Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 66] Jiang Mier's Husband

This simple sentence in Japanese scared Li Xiaochen to push Tang Yao away in a hurry.

Looking back abruptly, he found the owner of that sweet voice—Jiang Mier, whom he hadn't seen for a long time and whom he missed very much.

The one who turned back for the first time was really looking for her thousands of times in the crowd, but when she looked back suddenly, that person was at the gate taking off her shoes.

Seeing her come back intact, Li Xiaochen was both surprised and happy, and rushed over in three steps at a time: "Where have you been these few days? I've been looking for you so hard. Are you hungry? Haven't you met?" Bad guy? Do you have enough money? I'm going to die..."

"Auntie, hello. I heard that you want to see me. So I came here to meet you." Jiang Mier ignored Li Xiaochen at all, walked past him, and sat down beside the old lady.

She distributed the presents bought from outside to the old lady and Xiao Xiao, and pulled Tang Yao, who had red eyes, to sit down here together.

Xiaoxiao finally got her wish and met the real Jiang Mier.

This charming woman is many times more beautiful than she imagined.Listening to her words again, she is kind and pleasant, without airs, absolutely in line with the image of the elder sister that Xiaoxiao has longed for for many years.

The little girl was overjoyed, and hugged Jiang Mier tightly: "Sister Mier, you don't even know how much I miss you."

Jiang Mier smiled and patted Xiao Xiao on the back: "I miss you too."

With Jiang Mier in charge, the atmosphere suddenly warmed up.

The four of them talked and laughed, already leaving Li Xiaochen aside as air.

These women talked about women's topics.

He couldn't get in the conversation, so he had to hide in the kitchen in desperation to help Qin Yufei prepare the dishes.I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

"What, did you reveal it?" Qin Yufei asked while cutting vegetables.

Li Xiaochen smiled: "It's okay, it's okay. Thank you for today. I asked you to come and help, and waste your precious time."

"It's nothing. Didn't you help me block my father once? I'll pay you back."

Speaking of Qin Yufei's father, Li Xiaochen was worried for a while: "To be honest, I'm not sure about the Zixianhui. If you don't get No.1, then you've failed your trust."

Qin Yufei glanced at him sideways: "You were very energetic and confident in front of my father at that time. Are you retreating now?"

"No. If possible, I would like to ask you to help me get a list of Zixianhui. If you know yourself and your enemy, you will win every battle."

Qin Yufei put down the kitchen knife, thought for a while, and said, "It's not difficult. But those who participated in the Zixian Association are not ordinary people. If you don't have the strength of Taixuan Tianqingdao's fourth exorcism realm, you will definitely You failed badly at the Zixian meeting. You really need to prepare well. I will help you if necessary."

Li Xiaochen's eyes lit up: "Is it some kind of secret book? I don't want it if it's not a quick one."

Qin Yufei rolled his eyes at him: "Cultivating immortality is a one-day achievement? The assistance I give you is only external force. The main thing to cultivate immortality is to rely on self-reliance."

Li Xiaochen nodded and said: "I understand. In order to prevent you from marrying someone you don't want to marry, I have to do my best no matter what."

Qin Yufei sighed quietly, looking at the distant scenery outside the window: "My fate...can you really change it?"

Li Xiaochen said decisively: "Of course not. The only one who can change your destiny is yourself. I'm just helping you. During this time, do more good deeds, refrain from evil deeds, strengthen the power of good, and your destiny will be improved." Unknowingly deviated from the original track."

"Well, I hope so." Qin Yufei suddenly lost interest in speaking and lowered her head to cut vegetables, as if thinking about something.

After everyone had lunch, all the women in the room went out to play in a mighty way according to the agreed plan.

But the plan did not include Li Xiaochen, a man who could act as a coolie and carry goods and bags for all the beauties.

He could only watch helplessly as several beauties surrounded his mother and boarded the car, and waved goodbye to her with a sense of loss.

No classes on weekends.Li Xiaochen had nothing to do, so he went back to his room to continue his alchemy practice.

After this period of hard work, he finally condensed the inner alchemy to the standard mentioned by Jiang Mier.

Before, because of Liu Rongwei, he had a big emotional change.Fortunately, the zhenqi protection net was thick enough and strong enough, so it did not have a major impact on the inner alchemy.

After Ning Dan was finished, he had no one to guide him, so he didn't know how to proceed.

I went to the living room to watch TV for a while, it was getting dark, and before they came back, Li Xiaochen was full of the leftovers at noon, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep in a daze.

In the dream, he saw himself getting married with the three daughters Mi, Fei and Yao, and enjoying the blessings of everyone.Laughed and laughed every day, and gave birth to little dolls that filled a football field.

Just as he was tongue-tied and amazed at the Xiaoqiang-like reproductive ability of the three beauties, he vaguely heard the sound of a car.

After Meimeng woke up, Li Xiaochen looked out.They finally came back.

"Brother, help me carry it, it's so heavy~" Xiaoxiao was the first to enter the house, complaining endlessly.

Looking at the big and small bags hanging on her body, Li Xiaochen helped unload the goods, and asked curiously, "Did you go shopping?"

Xiao Xiao smiled, flauntingly threw everything into Li Xiaochen's arms: "Sister Mier, Sister Yufei and Sister Yao bought these for me."

