Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 45) Opening of the Gourmet Chapter

In the next few days, Li Xiaochen was quiet, doing the work of congealing the pill with peace of mind.

The inner alchemy in the abdomen gradually condenses from the original sand grains to the size of a grape seed.

According to Jiang Mier, the inner alchemy must at least be condensed to the size of a glass chess piece in checkers before it can be considered complete.

On the day of the food festival, since there was going to be a fairly large meeting in the morning, Li Xiaochen and Jiang Mier went to the biggest sports field in the school early.

This stadium is quite large and can accommodate more than [-] students in the entire university city.

The Food Festival is an event that the entire University City participates in.Therefore, not only students from the May School of Management came to the sports field, but also college students from other schools.

But any student in the university town can set up a stall here, and make a variety of delicacies with different flavors and provide them to everyone.

Of course, this is not free, and the price needs to be marked according to the price set by the organizer.

In the end, part of the profits earned will be handed over to the host school.The other part is distributed to stallholders.

In addition, the school will select many food awards based on the votes of the students.Winners will receive a cash prize.

Li Xiaochen used his "Three Thousand Threads of Worry" to participate in this activity before.

I am familiar with the main process of this food festival.

Jiang Mier went to university in Japan.She is very curious about university life in China.

Ever since she spoke with Aunt Yun, her mood has been at a low ebb.Originally, she didn't plan to come with Li Xiaochen today.

But she knew that Li Xiaochen was plugged into a show by Tang Yao.Going on stage today.

In the end, Jiang Mier decided to accompany him to school.Apart from wanting to experience the activities of this school, I also want to see what kind of programs Li Xiaochen will put on.

At least you can leave yourself a beautiful fragment that you can recall in the future.

Coming to the back of the main stage, Li Xiaochen saw Tang Yao directing the student council members.

"Li Xiaochen, how is your show going?" Although Tang Yao was sweating profusely, she still spotted him right away.

"No problem." Li Xiaochen looked around, but didn't see Qin Yufei, "Didn't you say to ask Qin Yufei to attract the beauty effect? ​​What about her? My program can't do without her."

Tang Yao ordered several male officers to carry heavy objects, then turned to him and said, "Don't worry. She will be there later. What's the content of your program? You can talk about it now."

"Not yet. If possible, please ask someone to help install the LCD screen on the stage." Li Xiaochen smirked, and said to Jiang Mier who was beside him, "Please help me later."

"Me?" Jiang Mier was stunned at first, then smiled and said, "Then you have to pay me to appear."

Li Xiaochen frowned and said, "Why are you so vulgar, you withdraw money at every turn. Look at Qin Yufei, she doesn't ask for any fees."

Jiang Mier smiled and said: "I'm not from your school. Doesn't it cost money to hire foreign aid? Besides, have I promised you? After negotiating the price with my agent, come to me again."

Li Xiaochen was about to retort, but Tang Yao, who was busy with the main station arrangement, interrupted: "I told you in advance. Your show will be on after the school leaders have finished speaking. You don't have to tell me the content of the show." Tell me in advance. But if something goes wrong, you are responsible.”

"If you are in charge, you are in charge." Li Xiaochen didn't accept her threats, but instead smiled and said: "President, I invite you to appear on the stage in the show later."

Tang Yao rubbed her sore arm and frowned slightly: "Do I want it too?"

Li Xiaochen's eyes, nose and mouth could no longer hide the smile.

Although he couldn't wait to watch the meeting, he held back: "The beauty effect, naturally, the more beauties the better. What's more, you can be regarded as a big beauty with a good figure and a good face in our school. Don't take advantage of it." Isn't it a pity?"

Most girls like to hear others say they are beautiful.

Tang Yao is no exception.Although it was only a few words, it was enough to make her feel a little happy for a while.

But she was still serious on the surface: "Well, I don't know how to dance or anything. Don't make me do things that are too difficult."

Li Xiaochen waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, no. After going on stage, just put on a pose. I will take care of the rest."

While speaking, Qin Yufei, Xiaobi and Tang Yao's best friend Sun Yingying came backstage one after another.

Qin Yufei's iceberg is still so beautiful that it makes one's heart skip a beat, but it's too cold to be approached.

She gave a slight nod to Li Xiaochen, and stood beside Xiaobi.

For a beauty like her who is not close to men, it is already a rare move.

Xiaobi looked excited, and secretly made a cheering gesture to Li Xiaochen.

Li Xiaochen knew that the maid was encouraging him, so he took the initiative to chase Qin Yufei.He laughed a few times, perfunctory.

Sun Yingying, on the other hand, seemed more enthusiastic.Seeing Li Xiaochen and Tang Yao standing together, she walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Achen, I heard that you are going to be on stage to make a show today. I am here to cheer you on behalf of our show girl. You have to work hard oh!"

Tang Yao puffed her cheeks and pulled Sun Yingying aside, gritted her teeth and said, "In front of him, don't mention that stupid nickname you gave me!"

