Tang Yao, don't make trouble with me, let's go."

Tang Yao shook off him and said disapprovingly: "It's not a problem if he can't die for a while."

"You... well, you are also a female monk, why are you so compassionate?"

"Hmph, I don't care anyway, I won't go if you don't make me happy"

"You really don't go"

"If you don't go, you don't go"

"What time is my aunt now and you are still playing petty temper with me?" Li Xiaochen took her way and had to tell her about the demon king Bo Xun, hoping that she could understand the general situation

Who would have thought that Tang Yao would look even more unhurried after hearing this

"Didn't Bo Xun find it? You don't have to be so nervous. Since you have time to visit your father-in-law, it means that the devil's business is not in a hurry. You can still take some time to cheer me up."

Li Xiaochen asked helplessly: "What do you want me to do to be happy?"

"I'll tell you later." Tang Yao turned and went back to the room, put on her clothes and whispered a few words in Sun Yingying's ear. The best friend immediately blushed and hit Tang Yao vigorously. The two girls laughed and started a fight again.

When the trouble was enough, Sun Yingying smiled and said to Li Xiaochen: "Brother Achen, I heard that you opened a shop by yourself. I have graduated from this area and found a suitable job. You should help my old friend."

Li Xiaochen laughed and said, "I don't know if my shop is profitable or at a loss. I'm afraid I won't be able to pay your wages after you go."

Sun Yingying said coquettishly: "Oh, brother Achen, you just want to make it easier for us to be your underground lover~"

Tang Yao pretended to be angry: "Who made him an underground lover and why did you use me to bribe him?"

"Come on, you are Xiaosan's order, brother Achen's wife is Qin Yufei, they both got married a while ago, do you still want to replace him?"

"I... Anyway, he will marry me and I don't need you to worry about it." Tang Yao angrily twisted Li Xiaochen's waist, "Let's go to my father to solve the important marriage between us later, otherwise I won't agree to help." you"

Li Xiaochen smiled wryly and said, "Okay, I'll go to classmate Sun Yingying's job later and ask me about it too. As long as the fairy house is not losing money, you are welcome at any time."

Sun Yingying said proudly: "You should have asked me a long time ago. As long as I am in your Xianmanlou, I will definitely make a lot of money. I have plenty of ways to attract money for you."

Tang Yao joked: "Are you still sucking money with your chest? What can you do there to be a lucky cat?"

"Hum Sao, you dare to make fun of me, just wait, just let me manage it, even if Xianmanlou is going to close down, I can bring it back to life"

Li Xiaochen laughed and said, "I'll let you know when I turn back, if you have time, you can go over there and help out."

"Then thank you Boss Li first." Sun Yingying's joy was beyond words when she got his guarantee

Tang Yao was a little curious: "Student Sun Yingying, have you ever applied for a job in another company? Why do you have to go to Xianmanlou?"

Sun Yingying said: "Don't worry, I won't rob Brother Achen from you. Of course, I have also done internships in other companies, but the society is sinister. Those bosses all have bad intentions for me. I am afraid that I will be eaten by them or Brother Achen. Everyone in the insurance is their own person and won’t treat me badly.”

Tang Yao couldn't help but said, "Aren't you afraid that he will eat you up? Li Xiaochen, a scoundrel, is notoriously lustful."

Sun Yingying blushed again and mumbled: "He really wants to eat me... I have a choice but to admit that I am unlucky and be his little mistress."

Tang Yao stomped her feet angrily and shouted: "Okay, Sun Yingying, why did you just change your mind after talking to me for a few minutes and said that you would dedicate yourself to me...I will fight with you"

Sun Yingying smiled while avoiding Tang Yao's attack: "Who made him look at my body just now? I'm so ashamed. I'll be his for the rest of my life."

"If you talk about it, if you talk about it, I'll spare you." Tang Yao picked up a pillow and patted Sun Yingying indiscriminately

Li Xiaochen couldn't help but smiled and said to Tang Yao: "Okay, okay, don't make trouble anymore, time is running out, hurry up and finish your work, follow me to Tianhu City."

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