Beautiful fairy wife in love with me

Chapter 96) Flying to West Sichuan

After storing the suitcase in the electronic safe deposit box, Li Xiaochen took the access certificate, called Tang Yao, and told her the access code, asking her to pick it up as soon as possible.

What made Li Xiaochen somewhat concerned was that on the phone, Tang Yao hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to say something to him, but in the end she didn't say it.

But he didn't have time to ask.

After finishing this matter, Li Xiaochen handed over the sanitary napkin to Jiang Mier.

After Jiang Mier finished processing, she came out of the bathroom and saw that Li Xiaochen's expression was a little off, so she asked, "What are you thinking?"

Li Xiaochen took a few glances outside and found that Jiang Ming's car had already left.He said to Jiang Mier: "Just now I met the great elder of your Jiang family. His name is Jiang Ming, isn't it?"

Jiang Mier nodded in amazement: "How did he know I was here? What did he tell you? Did he make things difficult for you?"

Li Xiaochen smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know how I came to the airport. He paid me 100 million in advance and asked me to persuade you to go back. After the matter is completed, I can still get 200 million rewards. The price is that I can never be with you. any connection."

"What?" Jiang Mier's heart was pounding, "You, how did you answer him? You took his money?"

Li Xiaochen didn't intend to hide anything, so he nodded and said, "I accept it."

Jiang Mier fixedly looked at Li Xiaochen.His eyes gradually cooled down.She folded her arms and said coldly: "You told me this to annul our agreement and tie me back?"

Li Xiaochen didn't answer what she said, but said: "You elders said that the deadline is tomorrow morning. If I can't persuade you to go back to Jiang's house, they will deal with me."

"So you're going against me now?" Jiang Mier's tone became colder.

Li Xiaochen laughed and said: "I didn't say that. Jiang Mier, I am a person who values ​​promises. Since I promised you earlier, I will fulfill your wish even if I risk my life."

"But you took their money!"

"Is there any problem with this? I received the money, so I don't have to do things for them." Li Xiaochen smirked and pushed Jiang Mi'er with his shoulder, "Which one of us is with whom? I've always been on your side of."

"Hmph, it's hard to say. Who knows if you made up these words on purpose to scare me?" Jiang Mier stared at Li Xiaochen, "Maybe the elder taught you to say that. The purpose is to paralyze me Careless. I have to be on my guard."

Li Xiaochen said with a smile: "As far as your current situation is concerned, I can directly knock you out and give it to your elders. Why bother to lie to you? Besides, you underestimate me too much. I am that The kind that sells out friends for money?"

"Yes!" Jiang Mier firmly insisted, "Otherwise you would have been bought by my 20 euros back then?"

"It's different. I was short of money back then."

"Isn't there any shortage now? Whoever gives more money will do things for him. I see you through today."

Li Xiaochen was helpless by Jiang Mier's words, so he could only point to the sky: "I swear, I have never done anything wrong to you."

Jiang Mier chuckled: "Don't you know that what you just said is one of the top ten lies of men?"

"Hey, Jiang Mier, what do you have to do to believe me?" Li Xiaochen was on the verge of crying.

Jiang Mier thought for a while, and said, "Show me the 100 million."

"Okay." Li Xiaochen was about to show Jiang Mier the box of money when he heard the airport announcement.

He pulled out his ticket and got the time right.The flight to Chengdu is about to take off.

"I'll show you when I get back. Let's talk about it after we get on the plane."

Jiang Mier puffed up her small mouth slightly: "If you dare to trick me into going back, I will tell the Great Elder that I am already yours, and I have conceived a child and had an abortion for you. And now there is another Two months pregnant. Humph, let's see if he doesn't tear you apart!"

"Hey, you are too bad? I have never touched you. This is purely framed!"

Jiang Mier smiled slyly: "Do you think he believes me or you?"

"Jiang Mier, you are really the most poisonous woman. Do you have to frame me like this?"

"Anyway, if you help them plan to kill me, then your end will be miserable. If you help me complete the task, I can keep you safe when I take the position of head of the family. You are a smart man. Where are you going?" Choose your own path."

Li Xiaochen said with a headache: "I really didn't mean to hurt you. Why don't you believe me?"

"I'm adding an extra insurance so that you can't betray me." Jiang Mier snorted a few times, "I'm such a suspicious and vicious woman. So you have to see my true face as soon as possible. Don't be fooled." ask for trouble."

While talking, the two chattered and insulted each other a few words, and finally boarded the plane.

The flight flew all the way, and within a few hours, it arrived in Chengdu.

On the plane, Jiang Mier told Li Xiaochen about Shane Wei's position as president.

Facing this result, he felt much more at ease.When he thought he could soar into the sky, he did have a very strong excitement.

But after thinking about it carefully, I always feel that something is wrong.

Not reconciled to giving up this position.

After the contract was burned, Tao Qianyun really didn't give him a second chance.

Hearing this news, Li Xiaochen was still a little bitter at first, but soon he was relieved: what is mine will always be mine.If it's not mine, how can I ask for it?

Although he is not the kind of master who is not obsessed with everything, but he is quite open-minded.

It didn't take long to throw this matter out of the blue.

The most important thing right now is to go to the ghost doctor, the ghost doctor, to heal Jiang Mier and make her recover.

Unexpectedly, after getting off the plane and leaving the airport, Li Xiaochen realized that someone was following them.

