Of the two Russian planes in the front, one was hit by a bullet in the engine, and then a strong explosion occurred. The entire plane disintegrated in the air, and the pilot of the other plane was pierced through the chest by a bullet. A hole the size of a fist was left on the chest, blood and internal organs all flowed out, and the plane that lost control fell crookedly to the ground.

After the two planes were killed, the pilots behind suddenly realized that they were ambushed, and this was a trap aimed at them. These pilots desperately pulled up, trying to escape from the dangerous place, but it was obviously too late.

Not only the specially prepared machine guns on the train, but also the machine gunners on the ground disguised as road construction workers quickly prepared for battle. Two planes were shot down and fell to the ground, smashed to pieces.

The last two planes were in a panic. They quickly swept over the death zone, trying to turn around and escape.After all, the temporarily modified anti-aircraft machine guns were not flexible enough, and there were dead spots in the shooting. The two planes arrived above the heads of the soldiers of the Feng army, avoiding the dense firepower net.

"Turn the guns quickly, don't let them run away!" Zhong Junfeng, who was in charge of the command, shouted loudly, and the energetic Fengjun soldiers also hurriedly moved at the fastest speed, and the flames of the machine guns caught up with the two planes again. The wing of a plane was hit, and the discounted plane suddenly lost its balance and slid towards the ground crookedly.

The Russian pilot who was flying the last plane had already lost his soul. This was probably the most terrifying time in his life. Originally, they were hunters, and they appeared on the land of China arrogantly. In their eyes, all the Chinese were is the tastiest prey.Let them kill.

But in the blink of an eye, the prey turned into a hunter, showing ferocious fangs, all five companions were finished, and his own life was also in an unprecedented crisis. This guy had no choice but to beg for God's blessing. up.

His plane was fleeing the battlefield at the fastest speed. It seemed that the deadly bullets had left him. Just when this guy was about to take a long breath, he suddenly found something that made him extremely desperate. The fuel tank of the plane was leaking rapidly. Oil.

I don't know if it was hit by a bullet.Or it was because of a problem with the fuel tank itself. In short, the fuel was losing rapidly, and the power of the aircraft was also losing, just like the human body was rapidly losing strength, and the aircraft also lost the power to continue flying in the air.Can only keep sliding down.

The pilot had no choice but to control the plane and make an emergency landing to a safe area.Slowly the plane finally landed on the ground.He climbed out of the driver's seat, panicked, and was about to flee.

But at this time, patrol soldiers from the Feng army appeared within 100 meters around, and this guy was captured before he ran far.

None of the six planes remained, and they were all wiped out by Feng Jun in one fell swoop.Moreover, after the six planes, only three were completely scrapped, and the other three were only damaged to varying degrees, and one body was smashed.One lost a wing, while the last was largely intact.

Russia's industrial base is weak, and the production of fighter jets is far behind. Therefore, their aircraft are imported from France. Now the Fengjun seized is full of French goods, and it also represents the forefront of European aircraft design. For Fengjun Also a very good reference.

All the captured pilots and planes were loaded onto the train. This operation to lure the enemy was a complete success and eliminated six fighter jets of the Russian army. Generals and soldiers, Russian planes are not invincible, they also have fatal weaknesses, and they will be shot down by Fengjun.

This victory can quickly dispel Feng's fear of Russian aircraft. Only by looking at each other at the same level can we truly find the opponent's weakness. When Zhong Junfeng and the others returned victoriously, Zhang Tinglan gave the highest courtesy to the air defense troops who played for the first time. All the generals of the border defense army Greet them personally.

At the same time, there were also a large number of civilians who came to greet their heroes spontaneously. When these air defense troops went to battle for the first time, they received the warmest cheers from the common people, and all the soldiers were very proud.

Zhang Tinglan also arranged for reporters to take pictures of the captured Russian pilot, put them on the newspaper, and published them as headlines.

The Russian Air Force wantonly harassed the Chinese border and shot and killed innocent Chinese people. Feng Jun soldiers fought back and shot down six Russian planes in one fell swoop.The news quickly occupied the pages of newspapers.

Fengjun once again taught the Russians a lesson. There is no doubt that this is a good thing for all Chinese to cheer up, and it also proves once again that Fengjun is good and can firmly safeguard China's interests.

For China, which is poor and weak, there are too few armies that can do this. The long borders in the northwest and southwest have been encroached everywhere, and the border residents have been bullied wantonly. They were expelled from their homes where they had lived for generations, and some even lost a whole village.

