Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 386) Surrounding Xianmanlou

It was almost noon when Li Xiaochen brought Fei and Yao to Xianmanlou.Xianmanlou, which usually doesn't have many tourists, is actually full for the first time.There were too many customers to sit on the pavement, and they crowded outside, spreading out in a large area, and there was a sea of ​​people.

"What's going on here?" Li Xiaochen saw that among these people, there were Japanese women in priestess costumes, Japanese monks in monk uniforms, and Koreans in Taoist robes... There were monks and monks at home, men, women and children.

There are also some ferocious Japanese underworld bosses in the store, their faces are full of flesh, it seems that the visitors are not good.In the crowd, there are even occasional blond and blue-eyed Western faces.If you look closely, even Arab masked girls are mixed in.

Qin Yufei and Tang Yao were also dumbfounded.what the hell is this?Why did so many people come all of a sudden, and they basically didn't know each other.Are they going to kick the hall or find fault?

Li Xiaochen pushed aside the outermost crowd, wanting to go to Xianmanlou to ask about the situation.Unexpectedly, as soon as a few heads were pushed away, foreigners surrounded by the shop came out. [

"Is there any mistake? Didn't you say that I am in charge of my territory? Can you foreigners let me in?" Li Xiaochen stared at these people dissatisfiedly with his arms akimbo.

Tang Yao smiled and said, "They're all foreigners, who can understand your Chinese? It's faster to fly in together."

Li Xiaochen categorically rejected this proposal: "Flying around in this busy city is against the rules of the photo department. I am also the former director of the photo department, so I can't break the law knowingly."

Qin Yufei said, "Then step on their shoulders and go in."

Li Xiaochen was about to say yes, but Sun Yingying's voice came from Xianmanlou: "Everyone be quiet. I am the temporary person in charge of Xianmanlou. The boss and the boss's wife have not arrived yet. Please be safe and calm." ..."

Seeing that her best friend actually took what Li Xiaochen said last time seriously, and really came here to mess around, Tang Yao couldn't help laughing and said, "Sun Yingying really took a chicken feather as an arrow."

Li Xiaochen wasn't in a hurry anymore, he leisurely stood on the outermost edge, and said, "We'll just observe here for a while and see what she's up to."

This Sun Yingying is really versatile.After saying it in Chinese, I translated it in Japanese, Korean, English, and Arabic to all the guests present.The spoken language is fluent and authentic, without any blunt accent.

Qin Yufei couldn't help being curious, pulled a young Japanese woman in a kimono, and asked in Japanese, "Excuse me, what are you all doing here?"

The woman glanced at Qin Yufei and asked warily, "Who are you?"

Qin Yufei replied: "I am an immortal cultivator in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou, and I came from the name of Muxian Manlou."

Hearing that she claimed to be an immortal cultivator, the Japanese woman let go of her vigilance and said, "We are Japanese immortal cultivators, and we came here specially to find His Highness Li Xiaochen."

"Li, Li Xiaochen...Your Highness?" Qin Yufei thought she heard it wrong, "Do you call him Your Highness?"

The Japanese woman raised her head and said arrogantly: "Your Highness is the pride of our Yamato nation!"

"Ah, ah?" Qin Yufei didn't understand what was going on, "Why do you say that?"

The Japanese woman snorted twice, put on a condescending posture, and said with a proud face: "You, a famous person in the world of cultivating immortals, probably haven't heard of it. This lady will show mercy and tell you Okay. About 20 years ago, we found the reincarnation of Izanami at Ise Shrine in Japan. Izanami, do you know? You probably don’t know. For a woman with little knowledge like you, Miss Ben can only tell you patiently. Izanami is our mother god in Japan. The rest of the gods are all born of Izanami and her brother Izanaki. The reincarnation of Izanami is our Miss Izumo .”

Qin Yufei didn't bother with her about the offence, and said with a smile, "I've heard about your Miss Izumo Qianxue. So she is the reincarnation of Izanami. But what does this have to do with Li Xiaochen? "

Speaking of Li Xiaochen, the Japanese woman raised her head even higher.A heartfelt pride flashed across his face.

She coughed twice, cleared her throat, and said in a haughty tone: "Listen up, Chinese woman. Her Highness Li is the other half that Miss Izumo is looking for. Izanagi's reincarnation! This time we follow Ms. Izumo came here, one is to welcome His Highness Li back to Japan, and the other is to support him. Ms. Izumo has prepared [-] million US dollars, and plans to inject capital into Xianmanlou!" [

"One hundred million U.S. dollars? What a waste of money..." Qin Yufei smiled and shook her head, "I really don't know what's so good about Li Xiaochen that he can make that Miss Izumo so obsessed. In my opinion, he just He's just a pervert."

Hearing that she insulted Li Xiaochen between her words, the Japanese woman couldn't help saying angrily: "You are not allowed to slander His Highness Li like this! Hmph, I think you are jealous of our Miss Izumo. Don't dream! Only Miss Izumo can do it! She is worthy of His Highness Li. The rest of the women are nothing more than fleeting thoughts. To put it bluntly, it is impossible and has no chance for an ugly girl like you to marry His Highness Li. I advise you to stop making bad ideas!"

