Planet Rebirth

Chapter 101 Aigner leaves

The war is over, and the planet is desolate again. The creatures are extinct on a large scale. The earth, mountains and rivers have suffered a huge impact.

A large number of corpses piled up like mountains, and there was a stench in the air that could not dissipate for thousands of years.

Yang Rui returned to the ground. He needed to recover all the energy fields emitted by these creatures after they died, so that the planet could be revived again.

In the depths of the earth's core, there are not as many shiny cells in the warm seawater as before. Yang Rui checked the map, and most of the creatures have come to another world, but they have disappeared due to various reasons.

He used his divine power to purify the planet. The corpses on the continent were gradually buried by wind and sand, and absorbed by the soil to become the fertilizer for new life. deep purification.

I don't know how many years later, Yang Rui felt that the outside world had returned to calm, the creation of the war had also been repaired, and more importantly, his strength had been further enhanced, because the decomposition of the corpses of those alien races also brought him pain. The energy field came, allowing him to draw more power from it.

In the end, he recreated countless lives from the remaining cells and released them to the surface of the planet. At this time, the depths of the earth's core were empty, and there was only one life cell rippling in the water alone. That cell was a semi-finished product. Back then, Yang Rui It wanted to create it into a human being, but was prevented by the observer.

At this moment, a thought suddenly occurred to Yang Rui's mind, but it disappeared immediately because he was disturbed by the external changes.

He quickly returned to the ground, and found that Aigner's huge spaceship was flying in the sky, and it looked like it was about to fly out of the atmosphere.

Yang Rui came to the continent of Atlantis, and there was abnormal commotion here, and the Agners gathered in the square and did not know what they were arguing about.

Yang Ruifei came among them, only to hear that since the space battleship was completed, the Aigners had an idea. Many of them, especially the older generation Aigner, wanted to return to their hometown go.

Yang Rui saw Cesarian again, the great Aigner is now so old that his actions have been quite slow.

Yang Rui looked at Cesarian calmly and said, "No matter how much holy water you drink, life will eventually end."

Cessarian nodded and said, "My master, you are right! I already have a premonition that my life will soon come to an end."

Yang Rui said, "Do you still have a wish to realize?"

Cesarian knelt in front of Yang Rui and said: "My master, without you, Aigner would not be where he is today, nor would I have the glory of Cesarian's life. However, in this dying day, an old Aiger Na's greatest wish is to return to his hometown, please agree to my request."

Yang Rui smiled and said: "Facing your request, what else can I say? Of course I would like you to go back to your hometown! That is the result I hope to see! After all, that is your real home!" "

"I will never go!" Elus' voice came from outside the door. She stepped into her father's hut and said, "I was born here and grew up here, and I will never go!"

Yang Rui suddenly said solemnly to Elus: "Don't you think about your father and your clansmen who are willing to return to their hometown? You are the leader of Aigner! You can't act on your emotions!"

Ai Lusi burst into tears, not knowing how to answer Yang Rui's words.

At this time, Cesarean stroked his daughter's hair and said: "My child! My father is old and misses everything in his hometown! I just want to die in the place where I was born, and I hope you can fulfill my father's wish! Wait until I die In the end, whether you are coming back here is your will! Aigner advocates freedom, and the interests of the whole family must not be damaged due to the will of one person."

Elus looked at Yang Rui resentfully, and said, "I may not be able to change Aigner's mind, most people here want to go back to their former hometown!"

Yang Rui stood up and said, "Then go! This planet will always be your second home. If you want to come back, I will wait for you here."

After speaking, Yang Rui left without looking back.

In the following days, the Aigners began their preparations for the long journey.They built 88 space battleships, enough to bring the entire clan onto the spaceship, and they also prepared enough food and holy water.

The space folding technology developed by Ishtar allows them to sail in space at the fastest relative speed, so that it will not take hundreds of thousands of years to travel a short distance.

It was a sunny day, and the six space battleships were ready to go. Cessarian led all Aigners to kneel on the ground and made their last prayers in the direction of the Snowy Mountains.

Yang Rui saw all this on the rooftop, but there was no expression on his face.

In the end, the Aigners boarded the spacecraft in an orderly manner, and began their long interstellar journey.

Seeing the spaceships leave the atmosphere one after another, until the last one was about to leave the atmosphere, it stopped suddenly.Yang Rui saw a Shining attack plane flying out of the battleship and coming straight here.

The Shining attack plane stopped at the main entrance of the shrine, and Elus jumped down with tears on her face, and rushed straight into the magic power.

The angel blocked her way, and Elus yelled, "I want to see him!"

The angels were overwhelmed by Elus' true feelings, and they let go of the female Aigner.

Elus ran all the way to the rooftop, Yang Rui turned his back to her and said, "Leave this atmosphere, then everything will depend on you."

Elus was crying like a tear, she walked up to Yang Rui and said, "Don't you want to look at me again?"

Yang Rui turned around, looked at Elus with a smile and said, "I didn't create you, and I can't change your destiny. Maybe going home is your ultimate belonging."

Elus immediately hugged Yang Rui and kissed him on the lips, she said: "I will definitely come back again, this is my home."

Yang Rui nodded and said, "I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Yang Rui saw that Elus seemed to have a lot to say, but he turned around firmly and said coldly: "Go, your people are waiting for you."

Yang Rui didn't look back, he heard the footsteps gradually going away, and after a while, the Shining attack plane circled above his head for a long time before flying back to the mothership.

The last mothership left the atmosphere, and Yang Rui felt that the world suddenly became lonely.

He came to the continent where Aigner once lived. The buildings here are still there, but there is silence, and their laughter and laughter can no longer be heard, especially the beautiful, kind but resolute and brave Elus.

Yang Rui couldn't bear to look at this continent again, and then used his divine power to sink this continent called Atlantis into the bottom of the sea, and sealed everything up, waiting for the day when Elus returned.

When he returned to the shrine, there was a howl from the sky, and Yang Rui asked Samuel, "What happened?"

Samuel said worriedly: "The Sumerian army is gathering towards Fangorn Forest."

Yang Rui said: "After Xerath died, Austin inherited his throne, right?"


Yang Rui nodded and said, "It seems that this world will not be peaceful in the end!"

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