Li Xiaochen casually turned over a few times.Good guy, the three beauties are really willing to spend money for Xiaoxiao, they are all high-end and expensive things.

"By the way, brother, we haven't paid the fare yet." Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Fare? The three of them are so rich, why do they still take a taxi back?" Li Xiaochen couldn't bear it any longer.

He assumed the posture of an elder, pointed at the pile of high-end goods he just bought, and angrily scolded Xiaoxiao: "Are you willing to wear these clothes? Are you willing to wear these jewelry? Are you willing to use these things? To be a human being Be moral and conscientious. Always pretend to be pitiful, cute, and sympathetic in front of your sisters Mier, Yufei, and Yao, and let them buy you so many things. This is definitely a kind of robbing shameless act."

Walking over to stand side by side with Xiao Xiao, putting her shoulders on her shoulders, Li Xiaochen changed his tone of earnestness: "Actually, my brother can understand your feelings. Which girl doesn't want to dress herself up beautifully?" Yes? I don't object to you pestering them to buy things for you. But you shouldn't carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and ask me to pay the taxi fare. How can you take advantage of your brother and post it to them? Three? Well, it’s actually nothing. My brother is not a stingy person. It’s no big deal to throw a little head and sprinkle a few drops of blood for a beautiful woman. But what I can’t stand is that you let three beautiful women buy it for you There are so many things... none of them belong to me! You are too selfish! What is the ancestral motto passed down from generation to generation in our Li family? Kong Rong let pears, right?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head and said, "That belongs to the Kong family."

Li Xiaochen shook his finger: "Kong is one of the surnames of hundreds of families. The people are not divided into families, do you understand? Virtue, regardless of race, gender, or nationality... But you, you prodigal girl, When I was shopping, I didn’t even think about your elder brother and me at all! I was thinking of brothers and sisters working together and slaughtering them together. It’s better for you to defect and betray your brother! Alas, things have already come to this. Yes. It’s too extravagant for you to enjoy these things alone. It’s better to be alone than to be happy. I don’t count on clothes. I’ll help you eliminate some snacks, accept a few iPhones, and heal my heart that you have scratched There are bleeding wounds that are difficult to repair."

"Brother, Sister Mier bought it for me. You are not allowed to steal it!" Seeing Li Xiaochen murdering an iphone, Xiaoxiao immediately panicked, "You know how to bully me! Beast, let go of my iphone If you don't let go, I'll tell my mom and the others!"

"How old are you, and you are still grabbing things from your sister?" Tang Yao walked in exhausted, seeing the siblings fighting each other, she snatched the iphone from Li Xiaochen's hand and returned it to Xiao Xiao.

Li Xiaochen looked at Xiao Xiao pitifully: "Why? She has it, but I don't."

"I said you are a handsome guy, why do you always want women to buy things for you? Do you want to eat soft food?" Tang Yao pulled Li Xiaochen away from Xiaoxiao's side to prevent him from robbing his sister again, "Your mother wants Let's stay here for one night. I will find you in your room later. Wait for me obediently."

"Ah?" Li Xiaochen didn't understand the meaning of her words, "You came to find me alone? It's dark and windy this month, don't you want...then why me?"

"There are beauties willing to back you up. You should feel honored." Tang Yao gave him a meaningful smile and walked out of the house.

After a while, the old lady led the three daughters, walked into the living room boldly as the Empress Dowager Cixi.

She couldn't care less about talking to her son, the old lady was so amused by the three beauties, as if she had only given birth to three daughters.

Li Xiaochen, who didn't want to embarrass himself, wisely avoided them and went back to the room.

After a while, he couldn't bear it any longer, and went outside Jiang Mier's room, and saw the door was half-closed.

Having learned the lesson from last time, he didn't dare to make mistakes, and knocked on the door respectfully: "Jiang Mier, are you inside?"

After shouting a few times, but no one answered, Li Xiaochen carefully opened the door, but no one was inside.

"Jiang Mier?" After tiptoing in, he looked around the entire bedroom.Sure enough, Jiang Mier was not there.

After casually glanced at it, I have to say that Jiang Mier's room is clean and tidy but full of aura.There is no lack of taste in elegance, which is pleasing to the eye.

After walking back and forth for a while, before Jiang Mier returned to her room, she heard the sound of a phone call.

Curious, he followed the voice and found Jiang Mier's cell phone on the high bookshelf.

To his dismay, the name displayed on the screen of the phone turned out to be "Bad Husband"!

Jiang Mier has a husband?

Li Xiaochen's head buzzed, and he lost all his ability to think and analyze.

"Why does she have a husband and still hire me as her fiancé? How many things does Jiang Mier keep from me?"

Li Xiaochen's heart was in a mess, a little sour and a little uncomfortable.

Is Jiang Mier the kind of double-faced woman?

Just when he was restless, a sound of running hurriedly came from outside the door.

Li Xiaochen hurriedly put down his phone, looking for a place to hide in a panic.Finally, he ducked under the bed and tried to breathe as slowly as possible to keep his racing heart rate down.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of slender and flawless jade legs swayed into the room.

Li Xiaochen recognized its owner immediately - it was Jiang Mier!

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