Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 751 Disturb the enemy and develop yourself

Oops, Qian Jiaxun let out a cry of pain, and fell heavily to the ground, clasping his legs with his hands, screaming in pain.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you!"

"There's something on the ground, stab it, stab it!"

Qian Xiaoguang took a closer look, and saw that there was a rusty thing with three iron spikes on the sole of Qian Jiaxun's foot, and the other one was firmly stuck into the sole of Qian Jiaxun's foot.


Qian Xiaoguang recognized it at a glance. The barbed wire has long been used as an obstacle on the battlefield. Once it is pierced, the ability to move basically disappears.Moreover, Qian Xiaoguang also knew that most of the barbed caltrops used by the guerrillas had been soaked in feces. As long as they were stuck, there was a risk of infection, and there was basically no cure.

"Xiaoguang, quickly carry me away, I don't want to die!"

Hearing Qian Jiaxun's painful cry, Qian Xiaoguang's eyes rolled, and at this moment, the gunshots from behind rang out again.As soon as Qian Xiaoguang gritted his teeth, he got up from the ground suddenly, and ran in the opposite direction, leaving Qian Jiaxun on the ground, no matter how much he cried, he didn't care at all.

Qian Xiaoguang ran another few hundred meters, and suddenly a small river appeared in front of him, and he hurriedly waded across the river.When he reached the opposite bank, Qian Xiaoguang suddenly looked up, and Qian Xiaoguang was frightened out of his wits. It turned out that there were several more black muzzles on the river bank, aimed at his head.

Li Xun sneered: "With your three-legged cat ability, you only want to be a traitor, don't you know your own weight!"

Qian Xiaoguang was about to run away, but at this time several other soldiers had already pinned him down and tied him up with ropes, like zongzi, tightly tied up.

At this time, the battle against the Dutch soldiers was also over, except for three or five people who escaped.The others were basically killed, and their bodies were thrown all over the place.

While cleaning the battlefield, Qian Jiaxun was also carried over. Seeing that Qian Xiaoguang had been arrested, Qian Jiaxun couldn't help laughing, his voice was like a night owl, horrifyingly horrifying.

"You ungrateful little bastard, you didn't run out, you deserve it!"

"Stop scolding you two, and save your strength. Look at the presents we gave you!"

Hearing these eerie words, Qian Jiaxun felt chills all over his body, and cried hastily: "Please, don't kill me, everyone is Chinese. I'm also fascinated by ghosts for a while, just give me a way to survive..."

Before he finished speaking.A gun butt hit him hard on the mouth.Immediately, all four front teeth were knocked out, and the mouth was covered with blood, and I couldn't hear anything clearly.

As soon as Li Xun waved his hand, several soldiers dragged their uncles and nephews to the boat.After walking for a while, they stopped in a small valley, and there was another huge pit in the middle of the valley, after the soldiers carefully tore off the thatch covering it.Suddenly, a black hole three to five meters deep was revealed.

"This is the venomous snake we collected. It is usually used to extract venom. Come and enjoy it!"

Li Xun grabbed Qian Xiaoguang's neck and asked him to look inside. He saw hundreds of poisonous snakes under the pit, colorful and colorful, crawling back and forth, hissing sounds as if they came from hell.

"Ah!" As soon as Qian Xiaoguang took a look, a stream of warm liquid gushed out of his crotch, and this guy was already scared to pee.

"I heard people say that this thing has another name, Caipan. It's something that King Shang Zhou and Daji thought up to punish people. You can enjoy it too, so you're blessed!"

As he said that, Li Xun grabbed Qian Xiaoguang by the neck and threw him down. Qian Xiaoguang rolled down and landed on a group of cold bodies.His hand just pressed on the body of a thick poisonous snake, and the dense scales touched his hand, like a life-threatening talisman.

"Help!" Qian Xiaoguang yelled in pain, got up suddenly, and wanted to escape. At this time, a small poisonous snake bit his foot. ...

Various toxins were injected into Qian Xiaoguang's body, and he soon lost the ability to move, his body became stiff, and he collapsed on the ground.The venom contained both neurotoxins and blood toxins. Qian Xiaoguang's body convulsed uncontrollably, his capillaries burst, and his skin gradually turned red.

At this moment, Qian Jiaxun, who had already fainted from fright, was also thrown down. When his fangs bit his body, Qian Jiaxun was awakened again.But when he saw those densely packed poisonous snakes, he immediately screamed, fell to the ground, and died of fright.

After killing two scumbags and over a hundred Dutch soldiers along the way, the guerrillas finally regained their confidence. Everyone was fighting high and wanted to take more decisive measures to turn Nanyang into a mess.

But at this moment, a secret telegram from China was sent to Xu Shuzheng. According to Zhang Tinglan's intention, Nanyang's actions should not be aimed at annihilating the enemy.Instead, they should pay more attention to protecting themselves, establish a tight organization, and establish their own base in the depths of the sparsely populated rainforest.

