Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 42] Heartless, Heartless

The "Huangdi Neijing? Suwen" mentioned the concept of "five grains for nourishment" in the "time theory of Qi storage method".

Five grains refer to: rice (rice), millet (yellow rice), millet (millet), wheat (wheat, which can be made into noodles) and Shu (beans).

These whole grains are all seeds of food.

Bury them in the soil, they will sprout and grow, and finally grow into healthy and complete plants.

This shows that the seeds concentrated in plant essence have the power to grow hair and have strong vitality.

When people eat five grains, what they eat is this "hair-growing qi" that can nourish the body.

Li Xiaochen is in the stage of congealing the pill, like a pregnant person.Be careful in every way.

There is an old saying: Sickness enters through the mouth, disaster comes out through the mouth.

Many diseases are caused by people not paying attention to diet.

Then, nourishing the body does not mean that it is enough to rely on big fish and big meat.

Why did the ancients put "five grains for nourishment" first?

Just because the five grains are rich in nutrients, they are most beneficial to the human body.

However, in modern society, many unscrupulous owners of farms add growth hormones and growth hormones to the feed in pursuit of profit, regardless of the lives of the people.

In order to prevent bird flu, large amounts of antibiotics are regularly fed to livestock.

In just over 20 days, a duck can hatch from an egg, grow into a mature duck, and be transported to the city to be slaughtered.

Although chickens, ducks, fish and sheep are not comparable to human beings who are the spirits of all things, they are all sentient beings and have their own feelings.

The livestock on the farm are sentenced to life imprisonment from birth, and they are imprisoned in cages.Of course the mood is very depressed.

In the end, he was sentenced to death.When being killed, livestock will naturally have resentment, panic, and anger.

Anger injures the liver, fear injures the kidneys.Negative emotions will make the internal organs disorder.

Especially the liver, as an organ that filters toxins and detoxifies, must accumulate a lot of toxins that can make people sick.

How can people not get sick if they eat them?

Jiang Mier, who knows this well, made this kind of health porridge called Ten Valley Healthy Porridge.

There is an old monk Guolin in Shaolin Temple who is more than [-] years old. He is full of energy, his voice is like a bell, and his steps are like flying. It is precisely because he eats this porridge every day.

"There are ten kinds of brown rice, black glutinous rice, millet, buckwheat, gorgon, oats, lotus seeds, black sesame and red barley. For your health, and to make you more successful in practice, before you cross the threshold During the condensing period, I will make this kind of porridge for you every day."

Jiang Mier picked up a spoonful of porridge with a spoon, and asked with a smile, "Do you want me to feed you?"

Li Xiaochen took the spoon and said with a smile, "Don't bother you."

These days, the more he got in touch with Jiang Mier, the more he felt that he knew too little.

From ancient times to the present, there are countless treasures left by the Chinese ancestors.

Among the four ancient civilizations, ancient India, ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon have all become history.

Only the country stands today.There must be something to this.

While eating the porridge, Li Xiaochen listened to Jiang Mier's explanation of imparting knowledge in this area, and felt that what she said was logical and reasonable, which benefited him a lot.

After the two had breakfast, they went to school together.

This morning is a big class.This course was originally taught by the head of the department, Professor Peng.But Professor Peng made such a fuss, can he still give lectures?

After entering the classroom, he habitually found a seat in the back row facing the window and sat down. Li Xiaochen caught a glimpse of Jiang Mier taking out his laptop, putting it under the table, and opening a video.

The content is about viscera, meridians and health preservation theory.

Li Xiaochen couldn't help but stretched his head curiously.All I saw was a radiant professor eloquently analyzing the mysteries of the human body.

Just as he was engrossed in watching, Tang Yao came over and asked, "Li Xiaochen, how is the show you prepared last time?"

"Program?" Li Xiaochen stared at a model prosthetic foot held by the professor in the video, and after listening to him explain the reflexology area of ​​the plantar, he murmured after a while, "What program?"

"It's the program performed by the student union at the food festival. I told you about it last week. Don't tell me, you completely forgot."

Li Xiaochen was startled, straightened up, put on a flattering smile, turned his head slowly, and said to the cold Tang Yao, "I really forgot."

"You!" Tang Yao slapped him on the head with a notebook and cursed angrily, "Bastard! You are really good enough. I entrusted you with such an important task. You are fine, you don't care at all. Go It was the same when I met Liu Rongwei. I think you don't take me seriously any more!"

Li Xiaochen tilted his mouth impatiently: "Oh, it's not a big deal. Isn't there a food festival next week? Before that, I'll take care of it. Alright, alright."

"Don't be perfunctory! You are only allowed to write me a concrete and feasible plan before noon today. Otherwise..." Tang Yao was ignored by Li Xiaochen who turned his head to watch the video before speaking.

She was so angry that she put her hands on her hips and raised her brows: "When I speak, can you look into my eyes? At least turn your face away? This is the minimum respect for people!"

Li Xiaochen gave a casual "hmm" and didn't respond for a long time, just staring at the LCD screen.

Tang Yao didn't know whether to be happy or worried about his familiar and informal behavior.

She sat next to Li Xiaochen, twisting his waist vigorously.He also cursed a few words in a low voice angrily.

Li Xiaochen was in so much pain that he almost jumped up from his seat.

