Planet Rebirth

Chapter 1 Good Morning Earth

() In low-Earth orbit, the huge International Space Station is orbiting the Earth stably.

Space shuttle Atlantis successfully separated from the space station's hanger at [-]:[-]AM GMT on Earth.After the pressure-stabilizing pipe of the space station separated from the body of the space shuttle, white smoke came out.

The auxiliary thrusters on one side of the fuselage of the space shuttle keep spraying intermittently, so that the space shuttle can safely follow the established flight procedures and stay away from the space station.

After the Atlantis moved away from the space station and slid into a safe area, it made a 360° rotation in the cold and quiet outer space, and then the main thrusters were ignited. Although huge turbulent waves were formed, it was like a sharp wave. Like an arrow, it rushed towards the earth's atmosphere.

Watch as the flames from Atlantis' three main thrusters fade into the darkness.Yang Rui sighed and turned his gaze back to the living cabin from the observation window.When he looked at the pipelines and instruments of various colors on the walls around him, he frowned unconsciously.

At this time, James floated over from not far away. He had obviously just finished urinating, and the zipper of his one-piece suit hadn't been zipped properly.His mood seemed to be exactly the opposite of Yang Rui's, with a rosy complexion, bright eyes, and a smile on his lips.

When he floated in front of Yang Rui, he said, "What's wrong? You've been homesick since you came here?"

Yang Rui grumbled, "My toilet hasn't been fixed yet."

James smiled and said, "I don't remember you being in this flight plan."

Yang Rui nodded: "I'm a temporary worker on shift."

"Nasa pays you a lot of money as a temporary worker. Your hourly salary is more than that of your toilet repairer for a year." James said, his body had already floated to the other side of the living cabin.

Yang Rui didn't speak any more, he kicked his feet lightly on the bulkhead, his body was lying flat and floating in the air, his hands were holding the back of his head, it looked like he was lying on a transparent bed, and that was rather strange. Cozy.

At this time, with the sound of "嗞", the hatch connected to the space laboratory was pushed open, and the tall Russian astronaut Kirov got into the living cabin with his hands on the hatch, and his arrival made the place seem a bit crowded.

Kirov pushed Yang Rui aside with his big hand, muttering red cabbage soup-like English: "Don't stand in my way here."

Yang Rui stretched out his middle finger and gestured vigorously at Kirov. Kirov saw this scene and said with a smile: "I'll kill you when you get back to the ground."

Yang Rui sarcastically said: "You might as well do it now, then you will definitely be in the headlines tomorrow."

James shouted from a distance: "Gentlemen, this is a violation of the space station's code of conduct."

Yang Rui scolded: "Fuck the rules of conduct."

As soon as he finished speaking, the green light next to the monitor on the bulkhead turned on, which indicated that the communication signal from the earth had been received by the International Space Station.

James turned on the monitor, and a distorted fat face appeared on it. The fat face opened its mouth and said, "This is Houston, please call back."

James connected the intercom and replied with a sunny smile on his fat face: "Good morning Houston, this is the International Space Station. Over!"

The fat face continued to distort to an unfathomable degree on the monitor, although James tried to adjust the angle of the receiving antenna, but the effect was still not obvious.

The fat face said: "This is Houston, and the gamma rays are further enhanced. I need detailed data for the last 24 hours. Finished!"

James said: "I will package and upload the data to the transmission unit in 10 minutes. At present, the intensity of gamma rays is still below the alert value. Finished!"

Apparently Fat Face saw Yang Rui floating around behind James, and he asked, "Rui, are you okay?"

Although Yang Rui knew that the fat face was his immediate boss, Peter, the director of NASA's aerospace technology department, he still couldn't help but turned his head and shouted at the monitor: "The fucker is a big liar!"

A lot of laughter came from the loudspeakers, from colleagues in NASA's command center in Houston.Peter also smiled, showing his huge yellow teeth, and said, "After this mission is over, I will consider your application for transfer."

Yang Rui seemed a little emotional. He pushed away James who was standing in front of him and shouted at the monitor: "This is the fourth time you've told me that. I won't trust you anymore. I want to go home!!"

After speaking, he thumped the frame of the monitor a few times to express his anger.

Peter appeared calm and composed. He was not worried that the astronaut who was a bit out of control would cause some personal harm to him. He said calmly: "Ray, you need counseling from a psychiatrist. I will arrange for Charle in 10 minutes." Dr. Ton was on the phone with you."

Yang Rui knew that his face would appear on the big screen in the Houston command center at this time, so he stretched out his middle finger and replied to the monitor: "I can find those psychological counseling skills of the British guys on Le, and I I don't want to hear his nagging."

James said from the side: "Houston, this is the International Space Station. I think Ray is just a slight sign of space confinement syndrome. He will return to normal after breakfast. Over!"

Peter was unmoved, and said: "We will evaluate Rui's behavior to confirm whether he can continue to be an astronaut."

"Then it's better to arrest me!" Yang Rui continued: "It's better to be locked up in prison than here. I've had enough of this damn coffin."

Suddenly, the alarm above the living cabin remembered, James immediately grabbed the armrest and rushed to the monitor and shouted: "Report the fault code."

Kirov passed through the living cabin flexibly with his huge body, came to his operating position to check the instruments and shouted: "Fault code bsh775, the fault location is the No. [-] main solar panel."

