Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 388) Arabian Princess


Qin Yufei knew something about Izumo Qianxue's feelings for Li Xiaochen, but she didn't expect Izumo Qianxue to be so bold to express her feelings to Li Xiaochen in front of everyone.

Tang Yao and Qin Yufei stared at Tang Yao and Qin Yufei immediately when he said his confession like a mosquito, but it was not Izumo Qianxue but Li Xiaochen who glared angrily.

"Why me?" Li Xiaochen wanted to cry and yelled wronged, "It has nothing to do with me, please don't look at me like that."

Tang Yao snorted jealously: "You didn't provoke others to treat you like this" [

"I really didn't do anything to her." Li Xiaochen tried hard to recall what kind of intersection he had with Izumo Qianxue. Not long ago, he had a short exchange with Izumo Qianxue in the Three Kingdoms Immortal Cultivation Realm, but it was to the point and wretched.

Other than that, there was only the last time when I was fighting in Xianmanlou It was just a tactical attack of nine shallows and one deep during the martial arts fight. Could this also be able to stir up her lonely girl's heart?

Li Xiaochen still shook his head: "I didn't take the initiative to provoke her Yufei Ayao to trust me"

Qin Yufei stood up and said a few fair words: "I was also present at the Xianmanlou fight last time. I know the situation. It is true that Ah Chen did not take the initiative to provoke others, but he had ambiguous behavior."

Li Xiaochen immediately shouted loudly: "Hey, don't talk nonsense, how can I have any ambiguous behavior?"

Qin Yufei smirked: "I don't admit that when Izumo Qianxue lost her bet and wanted to take off her clothes, you stopped her in the past and then you whispered to her, you made her blush."

"This..." Li Xiaochen couldn't deny it.

Qin Yufei continued to evoke the memories of the past: "You sneaked into Izumo Qianxue's room that night. As for what happened..."

"I want to protest this." Before she finished speaking, Li Xiaochen interrupted her immediately, "Later you came too, and Mier turned into Izumo Qianxue. At that time, Izumo Qianxue had already returned to Japan. I didn't have any relationship with her. what happened"

Qin Yufei said happily, "Correct me, I only went to catch the rape the next morning. Only you know what you did that night."

Li Xiaochen didn't want to be misunderstood and immediately refuted: "I am innocent and Mier can testify for me."

Seeing their quarrel, Izumo Qianxue couldn't help but said: "I and Li Xianren are just friends with each other, and there is no physical contact."

Tang Yao said if she had realized something: "Oh~ if you are all gods, then you have cheated on your mind."

Li Xiaochen didn't want to explain any more. This kind of thing became darker and darker. He finally realized that sometimes having too many women is not a good thing. Examples of rivalry and jealousy abound. It's not easy

An Izumo Qianxue who had nothing to do with him made Qin Yufei and Tang Yao excited just by saying a word. If something really happened, it wouldn't be a big mess.

In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, Li Xiaochen quickly changed the subject: "I hope that I can put aside the matter of your investment for now and wait for me to discuss it with other people before replying to you. If you have any other personal matters to tell me, please do so." Later because someone else wants to talk to me about business"

Izumo Chiyuki nodded to express her understanding, then wrote him a contact information, and then led the Japanese back to the side to give the seat to others

An Arab masked girl in white and several followers came to Li Xiaochen, clasped her palms together and said a lot of Arabic words.

One of the men behind her translated: "This is our Princess Shama. Not long ago, her mother, Princess Hamaya, was seriously ill Countless medicines are even more miraculous prescriptions. In order to cure her mother, Princess Shama personally went to Shenzhou to seek a good prescription. Fortunately, God Bless the Good Man Princess found this Xianmanlou in Yinluo City and found the medicine that can cure Princess Hamaya. I regret my visit last time. I was not able to meet Mr. Li this time, and now I can finally see Mr. Li's face. I am very honored and thank you very much”[

Feeling astonished, Li Xiaochen turned his head and asked the female employees of Xianmanlou: "Did this happen when I was away?"

"Some women came back to us crying so sad that they even knelt down and begged us for medicine."

"Yes, yes, she was so pitiful. At that time, we couldn't contact the boss, so we had to take some advice and get her some health care products."

"What's the matter, how can we say that we have also stayed in the film department, and now the employees of Xianmanlou understand our products, of course, it doesn't matter if you just give people something."

Li Xiaochen let out a sigh of relief, luckily he used the wrong recipe, otherwise he would have killed the princess

Then he kept smiling and politely said a few words to the Arabs. The translator then relayed Princess Shama's words: "The princess said that she is very grateful for your miraculous medicine. She is very curious about Chinese civilization and yearns for this presumptuous visit. The first thing is to ask." Mr. Li is learning the medical skills of China. The second is to buy your formula patents, hoping to spread these good recipes to the world. As for the price, Mr. Li, no matter how much we talk about, we will pay.”

"Damn it, when did Xianmanlou become so popular?" Li Xiaochen looked at Qin Yufei and Tang Yao with a smile, "We're going to get rich now."

