Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 55] The Origin of God Thunder Eye Cang

"Um... Jiang Mier, do you still want your clothes?" After hesitating for a long time, Li Xiaochen decided to return Jiang Mier's clothes hanging on his head.

He knocked on the door lightly a few times, and waited for a while, but there was no movement inside.

Just about to knock again, suddenly, the door was opened.

"Stinky rascal!" Jiang Mier pouted when she was fully dressed, gave him a big white eye angrily, snatched her things away, and closed the door again.

Li Xiaochen was not happy to be suddenly characterized by the beauty as such a low-quality creature.

He knocked on the door and said, "Hey, Jiang Mier, you have to speak with your conscience. You call me a hooligan, and I can accept it reluctantly. But why do you use 'stinky' to modify it in front of the hooligan? And you Take off your clothes in the room, why don't you close the door? Isn't it obvious that you want to lure me to commit a crime? I think you are the stinky hooligan."

After tidying up all the clothes in the room, Jiang Mier opened the door and came out with her hands on her hips, glaring at him: "You are a stinky rascal. I didn't close the door because you were practicing just now, and you can't walk around casually. Who knew you would come up suddenly Huh? Besides, I told you not to come in. You still insist on breaking in. Calling you a rogue has wronged you?"

"What do you mean by 'hard to get in'? How can I be 'hard' - so shameless? Don't deliberately distort the facts. Because I was eager to ask you a question, I couldn't stop the car for a while and got into your coil wire Hole."

"Hmph, you're the one distorting the facts!"

"Where did I distort?"

"You still don't admit it? Let me ask you, why did you keep staring at me lewdly after you came in? Is it also because you couldn't stop the car for a while? Is your brake malfunctioning, or is there no brake at all? I think you not only have no brakes I mean, I still want to step on the gas pedal, hum!"

"I..." Li Xiaochen was hit to the point and could not refute.

"Hmph, I've pointed out your shameless behavior, what's left to say?" Jiang Mier folded her arms, and put on a valiant and victorious gesture.

Li Xiaochen had no choice but to back off and respond: "Okay, I admit it. The moment I didn't stop the car, I was indeed driven mad by your enchanting figure. From this perspective, my reaction also proved that you are incomparable Charm."

Jiang Mier tilted her head to one side, not looking at him.But the slightly raised corners of her mouth revealed her inner activities of secret joy at being praised.

"But—yes! You are too narcissistic? It's okay to play in the mirror naked in the room, and what poss? You are sick!"

"I, how did I show off?" Jiang Mier was embarrassed and flustered by what he said, "Which eye of yours saw it?"

"Nah, it's your turn not to admit it, is it?" Li Xiaochen imitated her posture in the room just now.

He pouted his buttocks, turned his back to the mirror, and made a gesture of holding up his hair with one hand—a charming and provocative look reappeared immediately.

If this gesture was made by Jiang Mier, it would naturally be full of charm, charm and charm.

But for a big man like Li Xiaochen to pose, it was extremely awkward and made people laugh.

Jiang Mier was teased by him, her pretty face relaxed, and she couldn't help laughing.

Li Xiaochen snorted and said, "Don't laugh. That's how you looked in front of the mirror just now."

"I didn't poke my ass like you." Jiang Mier smiled and poked Li Xiaochen's waist, causing his posture to collapse, "I was just looking at the Wulian mark on my back."

Speaking of Wu Lian Feng Jin, Li Xiaochen's face darkened, and he lost his playfulness: "How is your current situation?"

Jiang Mier shrugged: "I have been suppressed into an ordinary person. No, maybe it is worse than ordinary people. At least ordinary people can still practice Taixuantian Qingdao. I can't do anything now."

For Li Xiaochen, this news was undoubtedly a big crisis.

In the past, when Jiang Mier's skills were still strong, he still had an excuse to be lazy.

Now she is like this.He must take full responsibility and protect her until the deal is completed.

"By the way, what did you want to ask just now?" Jiang Mier didn't want to talk too much about her own situation, so she immediately changed the subject.

After being asked this question, Li Xiaochen remembered his purpose for coming to Jiang Mier: "Oh, yes, my condensed pill has not condensed to the size you said, and I can't condense it. What should I do? "

Jiang Mier spread her hands: "Your inner alchemy is not pure enough. This is predictable. You haven't practiced Tai Xuan Tian Qing Dao for a long time, and your progress in cultivating immortality is too fast. When filtering the polluted three elements of heaven and earth, the method Maybe it's not proficient enough. That's why the inner alchemy is mixed with impurities."

Not only Li Xiaochen, but also some immortal cultivators who are greedy for merit and aggressive, this phenomenon will also appear.

For most immortal cultivators, no matter how cautious they are, they will use the fire of dragon and thunder to refine the inner alchemy after condensing the alchemy.

The purpose is to make the inner alchemy as pure and thick as possible, firm and unbreakable.

Li Xiaochen asked urgently: "Then how to solve it?"

"Remove the impurities and increase the purity of the inner alchemy. Use the fire of the dragon and thunder to temper the inner alchemy to force out the impurities. Haven't you heard that real gold is not afraid of fire? What remains in the end is the purest and most pure." OK."

After saying that, Jiang Mier immediately explained the method of tempering to him in detail.

Before teaching the method, Jiang Mier asked Li Xiaochen to understand what Dragon Thunder Fire is.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is a water organ.So there is a medical term called kidney water.

