Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 40] Qin Yufei is actually XX

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Li Xiaochen hurriedly took a tissue to help Xiaobi wipe her face.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Xiaobi wiped the tea off her face with a tissue.

Li Xiaochen apologized repeatedly.Xiaobi had a good temper, so she didn't blame him.

"Where do we start?" Xiaobi stared at the ceiling, "By the way, we have to start three years ago. At that time, Uncle Lin passed away suddenly. Since then, my young lady has been..."

"Hey, wait a minute. Who is Uncle Lin? You can tell me about the relevant characters first, okay?"

Xiaobi was anxious and wanted to clarify the matter as soon as possible.But the more anxious she was, the more she couldn't explain clearly, as if there were dumplings in the teapot, which were too big to be poured out of the tea spout.

Under Li Xiaochen's kind guidance, Xiaobi changed to a teapot with a huge mouth and sexy lips, and finally poured out the dumplings.

Uncle Lin's full name is Lin Hanzhi, and he is a master of the Lin family, one of the four great families of cultivating immortals, who is good at talismans.

He is brilliant, talented, tall and heroic, and he has cultivated to the Thunder Tribulation realm at the age of less than twenty, and he is a leader among many rising stars in the world of cultivating immortals.

Lin Hanzhi is humble and gentle, with a refined appearance, and has a good reputation in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Not only the elders of the four great families looked at him differently and loved him very much.Even the head of the Xianlun School also called him "the unworldly genius who is rare in the world of cultivating immortals once in a thousand years".

In time, as long as he practiced diligently, he would be able to achieve great success and be among the immortals.

Later, because the Qin family and the Lin family have been friends for generations, they have already made a baby marriage.So the elders decided to let Lin Hanzhi marry Qin Yufei...

"What? You said Qin Yufei is a man-wife?" Li Xiaochen hissed almost with all his strength.

Everyone in the Longsheng pie shop looked at him one after another.Many of them are students in college towns.

When they heard the keyword "Qin Yufei", they all turned their attention to Li Xiaochen.

Xiao Bi quickly covered his mouth, staring straight at his eyes: "Slow down!"

Because Li Xiaochen was overly surprised, he couldn't help panting, babbling and wanting to talk.

"Calm down, you must be calm." After the curious eyes around her disappeared, Xiao Bi continued, "The marriage between Miss and Uncle Lin was finalized three years ago. It's a pity that people are not as good as God. On the night of the wedding night in their bridal chamber..."

"It's very impolite to interrupt. How old was Qin Yufei three years ago, did she reach the legal age for marriage?"

Xiaobi looked at Li Xiaochen like an idiot: "My lady is already a junior. What do you think?"

"What's wrong with the junior? It's possible that the junior is not yet of marriageable age."

Xiao Bi shook her head and said, "Oh, that's not the point. In short, I got the certificate. On the night of my wedding, Mrs. Lin was killed by Sui Yang before he had time to enter the bridal chamber, and he cast another six rounds."

Hearing the name "Sui Yang" suddenly, Li Xiaochen felt as if he had heard it somewhere.

He tried hard to recall for a while, and suddenly his heart moved: I remembered!Isn't Sui Yang the name mentioned by those two men in black who wanted to catch Jiang Mier?It seems that this Suiyang is really not a good person.Not only did they send someone to arrest Jiang Mier, they even killed Qin Yufei's husband three years ago.Tsk tsk, it's a pity, Qin Yufei's precious bridal chamber candle... Eh?

"No—it's—! You mean, Qin Yufei is still a bit...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

"I want to die, screaming so loudly!" Xiao Bi tightly covered Li Xiaochen's mouth, starting to regret asking him to meet here.

Li Xiaochen couldn't help but be shocked by the explosive news that broke out one after another.

The perfect goddess in the minds of many boys in the university town of Yinluo City is actually a man-wife?

If this news got out, they would definitely make them beat their chests and cry to death.

The perfect image of Qin Yufei in the hearts of boys must be gone.

That stunning beauty who is as cold as an iceberg is really well hidden.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with a man-wife, it is a very normal phenomenon.Most women will marry and have children all the time.

But this man-wife is too miserable.The newlywed Yan Er died the golden tortoise son-in-law and has been a widow to this day.

Presumably, she has not had a very good life in the past few years.Thinking of this, Li Xiaochen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I don't know the relationship between Qin Yufei and that Lin Han.

The poems written by Li Qingzhao, one of the four talented women in ancient times and a poetess in the Song Dynasty, express a completely different artistic conception when her husband was alive and after his death.

In the early stage, I was very affectionate with my husband.Although she is a representative of the graceful school, she is also unscrupulous in describing love, happy and beautiful.

In the later period, especially after the death of her husband, a weak woman suffers from the turbulent times, but her heart can only be entrusted to the deceased.

She has tasted the bitterness of the world, and even the poems are written in a sad and lonely way, which makes people sigh.

Although Qin Yufei was not like Li Qingzhao who "searched and searched, deserted, desolate and miserable", but three years ago she was young and young, and it was very uncomfortable to think about it when she suffered such a blow.

Li Xiaochen seemed to understand why she always rejected boys thousands of miles away.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Xiao Bi continued talking.

