Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 61] Are you afraid of being punished by God?

Li Xiaochen, who thought that these monsters had no power to fight back, suddenly saw the snake transforming into claws and leaping towards him.He had never had any experience in collecting monsters, so he trembled in his heart and subconsciously took a step back.

The incantation that had not been finished reciting also lost its effect because of his distraction.

Jiang Mi'er didn't expect that this snake, under the dual suppression of the demon-absorbing spell and the demon-subduing song, would still have the strength to fight back.

But her experience in facing the enemy is richer than that of Li Xiaochen.Although there was a sudden change, he remained calm.A demon-subduing song is still played like the sound of nature.

The closer you get to the sound source, the more painful the body of the snake will be.But it suppressed the pain, desperately trying to kill Li Xiaochen.

Li Xiaochen, who recovered from the panic in an instant, naturally wouldn't let him get what he wanted.

He stepped out of the flying star stepping on the moon, turned around, and skillfully avoided this desperate pounce.

Quickly mobilizing the true energy to flow towards the right palm, Li Xiaochen condensed them into a bundle of Thousand Thunder Blades, and suddenly slashed at the snake!

This white electric blade emitting purple light was about to cut off the snake with its head and body in an instant.

This move was exactly the lightning magic that Jiang Mier had taught in Muchang—Xuanji Thousand Thunder Blades.

The terrified snake quickly fell to the side.

As the rubble flew, this bundle of lightning blades cut a shocking crack in the wall of the room.

The moment when Xuanji Qianlei Blade was about to hit the snake, the chisel teeth showing their original shape stood in front of it, and with rock-solid muscles, he took the move.

Immortals and demons are like the yin and yang in Tai Chi, which are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

If the cultivator's cultivation level is higher than that of the monster, then the former can restrain the latter; if the monster's Taoism is higher than that of the cultivator, the situation will be reversed.

But the human body is the most suitable for cultivation.Many sentient beings in the evil realms cultivate the human body in the afterlife.

After being reincarnated as an adult, one can further practice and become an immortal.

However, everything cannot be generalized.In the vast world, there are indeed examples of people directly ascending to immortality in the body of evil destinies.

Possessing a human body, cultivating Dao diligently, and accumulating decades of cultivation can be equivalent to the painstaking practice of a thousand years of evil.

No matter in film and television works or novels, we can often see the deeds of an old Taoist priest who has lived for decades to subdue a thousand-year-old monster.

This can more or less also explain from the side that it is easier for humans to cultivate immortals than demons.

Although Li Xiaochen has not been cultivating immortals for a long time, firstly he has a uniquely blessed human body, and secondly, he is assisted by the high-class immortal artifact called Shenleiyanzang.Compared with this lowly cultivation snake, it is much stronger.

At this time, Li Xiaochen had already recited the spell of withdrawing demons again, taking advantage of the weakness of these two monsters, he put them into the gourd of flying immortals in one fell swoop.

This time, he was more concentrated than before, and he read more proficiently.

The two demons, who were already at the end of their strength, could no longer do the dying struggle, and finally turned into a little bit of fluorescence and were included in it.

After plugging it in, Li Xiaochen felt that this gourd was really miraculous.I just faced these two monsters, and I was still at a disadvantage.

But as soon as the flying fairy gourd arrived, the situation began to gradually reverse.Of course, Jiang Mier's Conquering Demon Song was also credited for this.

But this magic weapon really played a major role.

While sighing, Li Xiaochen asked: "Jiang Mier, do you think I want to hand over the monster in this gourd to Dean Melzac?"

Jiang Mier shook her head: "No need. The Flying Immortal Gourd is the right granted to you by the Minister of Film and Television. Any monsters that are included in this magic weapon can not be handed in. Because inside the Flying Immortal Gourd, there is another world. There are Buddhas everywhere. There are also many eminent monks and great masters who teach the Dharma uninterruptedly. There is no need for the shadow department to worry about it.”