In the Book of Changes, the kidney corresponds to the water hexagram.

Among the hexagram images, the line with one horizontal long line is called Yang Yao; the line with two horizontal short lines is called Yin Yao.

Shui Gua is a yang line sandwiched by two yin lines.

Therefore, kidney water can be roughly understood as: two yin lines represent water.The yang line in the middle represents a bit of true yang contained in the kidney water.

It is the real fire hidden in the water - the fire of dragon thunder.

This congenital true yang brought out from the mother's womb is the root of all things.

Consuming the dragon thunder fire means consuming the vitality of the kidneys.

If you over-extract and deplete the true yang, then people will lose their vitality.

Innate vitality is the most important thing for people.Because it cannot be cultivated.

In other words, when a person is born, the amount of innate vitality has been determined.

But everyone's capital is different.Some people are born with abundant vitality and strong physique.Some people are congenitally deficient, weak and sickly.

Whether it is more or less, this precious vitality should be well preserved.

It stands to reason that the innate foundation that cannot be replenished should not be misappropriated as much as possible.

But the matter of cultivating immortals is to use falsehood to cultivate the truth, get rid of the false self, and seek the true self.

The physical body is impermanent, and impermanence is false.

The body is of course important.But what is more important is the immortal consciousness that lives in the body.

Taixuan Tianqingdao has a special way to extract the dragon and thunder fire to temper the inner alchemy.

In order to minimize the damage to the human body and not affect the lifespan of the physical body, Patriarch Xianlun, who wrote "Taixuan Tian Qingdao" for future generations, adopted a special method.

The principle is relatively esoteric, and it will be unclear for a while.

Jiang Mier wanted Li Xiaochen to understand better, so she made a vivid metaphor.

She likens the fire of dragon thunder in the human body to a burning candle.Acquired zhenqi is an unlit candle.

Use burning wax to light new wax, and it will not consume the fire of dragon thunder.

As long as there are enough candles to be burned, this little light can ignite thousands of lights, illuminating the world and endlessly.

To put it clearly, it is to use the true energy ingested into the body the day after tomorrow as fuel, and burn it with the fire of dragon and thunder.

Then refine the inner alchemy with the real fire that illuminates thousands of people.

After Jiang Mier finished explaining the specific method, Li Xiaochen impatiently wanted to try it.

"Don't be busy yet." But Jiang Mier has other things to discuss with him, "I need your protection now more than ever. Just in case, we must consider various situations and work out a corresponding response measure."

Li Xiaochen nodded, motioning for her to continue.

Jiang Mier straightened her thoughts, and said, "Do you still remember the two men in black we met in the alley at the very beginning? Their mastermind behind the scenes is a master of the Eightfold Thunder Tribulation called Sui Yang."

Thunder Tribulation is divided into nine levels.Only by going through all the nine levels of thunder tribulation can one be qualified to move towards the golden body realm.

After one level of thunder calamity, one is a cultivator of the first level of thunder calamity.After crossing the second stage, one will reach the realm of the second stage of thunder calamity.

By analogy, when you pass through the Eightfold Thunder Tribulation, you will be a high-level immortal cultivator in the realm of the Eightfold Thunder Tribulation.

It turned out that Jiang Mi'er was in the first level of Thunder Tribulation Realm.According to common sense, she can't compare with Sui Yang who has reached the realm of the eighth level of thunder.

But she has the peerless magic weapon of the Jiang family - the Ziya Sword in her hand.Relying on Ziya's prestige, Jiang Mi'er could fight Suiyang to the detriment of both sides.

It's just that when Suiyang was fighting, he deliberately kept a hand and didn't use his best forbidden technique.

That's why Jiang Mi'er later followed the road of black pine and black soil in the alley.

Otherwise, with her wit and response, she might not have been turned into what she is now by the Wulian Absolute Sealing Technique.

"Aren't you curious, why does Suiyang keep chasing me so hard?" Jiang Mier stared into Li Xiaochen's eyes, asked herself and answered, "Because Suiyang thought I had a treasure that he dreamed of. No matter how you want to get this treasure.”

Li Xiaochen was in a fog.He already had a lot of questions to ask.After listening to Jiang Mier's words, it became even more messy, as if the matter was entangled with countless threads, which couldn't be unraveled for a while.

Jiang Mier continued: "Suiyang is a master of the eighth level of thunder tribulation. I guess the reason why he wants the Jiang family's baby is to use its power to survive the most difficult and terrifying ninth level of thunder tribulation." .”

"What's the baby you're talking about?" Li Xiaochen interrupted and asked.

Jiang Mi'er said: "In the ancient times, there were five eyes that contained powerful power in the land of Shenzhou. These five eyes were originally in the fairy world. It is said that they were scattered in the world in an extremely tragic battle between the immortals. The fairy wheel sect In order to prevent people with bad intentions from using the power of the eyes to create evil karma, he spent many years collecting them all. On the eve of his ascension, he distributed four of the five eyes to Jiang and Qin respectively. The four disciples, Zhu and Lin, ordered them to be preserved from generation to generation."

"Then there is one more?"

"There is another one, which is naturally left in the Xianlun faction. It is a lightning-attribute eye, known as the God Thunder Eye. And this eye protected by the Xianlun faction is in your body. "

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