Qin Yufei smiled wryly and said, "When did I say I was going to get his idea? I wish that scoundrel Li Xiaochen would get away. It's best to go back to Japan with that Izumo Qianxue."

The Japanese woman didn't realize that this was irony, and she became even more stern: "It's best if you think like this. You still have a little self-knowledge, knowing that you are not worthy of His Highness Li. Our Highness Li has defeated all the Japanese decision-makers. The myth of defeat. Only a beautiful woman like Miss Izumo can match him~"

While talking, this woman actually became a nympho.Her eyes were blurred, as if she was the one who was going to marry Li Xiaochen.

The more Qin Yufei listened, the more amusing she became, and she couldn't help but put her hand on Li Xiaochen's shoulder.The delicate body trembled slightly, and almost laughed out of breath.

"What's so funny?" Li Xiaochen pulled Qin Yufei to his side with a puzzled face, "You've already found out some information, are you here to ask for trouble?"

Qin Yufei simply told him what the Japanese woman said, and couldn't help laughing after she finished, "Li Xiaochen, Li Xiaochen, you are really lucky. It's not worth mentioning that you have provoked so many women in China. Even Japanese women are right now. You agreed with your heart."

"This..." Li Xiaochen shaved embarrassingly, "It's impossible for me to marry Yun Qianxue. Otherwise, you wouldn't have eaten me alive?"

Qin Yufei pretended to be generous and said: "Anyway, you already have so many. It would be nice to change to Japanese taste. He is a foreigner who traveled thousands of miles to Shenzhou and injected you with [-] million US dollars to liberate you. Xiao Chen's career is her own, what kind of spirit is this? This is a great spirit of internationalism! Such a good girl can't be found anywhere with a lantern! Why don't you hurry up and follow her?"

Tang Yao burst into laughter, and also fanned the flames: "Yes, yes, I heard that Japanese women are alive and well. Ecstasy moaning, ever-changing postures, and that soft body that makes people want to stop...don't tell me You are not moved. You have watched Teacher Cang's films before."

Li Xiaochen was teased by the two of them so much that he couldn't cry or laugh, so he could only say: "I swear, I am absolutely innocent with her. I will never marry her. Conscience, you can't throw me into the fire pit!" .”

When he was frowning and begging for mercy, the Japanese woman who was talking to Qin Yufei saw his virtue and couldn't help but frowned and said, "Men in China really have no status. They talk so lowly when talking to women."

I can't understand Chinese anymore.But Li Xiaochen's mournful face, she guessed it at a glance.

Qin Yufei was even happier when she heard it.She nudged Li Xiaochen with her elbow: "Hey, that Japanese woman is talking bad about you. If she knows that His Highness Li looks like this in her mind, she must be very disappointed."

Before he could speak, Qin Yufei said to the Japanese woman: "Don't you know that Li Xiaochen has already married a wife here? Since you think he is so good, Li Xiaochen will definitely not divorce his wife , and then with Izumo Chiyuki, right?"

"His Highness Li is very important to our Japanese cultivating world. Although I am sorry to say this, we will do everything possible to force him to divorce his wife. Miss Izumo must continuously obtain the source of life from His Highness Li in order to reproduce A large number of outstanding descendants. Of course, if His Royal Highness Li really cares about the old love, I think Miss Izumo will not be completely unreasonable. The big deal is to relegate the original wife's family to a partial house and allow His Highness Li to raise his ex-wife as a lover."

Qin Yufei smiled: "I have written down what you said just now. I will tell you now that I am Li Xiaochen's wife, do you believe it?"

"You?" The Japanese woman looked at Qin Yufei from head to toe with disgust, and smiled contemptuously, "You can be His Highness Li's wife with your looks? What a joke! I heard that His Highness Li married Shenzhou The number one beauty in the world of cultivating immortals. What are you?"

Qin Yufei suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, and asked with a smile: "Am I much worse than Izumo Qianxue?"

The Japanese woman shouted provocatively: "It's not only a lot worse? It's not comparable at all. If you are His Highness Li's wife, I will immediately eat three catties of shit!"

Qin Yufei chuckled, took Li Xiaochen's hand, and said in Chinese, "Ah Chen, let's go in. I really want to see this woman who deserves a beating eat a fresh and warm three catties... Ha ha... ..."[

Li Xiaochen clearly saw anger in her eyes.Although she was smiling, the corners of her mouth twitched from time to time had exposed her true emotions.

"What did this woman tell you?" Li Xiaochen asked cautiously.

"Don't worry about it. I can't embarrass you today. Let me in right away." Qin Yufei's voice was full of unquestionable majesty.

Li Xiaochen had no choice but to drag Tang Yao along, preparing to step on the head and enter Xianmanlou.But Qin Yufei suddenly let go of his arm and said, "You and A Yao go first. I'm going to bring this woman in too."

After Li Xiaochen and Tang Yao jumped up lightly and stepped on everyone's shoulders to enter, Qin Yufei grabbed the Japanese woman's arm and snorted, "I want you to eat your fill in front of me later!"

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