He turned to Tang Yao helplessly, and said with a wry smile, "I can't write you the plan in advance. But I guarantee that this program will definitely bring some income to the school."

After speaking, he turned to watch the lecture again.

"Then how?" Tang Yao struggled to pull Li Xiaochen over and glared at him, "I'm worried about you foolish guy. It's a show to be performed in front of the students in the entire university town. There is no process and Plan, what should I do if I make a fool of myself at that time?"

"If you don't trust me, don't let me do it." Li Xiaochen squinted his eyes, still paying attention to the video, "Either let me do it, or choose someone else. Do not doubt the employment, do not use the suspect, you say , beep loudly, understand?"

Tang Yao was speechless by his words.She thought to herself, why did she find Li Xiaochen for such an important program?

Have you lost your head?

As early as the beginning, it is time to find a more reliable and reliable person to plan.

Alas, it's useless to worry about these now.

Tang Yao grabbed Li Xiaochen's arm and said, "Then tell me first, what kind of show do you want, song and dance performance or acrobatic cross talk? You have to arrange someone to rehearse as soon as possible?"

"Those are too cliche. My show doesn't need to be rehearsed. Just set up a big electronic screen and we'll be done." Li Xiaochen wanted to withdraw his hand, but Tang Yao choked and refused to let go.

He had no choice but to turn his head away, and said with a bitter face: "My lord president, please spare me. If you want to help, just lend me a few officers from the student union."

"Okay, yes. But why do you want a screen...Answer me. Hey, are you listening to me?" Seeing Li Xiaochen staring at the laptop, Tang Yao was curious about what was on it, so she went to Go and have a look.

The six eyes did not blink, watching the old professor poke a little on the foot model with a thin stick.

The three of them were fascinated by what they heard, and they didn't even know that class was already in session.

After listening for a while, Li Xiaochen asked Jiang Mier with some puzzlement: "Do you understand these things?"

Jiang Mier replied, "Of course I understand."

"Then are you still watching?"

"Watch it again to deepen the impression. And what I really want to see is not here."

"Then what do you want to see?"

"It's coming soon."

Li Xiaochen closed his mouth and continued to listen.Tang Yao is very interested in these topics of foot therapy and health care, especially those related to gynecological health care.

Before he knew it, he was leaning against Li Xiaochen, listening intently.

At this time, the old professor in the video slapped the podium vigorously, and said righteously: "Young people nowadays don't know how to abstain from their desires to protect themselves, but only know how to indulge their passions, which makes them all hurt their spirits and kidneys. You must know that men often The number "eight" is a cycle. My husband is eight years old, with strong kidney qi and long teeth. "Twenty-eight" is 16 years old, the kidney qi is strong, and the sky is guizhi... When "eight eighth" is 64 years old, the five internal organs are all declining. Not only No hair growth, no teeth..."

Before he finished speaking, due to his agitation and speaking too fast, the old professor opened his mouth wide, and a pair of dentures popped out of his mouth and fell on the podium.

With an embarrassed smile, he picked up the dentures, stuffed them back into his mouth, and sucked back the saliva that flowed out of his mouth: "At this age, just like me, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Don't say that the teeth are going to fall out, even the dentures will fall out. They all betrayed..."

Chen, Mi, and Yao couldn't help laughing at his appearance, and almost wanted to laugh out loud.

"Hmm!" A serious cough suddenly came from beside them.

Jiang Mier was so frightened that she quickly turned off the video.Li Xiaochen was also panicked.

He looked for his reputation and saw a 40-year-old professor wearing glasses standing by the table with his hands behind his back, staring at them sternly.

Professor Peng!

Suddenly seeing this teacher whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Li Xiaochen's heart beat wildly, and he cried out: Why is he here?

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Mier sent the computer to Li Xiaochen.

Li Xiaochen's eyes widened, he was extremely surprised: "Good job, Jiang Mier.You actually framed me at a critical moment!

There was a hint of cunning on Jiang Mi'er's lips.The smirk flickered away.

Soon, she rested her chin on one hand, holding Li Xiaochen's textbook as if nothing had happened.Immediately pretended to turn over, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him.

Li Xiaochen was holding a hot potato, and was about to hand it over to Tang Yao, and let her be the scapegoat.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yao pointed at Li Xiaochen and said to Professor Peng, "Professor, it's him who lured us to watch the video during class time."

Li Xiaochen squeezed out a hundred pimples and never thought that Tang Yao would become a tainted witness so quickly and betray him.

Jiang Mier remained calm and quietly gave Tang Yao a thumbs up to show her appreciation.

Seeing her rather concealed movements from the corner of her eyes, Tang Yao stretched out her fingers and gestured victory to Jiang Mier in a way that was not easy to be noticed.

The two beauties looked at each other and smiled, as if they hadn't seen each other late.

But these small movements of coming and going cannot escape Li Xiaochen's eyes.

But even if you know, so what?

According to the current situation, the blame must be borne by himself.

Li Xiaochen gave them two annoyed rolls of eyes respectively: She is the most vicious woman, a friend in adversity sees the truth!These two beauties are a disaster, they betrayed me and betrayed their tacit understanding.It's simply heartless, heartless!

Just when he was about to surrender, Professor Peng said with a livid face, "Student Li Xiaochen, what were you looking at just now, so seriously?"

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