Planet Rebirth

Chapter 103 God Is the Culprit

A snake swam into the garden. It coiled on a branch and said to Eve under the tree, "Why don't you eat the fruit from that tree?"

Eve looked at the fruit tree that could distinguish between good and evil, which was full of attractive fruits, and she replied, "God won't let us eat it, and if we eat it, we will die."

The snake continued: "Eating the fruit will not kill you at all. It will make you more beautiful and Adam more handsome. It will also prolong your life and enjoy the sexual love between men and women. The reason why God does not let you eat it is because I’m afraid that you will have god-like abilities after eating it.”

Eve felt a little moved in her heart, but she still held back and said, "I can't do this, I can't go against God's will."

The snake showed a treacherous smile and said, "Now that God is gone, no one will know what you have done."

"But God will find out."

"However, before he found out, you have already enjoyed the most wonderful thing in this world. Isn't this a wishful thing?"

Seeing the change in Eve's face, the snake encouraged her and said, "Go, there is nothing like enjoying pleasure, instead of following these rules and regulations here all day long."

Then Eve called Adam, and the two sneaked into the garden. Eve reached out and picked an apple from the tree of knowledge and evil, and said to Adam, "Eat."

Adam exclaimed, "Are you crazy? God forbids us to touch the fruit of this tree."

Eve put the apple in her mouth and took a bite. The fresh and delicious fruit filled her mouth, which made her feel unprecedentedly happy. She looked at Adam in front of her and said, "I ate it first, and you eat it too. Eat it, We will not die, and we can become gods."

Adam hesitantly finally took a bite of the apple, looked at Eve's encouraging eyes, took a bite timidly, and suddenly felt extremely hot all over, he threw away the apple, hugged Eve, and kissed the woman in his arms frantically.

Eve enthusiastically catered to Adam's offensive, and she shouted intoxicated and obsessively: "Have sex with me, I need you, Adam."

After the two drank water again, their appearance became more handsome and beautiful. They made love to their heart's content under the tree in the garden, enjoying the joy between the sexes.

Seeing this scene, Yang Rui shook his head helplessly, and murmured: "Human beings are so easy to be tempted."

He returned to the garden, walked in the courtyard, and called the names of Adam and Eve, but they did not appear for a long time.

Yang Rui came to the deepest part of the garden, where there were dense bushes. He could already see that Adam and Eve were hiding behind the bushes, but they refused to come out.

So he said, "Why don't you dare to see me?"

Seeing that they could no longer hide, Adam and Eve came out from behind the bushes. When they saw Yang Rui standing in front of them, they didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

Yang Rui asked: "During the time I was away, what did you do?"

Adam didn't speak, but Eve shook her head and said, "We just follow your instructions and take good care of the garden."

"Did you steal the fruit from that tree?"

Both Eve and Adam shook their heads firmly and said, "No."

Yang Rui asked again: "As long as you tell me the truth, I will forgive you, did you steal the fruit?"

Adam and Eve shook their heads firmly and said, "No!"

Yang Rui walked into the grass, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab a snake out of the grass. The snake clung to Yang Rui's wrist because of panic, and opened its mouth to bite Yang Rui's palm, but was choked by Yang Rui. You can't succeed if you stick to the key points.

Yang Rui said: "I guess it should be the well water that this snake tempted you to drink, telling you that if you drink it, you will be more beautiful and handsome, and it will prolong your life better. Indulging is like physical love between men and women."

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Adam and Eve knelt on the ground and said, "My master, please forgive us for our mistakes. We are willing to forgive our sins."

Yang Rui said: "I have given you a chance, but you gave up. Then you will be punished."

After finishing speaking, he said to Eve: "You will have a child in the future, then you will suffer the most painful torture when you give birth, and use it to punish your crimes."

After that, he said to Adam: "The punishment for you is that you will be enmity with your woman in the future, and your descendants will always be enemies with each other. And the earth is also cursed because of you, you You will have to work hard all your life to get food out of the ground.”