Various tragedies are constantly being staged along the long border, but other armies simply do not have the courage to fight against the great powers.Only Fengjun was able to teach the Russian invaders a lesson without hesitation, and shot down six invading enemy planes in one fell swoop, which suddenly attracted the attention of the world.

Ordinary Chinese people are very excited, and some people who have a long-term view continue to speculate whether the Fengjun shot down the Russian plane this time. Does it mean that there will be another conflict between the Fengjun and the Russian army, or will it evolve into a war between China and Russia? battle.

Even countries such as Britain and France are no exception. Since the February Revolution in Russia, they have worried that Russia will launch the Allied Powers camp, so that the pressure on the German Eastern Front will disappear, and the situation of Britain and France will inevitably be unprecedentedly difficult, so they immediately Launched a diplomatic offensive against the Russians, hoping that Russia can exercise restraint and not conflict with Fengjun in the Far East, so as not to affect the overall situation in Europe.

This kind of reaction is probably rare in history. When China and foreign countries have conflicts, the first thing the big powers think of is to appease the other party, rather than come to blackmail China. To a certain extent, this is also an affirmation of the strength of Fengjun. This is already an army that cannot be underestimated.

As the commander of the Russian army, Andrei was also taken aback when he got the news that six planes had been shot down. He only had twenty planes in his hands, eight of which were sent to Hailanpao, and he directly controlled the There were only twelve of them, and half of them disappeared at once, and the troops were suddenly stretched.

And what scares Andre even more is that Fengjun has acquired the power of air defense combat so quickly, which also means that the opponent is not a cowardly and incompetent Chinese squadron, and Andre has to cancel the ground attack. idea.

However, this guy still did not give up on harassing the Feng army. He sent a request to the Russian government, and the Russian government urgently dispatched another ten planes, four of which were bombers. This is already the largest scale Russia can concentrate in the Far East. air power.

After replenishing their forces, the Russian Air Force reappeared on the Sino-Russian border. This time they became more cunning, and they were very cautious in every action. The focus of the attack was on the main buildings of the city. Manzhouli became an area frequented by the Russians, and the railway station was frequently bombed by them.

In fact, Zhang Tinglan was very clear-headed when she went to the north. The confrontation with Russia was not a one-off deal.

The Feng army also adjusted its deployment immediately, concentrating its air defense forces on various key positions to defend against Russian attacks.

"Commander-in-Chief, Russian bombers have attacked our train station for five consecutive days. More than a dozen staff members were killed, and two trains and platform warehouses were damaged. However, our air defense forces did not shoot down a single Russian plane. , it will definitely not work in the long run!" Jiang Dengxuan raised his concerns.

Zhang Tinglan is also well aware of this situation. He nodded and said: "Using machine guns to deal with aircraft is naturally in a weak position. It is a last resort. As long as the Russians raise their vigilance, it will be difficult to shoot them down. At most, they can interfere. Don't let the Russians drop bombs and shoot unscrupulously."

"The commander-in-chief's conclusion is not bad at all. If I want to say that if we want to deal with the plane, the best way is that we also own the plane. This is the best way!"

Sun Anhu said loudly, and the other generals of the Feng army also nodded frequently. The big guys have never been so eager for air power. If they have their own planes, they don't have to be helpless with the Russians.

"The latest news has come from Bayuzao. There are a total of more than [-] overseas students, as well as the apprentices we sent over. They have basically completed their studies and are now preparing to return to China. They have also purchased a batch of machines. They are going to be transported back together, and without accident, they will be able to return to China within two months, plus the teachers and students of Nanyuan Aviation School, I estimate that within half a year, we will be able to see our own air power."

"That's great, everyone is looking forward to this day!" Qin Wei also said aside: "Commander-in-Chief, aircraft can not only fight in the air, but also provide targeting information for artillery. Artillery also needs the cooperation of aircraft to fight. Be more accurate!"

"Six months is not a short period of time. Do we still have to tolerate the Russians shitting and peeing on our heads for half a year?" Zhang Tingshu said loudly from the side: "I think we must find a way to solve the threat of Russian aircraft. !"

Jiang Dengxuan said with a smile: "That's true, I don't know if Tingshu can do anything!"

Zhang Tingshu shook his head slightly, obviously he was also troubled by this matter.At this time, Zhang Tinglan smiled and said: "As long as we use our brains, we will find a solution. I have already arranged manpower, interrogated the Russian pilot, and got accurate information about the airport. If we can't get the phone, we will hand over the aircraft nest." What do you think?" (To be continued...)

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