Zhan Tianyou also knew Zhang Tinglan's identity and status from Kuang Rongguang a long time ago. This young man can be said to have a lot of promises in the Fengjun, especially for things like railway construction. Zhang Tinglan's attitude is the attitude of Fengjun. Zhang Tinglan His will is the will of Fengjun.Zhan Tianyou has been working for the railway for many years. The word he feels most is difficulty. The resistance from all sides, especially from the big powers, without the support of a powerful government, the railway can never be built. The Fengtian government can Paying so much attention to road construction also gave Zhan Tianyou the hope of building a railway.

"Zhuoyan, does Fengtian have any specific plans for road construction?"

"Yes, I plan to build a main line on the east and west sides of the South Manchuria Railway, basically parallel to the South Manchuria Railway. The east main line connects Jilin and Fengtian provinces, and the west line connects Fengtian and Heilongjiang provinces. In this way, combined with the Middle East Road, Fengtian will be It can break the restrictions of the Japanese and have its own railway network."

When Zhan Tianyou heard Zhang Tinglan's words, his eyes widened immediately. To build two main railway lines is a grand plan. It is also a blessing for the country that Fengjun has such courage.Zhan Tianyou's mind turned quickly, and the map of the three eastern provinces flashed in his mind. He closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then said: "Zhuoyan, I estimated that the eastern route will start from Fengtian, pass through Hailong, and go all the way. To Jilin, and then extended outward, can connect Changchun and Hulan and other places, and can also include Heilongjiang. The west line passes through Tongliao, Taonan, Baichengzi, and reaches Qiqihar, where Fengtian and Heilongjiang are connected. This is just Rough planning and specific routes need to be inspected on the spot before being finalized.”

Zhan Tianyou is worthy of being an expert in railway repair, and he roughly determined the route at once, which was similar to Zhang Tinglan's estimate.Zhang Tinglan became more confident about Zhan Tianyou's ability.

"Mr. Zhan, building the railway is a waste of money. Feng Jun's financial resources may still be a little difficult, so I plan to build the east line first, and then start the west line."

"Well, this is also a safe way. The terrain in the northeast is flat, and it is not difficult to build a railway. From Jilin to Fengtian. The east line is about 500 kilometers. I estimate that all the funds will cost at least [-] million. It is indeed not a small sum. The number!"

"Old classmate, you count too much!" Kuang Rongguang laughed at the side: "Fengtian builds the railway. There is no need to spend so much money, everything needed for road construction. Fengtian can produce it by itself. Even if it can't be produced now, it is very easy. It can be produced soon, and there is almost nothing to import. And judging from the conflict between the Fengjun and the Japanese this time, the mobilization ability of the Fengjun is also super strong, and it can organize a large number of migrant workers. The two add up. I guess there is 300 million can take this railway down!"

Kuang Rongguang's words completely surprised Zhan Tianyou. Being able to produce everything by himself is bound to be difficult for the whole of China.When did the little Fengtian, the bitter cold place outside the pass, have such industrial strength?To my ears, it was like a fairy tale, but Zhan Tianyou also knew that Kuang Rongguang would not lie, did Fengtian's strength really reach this level?

Seeing Zhan Tianyou's doubts, Zhang Tinglan took the initiative to explain to him: "Mr. Zhan, Fengjun is building the Anshan Iron and Steel Plant. If it is put into operation, it will be able to produce at least [-] tons of steel per day, and the production capacity still has great potential. The factory also has a supporting rail workshop, which can produce rails by itself. After regaining the Middle East Road, the Harbin General Factory has fallen into our control. Now it has been renamed Harbin Railway Rolling Stock Company. Locomotives and then the carriages. Fengtian can also easily handle the rest of the materials such as cement and building materials."

Zhan Tianyou listened to Zhang Tinglan's introduction very attentively. As he said, he nodded in praise. All the difficulties in China's railway construction are largely due to the fact that the industry is almost blank, and everything depends on the big powers. How can we not let people get stuck? neck!Now Fengjun can not only produce steel and rails, but even locomotives, why isn't Zhan Tianyou excited?

"Humble words, after producing the required things by ourselves, I don't know that the cost can be greatly reduced, and we can repair as we want, without worrying about other people's restrictions. If the supply is sufficient, I am sure that within two years, the East Main Line will be completed. Fix it!"

Zhan Tianyou is not a person who talks nonsense. He said so, which means that he has full confidence. Zhang Tinglan silently calculated in his heart, and the two years happened to be 1919.The factory equipment obtained also takes time to digest, two years is about the same, and at that time the Russian Civil War has not yet ended, Fengjun still has a chance, just use these two years to practice hard internal skills and lay a solid foundation for Fengjun, when the time comes Arms can be self-produced, and the railway network has also been formed. Whether it is facing Russia or Japan, Fengjun has enough confidence.