"Also!" Yang Rui finally said: "Leave my garden immediately. From then on, you will face this world alone without my protection. Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with me. You humans will be punished forever." exile."

Xia Wa cried and said to Yang Rui: "My master, Almighty God, can you give us a chance to reform ourselves?"

Yang Rui said: "Leave from me and live with all the living beings at the bottom of the mountain. If you can farm and raise animals, then dedicate your harvest to me and live by my rules. I will consider pardoning you. But in Before you sincerely repent, you will not receive any favor from me."

Adam and Eve were expelled from the Hanging Garden on the top of the Snow Mountain.

Yang Rui looked at the backs of Adam and Eve, and said to the angel: "Human beings already have greed. In order to enjoy life and enjoy life, they will definitely covet the land of God! Guard all the key points leading to Daxue Mountain. Dao, without my will, human beings are not allowed to approach, otherwise they will be killed."

The snake in Yang Rui's hand turned back into Samael again. He looked at Yang Rui puzzled and asked, "My master, why do you treat human beings like this? If they are full of evil, why did you create them?"

Yang Rui said: "I can feel the energy field of Adam and Eve, which is stronger than that of any living beings, including the Sumerians and Canaanites, especially when they have greed, it is deeper and more powerful. It's what I need!"

"But!" Yang Rui went on to say: "Endless greed will also cause a series of problems, even disasters, so they must be bound by faith. I'm what I told you before, let them learn Awe!"

"But once it gets out of control..." Samael was still a little worried in his tone.

Yang Rui looked back at the angel coldly and said, "Do you think human beings will challenge my authority one day?"

Samuel nodded and said, "I'm not sure, but..."

Yang Rui said: "Since I can create them, I can destroy them. Everything in this world is for my use and provides me with energy. The emergence of human beings is inevitable and necessary. I need them."

"But we already have Sumerians, Canaanites, and us angels, so why create humans?"

Yang Rui said: "I need human beings to find the truth for me."

At this moment, there was beacon smoke rising from Fangorn Forest, and Yang Rui smiled and said, "Look, the Sumerians finally couldn't bear it anymore. However, Austin, the new leader of the Canaanites, is not as friendly as his predecessor. The Sumerians were able to maintain sufficient restraint and patience."

"Kanos and Kerry are just as brutal and greedy as their father," Samuel said.

Yang Rui said: "This is exactly what I need. The melee between them can generate more energy fields for me to absorb. I must strengthen myself before I can embark on the path of discovering the truth."

After speaking, he flew up and turned into a crow towards Fangorn Forest.

At the edge of the endless forest, the Sumerian coalition forces had already placed their front lines. They were ready for the final battle. They only needed an order to enter the place where the Canaanites lived.

In the middle of the forest, the Canaanites held their temples.

Inside the temple, two opinions are clashing fiercely.

Silvan was a representative of the new generation of Canaanites. Standing at the foot of the throne, he made an impassioned statement: "The Sumerians have already arrived at the gate of our homeland. Should I just turn a blind eye and pretend nothing happened?"

"Never!" Sylvan continued to yell: "The Canaanites love peace, but they never fear any enemies! In the past, our enemies were the Erin people and those ugly reptiles. Now, our enemies are the people outside the jungle. Those Sumerians. They still covet our territory. Anos and Cree, the two evil descendants of Moli, are as tyrannical as their father, trying to control the world in vain! Their ultimate goal is to destroy us, can it be said that I want to let others slaughter?"

Gungnir has always been the most loyal partner of the former leader Xerath. After listening to Sylvan's generous speech patiently, he said: "We Canaanites must exercise restraint. This world has just recovered from the trauma of war. We can no longer wantonly ravage this land."

Silvin asked: "Then how do we deal with the Sumerians outside the jungle who are ready to go?"

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