Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 746 Years of Great Changes [Part [-]]

"Gentlemen from all walks of life, we and Japan are neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water. Japan has suffered unprecedented disasters. This is what anyone would like to see. As a member of mankind, as a person with conscience and morality, I propose that we should do our best to Our ability to donate to Japan and help the Japanese people out of the plight of the disaster, any perfunctory, is a crime against mankind."

Qian Xuantong, a famous linguist who advocates the abolition of Chinese characters, said loudly: "Japan is a model of East Asian civilization. It is also Japan's own efforts that defeated the mighty Tsarist Russia and brought a glimmer of hope to Asia. We are no better than Europeans and Americans are poor, as long as we follow the example of Japan, we can also become strong. This encouragement is precious, and we should remember Japan's kindness in our hearts. Out of human conscience, I am willing to donate 5100 yuan to let the Japanese people affected by the disaster, I can feel the warmth from China."

While talking, Qian Xuantong took out a thick stack of banknotes from his pocket, and slammed them heavily on the table.Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was a little awed. The government only donated 5000 yuan, but a scholar took out 5100 yuan. The meaning of entertainment was too obvious.

Some people feel a little discouraged, donate money to Japan, and express their goodwill. This is a good thing. After all, many people present have studied in Japan and made many friends. At this time, it is a proper thing to do a favor , but it is unnecessary to offend the government for this.

At this time, scholars stood up one after another, and more or less donated some.In addition, there are some old and young in the political circles and celebrities in the business world.They also donated generously, and soon the number of donations exceeded 10 yuan.

Seeing that everyone was paying money one after another, those who felt a little uncomfortable couldn't sit still, and they all donated money, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

Qian Xuantong and other scholars who organized this event all showed a smile on their faces. This time, Japan suffered an unprecedented earthquake, and the Chinese government donated 5000 yuan after the result.There is nothing left to say, which made many people feel aggrieved, and it happened to take out a little money, and it also made the government lose a little face.

At this moment, a young student suddenly stood up, walked a few steps to the front of the donation box, and took out a piece of rice paper from his arms.He smiled and said to several presiding scholars: "Teachers and gentlemen, I don't have much money, but I also want to show some love. These are a few words I wrote. If everyone can read them, I want to auction them on the spot. Do you think so?"

Qian Xuantong smiled slightly, and said: "Of course, don't worry, if others don't buy it, I will buy it." [

"Thank you sir."

As he spoke, the student suddenly unfolded the rice paper.When everyone saw it, there was an uproar in the audience.I saw that in the middle of this piece of paper, there were two big characters written in vermilion: Shame!

The big blood-red characters and the stinging eyes made everyone exclaim. Qian Xuantong's face turned ashen when he saw it. He pointed at the student and asked loudly, "What do you mean?"

"Hmph, I don't know what kindness Japan has for China, only blood feud, blood feud! The soldiers of the Beiyang Navy are watching from the sky, and the fathers and elders of the three eastern provinces are still there. The Japanese and Russian bandits are biting dogs on Chinese soil. What's the matter? What is worthy of praise? What made China stand up and let China see hope is to send troops to the Far East, to fight bloody battles on the Korean peninsula, and to fight against the Far East Fleet of the British Empire. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers fought bloody battles. You don’t know how to thank them, but give those executioners Donate money, this is laughable, especially shameful!"

"The earthquake is a natural disaster and a disaster for mankind. Our donation is entirely in the spirit of humanitarianism. You are confusing the public and messing around!" Several scholars said angrily.

"Humanitarianism, that's really nice to say. Those innocent souls at Lushunkou, the heroic spirits of the Beiyang Fleet, who talked to them about humanitarianism?"

"You're trying to make trouble, get out of here!" Qian Xuantong said loudly, several people rushed up, without any explanation, they dragged the student out, shoved and pushed him to the door.

Just as they were making a fuss, they suddenly heard the loud and clear voice of the newsboy outside: "Extraordinary, extra! HSBC received a large amount of holiday dollars. The financial turmoil has caused the yen to depreciate!"

The few scholars inside still couldn't hear what they were shouting, but all the businessmen near the door heard it, and two people jumped up immediately, rushed outside, and snatched the newspaper from the newsboy's hand.

After just looking at it twice, I felt like I was going crazy, and ran to the house. The fat man in his 50s and [-]s ran faster than a rabbit.The others also snatched the newspaper, and after a few glances, they were all dumbfounded.

The newspaper reported that two Japanese yen with the same serial number were found in the Tianjin branch of HSBC, and one of them was obviously a counterfeit.The bank hastily called in experts, and after a careful appraisal, it turned out that the two yen were exactly the same, and they could not be distinguished at all.

