Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 5] Taixuan Tian Qingdao

"Take me... home..." Jiang Mier weakly tugged on Li Xiaochen's sleeve, and suddenly coughed up another mouthful of blood.

Only then did Li Xiaochen realize that her injuries were indeed serious.Otherwise, how could a girl as smart and intelligent as her not even bother to reciprocate his jokes?

Picking up Jiang Mier, Li Xiaochen walked out of the alley, hailed a taxi, gently put her in the back seat, and asked, "Where is your home?"

Jiang Mier managed to maintain a trace of sobriety, and after speaking the address, she fell into Li Xiaochen's arms, almost fainting.

Jiang Mier's home is a European-style duplex building in the Swiss Garden of University Town, Yinluo City.

Unlike a loft, a duplex is actually two floors, rather than one floor divided into two.There is a staircase full of emotional appeal and full of artistic creativity between the two floors.

From the decoration to the furniture, everything is full of European romantic style.Once inside, there is a warm sense of belonging.

Li Xiaochen took out the key from Jiang Mier, opened the door, carried her into the bedroom on the second floor, put her on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and wiped the blood from her mouth.

Seeing her face full of pain, Li Xiaochen thought for a while and whispered in her ear: "I think I'd better take you to the hospital."

"No..." Jiang Mier shook her head gently, her pale lips murmured, "No...don't get an't take medicine..."

"You're injured so badly, you'll die if you don't go to the hospital!" Li Xiaochen forcibly carried her out of the bed, but Jiang Mier bit her ear.

"Wow - it hurts, hurts!" Li Xiaochen hurriedly put her back, covered his ears and shouted, "You tooth killer, you've hurt yourself like this, and you're harming kind people!"

Jiang Mier said weakly: "You... help me take off... my clothes, and look at the... palm print on my back... what it looks like..."

"Ah? Take off your clothes?" Li Xiaochen was taken aback, "This is not good. I am an upright gentleman, how can I do such a thing that has no conscience and takes advantage of others' danger?"

Even though he said so, he quickly took off Jiang Mier's maid outfit.

Li Xiaochen thought to himself: She obviously trusts my character and conduct, that's why she asked me to do this.If I took advantage of the opportunity, wouldn't it be worse than a beast?

Am I, Li Xiaochen, that kind of womanizer?

Am I, Li Xiaochen, the kind of bastard with a brain?

Am I, Li Xiaochen, the kind of person who professes Yin during the day?

Cough, but Jiang Mier really has the capital to make men lustful... But the crux of the problem is not here!

I, Li Xiaochen, an excellent man who got countless little red flowers in elementary school, how could I do such an obscene thing?

A man with copper skin and iron bones will not succumb to beauty!

Cough, of course, it's good to give in once in a while~ A man can bend and stretch.How many times can life be subdued, and when will it be unyielding?

After thinking about it, and joking aside, Li Xiaochen still closed his eyes, and finished the arduous work with grace.

He didn't open his eyes until Jiang Mier turned around by herself, lying on the bed and covering the part below her waist with the quilt.

There was a black bruise that looked like a palm print on her flawless and beautiful back.

"How about... can you still see that it is... the palm print?"

"Well, I can see it, but it's a little blurry."

Jiang Mier turned her head and asked, "Do you... want to save me?"

Li Xiaochen nodded in astonishment: "Of course I do. Otherwise, why would I send you home?"

"You...take a piece of clothing from the closet and put it on me, and then...I'll teach you...cough, cough cough..." Jiang Mier started coughing up blood again.

Li Xiaochen quickly took the clothes, closed his eyes and changed them for her.

When Li Xiaochen stripped her clothes earlier, Jiang Mier was already so angry with him.

She originally intended to ask him to check the injury on his back, but she didn't expect Li Xiaochen to strip off all his clothes in one go.

If she hadn't been seriously injured, she would have insisted on making him look good.

At this time, Li Xiaochen was fickle again, which made Jiang Mier blush and feel ashamed.

But fortunately, Li Xiaochen still has a gentleman's style, and he didn't take the opportunity to do anything deviant.

After changing her clothes, Jiang Mier said, "In the drawer of the bedside table... there is a yellow... box. Take a pill from it... give it to me."

Li Xiaochen opened the drawer.Sure enough, there was a yellow box next to the makeup box.After opening it, he took the pill and stuffed it into Jiang Mier's mouth.

After a while, she looked better.After panting for a while, Jiang Mier finally recovered, and said, "Now I will teach you the supreme way of cultivating immortals—Taixuantian Qingdao."

Li Xiaochen originally wanted to ask: Is there really a cultivator in this world?

In fact, why did he want to ask this?He wanted to know too much.

But seeing that Jiang Mier was struggling to speak, she couldn't bear to waste her energy, so she had to stop asking for now.

Jiang Mier didn't have time to explain to him so much, Su Rong said: "Taixuan Tianqingdao has nine layers, namely, gathering Qi, congealing pills, building foundations, driving things, fairy babies, Yangshen, thunder calamity, gold The body and the immortal. I will teach you the first level of Taoism, Qi Gathering."

As the saying goes, the sky has the three treasures, the sun, the moon and the stars, and people have the three treasures.

If a person has enough vitality, he will be healthy and energetic, giving people a feeling of radiance.

On the contrary, people with low vitality will have cold limbs, dull eyes and sluggish whole body in winter.

There are many reasons for the loss of vitality.In modern times, due to the rapid development of science and technology, computers have become an indispensable entertainment tool in people's lives.

But if you stare at the computer for more than ten hours a day, you will definitely consume a lot of energy.People also look a little sluggish.

