Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 565 You fight, I pay the bill

The world has always respected the strong. Feng Jun successively won three victories in Skovorodino, Borgia, and Torahem, annihilating a total of more than 3 Russian troops. It caused more than 1 casualties, but there is no doubt that this is a record that has never been achieved since the Qing Dynasty.

China defeated a great power, although it was when the great power was at its weakest, it was enough to shock the world. The Chinese public opinion first boiled over. The Chinese who had been bullied for so many years needed victory too much.Compared with the border fight between China and Japan half a year ago, this time it is even more exciting.

The Feng army crossed the border, attacked cities and territories, beat powerful enemies hard, and opened up territories.Even in a peaceful and prosperous age, this is a major event that can be called a feat, not to mention the end of the world when the country's fortunes are declining.How many people heard the news and wept bitterly. There were songs and dances everywhere, firecrackers were fired, and the streets were full of dragon and lion dances only during the Chinese New Year.

The newspapers were full of reports on the situation on the front line. Shao Piaoping specially organized a group of war reporters to report the most real battlefield situation to the country.

The first thing teachers and students do before class is to read the newspaper to learn about the situation on the front line. When they read the emotional parts, their voices are high and full of emotions. They cheer for victory and mourn for sacrifice.Young people from the same country are throwing their heads and blood under the Fengjun rule to fight for national power and regain their homeland.And they could only stare blankly, and everyone felt a little guilty in their hearts.

"Students, we want to set up a patriotic front-line union. The soldiers of the border guards shed blood on the front line. We can't watch it for nothing. Donate money, donate goods, and even donate this life! Organize everyone and go to various places Publicize their achievements. Take to the streets, call for a truce between the North and the South, and unite to the outside world!"

"Yes, the North and the South have ceased fighting, and they are unanimous!"

"North and South truce, unanimously external!"

Students across the country once again held huge banners.Appeared on the streets. Originally, this kind of parade was commonplace, and the target was often the Beiyang "government". Now the situation is completely different. Not only Beiyang, but even the Democratic Party in the south has been cast aside. [

Listen to his words and watch his actions. In the past, the students had hope for the Democratic Party and Sun Wen. It didn't mean that he was good, but that Beiyang was worse than them.Now there is the rise of the Feng family.The contrast is even more stark. When the Democratic Party was in power, it did not become tough. Sun Wen temporarily took power for a few months before selling the Hanyang Iron Works to the Japanese.

Now that they are the opposition party, they don't have to take responsibility.It can be abused unscrupulously, even to the point of provoking civil war.Under today's circumstances, the Fengjun is spreading its prestige outside the territory, and any group that fights civil wars and focuses on internal fighting will be instinctively rejected. Both the Democratic Party and Beiyang feel strong pressure.

Not only the academic world is mobilized, but people from all over the world are also attracted. Restaurants and tea shops in major cities have all added the role of newspaper reader, and those storytellers have also temporarily changed their careers, vividly Talk about the battle ahead.Of course they can read and write.But he didn't understand modern warfare, so he temporarily adapted his familiar stories about the Three Kingdoms, Eastern and Han Dynasties, and even imitated the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and appointed five tiger generals to Fengjun, which made a lot of jokes.

Even though I know it's bullshit.But people everywhere listened to it with great interest and applauded from time to time, and the hearts of the people in society were all mobilized.

Soon the academic circle took the lead, and the people of chambers of commerce from all over the country actively participated, and various federations were formed one after another. In just five days, donations of 320 million oceans were raised, and there were also 30 dans of grain. There are [-] sets of cotton clothes, and more than [-] vehicles such as trucks and carriages.

In addition to donating money and materials, talents from various industries also actively participated. Those who know military industry, those who can build roads, and those who can drive, all flocked to the three eastern provinces. It was a lively scene.

"Marshal, many talents have come from all over the country, and there are more young people who want to join the army on their own initiative. The recruiting office and the new barracks in Fengtian and other places are all surrounded by young people from all over the country, and even kowtow and kneel, begging to accept They, it’s just that our mobilization is planned, we can’t recruit troops blindly!”

Yang Yuting couldn't help complaining to Zhang Tinglan. The popularity was high. Although it was good, Fengtian also began to worry about overcrowding. These young people who came here flocked to various military camps. It involves energy, but it is not good to dispel their enthusiasm. It is really a dilemma.

Zhang Tinglan frowned, and then said: "Lin Ge, these young people represent the hearts and minds of the people. I can't refuse them. I think they should be incorporated into the militia for the time being. After a period of training, they can be allowed to participate in logistics tasks!"