Tang Yao raised her glasses and said, "The formulas of those health care products are all the crystallization of wisdom and painstaking efforts of our ancestors handed down from ancient times. I'm afraid it's not good to transfer them like this."

Li Xiaochen agreed: "I have no objection to the fact that the products are spread all over the world, but the formula cannot be easily given to others. This is not to say that we are conservative, but to prevent people with ulterior motives from using the formula to do bad things and make huge profits by illegal means."

Princess Shama whispered into the translator's ear, and the male translator said, "We understand Mr. Li's thoughts. We are willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with you to be responsible for the operation and to spread your products to the world."

Li Xiaochen knows that there are many details and professional issues that need to be negotiated. I am not very good at this area. It is best to have a professional team responsible for consultations and follow-up work.

"Yufei will have to rely on you this time. Qin and Lin's industries are not small, and there should be senior teams. I, a layman, can't handle such a big thing, but I have to rely on your professionals."

Of course, Qin Yufei understands how many things are in this bread. She said to Princess Shama: "First of all, we are very happy to hear the news of Lingtang's recovery. On behalf of all the staff of Xianmanlou, I wish Lingtang a healthy, safe and youthful stay in our team forever." I’m not here today. If Princess Shama is interested in cooperating, I will have our team contact you as soon as possible.”

After listening to the translation, Princess Shama smiled and said in jerky and non-standard Chinese: "Thank you."

At this moment, Li Xiaochen's mood can't be said to be excited. Before Izumo Qianxue said that he would invest [-] million US dollars, he had already been tempted. Thinking that now there is an Arabian princess, she is a member of the royal family. Rich, rich, rich, look at Dubai The only seven-star sailing hotel in the world knows how rich they are, and it is just around the corner to have such a big fat sheep with strong financial resources to help them make a fortune.

"Look how reserved you are, okay?" Tang Yao caught a glimpse of Li Xiaochen's wretched and happy face and couldn't help but pour cold water on him, "Don't think things will go smoothly. Bo Xun gets rid of you and wants to make a lot of money. It's an idiot's dream"

"You can't let me be beautiful for a few minutes." Of course, Li Xiaochen knows that if the matter of Bo Xun is not resolved, Shenzhou Yongning Day, he doesn't want Bo Xun to cut off his fortune.

At this time, Princess Shama was looking at Li Xiaochen curiously, feeling incredible

All of her bodyguards on this trip are experts with extraordinary skills, but in order to keep a low profile, she mixed with these ordinary people. Since she dared to do this, she naturally has extreme confidence in her bodyguards.

But when Li Xiaochen arrived at Xianmanlou, her bodyguard told her that he was very powerful, even all the bodyguards around Princess Shama could not beat him

It was only later that she found out that this man was Li Xiaochen, the boss of Xianmanlou, a member of his entourage who understood the Chinese culture, and quietly told her that this Li Xiaochen had probably gone through special training and reached an incredible level of flying skills. everything is possible

For Princess Shama of the Arabian Nights, I find it unbelievable, but Li Xiaochen has a faint sense of mastery in his gestures. This temperament is very unique and not very domineering, but it is respectful [

But it is such a person who is so easy-going and friendly in front of his woman, and even shows some signs of strict wife control. In Arabia, it is almost impossible to see what kind of person he is in a capable man.

Driven by strong curiosity, Princess Shama asked Li Xiaochen a question that she felt was impolite: "Excuse me...are you afraid of your wife?"

After hearing this Arabic sentence, the interpreter had to remind her: "Princess shouldn't ask this question on this occasion."

Princess Shama hesitated for a moment and said, "Relationship, I want to know about this man, please translate for him."

The translator had no choice but to tactfully translate the princess's words into Chinese: "Mr. Li, our princess would like to ask you ah... who is usually in charge of your family?"

Li Xiaochen smiled and replied without hesitation: "On the bed, my wife has the final say. She told me to lift it. I dare not not lift it. After getting off the bed, hehe... Of course, it's not all up to me."

When he said the last sentence, he was forced to change his mouth because of Qin Yufei's stare at Li Xiaochen.

The interpreter smiled slightly and said to Princess Shama: "Mr. Li said he was afraid of his wife to death when the husband and wife made love, and when his wife asked him to lift it, he dared not refuse to lift it."

"What?" Princess Shama reacted for a while, but she quickly understood. She blushed slightly and asked in surprise, "Can it be anytime?"

The translator said with a little embarrassment: "I don't know."

"Then ask him for me"

"Princess... this is very bad, it's a private matter..."

"Asked you to ask you to ask"

The interpreter had no choice but to lean into Li Xiaochen's ear and repeat the princess' question. After listening, Li Xiaochen was slightly startled and then smiled, "As long as my wife calls me, I can carry a gun and mount a horse at any time."

"Wow!" The translator gave a thumbs up and went back to Princess Shama

Princess Shama couldn't wait to ask: "What did he say?"

The translator still gave Princess Shama a thumbs up and said: "nywhrnytm"

"Wow..." Princess Shama's eyes widened when she looked at Li Xiaochen, and her eyes became unusually ambiguous

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