"There is another world in this gourd?" Li Xiaochen became interested, "Can I go in and have a look?"

"No. At least with your current cultivation, it's not enough."

Li Xiaochen's face collapsed, and he asked resentfully, "How far do you have to cultivate?"

"At least you have to practice to the fifth level of the fairy baby realm of Tai Xuantian Qingdao, and the primordial spirit can fly out of the physical body at any time before you can enter."

Li Xiaochen thought for a while and said, "Jiang Mi'er, I found that you really know a lot. How do you know that there are eminent monks in the gourd who are preaching the Dharma on behalf of the Buddha?"

Jiang Mier pouted: "Don't worry about me. I just know. Shake the Feixian gourd to see. Is there any liquid in it?"

Li Xiaochen did as he said, and sure enough, there was shaking liquid in the gourd: "What's inside?"

"Kungfu water. Monsters have demonic aura. And they are more greedy, angry, ignorant and arrogant. After listening to the Dharma in the flying fairy gourd, their violent demonic aura will be gradually resolved and turned into meritorious water. Don't underestimate it. Drink this virtuous water. The skill that the monster has cultivated for many years will be integrated into the virtuous water after getting rid of the evil spirit. Drinking it can increase your cultivation base."

"Wow, from what you said, this flying fairy gourd is really a treasure." Li Xiaochen couldn't help shouting in joy.

Jiang Mier raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly: "Hmph, do you know that I treat you well?"

Li Xiaochen wondered, "Didn't Dean Melzac give this to me? What does it matter to you?"

"Of course it's none of my business. If it wasn't for me..." Jiang Mier closed her mouth again, before blurting out the words.What she did silently for Li Xiaochen was not for showing off.

As long as he can benefit, no matter how much he pays, it is worth it.

Li Xiaochen was about to tease him, but suddenly he felt hot all over.The restlessness full of desire before was running around restlessly in his body.

The eyes couldn't help being driven by desire, and greedily stared at Jiang Mier's chest.He had a strong urge to put the beauty in front of him under his body, and do what Wushan said to his heart's content.

He also had a similar feeling when he was fighting those two monsters just now.But at that time, there were no beautiful women nearby, and he was overwhelmed by the enemy, and his desire was temporarily suppressed by the righteousness in his body.

Now Jiang Mier, a charming and stunning beauty, stood in front of him alive.And the crisis that could distract attention has also been lifted, and the suppressed burning desire-fire is burning again.

From this physical condition, Li Xiaochen thought of Tang Yao.

Could she also be tricked?

Absolutely!If not, how could she be forcibly taken away by Liu Rongwei?

In case Liu Rongwei did something shameless to her... With Tang Yao's temperament, he would rather commit suicide in shame and indignation.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaochen was so anxious that he just wanted to rescue Tang Yao immediately, but was suddenly pulled back by Jiang Mier.

"What's wrong with you? There's something wrong with your face... ah, your hands are so hot too. You..."

"Don't touch me!" Li Xiaochen tried his best to drive away the desires that filled his head, and hurried to the wall, away from Jiang Mier.

He was afraid that he would lose control in the next second and do something worse than a beast to Jiang Mier.

"Next." Throwing a flying knife engraved with the incantation of instant flight to Jiang Mier, Li Xiaochen activated the instant flight technique and teleported her back home.

Li Xiaochen casually wiped away the hot sweat oozing from his face, he didn't have time to delay any longer, he immediately activated the teleportation technique, and instantly appeared in a clean, spacious and luxuriously decorated room.

All kinds of decorations and daily utensils fell to the ground, making a mess.The curtains that cascaded down from the ceiling were almost completely torn to the floor.

The glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows was also shattered everywhere.

Li Xiaochen quickly found Tang Yao's location.

Her clothes were slightly torn, revealing her fragrant shoulders and half of her breasts, and her pants showed no signs of being unbuttoned.

Liu Rongwei, who was undressing by the bed, looked impatient.