Then let go to mobilize the Chinese in Nanyang, accumulate strength, and wait for greater actions. As for the colonial troops in Nanyang, it is enough to maintain a certain amount of harassment.

After seeing this, Xu Shuzheng knew very well that this was because the country wanted them to lay a solid foundation. They had suffered from an unstable foundation before, so they really shouldn't be too anxious this time.And he also knows that these struggles in Nanyang do not depend on the Nanyang Chinese themselves, but on the domestic.

Judging from the current situation, China is also entering a period of large-scale construction, and it needs to concentrate on development.For the time being, it is still unable to interfere in Nanyang on a large scale, so this kind of arrangement is also normal.

Xu Shuzheng also changed his measures immediately. They began to establish a solid base in the depths of Borneo, and even opened up plantations to grow things like opium.Borneo has a vast area, and the area that Britain and the Netherlands can control is limited. After the guerrillas changed their tactics, they were unable to wipe them out, and could only endure endless harassment and misery.

Also miserable is Japan. They blamed the Great Kanto Earthquake on the Koreans and massacred the Koreans.As a result, the news spread to the peninsula, and the backlog of anger suddenly swelled up again.A large number of resistance organizations have also emerged on the Korean Peninsula, constantly attacking Japan, and some North Koreans even launched suicide attacks.

They were strapped with bombs, sneaked into police stations, banks, government and other places, detonated the bombs on their bodies, and died together with the people around them.Among the bombs of these people, there are still a large number of iron beads and iron pieces added to increase the power.With these things, the effect of the explosion is even more astonishing. Usually, a suicide attacker can kill a dozen people and cause a large number of casualties.

Obviously, only Zhang Tinglan can do this kind of super-era technique.And there is no lack of people who dare to risk their lives among the North Koreans. There are still quite a few people like Ahn Jung-geun.

The crazy actions of the Koreans made the Japanese miserable. The entire peninsula even reached the stage of being in a state of desolation. The Japanese had to deploy a large number of troops to guard various important positions and check pedestrians on the road at any time. If there is any problem, they will be arrested on the spot. shot.

As a result, after doing this, a large number of manslaughters were caused. As a result, the resentment of the North Koreans became more and more serious, and the two sides have reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.In order to appease the powder keg of the Korean peninsula, the Japanese had to increase their troops in large numbers. These are definitely a serious drag on Japan, which is still being hit by the earthquake.

If you want to win over your opponent, there are two ways, either by working hard to surpass the opponent, or pulling the opponent down.Zhang Tinglan is now using two methods together. On the one hand, he continues to cause trouble for Japan and the United Kingdom in the colonies, and on the other hand, he concentrates his efforts on industrial construction.

The land reform in Henan has achieved initial results, and tens of millions of people have obtained land. With this cemetery, the government has successfully strengthened its control over the local area, and administrative units at all levels have been established.Although exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes have been abolished, due to the lack of exploitation by landlords at the first level, it is estimated that the land tax income can be increased by [-]%, and this increase is based on the reduction of farmers' burdens and higher agricultural production. Precious enough.

After gaining mature experience, Shandong and Hebei also started preparations for the land reform. According to Zhang Tinglan's plan, all the rectification and reform in North China should be completed before 25 years.As for the southeast area, there is a deep commercial tradition, and Zhang Tinglan is not prepared to carry out land reform rashly.

Instead, it is necessary to conduct scientific research, determine the direction of industrial development, and encourage the cultivation of cash crops on the premise of ensuring grain production.China is too big and too complicated, and it would not be cost-effective to carry out a one-size-fits-all land reform.Just like in the Northwest and other places, farms and pastures have been vigorously promoted to engage in large-scale agriculture.

In addition, good news came from the Northeast. The construction of the Fengman Hydropower Station has finally been completed and has begun to connect to the grid for power generation.It is estimated that 15 billion kWh of clean hydropower can be provided in the first year, and after stabilization, the annual power generation can reach 26 billion kWh.

This power generation is equivalent to one and a half times the sum of other power generation, and the national power generation has also doubled at once, and the three eastern provinces have been short of power, which has finally made up for it.In fact, the proportion of hydropower in later generations is not high, and there is only one reason why this effect can be achieved now, that is, the development of electric power is too lagging.

Just after the completion of the Fengman Hydropower Station, Zhang Tinglan invited the main cabinet officials, including Wang Yongjiang and Yan Xishan, to Beijing, and everyone gathered together.

"There are two important things this time. The first is to unify the country's finance, abolish the two and change the yuan, and implement the Huayuan throughout the country with reference to the mature experience of the vote. The second is to deploy the first five-year industrial construction plan. Within a year, we will strive to increase the output of major industrial products to more than twice that of Japan. Among them, the output of iron and steel will reach 1928 million tons by 500. This amount is almost on the same level as Russia. With our geographical advantages, You can fight against Russia and Japan at the same time!” (To be continued..)

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