This scared the people in the bank into a fool. They had a lot of yen deposits in their hands, so they checked overnight and found a lot of fake dollars.The matter was so important that they reported it immediately. As a result, some banks headquartered in Europe also found fake yuan, and the amount was huge, as many as several million had already been discovered.

There may be dozens of times as many counterfeit currency that have not been discovered. It is also an unprecedented case of counterfeit currency in the history of banking, and all banks in the world are suddenly shocked.More and more counterfeit money was found out, which made everyone fall into horror.

Some banks in China also found out a large amount of counterfeit currency, and the credit of the yen in the world was fatally hit in an instant.Compared with the Great Kanto Earthquake, this news has attracted more attention from all countries. After all, the issue of the yen is related to everyone's vital interests.

Most of these people who came to donate to Japan have contacts with Japan and have a certain amount of yen in their homes. In their view, Japan is still a powerful country, and the yen is still trustworthy.But after seeing the news, they were all dumbfounded. If such a big problem happened, even if the yen at home was real, it would have shrunk significantly. [

Therefore, they all cried for their fathers and mothers, and never wanted to donate money to Japan. They all scolded Japan for being ashamed, and even used fake notes to deceive people. Humanitarianism and cosmopolitanism, in the face of real interests, have all become nonsense.

A good fundraising campaign turned out to be anticlimactic. The scholars who presided over it were dumbfounded when they heard that their works had also been published in Japan.Everyone was counting yen happily, but looking at the report in front of them, this group of people was almost hit by a bolt from the blue.

These little devils are really nothing, why donate money to them? Everyone scolded and scattered, and Qian Xuantong was extremely embarrassed. The 5100 yuan he donated was all in Japanese yen, and there might be some fake ones. This guy is an ass sat on the ground.


LuoYang HeNan.

Tang Wansan is a well-known rich man in Henan. Compared with Shen Wansan in the Ming Dynasty, his family has a lot of fertile land and a rich family background.When Wu Peifu was carrying out the land reform, Tang Wansan saw that there was nothing he could do, so he ran to Shanghai.

After Wu Peifu was driven away, he swaggered back to Henan, wanting to get back the land he once had, but he also heard that the new chief did not return the land directly, but continued to leave it to those mud legs.He immediately became angry. Wu Peifu has an army of 10,000+, and he dare not provoke him, but the new official is nothing!

He immediately summoned all the former thugs, and recruited a large number of local hooligans. He gathered more than 300 people and wanted to regain the land. They rushed towards Liujiawan aggressively.

As they got closer and closer, a few thugs with sharp eyes spotted a few half-grown children standing guard and running towards the village, and they laughed loudly: "Little bastard, go home and tell your mother that the uncle is here again!" , just wait for us honestly!"

Speaking of which, the others also burst into laughter, and Tang Wansan walked in the front, feeling very proud.But when they rushed to the entrance of the village, a group of farmers with hoes and shovels rushed out from inside, blocking Tang Wansan.

Tang Wansan saw the leading old farmer, and couldn't help laughing: "Old Liu, our two families can be regarded as the friendship of the son and the father. My father cut off two of your fingers to pay off the debt. What do you think?" How many do you want me to cut off from you this time? Hahaha!"

"I'll fight with you, cut off the dog's head, so as to save the villagers from suffering again!"

Old man Liu was holding a shovel and was about to rush over. Several young and strong men around him were aggrieved and wanted to rush over.At this time, Tang Wansan suddenly escaped with a Mauser pistol, shook his head in his hand, and said with a sneer, "See, Mr. Tang has a smoking guy. If you are not afraid of death, come here!"

Just when Tang Wansan was yelling loudly and recklessly, there was a sudden gunshot, and his wrist was instantly pierced. This insolent guy screamed, and the pistol fell to the ground.

There was a sound of orderly footsteps coming from the village, and more than [-] armed soldiers rushed out. They also carried two light machine guns with black muzzles, all aimed at Tang Wansan and the others. , Chu Mingyuan also walked out of the village, and looked coldly at the thugs.

"Listen to me, all of you. I am a counselor of the Henan Provincial Office. I am investigating. You all surrender and surrender after listening to it. Otherwise, you will be shot immediately."

No matter how many bandits there are, they are no match for the regular army. These guys can only honestly hand over their knives and guns and squat on the ground.

Old man Liu suddenly grabbed Chu Mingyuan's hand, and two turbid old tears fell from his eyes: "Sir, you are a good person, but you must leave us a way to survive, this land must never be taken away again! "

All the common people in Liujiawan suddenly knelt down: "Sir, have pity on us."

Facing these ordinary people, Chu Mingyuan really didn't dare to disappoint them. He returned to the provincial capital the next day, and Yan Xishan also came back early. As soon as they met, Yan Laoxi smiled and said: "Chu In the Senate, the vice president allocated 3000 million start-up funds, and with the money, it will be easy to handle." (To be continued...)

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