Qin Yufei mourned Lin Hanzhi's death, her heart was ashamed, and she decided to remain a widow for three years.

For three years, do not have contact with any young men.That's why the three principles came into being.

The four aristocratic families have always followed the traditional rules handed down from ancient times, including marriage.

In the past three years, there have been countless sons of aristocratic families, second-generation rich and second-generation officials who have come to the Qin family to propose marriage.

But Qin Yufei rejected them one by one on the grounds of "observing the festival for her deceased husband".

Now that three years have passed, Qin Yufei's father, Qin Yichuan, began to think about marriage for her with the idea of ​​"a college girl should marry".

After all, the dead are gone, and no matter how great the pain is, it will pass.

Furthermore, when the incident happened suddenly, although Qin Yufei and Lin Hanzhi had the name of husband and wife, they were not actually husband and wife.

And she guards herself like a jade, and she is still perfect, so it will be easier to marry.

But Qin Yufei didn't want to remarry and started a dispute with her father.

The father and daughter insisted on their own opinions and were at a stalemate.The contradictions are getting bigger and bigger.

Hearing this, Li Xiaochen asked: "You mean, let me pretend to be Qin Yufei's boyfriend, fool around for a while, and ease the conflict between their father and daughter?"

Xiaobi nodded desperately, and praised: "You are so smart! That's what I mean."

Li Xiaochen fell back and leaned on the chair: "This is too unlike a plot that happened in reality. And why are you looking for me again?"

"Didn't you write some 'part-time boyfriend notice' a while ago? Who else should I look for if I don't look for you?"

"Solemnly declare, that was written by my sister randomly!" Li Xiaochen held his head and moaned, "How can someone still take the bait for such a funny thing? Sadly, there are more than one."

"Oh, you're kind enough to help. I can see that my lady treats you differently." Xiaobi chuckled, "Why don't you just really go after the lady. Maybe you can really get married in the future!"

This Shunliu uttered a sentence made Xiaobi's eyes shine brightly, as if she had found a bright road in the endless darkness.

She clapped her hands together, secretly admiring her flash of inspiration, and looked at Li Xiaochen expectantly: "It's such a happy decision!"

"Who is happy? I won't decide with you." Li Xiaochen quickly waved his hand, "Please forgive me. I don't want to crash into an iceberg."

Xiaobi looked Li Xiaochen up and down, and felt that he was in good condition in all aspects, and he was a good match for her young lady.

Although the clothes are a bit shabby, it doesn't matter, the Qin family doesn't lack money, what they lack is a loyal and reliable person.

Besides, this guy might be "the one" they've been looking for.

Xiaobi is like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she looks at him the more she likes her, the more she looks at him the more she likes her.My heart suddenly blossomed with joy.

Li Xiaochen was hairy from being stared at by her, soothed the goosebumps on his body, and said, "Don't look at me with such greedy eyes, okay?"

Xiao Bi happily said: "Go after my lady. I can make it easier for you and open the back door. I will tell you whatever information you want about the lady."

"Are you sick? How old are you? Don't make such silly jokes."

Xiaobi said enthusiastically, "I won't let you work for nothing. I'll privately sponsor you to find girls."

Li Xiaochen smiled wryly and said, "It's not about money. I think Qin Yufei should find another man like Lin Hanzhi who is as beautiful as Zhou Lang. I'm just an ordinary person living in the market. Hu is wrong, not worthy of her at all."

Xiao Bi hurriedly said: "Then you have to help resolve the conflict between the young lady and the master. It's very simple. Just let the old man know that the young lady is dating you. I'll take care of the rest. How about it?"

"Really?" Li Xiaochen looked at her suspiciously, "Isn't Qin Yufei unaware that you came to see me? Can she agree?"

Xiao Bi opened her mouth wide, but was speechless when she wanted to speak.She thought about it and thought so.

According to Qin Yufei's personality, nine out of ten people disagree.

But going on like this is not an option.What if Qin Yichuan forced Qin Yufei to marry?

Xiao Bi knew Qin Yufei's unyielding temper.

In case of tragedy, it would not be what the Qin family would like to see.

Xiaobi broke her heart and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll persuade the young lady. This matter is settled like this. Don't go back on your word."

"I didn't promise you."

Xiaobi took out her mobile phone, checked the time, and slapped a few hundred yuan on Li Xiaochen's desk: "This is the advance payment and the price for treating you to dinner. After collecting the money, you must do things well. Starting today, In the name of 'pretending to be a boyfriend', you must chase after my miss. After you catch up, you will be rewarded. Also, you are not allowed to tell anyone about what happened today. Otherwise, the whole Qin family will tear you to pieces. Remember Remember. I'm leaving first."

"Hey—" Li Xiaochen wanted to stop Xiaobi who was rushing out of the store, but it was too late.

He looked down at the red notes on the table, and couldn't help but feel bitter: what is this girl who talks nonsense thinking.Obviously she is buying and selling by force.

The matter of Jiang Mier and Tang Yao was enough to worry Li Xiaochen.Now there is another Qin Yufei.

If this continues, sooner or later, I will be played to death by these women.

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