Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 52] Kiss one, kiss one!

"I'm dizzy! It's me again!" After the third number appeared, Li Xiaochen stared at the lottery ticket in his hand dumbfounded, and shouted in his heart: This game is over!I'd have to be chopped into potato chips by the boys in the college town.

Frantically, he glared towards the backstage again, only to see that the group of people had already swayed from laughter.Who has the heart to care whether he is happy or not?

Li Xiaochen was so melancholy that he felt bitter: Xiaobi, this maid has intentions?It's not like that when you play tricks!

The situation in the audience was out of control.The crowd chanted "anti-corruption and uphold integrity", and accused Li Xiaochen of deceitful deceit. As the host of the show, he actually enriched himself.

"This is so deceitful! I got hundreds of lottery tickets and spent thousands of dollars. I didn't win any of them!"

"Damn it! After this incident, I don't believe in love anymore!"

"This is fraud! Defrauding consumers! I want to call 315 and complain to you!"

Amidst the fierce condemnation, Sun Yingying fanned the flames and yelled in the background: "Brother Achen, don't let the fat water flow to outsiders! Kiss one, kiss one!"

Li Xiaochen couldn't help waving his hands, and refused to do so.

It's great to be able to kiss Fangze, but the consequences that follow are very serious.

Not to mention anything else, Qin Yufei's fans and admirers alone were enough to make Li Xiaochen choked up.

In order to appease the anger, he said to the people in the audience: "It doesn't count, the lottery draw just now doesn't count. Let's start over."

But for some reason, a small amount of public opinion spread from the bottom.

"Everyone, calm down. I think Brother Achen is the most suitable candidate for the lottery. Think about it, if Qin Yufei kissed other men, would everyone be able to bear it? What if the winner is a fat head like Zhu Bajie? Aren't you even more angry than you are now?"

As soon as these words came out, the boys all felt that it was reasonable: Yes, it is better to be cheap than Brother Achen than to be cheap to others.At least Brother Achen looked pleasing to the eye.

But when they thought about it again, they felt something was wrong: Everyone spent money, why didn't they get any benefit at all, and made others cheaper for nothing?no!Gotta ask for a refund!

But these days, it is more difficult to get people to spit out the money they have eaten.Can I get my money back?

Just give up, don't let them run this sweepstakes and then feel bad about it.

After much deliberation, the boys are unwilling.

The girls think quite differently.Among them, those who have boyfriends wish Li Xiaochen could kiss those three beauties right away.

This would also stop my boyfriend's unreasonable thoughts about Qin Yufei.

Those who don't have a boyfriend but are interested in Li Xiaochen also hope that the three beauties can kiss the male lead.

They all knew about the indecent photos of Tang Yao and Li Xiaochen last time, and they also knew that their looks were not as good as Tang Yao's.The relationship is not as close as Tang Yao and him.

It was quite difficult for Li Xiaochen to fancy him.

Even if the lottery is drawn again, if it is not me who wins the lottery, wouldn't that mean giving someone else the chance to get close to brother Achen?

Anyway, there is no hope anyway, it is better to have a good show, and it is not a waste of money.

For a moment, most of the girls present spoke in unison and pointed at the stage: "Brother Achen, give me a kiss! Give me a kiss, Brother Achen!"

As soon as this slogan was uttered, some boys who were not firm in their stand turned to follow suit and shouted.

The rest of the boys thought about it, but couldn't come up with a perfect solution.A considerable number of people, seeing the situation slowly falling, cannot guarantee that they will win 100% of the lottery in the case of a new lottery draw.

So, they also joined the ranks of "kissing one".

The booing became louder and louder, and Li Xiaochen felt rather embarrassed in the face of this unexpected turn of events.

He shook his head and smiled wryly, "You guys, who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, want to force you into prostitution?"

No matter how many people supported him in the audience, they just kept shouting "kiss one" in a steady rhythm.

Confused by them, Li Xiaochen left the matter to the three beauties and let them make their own decisions: "Everyone be quiet, that's it. We will let the beauties on stage make a choice. If they don't want to, then this That's the end of the show. In case they insist on kissing me... Cough cough, as a gentleman who is not very gentlemanly, I don't have the audacity to refuse a beautiful woman's kiss, do I?"

Hearing what Li Xiaochen said, the students in the audience who wanted to reason with the student union were not happy.

If the show is over like this, isn't the money really wasted?

It's okay if you can't get any benefits.Can't even watch a kissing scene?

Instead of returning empty-handed, it's better to let those beauties kiss Brother Achen.Anyway, it is also a very explosive talk.

Take the opportunity to take a few photos, shoot a video, and post it on the forum, it will definitely be popular!

After finding out where the benefits lie, some of them also shouted.

Li Xiaochen turned around and faced the three of them, smiling without saying a word.

Tang Yao, who had been silent all this time, could not help biting her lips in anger, and secretly scolded Li Xiaochen: Li Xiaochen, you idiot, you bastard!You can't come up with such a bad idea!You made this shit show.When things came to an end, they cunningly shifted the responsibility to us!You irresponsible super king bastard!See how I deal with you later!

