The strongest militia

Chapter 302 Dark Dragon, welcome back!

When everyone's eyes were on Takahashi, the commander of the Tianyan City Defense, Takahashi looked at the militia members on the warships and around the pier, and his heart was beating.Do you want to fight with these fierce militiamen?

Moreover, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade had already opened fire just now, and he believed that the troops he had deployed in the city would come to their rescue as soon as the gunfire rang out at the pier.At that time, there may be a chance of survival.

It was just a fluke, when the first merchant ship arrived at the pier, teams of elite militiamen rushed down from the merchant ship, ignoring them at all, and when they directly launched a surprise attack on Tianyan City, Takahashi knew he was defeated .In the face of these militia troops continuously entering Tianxi from the sea, the guards in his city could not resist for long.

Dispelling the only luck, Takahashi immediately said to Lin Sihai: "I can surrender to your army, but I hope you can guarantee the lives of my soldiers."

When Lin Sihai heard that Takahashi was willing to surrender, he smiled and said, "I can't make up my mind about this, you'd better ask this General Wang." [

When Wang Jinbiao came here, he already knew the intelligence agent in front of him, but the legendary third-s rank intelligence agent was about the same as him in terms of military rank.What's more, this person was able to win the Tianjin Port Wharf so smoothly this time, and this person has the highest credit.

He smiled and said: "Brother Lin, you are being polite. You can make a decision to agree to this old devil. As long as he puts down his weapon and surrenders, I believe a little life can still be saved."

With Wang Jinbiao's answer, Lin Sihai told Gaoqiao in Japanese that putting down the weapon can save a life.But in the end they still have to accept the trial of the militia corps. If they are the kind of little devils who have committed a heinous crime and owe a lot of blood debt, they will still be unable to escape the trial of the militia corps.What's more, in this situation, there is no room for them to pick and choose.

Seeing a fully armed militia unit jumping off the merchant ship and rushing towards Tianyan City, there was another order from Takahashi.The accompanying Japanese guards, as well as those surviving Japanese naval elites, were quickly ordered by Lin Sihai to tie up the puppet troops who were still in a state of terror, and escorted them to an open space on the pier to be held alone. up.

Last night when these navies entered the high street for fun.Lin Hai, who sent away the Flying Eagle Squadron, soon used the same trick to trick the remaining Japanese soldiers who were searching for the warship.Let the reconnaissance brigade successfully capture and kill them, and finally decided to catch these Japanese naval elites at the dock.

Originally, they only hoped to hunt and kill these remnants of the navy who had escaped, but they bought one and got one free to take down Gaoqiao, the city defense officer of Tianyan City.This is also the reason why Lin Sihai made a sudden decision to take down the two Japanese generals in one go after seeing such an unexpected situation.

These merchant ships loaded with the elite of the People's First Division, the vanguard of the People's First Division have already rushed into the streets of the dock.And after the defensive cordon is arranged.The merchant ships that arrived one after another also carried the vehicles and supplies of the First Civilian Division, as well as cannons, ashore.Looking at the spirit of the officers and soldiers of the First Civilian Division, Lin Sihai, who had been lurking for several years, also sighed in his heart that his choice at that time was still not wrong.

Facing the surprised and frightened eyes of the officers and soldiers of the coastal defense battalion around him, Lin Sihai called several confidant officers to his side and said, "Brothers, I'm really sorry, because my status has too much to do with it. Forgive me for not telling you, my real identity.

This time Tianyan City is liberated, if you are willing to serve as soldiers, I will tell Commander Deng to arrange you into the army. I believe you have also seen just now how powerful the militia is.If you don't want to be a soldier, I can give you some money.Let you settle down in Tianyan or find another place to live.

It's rare for everyone to be brothers, and I will definitely not treat you badly.The same goes for other brothers, as long as you follow me, Lin Sihai, I will definitely keep you safe this time. "

Hearing what Lin Sihai said, the officers of the coastal defense battalion around him were a little relieved, but a few hard-core confidants seemed not surprised by Lin Sihai's arrangement, and said directly: "Bing Zuo, then do you choose to be a soldier or a soldier?" ?Anyway, what do you do. Our brothers will do what you do. We have said before that we share the wealth and share the difficulties.”

Hearing this question from his confidant, Lin Sihai seemed a little dazed and said: "To tell you the truth, my mission in the militia corps has ended, and I don't know what I will do in the future. But what I want most now is Go to North China to see my wife and children. As for my future work arrangements, I’m afraid I won’t know until I meet Commander Deng.”

While they were chatting, Lin Sihai, who withdrew his troops back to the camp in order to prevent friction between his subordinates and the militia, saw a confidant officer standing guard at the gate of the camp, and said a little excitedly: "Battle seat. The king just now The general sent someone over to inform you that Commander Deng has arrived at the pier and is waiting to see you!"

Commander Deng, this title is known to all soldiers in northern China, and the more brilliant the militia record he created, the higher his prestige and influence among the soldiers will naturally be.So that when they heard that Commander Deng invited Lin Sihai, these puppet troops who were also worried about whether they would be liquidated immediately realized that their camp must be the celebrity in front of Commander Deng.Based on their understanding of Lin Sihai, this little life must be preserved!