James shouted again: "Rui, activate the surveillance camera to confirm the fault."

Yang Rui manipulated the holographic camera with his left hand to turn to the No. [-] main solar panel.

"I saw it." Yang Rui shouted: "Visual inspection is that a micro meteorite hit the a4 module of the battery board."

James shouted: "We successfully stopped an asteroid from destroying the earth!"

After speaking, the three astronauts all laughed.

Peter's fat face became more and more distorted on the monitor, and the screen was covered with snowflakes, almost invisible. James could only contact Houston through the microphone.

After reporting what happened just now, James said: "Houston, request to go out and disassemble the destroyed battery module."

Peter replied: "Negative! Ray's mental state is not suitable for EVA."

James said: "From the surveillance footage, the destroyed battery template is likely to detach by itself, and will hit the outer bulkhead of the space laboratory, causing unknown damage. Request extravehicular operations again. Over."

Yang Rui grabbed James' walkie-talkie and shouted: "I'm fine, I just want to say hello, if I'm really crazy, I'll blow up this space station long ago, please allow me to carry out extravehicular operations, complete."

The loudspeaker made a harsh noise due to the interference of the current, and Yang Rui continued: "Houston, this is the International Space Station. I am in good condition and can perform extravehicular operations. I think you can no longer return the Atlantis to the space station." Space station, and I'm the only person here with EVA experience. Over!"

"Houston understands that extravehicular operations are allowed." Peter made a decision.

Three to ten minutes later, after the provisional plan for extravehicular operations was determined, James put Yang Rui on the spacesuit in strict accordance with the operating regulations.While wearing the helmet, he found a metal necklace protruding from Yang Rui's neck.So I reached out and grabbed it. It was a beautiful necklace, and the pendant was an exquisite cross.

"Hanging ornaments is a violation of the code of conduct for extravehicular operations," James said with a smile.

"Fuck the rules." Yang Rui cursed: "The space station regulations also stipulate that each astronaut can carry no more than one kilogram of personal belongings."

"But..." James still hesitated: "Will taking this out of the cabin interfere with the instrument?"

Yang Rui patted James on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Relax, I have carried out 27 extravehicular operations, and I have worn it every time without any problems. This thing can be regarded as my amulet."

James shrugged his shoulders, did not raise any objections, and continued to pressurize the spacesuit.After helping Yang Rui put on the heavy helmet, he suddenly asked, "Do you also believe in God?"

Yang Rui giggled and said, "If I believed in God, I wouldn't choose to do this job. However, my girlfriend is a theist, she is a devout Catholic, and she has been trying to convince me of God's existence." But I told her that I am God. Because what we are doing now is what God did in the eyes of people in the era when Jesus preached.”

James nodded and said: "It's really hard for me to believe that you will come together. This is simply a problem of cosmic physics. You are not in the same plane at all."

Yang Rui stuck out his tongue: "This can only be explained by a miracle."

James snorted and explained, "Love is beyond science."

"You're right." Yang Rui pushed the drinking pipe to the side to avoid poking his chin when he turned his head. Hearing what James said, he nodded and said, "Love brought us together."

James turned on the power of the space suit, and the oxygen mask slowly fell until it completely covered Yang Rui's handsome face. He said, "Good luck, and don't make mistakes."

Yang Zhong adjusted his body position in the space suit, then turned on the communication module and replied: "In order to return to Earth as soon as possible and see my girlfriend, I will also follow the operating procedure."

"I hope so." With a little force on his arms, James floated into the operation cabin and said to Yang Rui through the microphone: "Go to the exit position and prepare for the last five minutes."

"Understood." Wearing a clumsy space suit, Yang Rui slowly got into the upper hatch of the living cabin, which is connected to the exit preparation room.At the last moment of getting in, Yang Rui didn't forget to say hello to Kirov: "See you later, Russian."

Kirov waved to Yang Rui: "Although you are saving me, I won't miss you."

"**you!" After Yang Rui cursed, he completely disappeared in the preparation room.

James said to Yang Rui in the operation cabin: "Now start the external decompression and check the various instrument indexes."

Yang Rui raised his arm and saw that the oxygen, pressure, and sensor indexes on the comprehensive display installed on the arm were all within the normal range."Everything is fine, over," he said.

James was nervously operating the instruments and equipment, keeping his eyes fixed on all the monitor screens, and connected to the frequency band of the Houston ground command center, saying: "Houston, the life indexes of the astronauts are normal, requesting instructions. Finished!"

Peter's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Allowed to leave the cabin, keep in touch at any time, over."

James raised his voice and shouted: "The decompression is complete, and the outer hatch will be opened in 30 seconds."

Yang Rui heard the instructions in the earphones and replied: "Understood!"

"Open the outer hatch." James pressed the button, and said to Yang Rui: "God be with you."

Yang Rui replied with a smile: "Take it easy, young man."

Before he finished speaking, he only heard a special noise from the hydraulic transmission. Yang Rui felt that he was suddenly lifted up by a huge suction force. He quickly stretched out his hands and grabbed the handrails on both sides, and finally confirmed the installation of the traction protection chain. After getting it right, he glanced up at the top of his head.

It was a perfectly round black hole, silent and silent, containing boundless mystery and power.Yang Rui took a deep breath, grabbed the handrail and climbed up step by step.

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