In addition, the most harmful thing is that the concept of sexual openness is more and more recognized by people, which has led many people to indulge their sexual desires, taking pleasure in sex, regardless of the consequences.

The most precious human essence leaks out frequently, which makes the modern human body weak and sick and accelerates aging.

The first level of Taoism of Taixuan Tianqing Dao - Gathering Qi, is precisely to gather the three elements of heaven and earth in one's body, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality, and the righteousness will last forever.

After a brief explanation, Jiang Mier taught Li Xiaochen the tricks of gathering Qi and a set of mantras, and asked him to try gathering Qi by himself.

Li Xiaochen guided the Qi into his body according to the formula, only felt that the spiritual energy from the outside world penetrated into his body through his skin.

These auras from nature are like clear and pure streams that can melt the snow that has not melted for thousands of years, and he has benefited a lot.

Another example is a refreshing fragrant warm tea.

After entering the throat, the warmth gradually dissipated in the stomach and intestines, making every inch of his skin and every hair on his body feel warm and extremely comfortable.

After being extremely comfortable, Li Xiaochen thought, and the warm current scattered throughout the body slowly flowed back to the lower dantian along the meridians.

Now the dantian is also called Qihai.

The so-called sea of ​​qi, as the name suggests, is also the sea of ​​qi.Taixuan Tianqing Dao's exercise route is to gather true qi from the sea of ​​qi, start with it, end here, store it here, it is a very important acupoint.

The gathering of qi is not complete until all the true qi is returned to the sea of ​​qi.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Li Xiaochen slowly opened his eyes, only to feel that his body was extremely refreshed, and he had reached an unprecedented state of health.

Jiang Mier saw that Li Xiaochen's eyes were much brighter and more energetic than before, and knew that he had mastered the essentials, so she said, "In the world of cultivating immortals, Taoism can be roughly divided into four categories, immortal arts, talisman seals, medicine and arrays. method. What I am using is a forbidden technique in the fairy art, the black lotus. The bruised part on the back will gradually become blurred, forming a black lotus flower that is about to bloom. When it is fully bloomed, I Immortal art can no longer be used for a period of sixty years."

Li Xiaochen asked: "What if those two men in black come to trouble you again?"

Jiang Mier said: "They have already been severely injured by the Ziya Sword. It won't be a worry if they can't recover within three to five months. But there is no guarantee that other people will come to make things difficult for me. At that time, I can only rely on you."

"Me?" Li Xiaochen smiled self-deprecatingly, and said to himself: I'm just a soy saucer, I don't even have a tenth of your abilities, so what can I do to protect you?

"Let's not talk about this first." Jiang Mier reluctantly sat up, "You have already learned the most basic method of gathering Qi. Now our palms are connected. While gathering Qi, you control the true essence in your body, and through your arms The meridian flows into my Laogong point. In short, it transports vitality for me and helps me heal my injuries."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mier was afraid that Li Xiaochen would not understand the acupoints and meridians, so she carefully explained the main points to him before officially starting.

Laogong acupoint is located in the center of the palm and belongs to the acupoints on the Shouqueyin Pericardium Meridian of the twelve meridians of the human body.

People who have a little success in martial arts in the world can open up the meridians and connect the dantian with the palace of labor.

The Laogong point of those people is sunken, and they can make movements similar to "breathing".That is to say, if the "exhalation" and "inhalation" are performed alternately, the labor palace will sag and bulge rhythmically.

Practitioners of Qigong can also expel the poisonous gas accumulated in the body from the Laogong point to achieve the goal of good health.

For cultivators, the primordial spirit is injured and can only be raised internally.Injections and medication have no effect on Yuanshen.

If the body is injured, it can be repaired by relying on ordinary medical treatment methods.Another method of recuperation is the qi therapy that Jiang Mier is currently using.

She was seriously injured, and most of the true energy in her body had been lost.Coupled with the forced use of the Ziya Sword to retreat from the enemy later, the true energy was almost exhausted.

Due to the influence of the forbidden technique Wulian Jinfeng, the ability to gather energy is not as good as before.If Jiang Mier only relied on self-recovery, she might not be able to recover in a year or so.

Therefore, she needs to rely on external power and use Li Xiaochen as a transfer station to indirectly obtain the three elements of heaven and earth.

True Yuan refers to the vitality stored in the kidneys.The kidney is located in the lower energizer among the triple energizers, so the real qi is also called the lower energizer, also known as "original qi" and "true qi".

The kidney is the foundation of the innate, and the true essence stored is not only transformed by the innate essence, but also the acquired qi is cultivated by supplementing food and nutrition.

Vitality is generated from the kidneys, just like the engine of the human body.All Taoism and fairy arts must be based on it before they can be used.

For a cultivator, vitality is like a foundation.Its importance is self-evident.

In Taixuan Tianqing Dao, there is a record of the method of healing the body with qi.As long as you have enough vitality, the texture of the injured viscera can quickly return to normal.

In addition, Jiang Mier is female.Women are Yin and men are Yang.Li Xiaochen sent her vitality to help her recover, which is the harmony of yin and yang.

With Li Xiaochen's help, Jiang Mier is like a fish in water.The two of them only spent nearly forty hours, and they were done.

After quitting work, Li Xiaochen was so tired that he fell on the bed, full of doubts:

This Jiang Mier was both rich and beautiful, and was stalked and killed by an unidentified man in black.Her background is definitely not simple.

Maybe it is the precious daughter of some rich man.But who's daughter would do such a mess of cultivating immortals?

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of a reasonable answer.

Finally, Li Xiaochen couldn't help but asked, "Jiang Mier, who are you?"

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