Secretly glad that he came in time and didn't let Tang Yao be ruined by animals, Li Xiaochen strode up behind Liu Rongwei, kicked his ass hard, and kicked the mayor's son who regarded women as a tool to vent his desire. on the ground.

Liu Rongwei, who was about to put Tang Yao to sleep, didn't understand what was going on. He touched his butt that was so painful that it seemed to be splitting, and turned his head to see——Li Xiaochen was glaring at him murderously, as if he was going to kill him at any moment .

Liu Rongwei more or less expected that Li Xiaochen would come here.But what he didn't expect was that Li Xiaochen came so soon.

And if he can come here, it means that Master Buku and Master Bai have failed.

Why is it that Tang Yao, who has only been drugged with a bit of ecstasy, has no strength to resist, and he is still so energetic even though he has been drugged?

Also, how did Li Xiaochen enter this room?

The door has been locked.He didn't have to knock on the door with his hands, he just appeared out of thin air.Could it be that he is really an immortal cultivator who can do strange immortal arts as Guijiu said?

On the night Tang Yao took her to meet Liu Rongwei, Li Xiaochen gave her a special necklace as a birthday present.

The necklace is engraved with the flying talisman seal.

The reason why Li Xiaochen asked Tang Yao to wear it 24 hours a day was to deal with such an emergency today.

Fortunately, Tang Yao listened to him.A necklace was worn around the neck at all times.

Otherwise, as long as you come one step late, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Did this scumbag do anything to you?" Li Xiaochen suppressed his anger, pointed at Liu Rongwei, and asked Tang Yao in a deep voice.

Tang Yao has never practiced Tai Xuan Tian Qing Dao, and her resistance to drugs is not as good as Li Xiaochen.After she was taken away by Liu Rongwei, she just felt dizzy and dazed, as if she saw that Liu Rongwei was going to cheat on her.

But the body didn't listen to it, and couldn't resist.

Hearing Li Xiaochen's voice again at this time, Tang Yao felt at ease, and shook her head in a daze: "I'm fine..."

Li Xiaochen picked up Liu Rongwei and punched him heavily in the stomach: "I warn you. If you dare to try Tang Yao again, I will make you an eunuch!"

After waiting for a while, when Liu Rongwei didn't get an answer, Li Xiaochen punched him again, and shouted sharply, "Did you hear that?"

Liu Rongwei fell to his knees on the ground in pain, but he still gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

Kicking him to the corner of the room, Li Xiaochen clenched his right fist tightly and wanted to blow his head off with one blow, letting out a bad breath.

Unexpectedly, just as he clenched his fist, the door slammed and was violently knocked open.

Several men with guns and stockings on their heads broke in and pointed their guns at Li Xiaochen.As long as Liu Rongwei gave an order, they immediately shot and killed the target.

In an instant, the situation in the room changed subversively.

Wave after wave of desire surged violently against Li Xiaochen's psychological defenses, making him unable to concentrate on dealing with these gunmen.

The medicine given by Liu Rongwei was not too strong at the beginning, but it has a lot of stamina.

Li Xiaochen clenched his teeth, struggling to resist the full force of the medicine, and not long after, he fell to his knees on the ground, almost unable to control himself.

"Grass!" Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation, Liu Rongwei kicked Li Xiaochen arrogantly, "Aren't you awesome just now? I'm right now, in front of you, making Tang Yao, a coquettish and cheap stinky The bitch has done it. Come on, if you have the guts, try to castrate me!"

"Liu Rongwei, if you do many injustices, you will die. Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?" While speaking, Li Xiaochen felt his limbs become weaker and weaker.

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it is to yourself.

He secretly circulated his true energy according to Tai Xuantian Qingdao's exercise route, hoping to minimize the effect of the medicine.

"God's punishment? Hmph, what age is it, and you still talk about God to me?" Liu Rongwei smiled arrogantly, "Tell you, little-force-dumb, in Yinluo City, the king of heaven and I can't even control me! I pinch it Killing you is easier than crushing a bug!"

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