"Hey, didn't you open the room last time, why are you pretending?"

Tang Yao hurriedly covered Sun Yingying's big mouth with her hands, for fear that others would overhear the untrue words.

She warned her best friend viciously: "My relationship with him is very pure. It's not as dirty as you imagined. If you dare to talk nonsense, I won't spare you!"

Li Xiaochen didn't have time to take care of so much.He instructed Qin Yufei a few words, and raised the order of appearance with Jiang Mier, and finally arranged for a few people from the student union to be responsible for playing the content on the screen.

It didn't take long for the stadium to be filled with college students from various colleges and universities in the university city.

After the speech of the school leaders, the host announced the official start of the food festival.

Tang Yao was supposed to be the host of this food festival.

However, due to the incident of indecent photos she made some time ago, although she kept her position as the president of the student union, she is no longer suitable to be a host in public.

In the midst of their busy schedule, the backstage staff only listened to the host's loud voice: "Next, I would like to invite Li Xiaochen, the student union representative of Mei's School of Management, to come on stage to announce the mysterious prizes of this year's food festival—"

After Li Xiaochen was called, he walked up to the front desk from the side stairs.

Three beauties, Qin Yufei, Jiang Mier and Tang Yao, lined up and waited in the background.He only waited for Li Xiaochen to give the order, and then walked up to the stage.

But Tang Yao murmured in her heart: What's going on, isn't it about performing?Why did the host ask Li Xiaochen to announce the prize?Where are the prizes?

At this time, Li Xiaochen, who was holding the microphone, was facing 10,000+ teachers and students for the first time, and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

If the butt-hole and belly button are not counted, everyone has two eyes.The audience staring at him are two or three million windows to the soul.

He trembled slightly uncontrollably, but he didn't want to make the atmosphere too awkward.

So, he forced a smile, pretended to be a little girl, and acted shyly: "Why are you all looking at me? The Lun family will be shy~"

This opening caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

Jiang Mier and Tang Yao in the background couldn't help but smile when they saw his spoof.

Although Qin Yufei had a smile in her heart, she controlled her emotions and didn't let it explode.

Sun Yingying and Xiaobi didn't have so many scruples, they laughed whenever they wanted.

Melzak, the dean of the Mei School of Management, sitting in the front row, stroking his mustache, also grinned.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the audience has become much warmer, Li Xiaochen secretly mobilized his true energy to calm down the tension inside.

He showed a much more natural smile than before, and continued: "Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Students, I will announce the most anticipated super mysterious award of this food festival. Please look at the big screen!"

Li Xiaochen turned around and raised his hand.The super large LCD screen hanging on the stage lit up, showing a set of exquisite skin care products.

While everyone was staring at the big screen, Li Xiaochen gestured to the backstage.

Qin Yufei and the other three beauties followed the pre-planned plan, each holding a box of hardcover skin care products, walked to the stage one by one, and set up their posses like models.

Li Xiaochen continued: "Our mysterious prize is divided into genders. Have you seen the skin care products on the screen? This is a prize for women, worth 5000 yuan."

He paused, walked to the stage, and showed the three beauties in front of 10,000+ teachers and students: "Female students, do you want to have beautiful and good skin like these three beauties? If you want your skin to become Whitening and smoothing, you must not miss our set of skin care products made with secret formula."

Li Xiaochen paused, and then said: "All you pretty girls, how do you get this prize? You only need to spend ten yuan or more at any stall during the food festival, and you can get a lottery ticket. If If you want to get a few more lottery tickets, you can go to different stalls for consumption. At five o'clock in the afternoon, come back to our host stage for a lucky draw. The winner will get a set of skin care products."

"Cut—" There was booing from the audience.

"This is simply a scam!"

"What kind of skin care product is that? I don't think it's worth 5000 yuan."

"This prize is not good!"

Li Xiaochen had long expected this to happen.He raised his hands and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"What you saw just now was the prizes for the female compatriots. Next, I'm going to show you the super gifts for the male compatriots!" Li Xiaochen fully mobilized his emotions and looked at the three beauties on the stage.

After meeting his gaze, they each had different emotions.

Jiang Mier felt something was wrong.Qin Yufei felt something was wrong.Tang Yao had no idea what Li Xiaochen was thinking.

Just when the three of them were in their stomachs, Li Xiaochen burst out the excitement in his throat: "To be honest, I have been coveting this prize for a long time! I believe that the male compatriots present are the same as me. Then, male What is the ultimate prize for my compatriots?"

"If you win a lottery ticket in your hand... Hehehehe... Hufufu...hahahaha..." Li Xiaochen pointed at the three of them, "You can choose any one of them - give it away for free One of your sweet kisses! Cheers, comrades!"

--------------------------------------------- New recommendation is down.Still the old rules.Guaranteed three times a day.The students voted very well, so I will add more on this basis.

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