Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 8] You Can't Cut Me Down

It's class time now.Apart from Professor Peng's voice, although there were some whispers in the big classroom, it was generally relatively quiet.

But when Zhao Shuai yelled so loudly, everyone was startled.

It turned out that Zhao Shuai was looking for Li Xiaochen everywhere on the campus, but he couldn't find anything, and he was very angry.

He got a savage temper, and he simply grabbed the students on campus and asked them harshly.

After arresting dozens of them in a row, they finally caught someone who knew Li Xiaochen's whereabouts.

The student saw that Zhao Shuai looked ferocious, and was afraid that he would harm him, so he was so frightened that he told everything he knew.

That's why Zhao Shuai chased him into this classroom, shouting and beating him.

When Jiang Mier saw Zhao Shuai coming, she immediately smiled with great interest.

She originally planned to use Zhao Shuai's hand to let Li Xiaochen conduct actual combat and accumulate experience.

But later, Li Xiaochen played a trick, instead of going to the gambling appointment, he went to the classroom to look for Tang Yao, instead of thinking about his past.

Isn't this just letting her painstaking efforts go to waste?

The cruel words that were released before, even at the risk of risking his life, were intended to make Li Xiaochen feel nervous so that he could improve his cultivation under pressure.

Unexpectedly, this guy is so careless and doesn't apply what he has learned.

Fortunately, Heaven pays off.This Zhao Shuai is so cute, he still pursued him so hard that he found Li Xiaochen.

Professor Peng, the head of the department, saw that someone was so presumptuous that he dared to yell and hold a murder weapon in his class.Simply ignore him.

At that moment, Professor Peng glared at Zhao Shuai and the others, and shouted, "You classmates, what's the matter, which department? We are in class. Please don't mess around here!"

Zhao Shuai was in a fit of anger, how could he take Professor Peng seriously?

He rushed to the front and raised his hand to give Li Xiaochen a slash.

Seeing that the gleaming knife was about to cut himself in an instant, Li Xiaochen quickly put his hands on his hands, jumped over the table, and jumped to the staircase aisle of the big classroom.

With a bang, Zhao Shuai's machete hit the long table in the row.

Tang Yao screamed in fright, and quickly hid aside, for fear that her face would be scratched by a knife.

Jiang Mier was calm and composed, and made a cheering gesture to Li Xiaochen, and said to Zhao Shuai with a smile: "You can't kill him. Hurry up and clean your ass, and run around the university town thirty times naked."

Li Xiaochen saw that this ghost girl was actually adding fuel to the flames at this moment.I'm really afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

If Zhao Shuai wasn't still there, he would have rushed up and sewed up Jiang Mier's mouth with a needle and thread.

Zhao Shuai is a person with underdeveloped limbs but a simple mind.Otherwise, he wouldn't have made a bet with Jiang Mier so easily and won the trick.

Hearing Jiang Mier's instigation, Zhao Shuai was so angry that smoke rose from his orifices.He just wanted to tear Li Xiaochen into pieces to vent his hatred.

With a loud roar, Zhao Shuai swung his knife full of anger and slashed at Li Xiaochen.That murderous look was clearly aroused.

Li Xiaochen knew that if he did not fulfill the bet, he would definitely be entangled by them.

In desperation, he ran away.

Professor Peng, who was on the podium, saw that the students in his department were also fighting with each other, and immediately turned his face down.

Today's students are getting worse and worse.In the classroom, openly despise education, how is this appropriate?

Pointing at Li Xiaochen, he said, "Student, go back to your seat and sit down. We're going to continue the lecture."

Hearing this, Li Xiaochen almost lost his temper from laughing: "Professor, they are going to chop me up. Do you want me to go back to my seat and wait until they cut me into pieces?"

Professor Peng is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has taught countless students. If not peaches and plums, the world is full of pineapples and bananas.

Where had he encountered such a disobedient and stubborn student in his brilliant career?

Professor Peng slammed on the desk with the chalk in his hand, and said sharply, "Sit back and wait for them to hack you. I don't believe they really dare to hack you to death. Killing people is a crime and you will go to jail!"

Li Xiaochen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't know which tendon of Professor Peng was wrongly wired, so he thought: Standing and talking doesn't hurt my back.You come here and wait for them to chop you up?

At this time, Zhao Shuai had already slashed at him with a knife.

Li Xiaochen didn't have time to argue with Professor Peng, so he moved his footsteps and used the Flying Star Moonstep that he had just learned, and immediately retreated.

This step is like a ghost, erratic and weird.Zhao Shuai's forceful and heavy knife unexpectedly missed.

Zhao Shuai went in without knowing it, thinking that Li Xiaochen was just lucky and escaped.He greeted a few of his subordinates angrily: "What are you doing in a daze? Let's chop this brat together!"

A few gangsters got the boss's order, and they copied their knives and killed them one after another.

Li Xiaochen saw that the aisle of the stairs was too narrow, and the steps were not on the same plane, which was not conducive to the use of footwork.

Might as well go outside.

With this in mind, he moved his feet, turned around and ran outside.

Professor Peng's persuasion had no effect, and he was extremely dissatisfied.A majestic head of a department can't control a student anymore?