"Humble words, many of the young people who came here are students. If they were all incorporated into the militia, they might still feel unwilling. They are going to the regular army."

"Then give them a temporary designation, it's not difficult." Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "I think it's called the Volunteer Army. In addition, in order to show our importance, let Sun Liechen temporarily serve as the commander, responsible for organizing the army. Training, let’s not talk about it this time.”

Sun Liechen is an out-and-out veteran of Fengjun, and it is indeed the most suitable choice for him to come forward. Zhang Tinglan's arrangement is indeed impeccable, not only to give these young people an explanation, but also to show respect for the old-school figures. Everyone should be united as one, unite all forces as much as possible, so that everyone can work hard.

The popular sentiment in the country is high, and the people strongly support the Fengjun, which makes everyone very pleased, but relying on these alone cannot win the war. Yang Yuting also couldn't help saying: "Marshal, although the country is very active, the social organization is backward, relying on it alone With the enthusiasm of the people, the role it can play is still limited. The most important thing depends on the ability of our army. Another point is the attitude of the great powers. If we can win over all countries, it will definitely be a powerful force for Soviet Russia. pressure."

Jiang Fangzhen also smiled and said: "Commander, both the United States and Britain have just dispatched new envoys to China. The American envoy is called Klein, who will replace Rui Enshi who has been in office for six years. As for the British side, Zhu Erdian has just retired. Sir Ashton. These two envoys just got in touch with Fengtian, and they want to meet directly with the commander-in-chief to discuss cooperation matters."

"Hehe, these foreign devils really don't see the rabbits and don't scatter the eagles. Now that we have won the battle, they come to discuss cooperation. Why didn't they come before the war?" [

"The big powers are all so realistic. At first, most of them thought that the Fengjun had no chance of winning, and they had already hid far away. Seeing our laughter, now that the Fengjun has won, they naturally can't sit still."

Zhang Tinglan smiled slightly: "They want to use Fengjun, and we also want to get something from them. Let's talk about it. The United States and Britain should also shed some blood. You must know that the majority party is a greater threat to them. Even worse!"

Feng Jun agreed to the meeting request, but the meeting place was chosen in Borja, which had just ended the battle. There must be some danger in negotiating on the front line of the war, but this is also a display of attitude. Feng Jun is fighting bloody battles. Time and Meiying wasted time, if you want Fengjun to help, you have to show real benefits.

The envoys of the two countries have received domestic instructions to try their best to win over Fengjun, so they came to Borgia without hesitation.In this city where the battle has just ended, the air is still filled with the smell of gunpowder and blood. Looking at the remaining holes, one has to feel the fierceness of the battle.

The Feng army has invested a large number of engineers and civilians, and is renovating the city. They are extremely fast and well-organized, and the area around the main railway station has been restored.

Seeing this scene, Baker, the Consul General who accompanied Klein to Fengtian, couldn't help saying: "Mr. Minister, I think Fengjun has at least the organizational capabilities similar to second-tier European countries, and it is a force worthy of attention. They are here, not only can they contain Russia's expansion to the Far East, but they can also contain the Japanese on land, which has a huge effect!"

Klein also nodded: "Yes, at this stage, it is in our interest to support the Fengjun, but we must know that China is a very large country with huge potential. Once the Fengjun unifies the country, it will The situation in the Far East has caused a serious impact, even greater than the disaster brought by the majority party, so we must be careful."

There are very realistic calculations of interests among countries. If China wants to complete industrialization, and if each Chinese wants to achieve half of the living standards of Westerners, it will consume almost half of the world's resources.This is the most real problem. The West will never take the initiative to cut meat to feed the Chinese just because China chooses to obey.Whether it is the Manchu Qing or the Democratic Party, their knees are weak, and they are used to kneeling and prostrating, and there is absolutely no way out.

Of course, the current powers believe that Fengjun has not exceeded the limit of tolerance, so the two sides can still cooperate. After the meeting, Klein said with a smile: "Your Excellency, Patrol Envoy, first of all, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to you for your victory. The party is a disaster and must be curbed. Fengjun has played a very important role in this matter. We also hope that Fengjun can continue to work hard and build a strong barrier."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Mr. Minister, fighting against Russia is a costly task. Fengjun really hopes to maintain peace in the Far East, but it is really beyond its capabilities."

"Your Excellency the Patrol Envoy, the 'government' of the British Empire is also willing to provide support." Eston also said: "London can purchase 300 million pounds of war bonds to assist the Feng army in combat."

Klein also hurriedly offered a price: "The United States can also purchase 2000 million yuan in bonds and provide 1000 million yuan in low-interest loans. Of course, we will provide more help according to the situation on the battlefield!"

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