It wasn't the first day Li Xiaochen knew Tang Yao either.He naturally saw the awe-inspiring murderous look in the eyes of the beautiful student council president.

Avoiding Tang Yao's aggressive gaze, he opened his eyes to Qin Yufei, hoping that this iceberg beauty with a high status in the hearts of all the boys in the university town would make a statement.

Qin Yufei's expression remained indifferent.She thought for a while, gathered Jiang Mier and Tang Yao together, and whispered something together.

During the discussion, Jiang Mier would show a smirk from time to time.Tang Yao frowned, seemingly reluctant.

Qin Yufei seemed to have made her own plans a long time ago. She didn't oppose or support anything, but just expressed her views from time to time.

Not long after, after the small meeting, the three beauties made eye contact.In the end, Jiang Mier and Tang Yao looked at Qin Yufei together.

"Me first?" These two words flew out of Qin Yufei's mouth and reached Li Xiaochen's ears.

In the next second, Qin Yufei had lightly moved her lotus steps and walked towards him.

"No, you really want to come?" Li Xiaochen thought that the three of them would flatly refuse to offer their red lips.

That's why he had the audacity to hand over the decision-making power to these three beauties before, trying to use their reactions to block the mouths of Yoyo.

With Jiang Mier, a ghost, present, I'm not afraid that they won't be able to come up with a decent excuse.

But seeing Qin Yufei's posture now, is it possible that she wants to come over and kiss her?

This is impossible!Qin Yufei is a lady who is reserved and courteous.How could it be so bold?

Li Xiaochen denied this possibility, and quickly searched for her real purpose for doing so.

Before he could find it, Qin Yufei came to him lightly: "Turn your face around."

"Hey, you, you, don't mess around. You will kill me. I don't want to be the target of public criticism and be hunted down by the majority of male compatriots."

Having said that, Li Xiaochen's heart was jumping up and down, and he was very manic.

This feeling of excitement, anticipation and fear of deceit stimulated every nerve in his body.

Qin Yufei gave a soft and faint smile, "If I kissed you, would you think I'm shameless?"

Li Xiaochen was almost bewildered by her astonishing Huaxue beauty.

Qin Yufei never smiled at men.But she had smiled more than once in front of her.

Even if it is only superficial, it is enough to make people ecstatic.what is this?

Constantly asking herself in her heart, Li Xiaochen suddenly figured out her intention: "Of course not. You won't really kiss me. At most, it's just a show, pretending to kiss me."

Qin Yufei didn't expect that this boy would tell her what was on her mind.Embarrassed, she asked, "Why would I do that?"

"Because of your late husband of three years, Lin Hanzhi. You don't want to marry someone else. You can't forget Lin Hanzhi in your heart. It's not hard to see that although your father is strict on the surface, he still loves you very much. Just pretend to kiss me, You can make a little trick out of it and do some work in front of your father. Be soft and use me as a shield, I'm afraid he will probably follow your wishes. By then, won't you have achieved your goal? "

Li Xiaochen sighed, and said again: "You would rather sacrifice your own reputation than keep your perfect body for Lin Hanzhi. If I don't fulfill you, wouldn't it be too unkind?"

"Thank you..." Qin Yufei's eyes suddenly became gentle.

These two simple words contain many meanings.She was surprised by Li Xiaochen's understanding of her, but also grateful for everything Li Xiaochen had done for her.

This boy is indeed different.He is not like other men, seeing her is like a hungry wolf meeting meat, his eyes are full of greed and desire.

Although he didn't get along much with him, this boy could feel what she buried deep in her heart.

At this moment, Qin Yufei had a great sense of confidant towards him.

Most people need the approval of others more or less.Only with recognition can we prove that we have the value of existence.

Qin Yufei has been misunderstood for three years, and I don't know how many times she has been scolded by people pointing at her spine.

The woman who envied her said she was pretending to be aloof.The men who couldn't get her said she was frigid.The men she rejects say she's lesbian.

The door-to-door marriage proposal was declined, saying that she was pure and innocent on the surface, but she was full of male robbers and female prostitutes secretly.

For these endless insults, she has always been indifferent.

But what is the most rare thing in life?

Not gold, silver and jewelry, not a quick son-in-law and a good wife, not Qiongyao Yuyu, not a beautiful woman in a fragrant car, but a bosom friend.

Watching Boya Shuqi, Fang Ming's confidant is hard to find.

No matter who it is, it is very lucky to find a confidant.

Those who know me say that I am worried.Those who don't know me say what I want.

Amidst the scolding, Qin Yufei suddenly found someone who understood her.

She felt emotional in her heart, and felt a cluster of warm fires bursting out of the indifferent world, which made her heart warm.

"There's no need to thank you. I just took Xiaobi's money and was responsible for helping you settle your troubles." Li Xiaochen moved his face closer, "Come on. As long as you cleverly stagger the angle, they won't be able to see it."

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