He slapped the table, pointed at Li Xiaochen, and said angrily, "I tell you to go back and sit down for me! Otherwise, your credits will be deducted!"

While speaking, Li Xiaochen had slipped out of the classroom, walked through the corridor, and fled downstairs.

Jiang Mier most wanted to know the result of the outcome.Seeing the gangsters chasing Li Xiaochen out, she didn't care so much, and hurriedly followed out of the classroom.

Although Tang Yao didn't know the reason, she was worried when she saw Li Xiaochen being chased and hacked.She glanced at Professor Peng, then outside, closed her notebook, and chased after him.

Qin Yufei, who had been sitting still, stared at the direction where Li Xiaochen disappeared.A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xiaobi suddenly said: "Miss, that step just now seems to be..."

Qin Yufei agreed: "It's a bit similar."

"But...does anyone here know that kind of footwork?"

"This is Mei's School of Management. There are often masters dormant. Even if there are people, it's not surprising."

"Then... what do we do now?"

Qin Yufei stood up suddenly and said, "Go and have a look."

The people in the classroom saw someone who took the lead to watch a good show, and they were all beauties, so they followed one after another.

They have already thought of an excuse: if they are held accountable, they will presume that they were instigated and influenced by them.There was an inexplicable madness in his body that involved him, and he couldn't help but went over to watch the fun.

Moreover, even the president of the student union has set an example.As a student who loves the school passionately, how can he not respond to the president's call?

After all, whoever takes the lead in this kind of thing is unlucky.

Most importantly, the play looks like it's going to be a good one.If you don't get together, take a video or photo or something, you will be despised.

Holding various ideas and finding many reasons, all the students left Professor Peng with peace of mind and decisively went to watch.

Professor Peng stomped his feet in anger from these incompetent students, and threatened viciously: "Hey! You! Whoever dares to leave, I will deduct their credits! Demerit! Punishment! Expulsion!"

But the students did not succumb to his coercion because of this.

On the contrary, because of these words, the loss of personnel accelerated.

In the end, in the empty lecture hall, only Professor Peng was left in a daze.

After standing there for a long time, Professor Peng sighed heavily and said to himself: "People's hearts are not old, and the teacher's morality is gone! My husband! I must punish the chief culprit who caused this situation. First, go and see the student. Let’s talk about my face! That’s right, it’s not that I left my post without permission, nor did I develop some kind of voyeurism, but for my justice!”

After speaking, he also followed to join in the fun.

When the crowd had just started to watch, Li Xiaochen was already trapped by those colorful furs downstairs in the teaching building.

Zhao Shuai and those gangsters hacked randomly with knives.

Li Xiaochen didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he immediately resorted to flying stars to step on the moon.

Zhao Shuai saw that his movement was extremely fast, and he flinched left and right.

The knife in his hand was clearly about to hit him.I saw that the boy slipped out of the attack range of the machete as soon as he retreated, which is really weird.

Could it be that this kid is a master of kung fu?

Puzzled in his heart, the murder weapon in Zhao Shuai's hand was chopping faster and faster.The hateful thing is that Li Xiaochen also became more and more agile, telling him to cut through the air with every knife.

For a while, several people besieged Li Xiaochen alone, not only could not gain the upper hand at all, they could not even cut off a piece of his clothes.

These gangsters are domineering and domineering on weekdays, without cultivation.After hacking and hacking for a while, they still couldn't get any cheap, they couldn't hold back anymore, and their hearts were full of anger.

The knives he swung became more and more disorganized, and he only slashed blindly.

However, Zhao Shuai is slightly different from his subordinates.His savvy is slightly higher than the other gangsters.

After observing for a long time, Zhao Shuai saw that Li Xiaochen's footwork seemed to be messy, but there was a certain pattern in it.

It's just that the steps are too complicated, and it's almost impossible to see through the rules in a short time.

So what if you can't see it?The brat can just run and jump around.He's nothing without his legs.

Zhao Shuai made up his mind, saw exactly where Li Xiaochen had landed, and showed a sinister grin.

At the beginning, Tang Yao, who was watching the battle, was worried that Li Xiaochen would be hacked by these gangsters with knives.But it was later discovered that this Li Xiaochen really knew how to hide.

Every time he saw that the knife was about to hit a vital point, he was able to dodge it with ease.

Sometimes the legs are used as the axis to rotate the body; sometimes the steps are light, and the dance is graceful.

Not only is the dodging posture not clumsy and ugly, but it is graceful like a frightened bird, graceful like a dragon swimming, as if dancing a beautiful dance with flying arms and clouds.

Tang Yao also saw that Li Xiaochen's ability to remain intact was largely due to his ever-changing footsteps.

To deal with those guys who rely on their legs for a living, their legs must be broken to make them lose their support.

Those so-called good horses and BMWs that travel thousands of miles a day, as long as their legs are cut off, they can no longer run.

And what about Li Xiaochen?

If his leg was chopped off, he would definitely be caught by gangsters.If those people really want his life...

Tang Yao didn't dare to think about it anymore.

She dialed the number of the security room with her mobile phone, and hurriedly called the security guard to end this dangerous scene.

But after contacting the security guard, the last thing Tang Yao wanted to see happened.

Sure enough, the gangster aimed at Li Xiaochen's foothold, and swung his knife fiercely!

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