When he knew that Deng Chenggong had arrived here, Lin Sihai did not dare to neglect, and immediately took off the yellow skin on his body, changed into a suit of usual clothes, and at a glance, he knew that it was led by elite soldiers to the pier.Seeing Deng Chenggong, who was protected by Captain Flying Eagle and the Captain of the Reconnaissance Team, Lin Sihai sighed that the years had given them some changes.

The special operations captain who captured him in the water fortress had not seen him for a few years, and turned into the commander-in-chief of the strongest militia in northern China.The slightly youthful face before now also looks a little more majestic.

Deng Chenggong, who was inspecting the wharf of Tianyan Port, saw Lin Sihai approaching, immediately stopped the work of directing these officers to repair the wharf, and walked towards Lin Sihai.

When the two faced each other, Deng Chenggong looked at the leader of the water bandit who had been released at the beginning, and raised his hands in salute in front of these subordinates: "Dark Dragon, welcome back to the team!"

Lin Sihai was naturally moved to be able to be saluted by a dignified commander-in-chief of the militia, and he returned the salute in a panic and said immediately: "Commander-in-chief, I dare not be the commander-in-chief! This is what I should do!" [

Deng Chenggong shook his head and said: "Perhaps in your opinion, you just fulfilled the duties of an intelligence officer and a Chinese person, but I know that because of your spirit of giving up your family for everyone, our militia corps has a navy." , we have China's first aircraft carrier fleet. Therefore, I should salute you both publicly and privately.

However, I will not talk about your work arrangement and military merit evaluation for the time being.I'll look for you again after I take down Tianyan City.Now you should go and see the surprise I prepared for you!Xiao Wu, you take the dark dragon there.When he needs anything, he can tell me anytime. "


Hearing this, Lin Sihai seemed to realize something. Originally, he wanted to report on the coastal defense battalion. Seeing that Deng Chenggong seemed to have a lot of work when he went ashore.So after letting people go back to say hello to their brothers, they followed Luo Wu to another warship docked at the pier.

When Luo Wu led him to a door, Luo Wu said without a door, "Brother Lin, I'll send it here, you should knock on the door and go in by yourself! I'll be guarding outside, you Just call me anytime you need anything."

After talking politely with Luo Wu, Lin Sihai looked at the door that was close at hand, but didn't dare to knock on the door for a long time.Just when he raised his hand to knock on the door, the door was pulled open, and a very delicate little girl came out from inside.The girl was only slightly surprised when she saw Lin Sihai, and quickly asked, "Uncle, who are you? Why are you standing at the door of my house?"

From the outline of the girl's face, Lin Sihai could see some clues. Feeling his eyes were a little wet, he squatted down for fear of frightening the little girl and said with a smile, "Are you called Lin Xiaoyu?"

When Lin Xiaoyu heard that the other party could call out her name, she also seemed very surprised and said: "Uncle, how do you know my name? Who are you? Why do I feel like I have seen you before, but I just can't remember Who the hell are you?"

Just when Lin Xiaoyu felt that the middle-aged man in front of him seemed to have seen him before, Mrs. Lin who was staying in the room suddenly heard her daughter talking to someone, and hurried out of the room.When she saw the person squatting in front of her daughter, she looked a little emotional and said, "Sihai?"

Mrs. Lin, who had never understood why her mother and son would follow the army to board the ship and act, finally understood the moment she saw Lin Sihai that her long wait was not in vain.The family of four was finally reunited again.

Lin Sihai, who was woken up by a familiar address, looked up at his longing lover and appeared in front of his eyes. He also said with tears in his eyes: "Xiuying, it's me! I came to see you. I have made you suffer all these years." Already!"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Lin, who had been waiting for this moment to reunite for many years, finally couldn't help sobbing and threw herself into Lin Sihai's arms. A couple of hard-working couples embraced and cried in the room of the warship.Lin Sihai's son, Lin Xiaofeng, who was resting in the room just now, came out when he heard the sound of crying outside.When he saw the man embracing his mother, he, who was almost ten years old, immediately said in disbelief, "Father?"

Although Lin Xiaofeng was still young when his family separated in Shuizhai, he was already four or five years old at the time, and he still had more memories of his father in his mind than Lin Xiaoyu.As soon as this father's address came out, it seemed that the couple who were immersed in the joy of reunion seemed to wake up.

Looking at his son's unbelievable eyes, Lin Sihai gently opened his hands holding his wife, without even wiping away his tears, he said directly: "Xiaofeng, I'm back to see you!"

As he spoke, he hugged Lin Xiaofeng, who was still in shock, into his arms, kissed a few excitedly, and Mrs. Lin also seemed very happy to see that the father and son were so close after not seeing each other for several years.

He pulled Lin Xiaoyu, who couldn't understand what happened to his mother and brother today, to his side, and told Lin Xiaoyu softly.When the person who talked to her just now was the father they had always wanted to see, Lin Xiaoyu was obviously not very happy, but she still felt that she was the same as others now, and finally had a father and a child! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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