"Humble words, only materials are not enough to repair the railway, and sufficient funds are needed." Kuang Rongguang said: "It is calculated at 300 million, which is not a small amount of money. Can Fengjun get it? loan?"

Kuang Rongguang's words also reminded Zhan Tianyou and reminded him of one thing. At the beginning, Yuan Shikai rejected 21 partial clauses, and finally signed an abridged version of the Fourth Civil Treaty, which included restrictions on the construction of railways in South Manchuria. .Thinking of this, Zhan Tianyou also became anxious, and hurriedly asked: "Zhuoyan, can Fengtian solve the problem in terms of funds? Can the Japanese interfere?"

Zhang Tinglan smiled slightly. For others, 300 million may be a lot of money, but for Zhang Tinglan, it is just a drizzle, especially after winning the Middle East Road, the seized funds alone are tens of millions, and Zhang Tinglan He also instructed Qiao Lanyun to help auction off the land along the Middle East Road. There is no doubt that it is another large sum of money, which is more than enough to build the railway.

In fact, it is no problem to build two main lines together and borrow them around, but on the one hand, we must avoid irritating the Japanese, and on the other hand, we must train the construction team. After all, there is no skilled railway construction team in Fengtian. To a certain extent, it is for practice, to accumulate experience for the future overhaul of railways.

"Mr. Zhan, Mr. Kuang, there is absolutely no problem with funds, and Fengtian does not need to borrow money. With its own financial resources, it can be completely solved!"

Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "In addition, there is no need to worry about the fourth treaty of the People's Republic of China. When the Japanese signed the treaty, they never thought that Fengtian could build the railway by themselves. The railway needs the consent of the Japanese. But now the Fengjun is building the railway with its own strength, and the Japanese have no room to interfere. If the Japanese still want to make trouble for no reason, the tens of thousands of guns in the Fengjun are not vegetarians. Yes, we dare to fight the Russians, just as we are not afraid of the Japanese. Mr. Zhan, you only need to concentrate on building roads, and we will take care of all other matters, so you don’t have to worry about anything!"

Hearing this, Zhan Tianyou was completely confident. He patted his chest and said: "The Fengtian government has done everything that should be done. The following is the work of us technicians. I am willing to issue a military order. If the railway cannot be repaired, then Zhan Willing to be punished!"

Zhan Tianyou has spent his whole life building railways, but this time is the most satisfactory, so there is no need to worry about extra things.This is the benefit of having a strong government behind him. From Manchu to Beiyang, there was no such carefree feeling. Zhan Tianyou was particularly excited.

"Zhuoyan, I definitely can't rely on me alone. Now I will help you recruit talents, and then immediately inspect the line and strive for construction as soon as possible."

As the most famous railway engineer in China, Zhan Tianyou has amazing connections. Although China is very backward, such a big country always has some available talents. Zhang Tinglan is very happy that Zhan Tianyou can take the initiative to help recruit, as long as these When talents arrive in Fengtian, they don’t even think about leaving. The railways in the three eastern provinces are enough for them to work on, and after finishing the railways in the three eastern provinces, they also need to build the railways leading to the northwest and to the customs. In short, there will be countless jobs waiting for them. Woolen cloth.

"Mr. Zhan, everything depends on you!"

After sending Zhan Tianyou away, Zhang Tinglan hurried to find Wang Yongjiang. The railway needed funds, immigrants, migrant workers, and building materials. All of these could not be separated from the support of Feng Jun's pocketbook.After meeting Wang Yongjiang, Zhang Tinglan introduced the situation, and Wang Yongjiang was also very happy.

"Zhuoyan, don't worry, the railway is on my shoulders. No matter what is needed, I will fully support and ensure that the railway can be completed with quality and quantity. It is too important for Fengtian's development to have a railway network that is controlled by oneself. Yes, this is a good thing for the benefit of Sangzi, Wang is absolutely obliged."

"Mr. Tiekan, it's not enough to just build the railway. Can you allocate some funds so that we can overhaul the road?"

"Of course it needs to be fixed, but do you have any good suggestions?"

"Mr. Tiekan, a well-developed transportation network can allow the circulation of materials and economic prosperity in peacetime. In wartime, this is the guarantee for rapid deployment of troops and logistics transportation. Therefore, I suggest that all counties should have asphalt roads. , We also need to build gravel roads. Every village strives to be connected. The more connections we have, the tighter our control over the locality will be, and the more powerful we can mobilize. We must develop as soon as possible! "

Roads are the blood of a person. Only by connecting all regions can we make full use of all resources and integrate all forces. Otherwise, the country will always be divided. Wang Yongjiang understands the meaning of it very well, naturally Also agree with this proposal.

"Humble words, from now on, road construction will start now, with an annual investment of at least 200 million. It will be completed at the city and county level in five years, and at the village and town level in ten years. The three provinces in the Northeast will be completely connected together!" (To be continued...)

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