Presumably, Jiang Ming must have sent someone to follow him to monitor his actions.Now it is not long before dawn.

Li Xiaochen didn't even intend to persuade Jiang Mier to go back, he just took the money for nothing.

He expects they will find out soon.We must find a chance to get rid of these stalkers.

Li Xiaochen first found a nightclub nearby, went in and picked two men and women with similar figures to himself and Jiang Mier, gave them some money, and exchanged clothes with them.

He combed their hair again, and let the man and woman leave the nightclub and head north.He also told these two people that if someone caught up with them and asked about Chen and Mi's whereabouts, they should say they were going to Mianyang, northeast of Chengdu.

After they left, Li Xiaochen and Jiang Mier went out from the back door of the nightclub, took a ride all the way, and walked east.

After leaving Chengdu, we walked for a while, and then went south.

After a long walk, head west.

Along the way, the two of them changed clothes with different people several times, confusing the public in the same way.

After a few days, after a long circle, Li Xiaochen and Jiang Mier were finally able to move towards their goal.

These days, Jiang Mier's newly added Wu Lian Feng will break out from time to time.It all depended on Li Xiaochen to transport the true energy into her body, making the imprint on her chest full.

Otherwise, the energy of her internal organs would have been sucked dry by Wu Lian.

While the two embarked on the journey of seeking medical treatment, Jiang Ming returned to the Jiang family whose ancestral home was located in the south of the Yangtze River.

As soon as he entered the gate, he hurried to Jiang Junning's room.

Now Jiang Mier, who was supposed to inherit the head of the family, was wandering outside.As the eldest son of the family, Jiang Junning was elected by everyone as the acting head of the family to handle family affairs.

After meeting the eldest son, Jiang Ming reported the trip to Yinluo City and the loss of Jiang Mier.

After listening to the report, Jiang Junning said: "There is no need to chase. Since my sister has made an agreement with you before, she will come back sooner or later."

Jiang Ming is an out-and-out "supporting Ning faction".He watched Jiang Junning grow up.

His talent for cultivating immortals and leadership are excellent, and he is stable in handling things.In the entire Jiang family, Jiang Junning was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Jiang Ming, the great elder who wanted to support him to be the head of the family, was dissatisfied with these words: "If you didn't forbid me to attack them, the head of the family would have been yours long ago. You really want to use some soft words The old man condescended to bribe the kid. As a result, he took the money, did nothing, and ran away with Miss Jiang!"

Jiang Junning said with great interest: "I just want to test out what kind of person my sister likes. Let him pass this test."

Jiang Ming was stunned and said, "Are you really going to let that kid join Jiang's family?"

"As long as my sister doesn't want to be the head of the family, other matters are easy to discuss."

Jiang Ming lamented: "I don't know what happened to the late old master before he died. How could he give the Ziya sword to Miss Jiang? She is just a yellow-haired girl. In terms of bloodline and reputation, she is not as good as you at all. .”

"You can't say that. My sister is resourceful, her cultivation is not shallow, and she is also very capable. It is not unreasonable for Dad to pass the Ziya Sword to her."

"Let's not talk about anything else. She is a woman after all. Do you still remember the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty? She listened to the government behind the curtain for many years, and left behind a sentence of 'women are not allowed to participate in politics' when she left. Besides, none of the heads of the Jiang family was a woman. No matter what the old man says, Miss Jiang will not be allowed to inherit the head of the family."

Since ancient times, people have believed that men dominate outside and women dominate inside.

Men should go out to make money and support their families.Women live in peace and contentment at home, take care of their husbands and children, and take care of housework.

These traditional ideas still affect many people today.

People of the older generation like Jiang Ming have such deep-rooted concepts.

However, his understanding of this idea is not quite correct.

From the perspective of the Book of Changes, men are yang and women are yin.

It is in line with the law of heaven and earth that men go out to work and women work as logistics ministers at home.

So why did most women in ancient times live in the Lord?

The real reason for this is not sexism.There are some things that men cannot have in their lifetime, such as motherhood.

Physiologically speaking, a man cannot express milk from his body to feed the child.

Women naturally do their part.

And more importantly, women determine the fate of a family, a family and even the whole world.

Basically all people come out of the mother's womb.Everyone has a mother.

Whether a child is good or bad is largely determined by family education.The three moves of Meng's mother is a typical example.

If a child does not learn well from an early age, when he grows up, he will harm the family at least, and endanger the world at worst.

It is precisely because people respect women and affirm the indelible important role of women that they give the burden of husband and child to women.

In this respect, a man cannot be compared with a woman for a lifetime.

So, it is women who save the world.It is also women who destroy the world.

But that's not to say men are completely free of responsibility.

Jiang Ming only inherited some superficial things, and generally believed that women just couldn't hold power, but he didn't know that there was such a deep meaning in it.

This is not because of other things, but because raising children is too important, it is related to the survival of human beings, and non-mothers cannot do it best.

Women are not incapable of being in power.It's just that if most women are busy with their careers wholeheartedly, it is difficult for a man without maternal patience and charm to take care of his children like a mother.

Jiang Junning also disapproved of Jiang Ming's words: "Grand Elder, your views are too pedantic and old-fashioned. Nowadays, there are many strong women in society. If you have the ability, why bother about gender?"

He looked at the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River outside the window, and after a while, he said, "It's just that I think it's more suitable for me to take over as the head of the house than her."

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